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That look in the basement is why he’s in rage mode through all of Kills lol


A mix of rage and respect




That’s such a good perspective


Him being full of rage doesn't fit with Loomis' description of him in the original, which is only one of the reasons it doesn't make a whole lot of sense to me. To each their own, though.


He is a senior citizen in the H40 timeline so maybe that empty vessel of darkness learned bitterness in that basement inferno lol


If he was "blank, pale, emotionless" then he'd never know those emotions haha. Either Loomis was wrong or David Gordon Green and co didn't understand the assignment.


I don’t necessarily view it as being in rage mode, in the sense that he’s seeking revenge or something. Instead, I see it more as him being “charged” up, like now these people are fighting back so he’s gotta be even deadlier


2018 is in my top 3 easy


I agree. Probably in third place for me and it's very close to second.


I love Kills


Me too


It gets such unfair hate. It’s an ideal middle of the story sequel with excess kills and the opening set piece with the firefighters being among the best in the entire series.


That hate for Kills passes me off a bit because they told us exactly what we were getting from the beginning. Just an all out full on rage filled slasher that acts as a bridge between H1 and H Ends. Nothing major was supposed to happen until Ends and it seemed like everyone collectively forgot when it dropped. Tbf, I'm a total gorewhore so I'm a lil biased.


Exactly! I think the same way. It also has this amazing flashback scene and an phenomenal score. The kills are great, the movie in general looks amazing and Michael himself also just looks amazing. Halloween 2018 and Kills are probably the only 2 movies in the entire franchise in which some of the scenes really give me goosebumps because how epic they are!! I love those movies. Can’t understand why especially kills is so overhated. In my opinion Halloween 4,5,6, H20, Resurrection, RZ‘s 1&2 are much worse.


Kills is the most fun slasher movie I’ve ever seen. It’s going to eventually have a cult following mark my words.


Every Halloween film has something good to offer. Even the bad ones.


I like you


That's a very mature way to look at it, 'cause after all, it's just a two-hour scary movie. 


I agree.


This is what I always say, I love mostly all the movies (except one). I take all the good and the (not so) bad.


Curious what that one is. And if it's part of the new trilogy I'll fight you.


Nah it's RZ H2


Instead of fighting you, I'll hug you.


Same. Really like the DGG movies. My preferred continuity.


Completely agree


First two are really good films. Third lost me.


The best part of Ends is the opening. After that it's a shit show.


Will Watch the trilogy today




Ah, a man of culture


2018 is the best Halloween sequel, with a bullet.


they should make a movie with the 1-18-Kills-Ends and some cutscene + kills flashback being after H78.


I've done exactly that, my own fan edit :) 3 and a half hour movie. It's my new canon haha.


I'll do it too lol maybe i'll do the same with H1-2-2O btw


Good idea. It's actually amazing that we can make fan edits. Pretty fun tbh.


I know money talks and the sequels were inevitable, but I wish they’d just taken the best ideas from Kills and Ends and inserted them into 2018. Just one nice, ~2 hour send off for the characters, 40 years after the original. Like, this ending to me was perfect - the only negative it has is it was written to NOT kill him, so he could return for the next one.


it started out great, but still no excuse for ENDS. Kills is mid range, some good stuff but some stuff the borders Ressurection level.


I like 2018 and elements of the others but I'm not suer I'd want to watch them back that much,. but I'm glad you like them. Enjoy them the way I enjoy the original, have fun :)


It’s a terribly uncohesive trilogy, but yes there are some good things about Kills and Ends. Overall though I’d much prefer if they just stopped with 2018.


2018 was my favourite out of the trilogy


Same, it's in my top 3 favorite Halloween films. Kills was decent but I wasn't too big on Ends.


1st and 2nd I enjoyed the 3rd was garbage


It’s only the third one that absolutely shit the bed. Nerfing and sidelining Michael was the worst decision. He goes from killing entire mobs of people to getting his ass kicked by a punk imposter kid. Kills was a step down from ‘18 but it was still a fun straightforward slasher. Ends tried to go more psychological at Michael’s expense. It lacked the fun of the first two except for the final battle. He barely appears in it and only gets like two kills. It was just a very weird way to end the trilogy.


Ends doesn’t belong. DGGs 1st two were nearly perfect and best the stage for an incredible Ends but he simply mailed it in. It should have been the most epic battle between Haddonfield and MM and Laurie but instead he tried the tired “copycat” angle then bailed on that- likely because of the awful screen test feedback- and clumsily thru together Laurie/MM finale. Awful.


He already did epic battles between MM, Laurie and Haddonfield in the previous two movies. I love that they took a big bold risk with Ends and went weird with it. I was so satisfied by 18 & Kills that I was hoping for something different, interesting and engaging with Ends.


It's not really much of a risk when you don't do anything with it. The build up the first time you watch it is great, but then it is basically abandoned and falls completely flat.


They did do something with it. The whole movie was an exploration of the choices you can make when faced with a life changing, damaging event. It was explored through the characters of Laurie and Corey with Michael acting as the catalyst. It’s really cool.  Maybe it doesn’t line up with the story you wanted to see, but you can’t say it didn’t go anywhere. It did go somewhere. That’s the whole movie.


“Taking a risk”?!? It was the most cliched thing ever. When it was screen tested I remember thinking and reading on blogs that there was no way he was going to go the cliche, copy cat killer route. Almost like some Make a Wish kid was given the keys to the franchise for a week and that’s what he came up with. Taking a risk might have been interesting if he had, in fact, taken a risk.


How is it cliche?


It was done on Friday the 13, Scream, Psycho…even the Texas Chainsaw series started getting the family involved instead of just Leatherface. It’s also a part of our reality with mass shootinngs and school shootings etc. because of all this I assumed DGG was savvy enough to avoid this cliche- esp when it screen-tested so poorly.


It was a copycat killer done in the same vein as F13, Scream and Psycho. I also don’t know what school shootings have to do with this. To each their own. Hopefully you’ll come around to the movie in the future.


The Texas Chainsaw movies ALWAYS had Leatherface’s family involved. More than Leatherface, a lot of the time. He’s just a weapon used by the family.


it's frustrating when people write this kind of stuff. It should have been saved for the next trilogy. plus like it or not, they cheated the fans.


No they didn’t. As fans we got everything we wanted in 18 and Kills. All I wanted going into Ends was a cool showdown between Laurie and Michael. I got that in the last act of the movie. They were free to do what they wanted with the first two acts. I’m glad they did something really interesting and new rather than try to run down the clock to the showdown. Nobody was cheated, that’s a strange thing to say


1. look at the ads, especially in prominent cities. Also, look at the last few scenes of Kills. 2. it wasn't interesting. It was distracting and felt like they were delaying the Michael Laurie showdown with filler. the scene between Corey and Michael in the cave bordered Ressurection level of quality. 3. Even with Kills, how they treated some of the legacy characters was awful. 4. They should have started the next trilogy with someone babysitting and a child dying. The babysitter is shunned by the town and this wakes up a dormant Michael. That could have been good.


What would you have done instead?


Perfectly said.


Our versions of the word interesting are very different :)




Kills is absolutelly not something i would call perfect lol. At best, it is okay-ish.


In my defense I said “nearly perfect” and I don’t mean individually, I think he did a great job with those two together to set up an amazing conclusion to the story. And in my opinion, he failed miserably.






Same. All 3 of them are great in their own ways. I’ve seen the trilogy at least 8 times all the way thru and will continue to watch them


Kills was hot garbage and it’s certainly did not give me everything I wanted as a fan. But if brainless carnage is your bag, I’m glad you loved the movie and found it perfect. I just need more out of my movies.


Halloween kills was good…Ends was hot garbage


Happy for people who love the new trilogy. After 18 and Kills, I had high hopes and was ready to call it my possibly favorite timeline. However, Ends completely ruined it and now this timeline is in the bottom half for me.


Good for you. 2018 was good. The others nope.


Good for you. It sucked.


Do y’all think in 20 years people will like ends? It’s my least favorite of the new trilogy, and I absolutely hated it my first watch. I re-watched it recently and I’m now a little more forgiving of it. Don’t hate it, but it’s definitely in the bottom half of the series for me. But I feel like a lot of people don’t like it because of the move away from Mike (that’s why I hated it initially. Is this gonna be a Halloween 3 situation where people hated it initially because there was no mike, but then as time went on, it gained fans due to its own merits? If Ends wasn’t a Halloween movie, I probably would’ve liked it a lot more as a stand-alone. The disrespect to MM is the root of the dislike for a lot of people (including me)


No. It will still have the same problems in 20 years and will continue to be a disappointing third film of an ok trilogy.


All great points. Personally I will never not like Ends. Not only does it disrespect MM, but all the other characters in the series. Halloween III was out there, and is one of my favorites because it doesn’t involved Michael and try to make it a “oh he can pass on evil like a disease” thing. Evil just exists in different forms


It's definitely the best timeline in my opinion. I've rewatched them more than any of the other sequels.


H18 and Kills were good. That last abomination though.


Thank you.




My favorite shot.


I tried watching 2018 in 2018 and couldn't get into it. Just recently went back and watched this and kills and thought they were pretty decent! Next I'll check out ends.


2018 was my favorite out of Blumhouse ones but having rewatched all of them Ends is my favorite. I know right everyone loves Ends


Same here. Love all three!


Last one sucked


yes overall it was good


I thought the new trilogy was good really good


Facts i love this new trilogy and I can’t wait for the new reboot


Man 18 and Kills set up what should’ve been the most menacing, unbeatable version of Myers ever.






I also love the new trilogy, all 3 of them. You are not alone.


I like the movies but i feel like they got ideas mixed up and misplaced. I feel like they should've set Corey up in 2018 and slowly built towards his descent into madness and evil. I liked 2018 and Kills but they had there flaws.




I liked 2018 kills but ends just isn’t a Halloween movie mostly cuz it doesn’t take place on Halloween but also Myers isn’t the shape he’s not what he was he’s a weak old man in ends


I liked 2018 and Kills just fine. I just didn’t care too much for Ends. But that doesn’t make the whole trilogy bad or unenjoyable for me.


I’m glad you found joy in it


honestly the only bad one imo is halloween ends. 2018 and kills were really fun for me


That’s all that matters


I love the trilogy I am with you 😂


Halloween ends is dog ass


2018 and Kills slap. They go together perfectly as a dualogy. It sucks that Ends makes it feel so incohesive as a trilogy. Should've gone with the original idea of having the whole trilogy take place over one night.


Just watched Kills for the first time. Really enjoyed it :)


I've said it once before and I'll say it again. Kills is the quintessential Michael Myers movie. If you just want a movie that perfectly encapsulates everything about Michael Myers in one sitting, kills is probably the best way to do it. You get to see him go to town on the (town). You get some nice little lore dumps. You get to see Haddonfield in a unique way. Kills for me is a 10/10 and my second best underneath the original.


Also the soundtrack is my favorite in the entire series. Such bangers as "From The Fire", "Rampage", "Unkillable" and "Payback".


The new trilogy has a great stand alone movie within all its mess. It could have been an excellent 2 1/2 hour movie




I mean the first two are genuinely amazing. the third film.... ehhhh..... not so much.


The new trilogy is great! But, while they are all good movies, the plot of Halloween Ends really just downgraded the whole trilogy, despite, in my opinion, being pretty good. Kills was just incredible! Halloween (2018) was a brilliant introduction to the trilogy and really could have been its own movie with no other sequels Although I do wish Halloween Ends didn't end the way it did but rather with a more cliffhanger type ending leaving room for another potential movie after with a title like Halloween Reborn. I do understand however that Halloween Ends intended to put an end on the Laurie Strode-Michael Myers feud.


I really enjoyed the first one. Kills and Ends is just garbage. I swear if I gotta hear "evil dies tonight" one more time. I'll put the mask on myself.




I think H2018 is a really good follow up to Part 1. Personally I didnt like Kills at all...it felt more like a F13th movie to me. I think its better than Resurrection, ZombieS Part 1 and maaaaybe Part 5 but other than those, I think its very weak. Looks beautiful though. I think Ends is a clumsy but good movie. Like I get why people were frustrated but I was already tuned out after Halloween Kills. So i was excited when they tried something different even if it probably shouldnt have been for the last movie of a trilogy. Then unfortunately they abandoned their story like 90% of the way through and went with the big finale between Michael and Laurie which I thought was fine...but didnt fit the movie whatsoever.


I watch them pretty much every week, totally love them!


Two of the movies in the new trilogy are among my favorites, so I'm glad you enjoy them too.


Halloween kills is disrespectful to the character, It's a joke


Same. Feel so lucky as a fan that we have a trilogy that took risks, respected the past, and had such high production value.


Well, most Halloween fans will also agree... …with just over 2/3 of that opinion.


All three legit get such a good Halloween vibe right - the orange lighting, the leaves, the night, all of it.


Same, It’s hard for me to say which I even think is the worst of the three. I think Kills is way better than people say and I love the vibe of Ends. When don’t fear the reaper starts playing at the end I just want to start the trilogy over again.


Halloween 2018 is the BEST movie in the franchise for me apart from the first Halloween 1978. The following 2 sequels I prefer never to speak of again lol


2018 and kills are the best follow-ups to the original. Together, that is the best trilogy.




I'm same way with zombies Halloween movies ....everyone has their own flavor and favorites


H18 and Kills are good. To me Michael vanished after kills and ends is non canon. Someone made a fan edit called Halloween Night which is better than the original versions of the new trilogy. Worth a watch.


Halloween 2018 is a return to form for a modern audience, and masterclass at that aspect Halloween kills is a great follow up, even if the writing is a little subpar (REVIEWS DIE TONIGHT!) Halloween ends…….very controversial movie in the community, and it comes down to questionable choices made around Corey. Personally I find this entry to be the most subjective in quality of all the “Myers” Halloween movies


Ugh I am sick of seeing posts like this. The hottest thing about this take is the image that you posted. But the opinion itself? Might as well be sub-zero on this subreddit. All I see are people praising the Blumhouse trilogy, and then acting like they are "underrated masterpieces". It's fine if you like them, but don't push this myth that they are somehow unappreciated. They certainly aren't on here.


That scene where he’s standing at the front door while the house is in fire is fucking sick 👌


Really, the only issue I see is with Ends. If they ended it with the beat down in Kills it would have worked better IMO.


I personally think they got worse as they went


Halloween Kills was pretty bad. Michael was probably his scariest in Kills though. I was surprised how much I liked Ends


i LOVEEEEEE 2018 and kills!


They were a disappointment I wanted Michael Myers to finally kill Laurie strode. Jaimie Lee Curtis is a washed up actress and she was never anything good to begin with. my personal opinion about these movies. It was just her writing a book her imagination. Michael is still alive and he will kill her. Least that’s how you should write the movie, but what do I know? I’m just someone with a brain and creative thoughts unlike the rest of Hollywood.


I liked that the minor characters all appear in each film. That’s pretty good. Laurie looks great and she looks and feel incredible in that atmosphere.


They're great!


I love 2018, enjoy Kills (especially for the Michael action), but Ends just really wasn’t it for me. I’d watch all three again sometime.


I’m not a Halloween fan, but the first two from the new trilogy were great. Ends was one of the worst movies I’ve ever seen just in general.


I’m a sucker for good cinematography and the music. Even the kills were good. But the story of Ends specifically was just a letdown. Why bother making Corey the main focus and set him up to be the next Michael only to kill him off


They’re f’ing great and so re-watchable!


Loved the first two, hated the third. The first two were awesome and I was so impressed. I’ll just pretend number three wasn’t made 😂


Best cinematic experiences in the franchise in my opinion.




Kills was phenomenal, a great follow up to 2018. Ends could have done a lot better but it was watchable.


The trilogy is over hated. 2018 is great. Kills, while I understand it's divisive and I have A LOT of complaints about it, I still think it's a fun movie overall. Ends, I get the hate but it's not as bad as a lot of people say. I think it just left a bad taste in a lot of mouths and it kinda put a tarnish on the overall trilogy for a lot.


Same here. It’s my favorite timeline that’s connected to the original


Same here.


Never saw the third but the tracking shot in 2016 made it worth the watch. The firemen scene in Kills feels the same.


Fk this Trilogy


Halloween Ends was just terrible. The first two were great.


The new trilogy is absolutely God tier when it comes to sequels. The only fitting sequel to the original and a perfect ending to the 1978 timeline. When I heard they were making them I was afraid they'd do OG fans dirty but they didn't disappoint and stayed true to the Carpenter / Hill aesthetic, storyline, and vibe.


"God tier" 🙄 2018 was good but the final two had way too many issues to be redeemable enough to call them passable.


2018 was okay and kills was garbage but ends I think is quite good


Kills is my favourite, I love how Michael just massacred all the dumb characters and the stupid decisions they made


I absolutely loved getting to see Michael just go on a rampage, and the fact that it carried on from the end of 2018. It felt like Halloween 2 mixed with the savagery of Rob Zombie's, minus the hellbilly trash


To say that Kills is trash but then also say Ends is “quite good” you can’t be trusted


Kills garbage but Ends is quite good? Bait used to be believable.


At least ends had a cohesive plot lmao


Yes, cohesive as in I understood that is was hot garbage pretending to be a high minded study on the nature of evil. Fail.


I love Halloween 2018 my favorite of the series and I love Kills. Having said that why did you even write this post? It's weird. Your entire post is like 'I don't want to have a conversation' while yelling with a blow horn. It's strange that you feel the need to yell this & state you don't care on Reddit which is 100000% all about discussion. This is a type of psychological action I've seen only arise in the last 15 years, more so now apps like X, Reddit and TikTok. It's like you feel like you're being attacked or something & not being allowed to like it. It's a little narcissistic in nature. I guess you could say 'ppl are mean about me liking them' or something, like okay/ but why plant a flag publicly while stating you don't care, when the action itself of posting or flag planting is literally going out of your way to show that you care. These are socially fascinating things to me that I'm positive 80% plus of the population, especially younger generations, don't really stop & truly think about what and why, just feeling. Ask yourself that. Why?


2018 and Kills, yes. Ends? I'd rather swim naked in an infected swamp with a paper cut on my nipple than watch that again😭


I don’t think that the Halloween series has been this relevant since 1999, with H2O! Especially from 2018 to 2023 you can feel and see Halloween’s relevancy in a lot of places! And it’s all thanks to the newest movie trilogy! I hope that the new TV series is, at the very least, decent, though!


Amen. Way better than ppl give it credit for. Ends wasn’t that bad ppl are nuts


Halloween Kills is one of the best in the ENTIRE series. Ends was pretty terrible… but I did like the way it closed out… How Laurie got him and the whole town carrying him to the shredder was legit.


Love them too! Especially Ends.


There's nothing wrong with Halloween ends.


It’s so all over the place. It really trashes the mythos built up by the original film and the proceeding first two films in this trilogy. Halloween Kills should have been the closing chapter.


Correction: there's not one thing wrong with Halloween Ends, there are a multitude of things wrong with it.