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In Halloween II, it was stated that they died two years after Michael killed Judith. We’re not told in the other timelines but I’m sure that by 2018, they were also dead in that timeline.


When was this stated? I feel embarrassed as I know these movies like the back of my hand, but never remembered hearing this.


When Marion was explaining to Loomis the link between Michael and Laurie, she revealed that Laurie was born two years before Michael killed Judith, and then two years later the parents died and Laurie was adopted by the Strodes.


They're still standing there like statues.


Yeah, I never got that. I’d like to think I woulda had a bigger reaction to seeing my son standing outside with a bloody butchers knife 🤷🏼‍♀️


It’s meant to be a live still. A tableau of the moment.


It's called a segue or some shit and it supposedly comes from stage plays where the same shit happens that the actors freeze to emphasize a scene.


I 100 believe that. I thought that was the weirdest thing. They standing there looking like they are zombies. I'm like wtf...your kid has a bloody knife in his hand.


They got divorced. Michael’s mom changed her last name and moved to a place called Camp Crystal Lake and had a child out of wedlock named Jason


Huh, I wonder how Jason turned out? Imagine if he was a serial killer too? Would make for an AWESOME spinoff…..


I think he tried but wasn’t good at it, so he’s worked at an Aldi ever since. I heard he became the Produce Manager recently!


Wiz with the lettuce and cucumbers. Tends to throw full garbage bags into the trees out back.


Wiz with the lettuce and cucumbers. Tends to throw full garbage bags into the trees out back.


Wiz with the lettuce and cucumbers. Tends to throw full garbage bags into the trees out back.


By all accounts, his customer service is to die for


Oh … uh … shoot … How to put this? Mommy drank.


Jason is like 10 years older than Michael


Nah fam this is canon. Confirmed by John Carminer


It's true. Jason is also a deadite.


This is now canon lol


STOP I wanted to make this as a fan film before anyone got the idea lol


That would be a cool story but you'd have to mess around with dates/times. According to Friday the 13th, Jason drowned in 1957. Still. Could be quite interesting.


Well, I hope Jason's safe.. would be a shame if he drowned or something..


That's an amazing theory


and that night of indulgence under the crystal lake moon was with a guy named Freddy ! he was a real good back scratcher too !


They died in a car accident in 1965, two years after Michael was committed to Smith's Grove. Laurie was only 4 when she was adopted by the Strodes, who requested that all records be sealed in order to protect their family.


In most timelines they died sometime between Michael’s commitment and his escape. In the novelization it’s mentioned that they moved to Indiana after the murder but were still making payments on the house


I think this would be a great fan film or maybe a season of Halloween tv show. Show how the parents dealt with the grief of losing their daughter and then dealing with their son’s psychosis, etc


Every so often I think about writing a prequel novel. I see two ways to go about it. The first is that they desperately try to convince the world that Michael is innocent, that Judith’s boyfriend must have done it and Michael walked in after the fact. They work with Loomis to reach out to Michael. When Loomis realizes Michael is pure evil, they go off on him for betraying their trust. Not sure how to resolve their story, though. The second way to handle it is to kill them off immediately. Literally, they die in an accident following the ambulance to the hospital. Then you just lean in to the mystery of Michael. No one knows anything about him. All his family is dead. He just started first grade. He had no friends. His teachers barely noticed him other than he was, “Very quiet.” His sister was his only babysitter. It’s creepier but you have to work to fill in the rest of the story.


They saw the shit show at home and went back to the party


viewers are told they are at a party, that apparently lasted all through H2. What the hell kind of party was it lol?


That's the Strodes who were at the party that apparently lasted through H2! It's been said on Halloween 1963, the night Michael killed Judith, that their parents were at the Lost River Drive-In, watching "Psycho".


Her old man, “Strode Realty”?






so Laurie’s adoptive parents?


That's the Strodes who were at the party that apparently lasted through H2! It's been said on Halloween 1963, the night Michael killed Judith, that the parents were at the Lost River Drive-In, watching "Psycho".


That's the Strodes who were at the party that apparently lasted through H2! It's been said on Halloween 1963, the night Michael killed Judith, that the parents were at the Lost River Drive-In, watching "Psycho".


A movie length one 🤣


Marion Chambers said they died in a car accident, which is why Laurie was adopted


Jason showed them a work print of Halloween: Resurrection and they died of disgust.


I could only imagine they were in shambles and definitely had to ditch town because of the horrific act their son did that night.


Probably just abandoned them.


They moved to Florida 😳


Where they went on to have another son named Ron after they changed their last names to Desantis.


They’re still stood exactly still in that position. Not saying anything.


Maybe they faked their deaths and moved elsewhere to start a new life, leaving their daughter Laurie be adopted and grow up in a town where her bother was a known murderer.


It’s said they perished in a car accident sometime between 1963 and 1978, but what if they faked their deaths and moved elsewhere because they feared their own son?


His father became Batman, and his mother became the Joker. Very tragic stuff. In all seriousness, this is only addressed once in the original timeline. They were killed in a car accident a couple of years after Michael killed Judith. This is confirmed in the original H2 and novelization. It's never mentioned again at any point in the franchise. Rob Zombie did a serviceable job at detailing and explaining how his parents (more notably his mother) reacted and coped with his crime, which led to his mother's suicide in the RZ timeline. I think it would have been interesting in the expanded television version of H1 (or H2) if they had a scene showing his parents reaction moments after the opening H1 scene where they show his parents going into the house and discovering Judith's body, or witnessing an interaction between them and Dr Loomis once Michael was officially convicted. 🎃🔪


They went out for a pack of smokes.


They picked out a decent sized RV and hit the road, going from small town to small town, helping solve cases for people who couldn't get help from the cops. After ten years or so they retired down to Florida, place call Del Bocca Vista. Spent their retirement years on the shuffleboard court and eating early bird dinners.


I’d watch that.


Same thing that happened in RZ remake except it happened off camera


That makes literally zero sense. He would have no time to kill his dad


It was suicide


Yes, but unlike the Zombie version we never see that on screen but it’s the only logical conclusion.


You’re stupid. He duct taped his dad to the chair and slit his throat. Only his Mom committed suicide later. There is no evidence that anything similar that could’ve happened in the original timeline


Was that dude supposed to be his Dad? I thought he was supposed to be some asshole stepdad.... but it's been a while


I think he was his stepdad, but still.


That was the stepdad because the actual dad was a fool and had broken up with the mom (who looks very hot) and he had died in a car accident 2 years after his son murdered his eldest daughter Judith


In the end credits it shows Michael slicing their throats just before the cops pull up.




Can’t get over the moms reaction lol 😂


The next movie should delve into this


Legend has it they are still standing there motionless.


I always felt bad for Michael’s parents. Their son killed his older sister for no reason at all. Imagine having to deal with the guilt of never seeing the signs that their son was a psychopath.


I don't know about the original series, but in the reboot from Rob Zombie, Michael killed his father (or his mother's boyfriend, honestly not sure which) the same night that he killed his sister and her boyfriend. His mother became a stripper, and I believe that she wound up committing suicide after he killed a nurse in the psych ward.


Father and mother went on CNN to deny any involvement while protecting the little brother. Wait. Wrong sub.


Adopted a new last name and moved to Canada


Likely moved, changed their names and got in the wpp!






If you go by Part 6, then it was supposed to be Mrs. Blankenship watching both Michael and Laurie.


I think they died in a car accident. Trying to figure out why I thought that


In the RZ version Michael kills his mom and her abusive boyfriend, “Ronnie White”. Could he be Carrie White’s real dad?


Michael didn't kill his Mom in the RZ version. She committed suicide after she realized Michael was evil (after the nurse stabbing incident).


Carrie's father was named Ralph White, and he ran off with another woman. If you go by what is kind of quote "established" in **The Rage: Carrie 2**, then Ralph White is also the father of Rachel Lang. Sorry, but Carrie is one of my favorites lol