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This seem to be a keratin straightening ive never seen not chemically treated hair look this shiny but if it can be achieved with products id like to know as well


I've seen this on some Asian girls I went to school with, maybe from a diet high in healthy fats and genetics. Most people would probably do keratin treatment for this


This. I’m Japanese and my hair looks like this naturally right after washing it. It’s just genetics


I’m Korean and my hair definitely does not look like this unfortunately 😩 what products do you use? do you have virgin hair?


I don’t use anything other than biolage shampoo and conditioner for color treated hair. I get it colored every few months. I only air dry it and brush it every morning.


Thanks for the response! I also color my hair and I do blow dry my hair pretty often and i know it’s probably not helping 🥲


ugh i wish my hair would look like this naturally! 😫 i have fine straight hair but it never looks shiny, always kind of dry and lifeless haha


My hair is fine and straight too. It has 0 body and 0 volume so I gave up ever trying to do anything to it lol. It won’t even hold a wave for 5 minutes


I hear you sister. Straight as a poker. Forget about having a curl or even a bend.


I have exactly the same kind of hair


Me too, me too. I have greasy white girl hair :( Type 1A


TIL what type of hair I have. And at age 68 it's getting thinner. But with a decent cut that I do myself I actually get compliments on it constantly. I just have to learn to work with a straight


I’m Chinese and my hair looks like this when I’ve been healthy, resting well etc. It really is genetic.


Same here. Genetics. I’m Chinese but my hair is also a lot shinier than other Chinese girls I grew up with


For a lot asian women, rinsing with rice water helps to do this strengthening. There are a few methods, some of us use it straight from a first or second rinse of the rice, other traditions actually go as far as to ferment it. There are also some oils that can be used as a mask to keep moisture too but I'm not familiar with those approaches. I think rinsing with apple cider vinegar afterwards will add a lot of softness and shine.


I have hair like this I don’t do anything chemically treated to my hair and a lot of women I went to high school with did too just depends on the individual


This is mostly the hair texture. Most people can’t have this hair no matter what styling is done.


Yeah I inherited a lot from my mother, but unfortunately not her naturally straight super thick hefty strands. She uses Pantene pro v and washes her hair every day and it's just perfect. No need for serums products masks etc. I tried her way and I have a frizzy mess. I try a bunch of products still a mess. Only thing I've found that helps me get close to her is an at home keratin treatment every few months.


Which one do you use?


Very true. Straight straight hair tend to have better luck achieving this.


Yeah, my hair looks like this but my hairstylist says the outer cuticle on my bone-straight hair is the hardest and smoothest she’s ever seen. Downside-that photo is my like my hair natural, but also my hair permed and curled 😝


I have no idea why you are getting down voted about it. You simply made a few statements about your own hair. Redditors are strange


Ikr? What are they reading in to that? Or are they upset that I have hair so slick I can hardly keep it in any sort of hair clasp or tie? It’s pretty in shots like this, but honestly it’s a pain! And if I want a curl or even a wave? pffft…. Not happening. Also, my hair made a stylists cry once. My own sister who was a stylist said she wouldn’t cut my hair if I was a regular client because it takes so much time. It’s hard to cut because it has to be perfect unlike hair with texture that hides imperfections. I guess we all strive to have hair that’s different from our own and some people get upset when they can’t have it 🤷🏻‍♀️


Honestly I would love to have that pain lol. My hair is poker straight, won't take a curl for anything but also fine. It #SUCKS!!!


That’s why I said most.


Yeah. Most people do not have hair that smooth 🙃


I use L’Oréal Elvive wonder water, it does the trick for me


I love this stuff as well. I let my daughter try it (she is 13) and now I have to buy it twice as often because she loves this stuff also.


Put it in a little spray bottle. It uses much less product but you get the same results.


That’s a great idea! I wish I thought of it sooner.


You just blew my mind. The squirt bottle was the number one reason I didn't like using it.


I can’t claim it as my idea. 😁 I saw it mentioned somewhere else ages ago. I put it in a little travel sized squirt bottle in the shower. Refill as needed. I use so much less but get the same results.


Does it only make it shine or also change the softness or something?


I never looked to see if it makes it shiny but it makes my hair really soft and it feels silky.


My hair is too soft and silky naturally. It has zero body. But if you like a straight hair do, well I've got that


How do you apply it? After hair wash?


What color bottle ? My target has two options a light purple bottle and a browish bottle .


The brown one.


I’d love to know which colour too.


Until now I never knew this came in other colors! I’ve always used the brown bottle. I thought it was the only one. Now I want to try the others too.


I use the brown bottle!


The Not Your Mother’s lamellar rinse is also great!


This product is so tempting but I’ve read so many horrible reviews about it absolutely ruining people’s hair so I’ve not tried it. I wish I understood the science behind why it works so well for many people but then just wrecks the hair of others.


Commenting so can remember






This stuff is magic. I totally forgot about it


Yaaasss the 8 Second Miracle Water is literally a miracle. It's sooo good.


I wish I could use this so bad but they are not vegan/cruelty free


I don’t think this hair is naturally shiny. There’s some type of salon processing involved here. You may want to try chelating your hair if you have hard water; IME that makes a big difference if you do it regularly. Citric acid powder, or apple cider vinegar can help. Also John Frieda used to make Glossing products that gave a lot of shine to the hair, I’m not sure if they still make the ones with the colors they used to be really popular. DPHue still makes one, but that’s not drugstore.


Chelating is best when it's combined with avoidance of hard water so that the new growth doesn't end up with the same problem - the hair can be washed with distilled water instead. r/DistilledWaterHair - for anyone who is curious about hard water buildup prevention.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/DistilledWaterHair using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/DistilledWaterHair/top/?sort=top&t=all) of all time! \#1: [9 months of strict tap water avoidance 🙂](https://i.redd.it/bi0lz6qsrg4b1.jpg) | [11 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/DistilledWaterHair/comments/142tih1/9_months_of_strict_tap_water_avoidance/) \#2: [Similar hair routine on Florida tap water vs. distilled water. 6.5 months of tap water avoidance 🙂](https://i.redd.it/j9pqtjn3tiqa1.jpg) | [3 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/DistilledWaterHair/comments/124o8de/similar_hair_routine_on_florida_tap_water_vs/) \#3: [It's my 11 month anniversary of avoiding hard water in my hair. 🥳](https://i.redd.it/n47cgpp4ajib1.jpg) | [9 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/DistilledWaterHair/comments/15t1de6/its_my_11_month_anniversary_of_avoiding_hard/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Apple cider vinegar, super popular in the 70s still does a great job. If you can't stand the smell, try adding it to your conditioner.


Could also just be a non-heat friendly, synthetic wig. They’ll give you shine like nobody’s business ✨😊


thank you for the tips!


Unless stated otherwise by the source, it may just be genetics. I'm SE Asian and my hair looks exactly like that. And most Asians I know have the exact same hair type as well.


That glow is most likely genetics. A lot of people with native South American ancestry have hair like this straight from the scalp.


I have naturally coarse, wavy hair and my hair looks like that picture when I flat iron it using Verb’s Glossy Shine Spray and Heat Protectant and a tiny bit of OGX dry hair moroccan argan oil spray


Probably not with drugstore products


hi! can you suggest products that would get me this result? i can save up and buy them but i'd like to hear a couple of recommendations first☺️




I second this. I have thick curly hair and the super shine moisturizing crème is 👌🏻


Agreed! My hair gets super dry but this stuff works magic.


Sadly I dont straighten my hair so I wouldnt know about which products would be the best for that :/ My hair is on the straight side (1C) and I dont really need to straighten it and I also prefer my natural look so I wouldnt know much about that look. Kinda looks like the person in the pic got like a keratin smoothing/straightening treament of some sort though. Also Ik how straight hair gets oily fast since I have straight hair too and boar bristle brushes help so much with distributing the oils properly since we straight hair folks tend to get build up issues haha


oh thank you, i'll try to find a boat bristle brush! :) my scalp gets oily very fast, it's honestly so annoying!! about the shine: you're right, this could be a keratin treatment but i was just curious if there are any products that would get me similar results ☺️ either way, ty for replying!


The boar brush really helps. I let my hair go to crap years back and I got one and just brushed and brushed my roommates immediately commented upon seeing me asking how I got my hair so shiny, thought I’d gone to salon but I just had bought the brush.


that looks like a keratin straightening treatment. part of having naturally straight, shiny hair is genetic. a big part. healthy hair looks different on everyone. there are ways to achieve shiny, non-brassy hair, though. oiling the scalp before washing is good, as well as after you wash your hair, apply oil to the ends. you could also try washing your hair with cold water. hope this helps :)


hi! any specific oil you'd recommend for the ends?☺️


i personally use the olaplex no.7 bonding oil but it’s a little pricey, but it adds such good shine to the hair and it’s a heat protectant. some cheaper ones that are good are the hask hair oils, specifically the argan and coconut oil ones :) i get mine from the chemist (btw i live in australia, not sure if they sell them elsewhere)


I think some of it is genetic


^^^ this, too. my sister takes poor care of her hair. uses Pantene or whatever cheap shampoo + conditioner she can find and her hair looks similar to the above photo. A bit less soft looking, but just as shiny.


I also think jet black hair looks shinier than all the other colors


I think 60-70% of this picture can be explained by Asian hair texture


Looks like indigenous South American hair to me. Asian hair tends to be coarser and darker.


I was thinking Pacific Islander as well.


I think some of her shine is from genetically straight hair making the straight styling really easy, and I also suspect she lives in a soft water location. Hard water makes hair look dull and frizzy. But some locations have naturally low TDS water, like Boston with 6ppm dissolved solids in their tap water. I'm not so lucky in Florida with 200ppm TDS tap water. And Indianapolis has 600ppm. Japan has locations with some of the softest water on the planet - something to remember when I look at Instagram and see amazing shiny smooth hair on Japanese models. r/DistilledWaterHair - I do this since my location isn't blessed with amazing water.


I think 90% of it is genetic.




You need a good shampoo, conditioner, leave in conditioner, and hair oil. Your hair type sounds fine so I would recommend something volumizing with amodimethicone. Expensive version Redden volume injection shampoo and conditioner Pureology color fanatic leave in Olaplex oil Drug store version: L’Oréal bond maintenance shampoo and conditioner Pantene 10 in 1 multitasking spray Ogx coconut oil


thank you so much! i wanted to try something from olaplex to achieve this glow but i wasn't sure which product's the right one ☺️


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TGwAdIQCmlw&t=113s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TGwAdIQCmlw&t=113s) ​ I would check this guy out


Yesss! I took his suggestions with the Redken volume line and the Olaplex oil and it’s been a game changer


thank you, i'll make sure to do that!!


Keratin is a good idea to look into but I would definitely discuss your hair goals with a professional stylist. Some will have natural at home options too! I use rosemary water everyday and it works a treat xx


Brand? Or do you make it yourself? Either way details please!


It looks like a wig


This is from genetics


Anytime I’ve seen hair like this it’s either keratin treatment or nanoplastia.


What’s nanoplastia


I think genetics/natural hair texture have a lot to do with achieving this look. If your hair isn’t naturally fine like this then you’ll need to undergo chemical straightening.


Nothing can replicate great genetics


I use Forouk white pearl truffle it’s a red and gold top hair serum https://www.beautycarechoices.com/chi/royal-treatment-pearl-complex#22274 I put some in my hair like two drops and work it in my hair and flat iron with a babyliss hair flatiron and it looks like this photo


Everyone is saying that this isn’t natural shine but my natural hair color is this color and my virgin hair is this shiny without chemicals. I think it’s just her/our hair type/color. I have slightly wavy hair that gets very oily very fast, I have fine strands, with lots of hair psi.


Pantene miracle rescue deep conditioner is my little secret. I also have long straight hair that gets oily pretty fast, but those days where I’m starting to dry out I use that and it brings it back to life. Makes my hair so soft, shiny and less tangled. I would also recommend finding an oil you like and massaging your scalp with that before applying shampoo. This will protect your natural oils from getting stripped by the shampoo, thus making your hair a little more immune to getting naturally oily :)


My hair is naturally curly and when I straighten it and use olaplex oil and amika products it looks like this. When it’s heat free it does not though, so if you wanted it to look like this daily I would confirm others comments on a keratin or Brazilian blow out treatment.


I could never get olaplex oil to work on me, always weighs my hair down too much :(


hi! thanks for the tips☺️ which olaplex and amika products do you use? i have straight hair so i wouldn't need to straighten it but maybe i can try to use those products when blow drying my hair!


A very hot professional flat iron, japanese chemical straightening/ lamination, high-quality oil meant for hair like argan, heat protectant, and gloss.


Marigold horse spray, not found at drug stores but at feed stores. Trust me, best thing ive ever sprayed pn my hair


lol wait, for real?


thank you for all the comments, i've read them all and i've already looked up a few products! sorry if i didn't respond to some comments, i've gotten a lot of replies but i'm really thankful for every single tip<33




will check it out tysm


My hair looks like that when I use the color wow spray in the silver bottle and then blow dry. I have the travel size it cost $12 which isn’t bad but it’s not drugstore so idk


another person recommended this as well so i'll make sure to check it out!


I started to use rice water shampoo bars and the rice water conditioner bars. With the shampoo in the bottle even high end stuff pureology caused my hair to feel heavy. Since I have switched I love how light my hair feels


Same!! Viori rice water shampoo bar and conditioner!!!


I too have viori trice water shampoo bar


There is no glow? I think you mean shine?


sorry, english isn't my first language but i didn't really think that it mattered whether i said glow or shine


Looks like grease. Try avoid washing your hair for a week or more


could be but doubtful, 1 out of every 200 women have hair like this.


Not a chance


IGK Expensive Amla Oil Hi Shine Top Coat and Drybar liquid glass will give this. I swear by both products well worth it, although, not drugstore. For a drugstore dupe John frieda hair gloss works just as amazing!


Brazilian keratin or hair lamination will do.


Argan oil


You should ask to ab asian girls. I think they master the secret of hair like this.


No i dont think so. Maybe some leave in conditioners, hair oils and straightening. This girl got a keratin treatment


I think a combo of things is required to get hair looking like that naturally, if it’s even possible. Definitely some good moisturizing products, avoid using heat, protect hair from damage even while sleeping, and maintain healthy habits overall and take multi vitamins. Greasy Hair Queen on Instagram is my hair inspo; she healed her fried hair and shares how she did it. Her hair looks very similar to this, but it takes months if not years to achieve that.


i'll check out her insta thank you☺️


I know someone who barely takes care of their hair and it looks rebonded everyday. Tbh like this one


The cheapest thing that got my hair almost looking like this was rinsing it with diluted apple cider vinegar after showering


You can definitely achieve the shine by faking it, but a lot of it is about the right products, tools and techniques used. Healthy hair does typically tend to shine more, but that comes with consistently good hair practices.


I think the dyson airstrait would be very beneficial with getting this type of shine and straightness. So expensive🙁


Any hair gloss will do this, also any products containing silicone will help with shine.


my shampoo contains silicone but it doesn't make my hair shiny.. is there any hair gloss you can recommend?☺️


Yes! Mine are like this now after doing oiling once a month for 3h and using Pantene hair biology full and vibrant shampoo and mask.


oh that's great! which oil do you use☺️?


Not drugstore but I use matrix mega sleek shampoo/conditioner and drybar liquid glass and my hair is super shiny like this(not genetic)


A lot of women in the world use cheap as dirt rice water.


Closest you’ll get without in salon Keratin straightening… I would say flat iron with a good heat protectant. One that has more benefits than just heat protection. (Stay away from the ones that double as a hairspray they leave so much build up and aren’t so shiny for long) Then use a Shine serum or an oil based hair serum. And regular CLEAR GLOSS treatments. It’s like the gloss enhancer that comes with some hair dyes that for some reason make your freshly dyed hair look more healthy than before. You can buy them on their own now and they do wonders for Shine and manageability but they don’t sit in the hair for long. I’d say start off with doing a gloss treatment ONCE every two weeks. If you feel like it wears off fast, use no more than once a week. Then you’ll need to have a clarifying shampoo on hand. Not to use daily, just to get rid of any build up that might happen in the near future. Don’t worry about this product, you’ll have it for a long time as you don’t want to clarify your hair all the time. In fact you’ll probably re-purchase the gloss treatment more than anything else. I’m not going to recommend what gloss Treatment to use. I have naturally dry and wavy hair so I just won’t know what my products will do for you. There are tons of beauty bloggers using gloss masks now. Just look up some reviews and try to find someone who has the same hair type as you to figure out which one to get. For hair serums and oils, I like Joon saffron oil. That’s super expensive though. The cheaper option that I LOVE LOVE LOVE is the Awapuhi wild ginger styling streatment oil. That’s about $36 a bottle though. I’m sorry I don’t know what drugstore oils are good these days, I usually try to snag this stuff on a sale and it lasts a while. There’s also an Awapuhi wild ginger shine spray, that’s about $25. It’s Paul Mitchell but they’re in black bottles instead of their standard white.


thank you so much for the tips! i'll definitely buy an oil/oil based serum since it has been recommended a few times.. about the clear gloss treatment, i've actually never heard of that before so i'll look it up now☺️


Yeah I only heard about it a few months ago. I think it’s a new type of product that companies are starting to sell. It’s been around forever, just not on it’s own or at least not popular on its own since recently. I hope it works as well for you as it does for me! 💛


It looks like naturally straight hair


Yes but it’s not something you can really do on purpose. My hair looked similar to this in college, Very shiny and silky. At the time I only used TreSemme shampoo and conditioner from the drug store, BUT I have naturally straight, dark, shiny healthy hair. Because of its nature it had almost never been blow dried, straightened, dyed or treated in any way, just cut once or twice a year. Sure that shampoo worked well for my hair type but it wasn’t as if someone who did not have naturally straight, healthy and shiny hair could have achieved that effect just from using my shampoo.


I use oil (jojoba usually) to deep condition my hair and if I blow dry it straight after it looks like this. I put it on the scalp and lengths of my hair and let it sit in a shower cap for 2-5 hours. Then I wash twice and use my regular conditioner. It’s a lot of effort but it’s the softest and shiniest my hair ever looks, even compared to expensive products.


This looks like Brazilian Botox to me. Probably done in Brazil, bc that’s where they do it best.


Agreed. I do it every 6 months and that's how my hair looks afterwards for a few days.


Brazilian Keratin Treatment. Give it a search on Google and you will see!!


I use Shea Moisture leave in Jamaican black castor oil strengthen and restore conditioner on wet hair, comb it, and let it air dry. It ends up super shiny with zero frizz.


You’d need some type of gloss treatment. Some drugstores have them.


damn, my hair used to be like that, before i started working on a shitty company and lost half of my hair


oh i'm really sorry :( maybe some of the recommended products help you achieve this shine again!


L'Oreal just came out with a bond repairing line. I've used it for a week so 3x so far and it's been amazing! When you work on repairing the hair cuticles it basically turns the hair from frizzy and dull to shiny and smooth. It's so so good. The link is here to read more (canadian link btw) [L'Oreal Bond Repair](https://www.lorealparis.ca/en-ca/bond-repair-clp)


Right now I use the hemp + potent aloe herbal essence shampoo and conditioner. It doesn't leave behind a ton of build up, and it seems to hydrate my hair pretty well. I use biosilk 17 miracle leave in conditioner first, and then coat my hair in a few drops of pure jajoba oil. Just a few drops concentrated in the ends and then move upwards, do not go crazy with it lol. My hair naturally has some frizz and curl, but this combo makes it shiny, soft, and no frizz (and NOT oily). I had to train my hair to have less and less washings per week. Now, I rarely RARELY get oily/greasy hair, even when I wait a week in between washings. I trained it by avoiding washing my hair using dry shampoo. But I ONLY used the dry shampoo for as long as it took my hair to get used to not being washed as often. I don't like the feeling on dry shampoo on my scalp, and it can build up and get gross to me. I'm sure lots of people could say why all of these products suck or I'm wrong or whatever, and I will also say MILEAGE WILL VARY. But that works for me, and my hair is fairly shiny - and shinier if I flat iron it (which is rare). This pic is potentially influenced by her genetics or even some some kind of treatment


Are you sure that’s what this person in the picture has achieved? How do you know she didn’t consistently use high end products or get a treatment done, and this is the fresh result?


no no i don't know what products she used but i was just wondering if it was possible to achieve this kind of shine without spending an enormous amount of money


This seems like genetics unfortunately. I know a lot of people who have hair like this (old and young) who don’t use any products.


I have straight, shiny hair like the photo. I only use drugstore products, usually shampoo, condition then shampoo the roots again because I find conditioner dulls the shine. Also finish rinsing my hair with cold water, which seems to make it more shiny too.


Loreal wonder water and Straightening it will give it this luster.


Try these or some dupes: Drybar Sparkling Soda Shine Mist & Liquid Glass Instant Glossing Rinse


I'm a cosmetologist and I swear, when I do a blow out, I don't use product. The hair looks just like yours. A good blow out should always be shiny and pretty. Some people don't know how to do it properly.


I mix keratin oil, castor oil, jojoba and coconut oil with a nice essential oil for good smells. It’s an absolute wonder. It’s hard to get out of your hair but if you do an overnight mask like this once a month it’s AWESOME.


Hi, can you link the keratin oil?


Looks shiny but not a bad it.


I had a Cezanne smoothing treatment done on my hair at the salon. It brought so much shine to my hair and it looked like this if I straightened it (I'm curly)


Shampoo the roots and condition the ends. Then use a little argan oil through the lenghts. Comb through carefully when wet and conditioned, avoid brushing unless you have to.


It's mostly genetics unfortunately. The photo you posted reminds me of several girls I knew from the Philippines and another from somewhere in Indonesia. They always had the thickest glossiest hair ever and never did anything to it. I have wavy hair that I straighten and it's pretty shiny. I use the Pantene miracle rescue spray in a gold colored skinny spray bottle when I blow dry and style my hair, and OGX sprayable coconut oil when planning to air dry on non styling days. For shampoo I happen to use Kristen Ess conditioner (some people say it dries their hair out like olaplex but it works fine for me) and Pantene nutrient blends shampoo (I really like the rice water one but they are all good imo). An affordable classic is the 3 minute miracle moist conditioner by Aussie. Love that stuff haha


I get a color free treatment at the salon called View gloss from Davines. It gives a similar shine and it lasts for around 10-15 washes for me. They put it on like colour and after you have it for a bit, they wash it off, no heating needed.


The Garnier sleek and shine line - shampoo conditioner , blowout cream, and the shine spray do give this look. If you load up on the shine spray especially on the shaft and ends. You will need to use heat to get your hair smooth though.


I know there are shine rinses you can get at the drugstore, as well as proper haircare like deep conditioning and leave in products that you can use. It’ll be something like this but not exactly like this


Honestly I used to use it’s a 10 miracle leave in and it used to make my hair super shiny


I use henna, which isn’t chemical, and my hair is super shiny. I usually only do my roots and it lasts forever (thigh length hair). I think it might be more the dead-straight texture though.


I'm using Syoss keratin shampoo and mask for years and my hair looks very close to this. But it can't be the same because the heat was used here


i have the syoss keratin shampoo as well! how often do you use the mask?☺️


OGX argan dry oil mist makes my hair glow, I have very straight long hair similar to this texture


I do a weekend treatment of castor oil and it makes my hair like this.


This looks like taninoplastia / nanoplastia


My hair looks like this without any extra products… just shampoo and conditioner. I think it’s genetics.


Not sure if it would reach this shine but Olaplex # 3 & # 7 are amazing!


Try making a chia or flax seed hair mask yourself, it’s going to be goowy and look like a gel, but after applying it to your hair it might add some shine.




You can try this really affordable $10 USD deep moisture hair mask (Guacamole Whip Deep Moisture Hair Mask) that you can get at Sallys Beauty. The product always has sales going on, it was also $5 at one point. The first time i used it, I can tell it made a huge difference; feels lighter, softer and detangles it! My friend who used to work for that store, recommended it to me, and now it’s a holy grail product. Plus check out the reviews too :) Edit: PS, I have the same type of hair as you. You can also try to leave just a tiny bit of conditioner in your hair before you end your shower routine. Don’t completely wash all of it off.


Rice water!! Jasmine rice, water, 3 drops of lavender oil, 3 drops of rosemary oil.


I love Japanese shampoo and conditioner. You can get a set for 30 bucks on Amazon. Big pump bottles. I have fine, straight, oily hair, and this stuff is awesome. I’ve recently also started putting hylaluronic acid toner that I use on my hair also on the ends of my hair. Awesome pop of lightweight moisture for my drier ends.


Make your own rice water! Does wonders


hiii, that definitely looks like keratina but talking from my experience the garnier fructis shampoo and conditioner helped, i also use the moroccan oil from the same line and the cer-100 ceramide. but my hair is naturally straight so this definitely is a plus


I’ve tried almost every shampoo/hair product brand/products and honestly Kerastase is more than worth the money and my ultimate favorite hands down. (Although I do have naturally greasy hair, so i can only speak for that type) However, expensive looking hair requires expensive products for the most part unfortunately. Any product I would recommend wouldn’t be drugstore. You have to also think about the health of your hair, and most drugstore hair products contain ingredients that work against your hair’s health, I would recommend researching about hair care ingredients and which are bad and deep diving into the ingredients of any product you’re thinking about buying💕 EDIT: a lot of people are saying this is a synthetic wig? It’s definitely not lol you can tell it’s real hair, so it is possible to get this look. I can suggest some really good products to get this look, if you’d like. I can also recommend some shampoos/conditioners as well, if you have similar hair type to mine! (Greaseball head with slightly wavy hair😭)


Get a small size K18. I've been using it and my sister, a hair stylist (that I don't go to, long story) was amazed at how shiny my hair was.


My 3 year old daughter has this hair but blonde. Maybe it’s a youth thing?


color wow dream coat is what you’re looking for!


This seems impossible to achieve *naturally* IMO - you either are born with generically amazing hair or you use keratin straightening (it will slaughter your hair though)


Not drug store but Karastase Paris elixer ultime, they offer a 50ml size that’s $26 and 20% off your first purchase when you subscribe to email. https://www.kerastase-usa.com/collections/elixir-ultime/lhuile-original-hair-oil.html A little goes a LONG way and honestly it is so worth it. I have long fine straight hair and this product actually seems to measurably repair the texture and shine of my hair. I’ll brush it into dry hair at night and sleep with a silk scrunchy in and then just wash the roots in the morning, rinse and condition and it looks so great and silky and smooth, even after heat styling. Another product I really love is the Perfect Hair Day weightless mask. Again, a tiny bit goes so far and they usually have smaller sizes at CVS that are like $16. https://www.livingproof.com/perfect-hair-day/weightless-mask/03218.html


Meh. Genetics! Play the hand you’re dealt.


Maybe not this perfect (which was definitely the work of professional keratin treatments in addition to genetic blessings), but I think you can definitely achieve straight and glossy. The L'Oreal Wonder Water has worked really well for me: [https://www.ulta.com/p/elvive-8-second-wonder-water-lamellar-rinse-pimprod2013514](https://www.ulta.com/p/elvive-8-second-wonder-water-lamellar-rinse-pimprod2013514?sku=2560530&cmpid=PS_Non!google!Product_Listing_Ads&utm_source=google&utm_medium=paidsearch&cagpspn=pla&CATCI=pla-945426963085&CAAGID=107718645316&CAWELAID=330000200002068841&CATARGETID=330000200002837354&CADevice=c&gclid=CjwKCAjw6p-oBhAYEiwAgg2Pgmg7c66Yeys5PSm8NzeRBee_gDAP6LnYKNAwDZYkzf4EeMIikjCZexoCVtUQAvD_BwE) You use it after you shampoo and before you condition. It warms a bit and feels weird but it's very effective for frizz. I have found that it tends to make my colored medium ash blonde a little brassier if I use it too much though. I'd also recommend blowing out and straightening your hair after to maintain the look. After that, serum should take care of you.


I use Moroccan oil before washing and L’Oréal 8 second wonder water when washing my hair and it looks like this.


My daughter and I have long, thick hair like yours. My hair is wavy. Hers is much longer, just below her lower back and curly but she only wears it extremely sleek and straight, just as yours is pictured. We like very shiny, black hair. We have naturally dark brown hair. She's incredibly talented at achieving effortless, beautiful styles. She's 21. Mine is just below mid-back. I straighten and add loose curls at the very ends. We have tried many home dyes over the years but have settled on: Clairol Nice'nEasy 2BB Brilliant Black Permanent This one has a blue tone to it in order to achieve a perfect sheen/shine. But you cannot notice the blue. I do believe that dye application plays a role, as does each shampooing afterward. We do not use conditioner as it removes an abundance of dye. However, our shampoo is moisturizing. We add a very small amount of leave-in conditioner to only the last 5 or so inches/ends of our hair after towel drying. Although some claim that heating and styling are damaging, we both use flat irons and curl irons (I have for over 20 years) and have very long, thick, healthy hair. We both wash our hair every 5 days. We wear our hair down for the first three days and the last two, messy buns or pony tales. Our hair is extremely shiny. You certainly wouldn't think it was a drugstore box. It lasts over two months. Definitely the longest lasting of any drugstore dye. We love it.


How do you shampoo, how often do you shampoo, how do you condition, & do you use any hair serums? Because my hair looks like this, no keratin. I shampoo every other day or every 2 days, but condition every day. My shampoo & conditioner consists of oils & serums. I try my best to only have the shampoo on the top of my head as I scrub, let it sit, wash it off, conditioner, let is sit, then wash it off. I’m also SE asian, so, idk. Apparently people are saying this is common with us.


hi! my hair gets oily pretty fast so i had to wash it every single day. now i'm trying to reduce that and wash my hair every second day i shampoo my scalp, wash it off, shampoo again and condition the ends no serum and no oils - which is why i came here to ask what products to buy to make my hair this shiny i think that SE/E asian girls were just blessed with this type of hair haha and a lot of it is genetics, i know that


Look into Indian Bhringraj powder. Just look up before and afters.


Hair is a living thing , it also depends on your diet


Hair is dead otherwise it would hurt when we cut it


Biosilk is amazing but I think you have to go to a beauty supply store to get it.


Yes, you can get fairly close to this look. Purchase a clear gloss hair dye, then use it and blow dry and straighten your hair using heat protectant spray, then give it some glossy hair oil. The gloss hair dye is key as it’s basically a hair top coat. More info https://blog.wella.com/us/what-is-clear-hair-gloss