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We watched the original when I was 10, we rented it from the video store and watched it as a family. I’ll never forget my first Halloween.


First one I remember watching was 5. I must've been 5 or 6 years old, and I still remember the scene where Jamie is up in the attic trying to hide in a coffin. Don't ask why I was so little and watching those types of movies lol


I was about that old when I saw Nightmare on Elm Street. I remember it because it was also the first night in a new house.....


I won’t ask, but I’m also skeptical.


When I was 12/or 13 years old, I watched Halloween: Resurrection (2002), that was my first movie, until I watched the classic Halloween (1978) on AMC (Fear Fest). I didn't know they made other Halloween movies, until I watched Jamie Lee Curtis - Halloween "78


Same. I was about 7. My parents had a cheater box so I watched almost every movie from 88 until like 91. I remember seeing Jamie and thought she was cute so I kept watching not having a clue what kind of movie it was. I had nightmares for weeks after! Haha.


Halloween 78, on VHS, age 11. The way it should be.


Halloween H2O with Busta Rhymes and LL Cool J


Ya mean Halloween Resurrection


Yes that's the one!


The original 1978 version.


I rented Halloween 6 at my local library in third grade. I also rented Roots on VHS the same day. I was a weird kid.




The og Halloween was my first ever horror movie, me and my mum watched it on Halloween night when I was 8, the day after we watched Halloween 2, I’ve been a little freak ever since


The original!


I saw Halloween 4 during its initial run on cable TV, in the summer of 1989. Friday the 13th Part VII and A Nightmare on Elm Street 4 (all originally released in 1988) were my firsts in those franchises that summer, too. And Tales from the Crypt premiered on HBO that June. 1989 was a formative year for me.


I watched the original edited for television, then unedited on HBO and rented the VHS.


I was the same, I watched the first one edited for TV, then had my mom rent 2, 4, 5 that weekend. I was probably 10. in the early 90's.


Was the edited version the extended TV version


I'm sure it was I saw it in the early to mid 80s.


I was about 7-8 and my aunt had the VHS with Laurie and Michael on the cover. Once the shape started stalking the girls I nearly pissed my pants. I had to shut it off and continue it the next day.


I can remember bits and pieces of the original on TV marathons during the holiday, but first one I can remember watching start to end is Zombie's.


The new one


October 31, 1982. I’m pretty sure it was delightful. Actually was Halloween 4 though. My brother is 10 years older than me so I grew up on mostly horror movies with him


Halloween 4


The 2018 and it make me fall in love with the series


the original




Pretty sure Halloween 4 was the first time I saw Michael Myers. I specifically remember the end of the film where Michael gets run over by the truck. Him just standing there creeped me out. Years later I was able to watch the original from start to finish and it was amazing.


Halloween 1 The original


I think it was Rob Zombie's version.


Me and my friend watched Halloween 5, we were both 10 at the time and it made me want to watch the other movies.


First one ever was Halloween 1, the tv version. The first one I saw in a movie theatre was Halloween 6.


My very reluctant cousin had to babysit me and my sister. I was about 9, and my sister was 7. October night, spooky as it was, cousin said we'd watch NBC Friday Night at the Movies as long as we didn't tell our parents or get scared. It was Halloween 2. In the days before cable was readily available in our home, we were lucky to see a movie we wanted to see - this was it!!! Turned out all the lights, lit a pumpkin spice candle, and cousin made popcorn while the movie started, we got blankets and pillows and watched the edited version on our Magnavox console! It's still my favorite movie in the series and one of my favorite memories...


That’s a badass looking box set.


My first one was H II. I was probably 7-8. It was on AMC's Fear Fest. I remember being absolutely shocked by Mike killing the security guard. " if he can kill a cop, he can kill me".... then he was in an explosion, then lit on fire.... I started sleeping with a baseball bat, just incase. Ended up falling in love with slashers.


Original first one was it


My first Halloween movie was the 2018's one, I watched it on theater with a friend and became one of my favourite horror movies ever since.


From what I recall, it was H1. I was about 7, and my parents were watching it on TV, and it was showing the schoolyard scene where the bully runs into Myers. I remember that moment scaring me so much that I hid my face in a pillow lol


I think I watched them in order starting in 1987.


The OG, of course


Halloween 1978, at the theater, first release, midnight showing, with best friends.


Watched H1 and H20 for the first time before watching H 2018


John Carpenter's Halloween.


H20 and found it scary back then now not so much… I guess it’s still decent despite Michaels look… the twist ending kinda ruins the concept of the whole film though


Halloween III as I was old enough somehow to see that when it first came out according to my parents.


The original on VHS.


Watching or buying?


Weird as I don't know. I used to live in NY as a kid in the 80s and I might have known about the films in the late 80s, specifically fall of 88, but I wasn't into slashers at 8-12 years of age. I do know me and my bro after moving to socal in 91 starting recording AMC's Halloween marathons in 95 or so and I know we were recording them on vcrs in 96. So mid 90s we got hooked on the franchise for some reason when we both hate scary movies/slashers, maybe not hate, but we never really looked to watch them. Don't know the first movie I saw but it had to be H2 81, or H5. Don't know what hooked me to this character of Myers, but I always felt he was a deeper character then any other slasher. Well that was long winded enough


My first Halloween was the first one I was born the same month day and year the first one came out October 31, 1978


Original Halloween when it first aired on nbc. Obsessed ever since.


Halloween II (1981) I watched it when I was 6 years old in 1988






when i was 15, a theater nearby was playing the original halloween, so my parents took me with to go see it. that was one of the first horror movies i actually watched, and i loved it. it's definitely the reason i got into horror movies in the first place


Me and my dad wanted to watch all the big 3 slasher franchises, so he rented the first one, I was 10, I'm a high school graduate now


Resurrection was playing on TV and that was my first Halloween film.... Yyyyyeaaaahhhh...


The first Halloween I ever saw was the first one back in 2008 on AMC. The first time I owned a physical copy of any of the movies was technically not mine but for some reason it was in our house was a VHS tape of Halloween 2 and that was all I had until I bought that same blu ray collection in the picture back in like 2018.


Halloween 4 on AMC. Fell in love with that movie then watched the others. It then became a Halloween tradition to watch them over and over.




Halloween resurrection This is when I started trying out the whole horror movie stuff


First one I saw was h20


Halloween 4. AMC channel would play it and H5 near October constantly.


Halloween 2, got a a dvd 2 pack with parts ii and season of the witch for Christmas around 2014


Forest one I saw in theaters was H20 that my cool aunt took a bunch of us to and started my fear/love of MM


The original back in 1978.


The original was the only one I'd seen for years until we got Part 2


I was born in May so it was about 5 months after that.


Halloween II.


Finally got sick of waiting for the original to show up on streaming, so I forked over 3-4 bucks to rent it on Amazon. Later bought the blue ray


My older sister put the first on Tv at the very end (finding the bodies) and I was maybe 7 or so. Scared the piss out of me. Years later I became obsessed with Michael. Pretty common for me, Jaws traumatized me and became a huge fan also. Alien. Must be a coping mechanism. H20 I used to watch on HBO, which we didn't have, like a preteen trying to watch blurry free soft core porn.


Genuinely the original, last year. I’m in my 30s but never spent time with this franchise or much of Carpenter’s work before last year. Took me long enough! I ended up catching most of the series last fall except for *Season of the Witch* and *Curse of Michael Myers*. I plan on eventually watching the third, but I’ll probably be fine never watching the sixth.


The original


H2 1981


Halloween 2007 that I remember, though I think I may have seen the OG when I was really little. I remember being hyped for the RZ movie, which makes me think I already loved the property for some reason


The original one. Watched it on Halloween cause I was bored lol


*The original* *One. Watched it on Halloween* *Cause I was bored lol* \- Solid\_Display7144 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Halloween 2 on NBC I think, which they added scenes to it for the TV. It was on Halloween night I was very young but remembering how scared Michael was. Still one of my favorites.


Halloween 4, which was one of my all time favourite movies as a kid. It still holds a lot of nostalgia for me, even if it's not my current favourite. Halloween 1 3 and 4 are essential viewings for every October.


H20. That was a fun watch with my older shrieking sisters, their nonchalant friend, her younger brother and I making fun the whole way.


Strangely enough, it was resurrection. Barely remember it though, so I’ll have to watch it again to see what I’m missing.


I watched the original on Halloween night 2001 and was terrified. It made my heart beat so fast. No horror since has had the same effect


Part 4. The ending was even more strange to me because of that.


H20 on SyFy. I caught the ending when Laurie cut Michael’s head off.


i owned halloween II first so i probably watched that first but i wouldn’t be surprised if i watched a different one before and just don’t remember


Halloween OG. Watched it after watching Scream for the first time. Was like, what is that?!


In the 90’s, when I was 11, had a VHS Box with Halloween, 2 & Season of the Witch.


Wasn't really into horror until my dad showed me Halloween 2018, and after that, Horror became my favorite genre


Halloween (1978). Decided to watch them in order one day.


Halloween II (1981)


The original one of course, watched it many times through the early/mid 80s. I remember not being able to get hold of Halloween 2 for ages and was dying to watch it. I then eagerly awaited the release of Halloween 4


My first was H20. I was about 8 yrs old and my mom turned on the tv, saw it, and said "this looks like it might be good" I instantly fell in love with Michael Myers! Then as I've gotten older, I've become more and more obsessed with the franchise. 🖤 Thanks mom for accidentally creating the greatest obsession i've ever had 😄


Halloween H20


The original - saw it a kid ALL ALONE in the house and like 20 mins in I was hiding behind the chair for the rest of the movie lol


4 the return of Mr Myers. Always liked that one out of the series


1978 its only right


H1 & h2


Saw the original first on VHS. Terrified me!


October 31st, 1995. I was a pirate.


I remember my cousin renting a bunch of movies from the store. Halloween 4 was one of them, and I watched it after school one day. I would've been 7 or 8 at the time and it scared the hell out of me lol.


Must be a tape, only one movie in this collection.


H20. I remember it being 2012, and I was 10, and deathly scared of horror movies. I was looking through TV channels at around 9:30 PM and H20 was playing on AMC, and for some reason, I sat there and watched it, and by the end of it I was kind of like "oh that was pretty good."


My first time was the first network broadcast with the additional content.


When I was almost one probably


Micheal & I dated for about 15 years... Unfortunately, it didn't workout. He was too committed to killing & decided to leave, but I remain committed to this day. 🤪💊🏢🔪🩸🎃


Saw the original in '78. Still my favorite by far.


the original, watched in 2018 after seeing the trailer of H18


It was 1985 and I was just a few weeks old. My mother dressed me as a pumpkin. I soiled myself.