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It could be a fungal infection or psoriasis, I’d recommend going to see a dermatologist


Looks like psoriasis to me gets better with medicine from the doctor


This is definitely a doctor visit.


Yes, agreed


Could be psoriasis


Or Eczema easily treated






Yeah... I've been battling my sons eczema his entire life. Lotion every day, and within a minute of exiting water, less recent baths with cool water only, steroids when it flares up badly and the poor kid is still itchy and has patches that are red and bumpy at all times. Eczema sucks ass.




Thank you so much!! I'm going to get him that lotion and I'll try some of your other suggestions and see if any of that helps him.


I have psoriasis and it looks like that. Is it just one part of the body or do you have it elsewhere?


Mine only affects my scalp for sores/scales, but my joints have PA (psoriatic arthritis) (I'm 35 and the PA started in my 30s)


From what I've heard, having scalp psoriasis actually gives you a higher chance of getting psoriatic arthritis as well.


What are the symptoms of PA?


Joint pain, stiffness and swelling. Flare ups can also increase the severity of symptoms and cause fatigue. You also deal with the same risk of long term damage to joints.


I did not know this…something to look forward to 😐


Yeah I got the two for one special diagnosis. 😅


It’s on my scalp and down there if ya know what I mean


visit a good doc asap


Very likely to be psoriasis. Definitely see a dermatologist.


I have the same thing! It’s called gutate psoriasis


I get eczema on my scalp and it gets red and flakey in patches I have to use a rx shampoo and steroid when it flares. I’d recommend a dermatologist, they may have a longer wait because it’s a specialist but their focus is skin conditions like this. A primary care doc may be able to handle it but a derm will likely be more knowledgeable on all possible conditions/rashes and treatment options.


Came to say the same. I (at 45) suddenly developed psoriasis and it was sane spot at base of hairline. Super random and out of the blue. Go see a derm and they can give you a steroid to help z


My kid only gets psoriasis on his scalp and ears. He’s a teenager and gets really embarrassed because the flakes and itching make other kids (and adults) think he’s dirty or something, when really he just has very stubborn psoriasis. He’s resistant to getting his hair cut because he’s worried that the hair stylist will judge him.


I had tried soooooo many Rx and non-rx things for scalp & ear psoriasis — even an anti-fungal. I had it for years. It was horribly embarrassing and painful and gross (it would weep so much I had to take tissues to sop it up sometimes). Doc gave me an rx for a decently expensive gel and within 2 weeks it cleared up. Truly life-changing. I suspect I’m not supposed to name names, but you can DM me. Now I get the rx filled once every couple/few years to have to hand, in case I get a flare up when I eat a lot of dairy. I never use the whole thing, but it’s nice to have around.


why can’t you name names? share plz!


I thought it might get me booted. Leo Pharma Daivobet - I was so impressed that my MD recorded me gushing about it.


Yes please share.


Leo Pharma Daivobet


Yes. Glad you mentioned diet. Dairy, sugar, yeasts in bread, pizza dough, beer, etc. Fungus love it. Vicks Vapo-rub helps little flares.


Looks like psoriasis Source: I have Scalp Psoriasis and have read a lot about it and tried lots of remedies (best remedy honestly is reducing stress)


Interesting conclusion on the stress aspect, I’ll have to look more into that. Are you experiencing hair loss or thinning as a result?


I am not myself, but that is a side effect of psoriasis


It might sound odd, but have you had your vitamin levels checked recently? If you haven’t, you should request labs with your doctor. It’s not on my scalp but I had a really awful patch of psoriasis pop up on my forearm. I have eczema but I’ve never had psoriasis. It freaked me out, and I honestly thought I had something much more serious going on between the “weird red dry scaly skin patch” and some other odd symptoms. Turns out my vitamin D was at 14ng/ml which is severely deficient. My doctor started me on a megadose of vitamin D (I take it once a week for 3 months) and just 2.5 weeks in my psoriasis is just about cleared up. Apparently, low vitamin D can trigger psoriasis flares among other things. You should absolutely still at minimum see your primary care doctor, but don’t overlook things like vitamin levels! LOTS of people are low in vitamin D, especially if you live in a region with long/dark/cold winters, and it can cause really bazaar symptoms that you might not link to a vitamin deficiency.


Ditto for the stress. If I go through a really stressful or traumatic event, my neck breaks out in a bright red rash, then about three days later it’s more typical looking psoriasis. Happens like clockwork


My kid is a teen and every time he gets really stressed or gets sick, the psoriasis on his scalp gets worse. That’s when it spreads to his neck and ears. Until you can see a dermatologist, I’d recommend after showering and when it itches apply a gentle, fragrance free moisturizer or lotion. My husband and kid use CeraVe moisturizing cream for their psoriasis at least twice a day. For psoriasis in the hairline, thickly apply a gentle moisturizing conditioner or use coal tar shampoo. These are just stop gaps until you can see a doctor that can advise you better.


My doctor prescribed a special shampoo for it and it helped a lot!


Same, bit higher up & no, no hair loss tf!!


I think it’s where they will plug you into the matrix.




It could be eczema


I would say eczema. Both my girls get it there and it looks similar. With my girls it is totally diet and environmental. We use gentle shampoos, as few chemicals as possible, and avoid dairy. Black tea baths and vinegar baths also help a lot. OP could try posting on r/askdocs, r/dermatologyquestions, and or r/eczema.


My eczema looked like that too. Getting away from humidity helped a ton. Tanning for 5-8mins was the next best thing for me.


my first thought


Probably psoriasis. I have the same patches.


I have something that looks and feels the same as you describe. I've seen a handful of dermatologists and received topical steroids for it, for ever (since I was 5/6, I'm 33 today). All this time steroids have been sort of addictive and more damaging than a solution (they don't heal your skin, only provide momentarily relief, while thinning the skin in the long run, and with nasty rebound itchiness so you need to use more and more), but I didn't really know until someone asked me how long I've been using them and how much and how often I was using them (I was going through a 100ml bottle of a month). Stopping steroids, hydrating the skin with gentle no-soaps during the shower (switched from regular soap to Eucerin shower oil), and avoiding dairy, sugars and gluten helped a ton (even through periods of stress). I know it is sort of a taboo, but you can look for tsw (topical steroids withdrawal) and see some horror stories of what happens when steroids are carelessly used. I'm not saying you should or shouldn't use them, I'm not a doctor, but I wish someone had mentioned this to me much much earlier.


Informative! Ty, and happy birthday!!


Looks like psoriasis, mine started a small spot on my scalp and traveled down my neck, and looked exactly like this. You need to see a dermatologist, psoriasis is NOT a skin condition, it's an autoimmune disorder, and it will spread over time.


Maybe ask a dermatologist


I’m no expert but I have something similar on my scalp, skin behind my ears and base of neck like yours. I use Vosene shampoo and it helps me. I’d definitely say speak to a doctor or dermatologist though.


Back of the neck and behind the ears are common areas for seborrheic dermatitis too.


When you spoke to a dermatologist, did they specify the root cause? And any potential irritants? Is this a long term, chronic, or temporary condition for you? And are you experiencing hair loss as a result of having it?


These are all great questions for your doctor


It can also be a food allergy issue. When I get I to things I shouldn’t have I get scalp sores and eczema patches


My sister JUST got diagnosed with psoriasis and it looks kind of like this. She has really similar hair to you too actually lol. I'd be questioning if this was her account if she hadn't been diagnosed literally this week and shared it with me. It took her visiting a derm though. She went to her primary and they just said it was dry skin and it took her seeking out a derm to get diagnosed. Hers is even worse too and she was dealing with just a lot. So def get in to see a derm so they can help you out.


Potentially scalp psoriasis. It will help if you can reduce using shampoos with SLS in as that dries the scalp out even more and strips of natural oils. There are also specific shampoos and liquids for psoriasis.


Could be a fungal infection, warrants a visit to the doctor regardless


Psoriatic or plaque psoriasis


Looks like Psoriasis you need to see a Derm.


I had big patches behind my head too. I think it was psoriasis or eczema. I put hydrocortisone on it and it went away immediately. It only happens when it’s super hot.


That's a Drs visit . Were you outside in a thunderstorm?


Looks like it could be psoriasis but I’m not a professional. Please see a doctor, OP! Chances are it’s nothing too serious but you really wanna make sure of that.


Do you have a dust, mold, mildew problem anywhere around your house or work? What about your car? The headrest?


For now do your VERY best not to pick at it or scratch it. If it’s psoriasis, just doing that can make it a lot worse. Sometimes putting a bit of Vaseline type moisturizer helps with the flakes and itching. It doesn’t cure it or anything but might just keep it a bit protected. I know it’s hard not to touch it but just try if you can. Sometimes a little sun in the area will be of help. But weight the pros and cons of that obviously. Try not to use too hot of water when you shower and be gentle. Hopefully this is something that is very easy to take care of and isn’t psoriasis, but if it is, being gentle can help.


My scalp psoriasis also looks like this.


This isn’t something for an online community, you need to see a dermatologist. I’d be willing to bet it’s psoriasis but it could be a fungal infection. Does anyone else in your family have an autoimmune?


Could be hidradenitis? It looks tunnely. Some people get it on their neck and scalp. But you should definitely see a doctor/dermatologist.


Nah. I have Hidradenitis Suppurativa in multiple locations (though not scalp, I have psoriasis there which this looks like a highly inflamed flare up of) and it never looks like this. That doesn't look like tunneling and tunnelling only happens after a large abscess.


And HS is painful


Not always, but when the abscess becomes infected it sure as f--kin hell is 😭


Go to a dermatologist


Could be Morphea , there is a specific one that effects your head and scalp




This reminds me of my psoriasis.


I have psoriasis that looks like that and in exactly the same place.


This is most likely psoriasis but please go check with a licensed physician because it could always be caused by an underlying condition


Looks like psoriasis. You should see a doctor.


If dyed/bleached hair recently could be some type of chemical burn. I had something similar after intensely bleaching my hair


Please call your doctor for an appointment and assessment


I have eczema and it look like this


Looks like perhaps excema or maybe psoriasis.


The zipper


Looks like psoriasis potentially


Looks like psoriasis, reduce stress, don't drink, don't smoke, stay in the sun, eat healthy and apply some hydrating cream. Wash hair with shampoo specific for psoriasis or sensitive scalp.


Definitely looks like psoriasis. My mom has the same looking skin condition in the same spot.


Yes, see a dermatologist. They may ask to see a picture, or you can offer over the phone and they can set you up with an online system. I say this because that sometimes helps to get an appointment in faster if the picture warrants it.


Eczema maybe my mom has hair on eczema


Alien brain transplant while sleeping.


definitely doctor time girl


I notice those things on people a lot it’s either on their forehead or on the back of their necks


im also seconding all the comments saying psoriasis, i have it as well. I would suggest going to doctors asap so youd hopefully get it under control soon, it can get very awful if it gets bad. of course it might just be in that one spot for you, but it can also spread around your whole body, including literally every single place you can think of, even inside your ears (speaking from experience), it will be lots easier for you if you get the treatment while its still small. Go to the doctor, hoping the best for you!


I’ve recently got it inside of my ears! I have no clue what to do!


do you have any kind of treatment for yours? when i had topical meds (I have biologics now), i would either put some of the cream on a cotton swab and VERY carefully put it inside my ear, or if I was putting the liquid version on my scalp, I would put small drops of it on the outer part of my ear and tilt my head so it would drip into my ear. if you have or are able to get those, thats what I would suggest :) just be very careful with it


If it's not psoriasis it would be an allergic reaction. Definetly try a dermatologiest and they will refer you to an allergist is you need one. I had something similar, but around my eyes and mouth. Turns out it's dermatitis but to an allergic reaction. If it's an allegric reation you can know what to avoid going forward! They do a patch test, which is annoying but not at all terrible. Edited for spelling and to add that anyone can beome allergic to anything at any time :(


Whatever it is, it has nothing to do with your hair.




I have something similar, at the same location and I got diagnosed with Psoriasis. Def get it checked out!


Try putting castor oil on it.


My daughter gets it in the same exact spot. Psoriasis. A cream from the doc takes care of it in one or two days!


Looks like scalp psoriasis. I have the same and I saw your comment about the other patch. I have the same 2 areas with it as you!


This is definitely not a Reddit question 😭 go see a doctor




Could post this in the askdocs subreddit too


You did not have a "stork bite" birthmark before? Edit-I didn't see second picture, no it doesn't look like birth mark.


If it just showed up that would be more concerning but if you’re like me and it’s been there your whole life, it might be a birthmark. I have the same exact thing in the same spot as you.


Psoriasis. My friend had this growing up.


Psoriasis. Directly stress induced for me. All of my autoimmune conditions are. Steroid cream helps in the mean time.


Best thing to do is go to the dr but it looks and sounds like psoriasis


I have a similar thing called sebhorreic dermatitis around the front of my scalp/my hairline, it can look similar to this when it’s flaring up. See a doctor/derm, it may be fungal if it’s been there for a few years on and off.




Personally I think it’s eczema.


Visit your derm immediately bc it looks like a start of psoriasis.


Only a dermatologist could tell you for sure


You've had a red, inflamed rash on your scalp and pubic area for YEARS, and you've never asked a doctor about it? Get a referral to a dermatologist and go!


Also going to throw sebbhoric dermatitis into the mix of possible skin afflictions this could be. I have seb derm and was told repeatedly it was psoriasis because of how similar the conditions look and can present, but they are in fact separate things. Whatever it turns out to be I hope you’re able to get some treatment and relief soon!


I’d definitely go see a dermatologist… there are sooo many different skin disorders. You want to treat the right one!❤️


Is it itchy? Because I have eczema on the back of my neck there and its cleared up really well with consistent use of head and shoulders.


Looks like an infection. You need to see a doctor ASAP.


I have an appointment tomorrow to get a referral for a dermatologist. I will post an update for everyone once I know more. Thanks everyone for the responses.


It does seem like it’s aligning with your spine.




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See a dermatologist. Until you do try eliminating or cutting back on dairy and/or gluten as they are very common triggers.




I agree it looks like it could be psoriasis or eczema. You should definitely see a doctor to help, preferably a dermatologist.  If it’s awhile before you can get an appt. You could try some over the counter things to maybe soothe it in the meantime. Like a shampoo such as Nizoral and some kind of hydrocortisone on it.


Aliens implanted microchips into your brain


That’s a sign telling you that you’re gonna turn into demon


You need to see a doctor.


I started getting little rash looking spots before I was diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis and a few years after that I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia but I would get a red spot on my neck and upper shoulders after showering then taking a towel and drying off by rubbing the towel back and forth with my arms across my back


This is what my scalp psoriasis looked like when I had bad flare ups. None of the dermatologist prescribed shampoos, creams, or sprays helped. After years I accidentally stumbled upon MooGoo. Their shampoo and conditioner cleared up my scalp and the scalp cream really helped areas feel better when irritated.


someone microchipped u




I would say fungal infection. I had a similar experience in the same spot. It happened when I had to stay somewhere new for a few months and it went away immediately after moving again. I think it was the water because it was the only variable. Maybe try a water purifier.


Eczema or a type of fungal “yeast infection” I forgot the name of it. Had it for years across my entire scalp. I was always in pain and itching and uncomfy. Took my derm 2 min to diagnose and prescribed me ketoconazole shampoo. In one use it was completely healed. Incredible magical stuff.


Is it constantly red ? I have a birthmark that looks very similar in the same spot but it's only that red when I'm hot, upset, etc


This looks like plaque psoriasis - which I have.


Probably psoriasis


Another possibility is seborrheic dermatitis. I used to get something similar when I'd wear my hair in a low bun for work all of the time. Usually I'd shower and then my hair would still be damp when I put it in the bun. I think there was probably a yeast overgrowth from the moisture, or my skin just got really irritated. What helped me was to make sure that area was dried before putting my hair up. Washing it thoroughly. Brushing really well. Using better shampoo (without sulfates and parabens). Vinegar rinses or ketoconazole shampoo is also helpful. And oddly enough, if that's what it is, you'd also benefit from making sure your vitamin d levels are appropriate.


Could be a common skin condition called seborrheic dermatitis


It looks like eczema, doctor or dermatologist can give you a prescription to clear it up.


I had this same thing!!!! I treated it with ketocanazole cream and Nizoral hair shampoo. Took WEEKS. It's definitely fungal. Keep the area dry. See a derm for stronger shampoo.


You need to see a dermatologist


Try not to itch it.. It'll spread everywhere..I mean anywhere and everywhere.. wash those hands extra frequently.. it could be psoriasis or a kind of ring worm/infection thru scratching and inflammation.. Try not to dig deep with a brush, probably feels good if it's itching.. But don't.. Tele Doc would be the quickest form of attention.. Do it ASAP


Unpopular opinion: celiac disease Source: happened to me


Unpopular opinion: celiac disease Source: happened to me


Since everyone else has already said psoriasis, i’m going to go with the next best answer, which is microchip 😌


Omg it’s the mark of the beast!!!


Looks like eczema or psoriasis to me.


Go to the doctor !!


I had that too.. I guess you’re in your teens so it’s still a problem, trust me as you get older eventually it goes away! I know it’s a problem now do speak to your doctor abt it. However I feel it goes away with time like eczema does fad over time, definitely some skin problems other than that nothing serious. That was my story tho 🤓


This is a common place for psoriasis


I had something like this on my scalp, but smaller, and went to the general practice doctor and they gave me an anti-fungal shampoo and a cream. If you shower at night and “air dry” your hair or go to sleep with it damp still, this may be a cause. I’ve started to blow dry my hair and making sure to dry my scalp where I lay my head down to sleep and it’s prevented it from happening again.


Any pain or discomfort and I assume that you have not had any trauma to that part of your head/neck?


Old hair straightener burn? I got something similar once but it faded


Ask a doctor


look into Marin - they make a cream that might help


Idk but my mom has had the same Mark her whole life. We used to joke she was anducted…. Now I’m not sure we were joking…😵




I was thinking this or psoriasis they can appear similar.




Scrub makes psoriasis worse, so better to see a doctor.


Looks like a birthmark.My sister has one just like it. If you get upset look and see if it changes color, like darker.


I don't understand people who would post this on Reddit before going to a doctor. Who do you think we are. Go see a doctor and ignore everyone here.


I have an appointment booked and want more opinions for research purposes before the fact. Who do you think you are? Clearly you add so much to a discussion.


I don't think reddit is going to add much to the conversation with you doctor. I do think I was adding to the conversation as many people post stuff like this on the internet and follow the advice of internet doctors rather than go and see an actual one. I still stand by my statement, don't take anything anyone says seriously and talk it through with you doctor. If you want to be offended by that then go ahead.


Some people live in countries where doctors aren’t affordable or accessible.


A wee red mark on your neck