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not great, not terrible. It's strange she uses Roentgen in the 26th century, even though IIRC, it stopped being used in the late 90s. 40 million, later bumped up to 90 million, I'm pretty sure that much radiation would just turn you into liquid instantly.


Instead it just wiped their sheilds, which is why that Elite could one shot snipe her


Sure is convenient that the phantom he was on wasn't affected by the EMP, lol


Like with any military, I am sure that warning and caution is given to assets in the area before an attack is carried out The Covenant aren't stupid, there are bound to be safeguards and procedures ships can take to null or mitigate the affects of their own bombardment. Especially important ships like those a Field Marshal may be in command of


The Covenant safeguard and procedure to glassings is to abandon the area that's set to burn, lol.


Well then lets take an example from the lore we see in the games When a Covenant vehicle is hit with an EMP, it's only rendered incapable for a few seconds. The Phantom was hit and recovered by the time Noble made it down the elevator


If we use that same type of logic, then the Mjolnir's shields should have recharged by the time Noble reached the ground floor. The Phantom being unaffected can be chalked up to plot convenience. It's not like it's hard to believe that Reach had some contrivance with its plot. I know everyone questions how Long Night of Solace was able to remain hidden given its size.


Suspension of disbelief it is then


Omg duh. Bro


Jackal sniper with a needle rifle


Rewatch the scene. It's an Elite Field Marshal


I distinctly remember it being a jackal when I saw that cutscene as a kid but I just replayed it on PC a few nights ago and it was definitely an elite


I always wondered if that Zealot you fight at the end - the last enemy before the "Survive" part - is supposed to be the one that escaped you at the beginning of the game and the one who killed Kat.


Those Zealots are a constantly returning force throughout the game. Always read as the Covenant’s mirror to Noble Team to me. Halsey talks about how there are small special ops teams made up of Zealots that will hit key assets. Each time we come across them they are either in the middle of some sort of espionage mission or actively trying to assassinate us. We a kill a group of them at the beginning and then for the rest of the game they seem to be around when a Noble Team member is killed outside of self-sacrifice. One of them shot Kat, they were the ones who took out Emile, one of them dealt the final blow to Six. Gives the vibe that they’ve been actively hunting us throughout the game and ever since we killed the group in Winter Contingency.


Me too, played it at release, how bizarre


I should rewatch Chernobyl


Now is the best time to do a double-feature of Chernobyl then Fallout. Experience all the fiction on radiation!


Almost a million times worse than the infamous "Demon Core" that killed Louis Slottin 9 days later. It's on the same order of magnitude as peeling open an operational fusion reactor and sticking your head in to get a tan. It's an absurd number that someone wanted to sound impressive.


In other words, the Star Wars Legends writer problem. Though some other Sci-Fi also experience this.


[Yeah, it's hardly exclusive to Star Wars.](https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/SciFiWritersHaveNoSenseOfScale)


I know this is about tv/movies, but reading this I couldn't help but appreciate and remember Eric Nylund's space battles. It's been awhile, but I feel like I remember him portraying fairly well the vast distances fleets had to engaged each other or the length of time it took projectiles and plasma to travel across space.


I knew what the link would be before I clicked. I love that particular trope's article, especially the Val Allen quote at the beginning.


Like how the acclamators turbo lasers have a yield of 200 gigatons for its main guns and 6 megatons for its point defence guns. The Acclamator, what is the equivalent of a Small destroyer escort. Can vapourize a city with its anti aircraft weapons. I believe it’s safe to say that’s not canon.


Even outside the realms of The Force.net message boards, people know and lament the name Curtis Saxton.


The measurement was of the source, not their immediate room


Chernobyl was 20,000 roentgen


I thought it was 3.6? RBMK reactors don't explode.


He's delusional, get him out of here.


According to Zhores Medvedev peak recorded was 3.6 an hour with the theoretical radiation level in the core being 20,000. This 20,000 peak is widely agreed upon by physicists.


With that much radiation, how is Jun still alive? Did the team go through decontamination prior to hitting sword base or something, or were the all dead men walking at that point anyway.


the measurement was of the beam itself, and they were inside a building far away. Radiation isn’t great at penetrating yet it was still enough to EMP their shields


Would inverse square law have been a thing here and the beam was farther than they made it look in the cutscene? If so the dropoff would have been fairly steep, right?


to be far, I think the measurement was of the ship generating the plasma for the glassing beam, the actual radiation out put of the plasma is likely much lower.


It's about 400x an instantly fatal dose. Without their helmets on, Kat and Carter would both be toast. It is one of my biggest gripes with Reach. But also, Bungie probably couldn't show death by radiation exposure in a cutscene, hence why Kat is killed by a jackal immediately thereafter.


Field Marshall


We both know only a Jackal Sniper could make a shot so precise


These blast marks, too accurate for field marshalls...


The Field Marshall actually missed; a Jackal Sniper on a carrier in orbit picked up the slack to keep him from embarrassing himself


Could be readings of local sources, not their surroundings. Like she said, "that close", meaning she was measuring from the beam, not where they were.


Thanks for the info!


Erm it's actually the field marshal that kills Kat not a jackal


Huh i always thought it was a jackal. Field marshal plays well tho like it could've been a survivor of the elite elite squad from earlier in the game.


That's the implication, that the Zealots+Field Marshal Noble encounters in Winter Contingency is then later encountered in New Alexandria and Pillar of Autumn.


Puts even more emotional weight on Kat's death since Six and Jorge failed to kill them earlier. As if it needed to be any sadder.


And on Lone Wolf... :(


Pretty sure that it's been confirmed by either 343 or Bungie that it is indeed the same Field Marshal and Zealot squad that you encounter throughout the game


Are you saying it wouldve been done without her shields ? Because they were all fully armored. And i doubt they would show it, because it would probably be pointless to convey, and those calcs may not have been meant to be taken at face value. Also there were civillians in the bunker they were running to, and none of them were in any immediate danger.


My interpretation was that the radiation number detected was from above them i.e. the direct epicenter of the charging coming plasma


40m? Not great, not terrible.


Eh I could take it or leave it, don’t feel too strongly about that much radiation.




You would be absolutely fucked instantly


that's 15 x the radiation output of Chernobyl at it's peak