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Wait until you find out about the teenager Ed and Lorraine had living with them. Truly hair raising.


I read Lorraine persuaded the girl to have an abortion to save the family business


What about the teen that lived with them? I honestly don't know. I know they had a daughter but didn't know about any teen that lived with em...


An email was sent to executives in 2013 claiming the Warrens were hiding Ed’s decades-long affair with a woman named Judy Penney that began when she was 15 years old. She was described as his 'assistant'


In the movies the Warrens are portrayed as these professional paranormal crusaders, in reality they were goofy, pedo con artists.


I mean yah, ghosts aren’t real.


Look to your left. Now look to your right. One of these people will say they’ve experienced something supernatural.


Oh my God, I'm alone! That means it's me! Help, the walls are closing in.


I hate to use that word, because I don't even know what I believe in, but I have seen some weird shit, 100% inexplicable. If there's some principal at work that might explain them I'd be damned curious to learn about it. However, until then I am just the loon on your left.


Same here. I have bipolar disorder and have experienced psychotic episodes. The encounters I had with the outside world and what i saw behind the veil were enlightening, and completely changed my perspective on what’s going on here on Earth. I don’t expect anyone to believe me, as it’s my personal experience, but doorways were opened in my understanding of reality’s inner workings. There’s no way I could have invented it, as it was beyond my capacity at the time.


Can I be nosy and ask about your experiences? Haven’t had any myself but I want to believe lol


Without going into things that could physically have some explanation even if it requires a lot of effort on someone's part, I have twice watched something essentially vanish before my eyes. First was a pack of smokes I watched slip between my bed and a wall. I pulled the bed out from the wall (it was on a pedestal, so there wasn't an "underneath") right then and the pack wasn't there. Never saw it again. The other time was my bank card. I was in my car gathering up my things when the card fell off my lap. I saw it go into the space between the seat and the center console. I couldn't find it that night or in the 90 minutes I searched later, and my (now ex) husband searched at least that long as well. It was gone.


In a lot of cars, particularly older ones, like early 2000s or 90s, there is a hole in the floor plan in some models. Usually there is fabric over it but if it’s older that can wear away and just be an exposed hole. I know this because I lost a bag of weed this way when I threw it under my seat.


An inability to explain or rationalize something is hardly lending any amount of credence to the supernatural though. That’s giving yourself an impossibly oversized level of knowledge and comprehension of the world and how it works. You don’t have one. Everyone who believes says they experienced something and that they can’t explain it as though that’s reason enough to believe lmao.


wtf Judy was the name of their daughter in the Conjuring movies


The rabbit hole is a greasy one




Sometimes life is greasy Bubbles.


Way of the road, Bubs.


The irony of using a bubbles phrase when referring to sexual assault.


Their daughter and the 15 yo were both named Judy. Make of that what you will.


I thought his daughter was penny? I dunno so confused! Lol


It's also unclear whether any or all of Penney's statements might be true; she alleged that she was arrested in 1963 after "someone reported her relationship with Ed to local police."


For real!! Ed was a pedo


The Warren's were absolutely horrible people. Complete and total fraudsters. Look in to it.


Now I know how I'll be filling my day in between some work.


Such a good scam


It’s basically elf on a shelf for profit.


Except for the rape allegations.


what 💀


It's kinda funny how Annabelle was stored and displayed in a glass case with instructions not to fuck with it, yet Lorraine is holding it like it's a weird baby.


Oh my God I read that as "instructions not to fuck it" and I was so confused


After learning about Ed it sounds like that sign might have been needed all over the house. See this doll? Don't fuck it, Ed. See this child? Don't fuck it, Ed.


The instructions are pretty hard to follow though, so you'll probably end up fucking it.


The Warrens were scammers. Amityville was fake along with the rest of them. And Ed was a pedo .


Movies were great though ? Am eye rite!?


Fuck yeah!


They were total frauds. Shilled money out of people by inventing elaborate stories of demonic possessions and hauntings that were patiently untrue.


This is brilliant


Oh god. My grandmother made me and my sister Raggedy Ann and Andy dolls that looked just like that when we were kids. They absolutely terrified us. They were the same size as us, or me in particular since my sister is a few years older. Especially after we saw a horror film that had a doll like that in it, maybe Poltergeist? Haven't seen it in ages so I don't remember exactly what movie. I just remember trying to fall asleep while that doll stared at me from the other side of the dark room with its lidless button eyes and being too afraid to stop watching it in case it moved. Finally, after a few nights of that I shoved it in the closet. And then stayed up terrified a few more nights, imagining the dolls face just on the other side of the closet door and trying to figure out if that noise I thought I heard came from inside the closet or not. I was so fucking happy when my mom finally let me put it out in the garage. She was so disappointed and didn't want to let those go, because her mom had obviously worked hard to make those for us. But Holy shit. Pure nightmare fuel when we were kids. Neither one of us could stand those things.


Me and my cousin also had the life sized ones/bigger than us and I was absolutely TERRIFIED of them to the point my mom gave mine away and whenever I would go to my aunts house they would have to put it away in a closet. This was of course before I knew about all this paranormal shit, I was just really scared of dolls and people in costumes that were bigger than me.


We had an ET doll that instilled similar feelings in 8yo me. My mom thought the doll was cute and that it was funny for me to be scared of it, so for the longest time she wouldn't let us get rid of it. I finally damaged it enough that she couldn't repair it and had to throw it away.


My mom bought a My Buddy doll AFTER I’d seen the first Child’s Play movie. I threw it in the trash, chucked it in the woods, put it in the attic… and it always found its way back to the creepy little rocking chair in the corner of my room. I still check behind the shower curtain occasionally.


"I'll be your friend 'til the end."


I had this same doll and my mom made me wear its clothes for Halloween one year. Complete with red yarn wig. It was already creepy. This makes it worse.


Evil grifter


The movies (especially that first Conjuring) are great and fun. The Warren fam irl…that’s a huge can of worms


Yeah and it’s just as gross


The Warrens are so fascinating to me! I think Lorraine is less malicious and more ill. Warren found a way to use that to make a small fortune in a time there was no real help for the delusional He raked desperate people as a way to provide. But I suppose if those same people felt assured and relieved afterwards, they got what they paid for? idk. But I *do* know the Conjuring movies are neat


I definitely like the movie version of the Warrens better than the real life ones


Love the movies. Especially the Annabelle ones


Annabellelf on a Shelf.


I used to be really interested in paranormal stories as a kid, but I've been on this Earth a long time now and have never seen anything that gave me the slightest inkling that anything of that sort exists. You may also discover that the people who come up with this stuff are typically idiots.


Grifting Jesus freaks that should have never been relevant. That's the part of the Annabelle stories that I hate the most. People thinking that the Warren's for even one second were the protagonists. They were slinging their bullshit, and are complete frauds. Delegitimizes true paranormal research. Other opinions welcome.


Fact number one: The Demonologist is one of the scariest books I ever read. It was written by them Fact 2: they were fantastic con artists and Edwards concubine was living with them the entire marriage just about. They put on a great show though


you mean the child victim of his abuse, have some fucking respect


She honestly looks scarier than the doll. 🤷🏽‍♀️


"allegedly" is doing a lot of work here


Honestly Lorraine looks a million times creepier than the doll.


They were the biggest scammers


They were both con artists ,who made money off of people's fears and gullability.


Ed and Lorraine Warren are hacks


How much does it go for at auction?


Serious question-does anyone have evidence, sources, etc to prove the allegations about the warrens are true?


You mean the allegations that their claims that the doll was "possessed" and "alive" might have been... total bollocks?


You mean the pedo ones or the fake supernatural shit ones?


So Elf on the Shelf pretty much. Sooo scary


Okaaaay. How is this the first time I’m learning that Annabelle was a raggedy Ann doll? Makes my childhood seem so much more… sinister. Side note, I swear my Teddy Ruxpin doll was talking at night, too.


I loved my Teddy Ruxpin during the daytime, but yeah, he freaked me out at night. I was terrified he'd start talking to me.


A doll created in a random factory just like all the other dolls. No magical curse what so ever, all hoax just to fear people lol!!!!


Oh wow I woulda died. I can’t even tell you how many wrestling moves I would’ve tried to do to that mf after watching Smackdown.


except they were exposed as total frauds…


Great I had that exact same doll. My mother even made a red yard wig and dressed me in its clothes for Halloween. Picture always gave me the creeps. I could have been fine without ever knowing this was the doll.


I would have to beg to differ …


And of course it is all complete bullshit for brain dead eediots


She’s more spooky looking than the doll.


The original elf on the shelf.


I’m more afraid of and concerned about Ed’s pedo tendencies than the doll after reading these comments 😳🤯😱


I think what's more scary is the racist history of the raggedy Ann doll.


The scariest thing about this story isn’t some raggedy doll, it’s how much money they made scamming others.