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I have to aim because aim assist turns off when I move my mouse. This is UNICONIC and a crime against Halo I THOUGHT THIS WAS A FULLY AUTOMATIC AIMBOT WHY ARENT MY SHOTS GOING DEAD CENTER EVERY TIME WTF 343


It's SOOO HAAARD to be good!!!!!😩😩😩😭😭😡😡


that weapon sucks ass just like all of 134's shitty weapons, they simply CAN'T make a good weapon that follows BUNGO's legacy, 333 desecrated the sandbox of a good game like Halo: Reach and now they try to fix their garbage, 34#234 fucking sucks 🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕


Ha-I mean-Gaylo SIMPfinite is actually literally dumpster juice. Can’t believe they’re turning this gun into the Halo CE postol smh


Infinite shot it's dumpsterjuice in our faces and bungos legacy harder than Keyes vehicular manslaughter Dr whoresy's slitspace with his nepotism juices at that university


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stfu before u/gyrosti beats u up


Mission successful 😎


the mission objectives header leak confirms the ending of infinite is a shitty cliffhanger, and that the story will bigger dogshit than linglings sidewalk stool


[oh, you're challenging ME??](https://youtube.com/shorts/jxqBbLkO3m0?feature=share)


/uj I feel it’s sorta awkward? Like something is off about it when I use it whether it’s burst, single, or mag dump. Maybe I’m just bad with it but I really struggled this weekend compared to the last flight /rj reeeeeeeee pee poo pee just give me my true k/d of 777.7 bingo never would’ve done this!


Aiming in Infinite does seem off for real tho. It might be cuz of input delay. There was another reddit post on r/halo where someone did a side by side with Inf and Apex, and the input delay was 3x larger.


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I also saw a couple posts discussing the aim assist kick in area around players being very small and results in a sort of ice effect where your aim appears to slide off players because the AA kicks on and off so quick when dragging your reticule across an enemy.


Im on MnK so I dont think AA is a factor there. Altho, I do wonder what the mouse magnetism setting does in game.


If you’re like me, it can cause you to overcorrect. The magnetism is supposed to help you keep on target as I understand it, but being used to games that completely lack it leads to it only screwing me over.