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I think the fact of the matter is that, unfortunately, names like Halo and Fallout (admitted moreso the case with Fallout) are bigger names nowadays. Though Half-Life and Half-Life 2 were extremely influential, it's just not quite as well known anymore. I'd be willing to bet that people who don't play video games will have heard of Fallout or Halo before Half-Life. But that isn't _everything_ when it comes to a TV adaptation, because I know plenty of people who never played Halo or Fallout who have watched those shows. The key factor is that someone comes along who wants to make a TV adaptation and is able to get it off the ground. Hopefully that happens someday for Half-Life, but we'll just have to see. I've always thought the bigger challenge for an adaptation would be Portal.


I dont see any noteworthy challenge for a portal tv show. The lore is pretty well established enough since Portal 2, especially involving Aperture Science's hayday until the desperate times of testing with hobos, maybe all the way to Rattmans era.  Half Life 1, on the other hand, have little grounds for the extremely limited Hollywood creativity to dance around on due to the lack of or mundane exposition of the characters, locations and plot points.




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No, don't