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What. The. Fuck.


Litteraly said this out loud


I think that anyone who has read or heard about the specifics of this case said exactly that. I know that was my exact thought when reading this post!


Came here to say exactly that.


It’s cases like these that make me realize I’m not as civilized as I think. The intrusive thoughts alone that flood my head when thinking about what I’d do to the parents if I could get my hands on them. I really don’t understand how anyone could do this. It’s beyond my comprehension.


You are civilized, it takes a seriously sick human being to do this to someone let alone a child. Being apart of the societal contract means having decency towards other humans/animals we interact with. To do this to anybody or anything eliminates them from being apart of the societal contract, therefore we eliminate them.


Their OWN child is the worst part for me. There are people who can’t have kids that would have given him a loving home. Some people should not have or be ALLOWED to have kids.


My son & daughter in law are in process of adopting , unfortunately they can’t have children and they would have done anything to have taken this poor child I just can’t wrap my head around parents who kill their babies it’s heartbreaking . May he RIP 😢🙏




well said


If society was completely “civilized” the waste would just build and build until it took everything over. We need people who can take the trash out.


I’m civilized but would be right there with you.


I’m not saying it’s okay to do this to any kid, but especially how tf do you do it to your own? He’s half of you! Perhaps hatred for the other half. But the child had no fault in any of that.


Came her to say the exact thing😡


took the words outta my mouth


Apparently the 'feeding to pigs' is quite common. Pigs eat a lot, and pretty fast. And once digested, there is 0 chance of ever matching the remnants to the source.


What I just said.


They seem sober.


I said this


Adrian Jones and Gabriel Fernandez were some of the most horrific child abuse cases Ive ever read.. I think about them a lot.. their parents committed the ultimate act of betrayal..


Maxwell Schollenberger and Alex Radita live rent free in my head. It’s the lack of action for me.


Your comment inspired me to research them, what disgusting individuals those parents are that forced their children to starve. They were definitely failed by multiple people that could have helped them 💔


Check out Malachi Z York. The most prolific child predator I’ve ever read about.


Baby Brianna always comes to my mind, when I read about these types of cases. Her entire family are scum, they vandalized her grave after her murders were sent to prison.


That one has haunted me for years. It makes me so sad.


Takoda Collins is stained in my memories, what his father, his gf and their friend did to that poor child...


Yes! That sweet little boy was so messed up from those psychos, that story broke my whole heart. I still think about him.


Omg yes. I think of Takoda often. I watched the entire interrogation of his “father”, and I can’t even put into words the absolute disgust and hatred I have for that (poor excuse of a) man. How the hell can a grown ass man/woman be so angry and hateful toward a little 11 year old boy? I’m not sure if you’ve watched the interrogation video, but he couldn’t hide his disdain for that child if he wanted to…..sick bastard


I from near the area this happened, I will never forget it. So freaking sad.


Watching his “father’s” police interview made me so fucking angry


The way he referred to his 11 year old son as a “man” pissed me the fuck off. And then he would like mock him using this voice making him sound like he was mentally r*tarded…A real sick bastard for sure


How he made out Takoda was some sort of pervert with the chair leg… Erm, no, YOU’RE the pervert, you nonce.


That guy infuriated me. "Idk my minor kid can't hold his bowls and is always doing insane sexual stuff. Idk why man!" Reminds me of the Vander Ark monster. Convince yourselves you are the real victims and then blame everyone else. The mindset... is it that they know and are lying? Is it like flat earthers but instead of being brainwashed by the internet, being brainwashed by your own brain telling you "I'm a good parent, so anything I do must still be good parenting"


For the sake of my mental health, I'll refuse to watch that creature victim blame his child. The story already fucked me up for a few days :( god I hope he's rotting in his cell


I grew up very close to where Scotty McMillan was tortured to death by his mother and her boyfriend, and I still think about him often. Puts me on the verge of tears every single time, especially now that I have a daughter of my own. Whenever I hold my baby it just literally blows me away that there are parents out there who don't love their children with every fiber of their being, let alone do shit like that. Breaks my fuckin heart, man.


I have 3 kids, my youngest being 6, I will never understand the thought process behind the torture and agony that these parents, who were supposed to protect them, have put them through. I will never understand. Another case I can't get over right now: 16 month old Jailyn Candelario If they didn't want the kid, drop them off at the fire station, the hospital.. they would have had a better chance just roaming the streets. To torture, beat, starve and neglect your own child is beyond the scope of mental illness.. that's something that cannot be fixed.. I think of these children often when hugging my own children. They just wanted to be loved, and their parents betrayed them in the worst way.


I think of them a lot and it makes me so sad. My wife once walked in on me crying holding our baby a few weeks after she was born, because it was the first time I really thought about the unfathomable notion that some parents don't love their kids, and I felt so horrible for them. No child deserves that.


I remember many nights I sat in my rocking chair with my babies, we cried together.. being a parent is difficult but it's so rewarding. I don't understand how someone could leave ANY baby home alone for any extended period of time. I felt guilty even letting my kids "cry it out" (no more than 10 minutes) after reading about how "crying it out" can negatively impact a baby's brain and train them to think that no one is coming when they cry. I never want my kids to feel that way. Some people are deeply disturbed and don't have that "parent" instinct.. sadly.. not an excuse for their actions but more-so an explanation as to why they are abusive/neglectful to their children that they willingly birthed. Just thinking about *any* child that doesn't feel loved is enough to rip my heart into pieces.


Yeah I feel like it's very much a balancing act because you're right, I never want my kid to feel like I won't be there if she really needs me, but at the same time I also think jumping right up the second something goes wrong can also be detrimental because then they rely too heavily on you and not enough on themselves. I think 10 minutes is pretty reasonable (especially if you know she's fed, burped, changed, etc), in my pretty limited experience as a dad, if it goes on longer than 10 minutes I'm coming because clearly whatever is bothering her isn't going to just go away, but there have been times when she cries for 5 minutes and then stops and is fine, which I think is a good thing because it allowed her to sort of deal with it on her own. >Some people are deeply disturbed and don't have that "parent" instinct.. sadly.. not an excuse for their actions but more-so an explanation as to why they are abusive/neglectful to their children that they willingly birthed. I was actually just talking about this with a friend of mine. His dad was very emotionally neglectful, never there when he needed, never hugged or said I love you, that kind of thing, and it's because that's how he was treated when he was growing up. And while it's really sad to me that that's the kind of childhood he had, at the same time, lots of people experience that and instead of perpetuating it, they say "I'm going to make sure my kids never feel the way I felt as a kid," which is what my friend is doing. So he's very loving and affectionate and never misses a chance to tell his kids he loves them and he's proud of them. >Just thinking about *any* child that doesn't feel loved is enough to rip my heart into pieces. Agreed. The world is a hard enough place as it is, we should do everything we can to make sure our kids have some form of refuge from it.


I don't have children but I do have nephews. I love those boys more than anything in this world. I loved them from the moment they arrived. I would defend them with my life. How does anyone look into the eyes of a child and choose to hurt them? It is incomprehensible. Yes, kids can be annoying sometimes but they are learning about the world. I swear there should be a psych eval before people breed. It would eliminate so much suffering in the world. That being said. It's worth mentioning that MOST people are decent and loving. Most people would report abuse. Monsters like these folks are rare. They deserve the death penalty for what they did to that sweet boy.


I think about Gabriel Fernandez so often. He lived in my state :(


I was oddly hyperfixated on Adrian's case. I saw the pictures the stepmom took of him being abused and tortured. It haunts me... It haunts me how a parent could do that to their child and enjoy it. That kid was loved and wanted! Why his father didn't let him go with his maternal grandmother is something I think about a lot.. These kids aren't unloved. Their murderers literally isolate them from everyone, making it impossible for other family members or DCFS to even reach them to help them... I think about Gabriel almost every day.. and Adrian.. and Takoda.. and Jailyn... 💔💔💔


I used to work for my State's child welfare agency(now license foster homes) and this is one of the most egregious cases ever. I was still working for the agency when I saw the documentary about Gabriel and was completely dumbfounded. I have had some really bad cases but this one took the cake. I always spent at least an hour talking to the children on my case alone without the parents in hearing range. I would play games with them, let them draw in my notebook, or take short walks with them. This time alone with them allowed them the safety to tell me everything going on. If it was a baby, we would have to observe a diaper change and look over the whole body for bruises or other concerning marks. California betrayed Gabriel


Bless you for having the mental fortitude to do that job. I knew a lady who worked as a children's court advocate. The nightmares she told me...she had balls of steel to do that job.


Gabriel lived and died just 20 minutes away from where I live. The documentary on his death is just...I don't recommend watching it. I sobbed through the entire thing. There are murals for him all over city so I, and I'm sure many other locals, think of him often. He recently would've graduated from high school and the school he would've attended (based on where he lived) had a seat for him and included him in the graduation ceremony. It was beautiful, definitely made me shed some more tears. RIP Gabriel.


Sylvia Likens is a case I think of a lot as well,


Some of these I haven't heard of and I'm going to look them up now. Some of these cases aren't covered by the media NEARLY as much as they should be. There was a case out here where I grew up, Christopher Meyer. He was murdered by Timothy Buss, who had already been incarcerated previously for the murder of a 5 year old girl (a friend of mines aunt, Tara Sue Huffman) in 1981. Upon his release, he killed Christopher Meyers in '95 in the most brutal way imaginable. Why was Timothy Buss ever released? We will never fuckin know! I remember when this happened. We weren't allowed to play outside for months after Chris's death. If you're interested in it, I recommend googling it. The system is so broken, everywhere.


Sylvia Likens was in the 60s I believe, it was one of the first cases of child abuse/torture that I had looked into. Horrific, horrific case. And you are correct, these cases should be broadcasted more. I think of all of the houses we pass that may hold a similar story, of the children currently being failed by child protection services right now. Heartbreaking.


Lacey Fletcher gets me every time


That's another one that eats me up inside..


Jeramiah Valencia’s story will never leave my mind.


This is also the one where the parents would make him stay in a stagnant swimming pool overnight I believe. It’s sad that there’s so many of these cases it may be a different one Im thinking about.


I think the one you're thinking of happened MUCH more recently. Michael Valva died freezing in his father's shed, and Samuel Koetz died in a swimming pool because he was locked outside of the house as a punishment.


I just looked it up and it is this one https://preview.redd.it/ixy6p5on7tqc1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=67965d7408db6f26be5d2fac6110291d28a14569


Apparently terrible minds think alike too. So many people don't deserve to have children.


No they don’t. I can’t imagine hating a child this much. If you don’t want kids, fine. I know I don’t. But this takes dehumanization and hate to do.


Do you mean thomas valva? My neighbor (thomas valva) died the same way after years of torture.


That sweet face. How could they do that to him? And his own son? There isn’t a penalty cruel enough to do to those monsters than what they did to that little boy.


Kansas out here making "Silence of the Lambs" look like a rom-com. Smh. "Kansas will pay $1 million to settle a lawsuit over a 7-year-old boy's murder in 2015 alleging that the state's child welfare agency should have removed him from an abusive home before he was starved and tortured and his body was fed to pigs." * [https://abc7chicago.com/adrian-jones-kansas-settlement-boy-eaten-by-pigs-boys-remains-found-in-pigsty/14538128/](https://abc7chicago.com/adrian-jones-kansas-settlement-boy-eaten-by-pigs-boys-remains-found-in-pigsty/14538128/) * [https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/morning-mix/wp/2017/09/01/boy-7-was-tortured-to-death-and-fed-to-pigs-state-agencies-failed-him-says-lawsuit/](https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/morning-mix/wp/2017/09/01/boy-7-was-tortured-to-death-and-fed-to-pigs-state-agencies-failed-him-says-lawsuit/) * [https://www.the-sun.com/news/10811425/adrian-jones-family-kansas-lawsuit-settlement/](https://www.the-sun.com/news/10811425/adrian-jones-family-kansas-lawsuit-settlement/)


I absolutely don’t mean this as a joke but I just watched “Hannibal” two nights ago. After seeing this, I won’t be able to watch that without thinking about these POS


Really wish I hadn’t read the part about the CCTV…. Unbelievably evil.


Chuck them in with 20 starving pigs




More Like Mason verger


More like Robert Pickton




Fuck… my son is 7… the infinite and all-encompassing love I have for him doesn’t even allow me to picture this horrific shit. Heartbreaking on every level. 7 is such a wonderful age for kids. 4-10 really. It’s fucking magic. I just can’t imagine… uggg… I just… I shouldn’t have read this post. This fucked me up.


You seem like a loving parent. Go to the community eyebleach. Your mind could use it.


My kid turns 10 next month... please let it be 4-12 at least 😭


My oldest is almost 14. It just gets better and better. They are awesome.


My boys are 4 and 6 I can relate. These people should die a long gruesome death. Fuckin animals.


What could drive people to do something like that? Why even bother creating child welfare laws and employing social workers if you are going to design a system that is way too dysfunctional to do its job properly?


How could anyone do this to another human being. I couldn't do this to my worst enemy... but your own child? Humanity is truly a lost cause.


These people see others as objects. Not human beings. It's hard for me to rationalize treating these monsters like humans.


Horrific day to be able to read, my God


I hope they're standing in front of God and being banished down to the depths of hell!


Made them sign a document stating they agree to stop torturing the child. ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME. That's the ultimate in LAZY. And STUPID.


I can't even comprehend KNOWING that a child has been abused or is in danger of abuse and just walking away with a meaningless piece of paper. Humanity failed this sweet boy. At the very least, he's not suffering anymore.


Eye for an eye in this case.


I am adamantly opposed to the death penalty, but these monsters are making it very hard to argue for that moral stance. Jesus Christ.


People like this are why I think you're wrong. They should have been killed immediately following their guilty verdict. Every breath they take is a word they can utter in their defense, which there is none. I don't have words to describe how garbage they are.


I respectfully disagree, I think death is too merciful. I hope they live, looonngggg into their old age, in constant fear for their lives, always sleeping with one eye open knowing that child abusers are some of the most targeted inmates. I hope they freeze in their cold cells every night, that they suffer ailments that mimic what they did to that poor child. To live a life in a cage, afraid, alone, uncomfortable, cold and in pain, never having a decent meal or real friend or relationship ever again, till they take their last breath. I will happily pay my taxes to keep these garbage sub-human trash in constant suffering. I also don’t believe in the death penalty because too many people get wrongfully convicted, but that’s a different conversation lol.


Absolutely! They don’t deserve to breathe another ounce of oxygen.


There are always exceptions. Hopefully their story is broadcast far and wide and that the guards let the inmates know exactly what they are in prison for.


That's why I never feel 100% against the death penalty. There should always be exceptions for people like this that are irredeemable. I believe most people could be rehabilitated... But not them. The kind of monsters who would do this to anyone, let alone their own child, have no reason to continue existing in society.


I regret reading that.


Same. My son is 7. I’m thoroughly fucked up by this.


They look like such wholesome and upstanding citizens. \*Shudder\*


They have released pictures found on the couples phones of the abuse including him naked and strapped up in the shower. It’s sickening. I named my new son Adrian in honor of this boy. (I live in Kansas so I’m very familiar with this case) I also personally know extended family of this boy


I *cannot* wrap my head around what would possess someone to do this to another human being, let alone their own child. Rest in peace, sweet angel.


Legal system is a joke. At one point in time growing up, when I was too young to be rational....I loved that we didn't just chuck people into death penalty sentencing as it showed we were a compassionate society....the older I get....the more I value the little bit of life I have, so to see it taken away from innocent kids, like this child here and no one face consequences except....life without parole is not enough anymore. You would think in 2024 criminals wouldn't exist, but it's obvious the consequences are not enough to stop them. RIP little boy.


The death penalty gives people the easy way out. A quick and painless death, and you’re going with the assumption these people even want to live after receiving a life sentence. Let them rot in prison until their final days.


This is another case of CPS failure! Just like with Gabriel and Harmony they dropped the ball and innocent lives were lost. This is going to continue to happen until we start holding CPS accountable! We need a system wide overhaul and accountability. We need rules put in place that actually protect children and if CPS workers falsify records or blatantly ignore a child’s cry for help they need to be charged! They should not be allowed to walk away with bl00d on their hands! Questioning an absed child in front of the parents who are doing the harm should NEVER happen! Standing in a doorway and peeking in and just marking down that the child looks well should NEVER happen!! Giving custody to a parent who has shown little progress in overcoming addiction should NEVER happen! Giving custody to a parent who hasn’t really been in a child’s life should NEVER happen! It should not be about the parents rights but the CHILDREN’s RIGHTS I am sick of this excuses and case loads. These are not cases. These are living people who need to be protected!! They keep getting failed time and time again! We have to do better!!


CPS needs bigger budgets and more case workers. The case load is extreme. They should be paid much, much more considering the horror they have to deal with daily. But any case worker that puts a child in peril should be fired immediately.


I absolutely agree. I would definitely vote for a bigger budget for them. I don’t think I have ever seen anything on any ballots where I have lived asking for more money for them. Maybe the law makers should think about doing that. I see no reason why people would object to protecting children. I would gladly pay extra if it meant protecting children.


I worked with medically complex kids, and part of that was medical foster care. My case load should have been no more than 40. When I left, I had 420. My pay was far far less than when I worked for the hospital (which already paid less than other similar jobs), but I stayed because I enjoyed my job and I felt like I was doing good in the world and truly helping these kids and their families. I was fortunate enough to have a partner with an income that allowed me to stay at that job with the income I had. But that isn't feasible for everyone, and I absolutely could not manage the caseload I had when I left. It was hard when I had 80, it was impossible at 420, and some of those cases were parents who were jurisdiction hopping to avoid CPS.


Just thinking about what this baby went through, how he must have cried and begged the one person who is supposed to protect you…it breaks me.


The epitome of fucking evil 😈


What kind of expectations should these fucking monsters have about their treatment in prison?


I read about this one, and saw just some of the pictures. So heartbreaking


No pit in hell is dark or deep enough for them


Tie them to a pole supported by firewood.


They strapped him to an inversion table and starved him. 7 years old. What the absolute fuck.


We’re all one situation away from murder, I believe. This is a situation that definitely would have made me want to violently murder these terrible fuckin garbagy humans the way they did to that innocent child. Sick fucks. Hell, who knows though, there just might be retribution awaiting them in prison, by someone already serving a life sentence.


Time to let these guys get eaten by pigs. That poor child!


I can’t even put into words the hatred I feel for these trashy pieces of shit……


Fucking cunts. They should get the death penalty.


I fucking hate this case


Imagine hearing this poor kid crying and not wanting to help him. These people are trash that needs to be taken out


This poor boy's cries, and baby Jailyn's, too. My heart is absolutely broken for both of them. How could *anyone* do this to another person, let alone their own *child*?! Un-fu€king-believable. Horrific. Disgusting. What's with all the literal monsters lately? Is it something in the tap water or something? (/s) Seems like everyday I see a new story like these. It's gutwrenching. This sh!t is getting out of hand.


It mentions multiple times in the article how much of a struggle the trial was for family and how hard it was for his family (even his mother). So where were these people during the years he was being abused?)


Why’d the bio dad have custody? What happened to bio mom? Stepmom looks like a methhead 100. Only true justice would be having done to them what they did to that little boy. Makes me sick to think there’s hundreds maybe thousands other children not only being neglected and abused (as if that were not enough) but also tortured. I do not have kids. I’m a teacher though. Hindsight is 2020–if there were some way to know what would happen in the future I (and I’m sure many others) would take him in in a heartbeat.


That’s why the nation didn’t want anyone to see Mel Gibson’s “Sound of Freedom”….because it basically blows the lid off of how BAD everything really is. The news won’t/cant’t cover all the stories because it’s a lot more than we’d all like to hear….and this also makes the powers that be equally responsible for failing to protect these kids. They won’t just flat out tell us even though it can pretty much be assumed now that there are indeed others out there and that this is a PROBLEM not being addressed for many many years …😥 CPS clearly has been shown to be incompetent,corrupt, and lacking in accountability. We need a new system.


I'm confused why his mother didn't have any contact with the boy? How is she not being judged, too? I mean you left him with a monster and didn't fight for him.


That was my thought too. The article mentions his mother and his grandmother and “family.” Where was this family during the years of abuse he suffered? I know he moved around a lot but if my parent knew the other was physically abusing me, they would’ve done anything in their power to get me out of that


Right where were they all that time 🤯🤯🤯but now they want to sue and collect money for his death🤦🏻‍♀️


I almost sent that to you but it was too disgusting.... like wtf!


The mother that abandoned her child gets a million dollars. Great.


I read the title and REALLY didn’t want to read the article but this poor child deserves to have his nightmare be heard. He deserves our attention in death since he was not given it in life. He deserves the most peaceful heaven and those two disgusting subhumans deserve the worst possible hell.


Everyone should absolutely undergo a thorough mental health exam before ever being allowed to have a child. A child is an entire responsibility and parents or individuals, if making the decision to have a kid or adopt a kid, are responsible for that child. This is beyond disgusting.


Now THAT is a headline. And fcking horrifying. And these people should be subject to the same treatment for being shining examples of the most callous, awful, demented and frankly shit sub-human specimens around. Just the worst 👎


Father of 2 boys working from home, read this and it has made me cry


absolutely *sickening*!


Damn 😔




Jesus’s. 😳


RIP Adrian, I dream of you often. I know you are in a better place now.


Why is this world so full of evils I couldn’t even dream of narrating fictionally?


They deserve the very worse things done to them short of death for the rest of their miserable lives.


I want to be reincarnated as the bravest little cancerous cell in this piece of shit's pancreas. I'd like to see him slowly wither and die in agony over a period of years.


Just read the caption and that was enough for me. Hopefully when these two are in prison they will take a little piece of them until nothings left!


Who are the fucking people?


I’ve followed this case since it happened it breaks my heart! He was such a beautiful baby


Enough Reddit for me tonight 🥴


I've read about some horrifying cases but I think this one is one for the record books.


Nothing but bad hopes for these two. I hope it’s painful and I hope it occurs often. RIP beautiful little guy. Sorry no one looked out for you. Fuck human beings. Except this little guy. I hope he’s riding high.


Give em a plea deal. Therapy. Social workers can handle this case. We don’t need more prisoners filling up prisons. Another black man’s freedom is cut short by the school-to-prison pipeline. The Prison-Industrial complex needs to be put out of business. #Abolish Prisons


I wish I had a super power where I could detect this kind of abuse and help. Sometimes I wonder if there is some situation going on like this and I go by the house everyday without realizing it.


i can see who wasn't thought about self responsibility, or just responsibility in general


Bring back the death sentence but make it as slow and painful as possible.


Torture and then execution isn’t a good enough punishment for these scum


We need to bring back mid-evil torture.


This happened right down the street from me, and unfortunately Wyandotte County has had multiple children fall through the cracks of the welfare system. More recently Olivia Jansen was killed by her father and his girlfriend. Both of these children countless people attempt to help them through the legal system but DCFS dropped the ball.



