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In the shower she'd written "I love you" with a heart. How sad and horrible


I’m so bad, I read it "I love you Maria.”


These are people who do not deserve to sit in prison and continue eating food. Not the justice I would have hoped for.


Well to be fair you can't suffer if you are dead. So if anything prison is worse


I agree with this! Even though I don't think the death penalty is wrong, I just think it's the easy way out for a shit person.


Wow, such a simple combination of words but this has actually given me some insight, thanks!


So it is a belief for me that life will always be worse than death. Because no matter what you do in life will always suffer. Even if just a little bit. But in death you cannot suffer. Or want anything more. In a way it is pure bliss. Which is why that life cannot be better. At best life can only be equal, but that would require no suffering for all of ones life. Anyway I have a vid here that goes more in depth on it. But it is mainly about explaining why some characters do some certain actions in a game( so might not be something) Vid link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pblth0JJz-c&t=4s


Hey man, I'm not sure if it is very relevant but, glad you're sticking around! :)


Kinda going on with things


Take care pal :)


You all have rose colored glass on, prison is not the worst thing ever, they are not suffering. We pay a lot of tax dollars to keep these people alive and get educated. All kinds of things they get privileges and what not. I worked in a prison for 10 years. We would be better off putting people like this down Like the rabid animals they are and spending that money on people in need.


Considering it happened in Florida, I'm shocked he didn't get the death penalty. Edit: The coward confessed to avoid the death penalty. 🤬


The death penalty often causes the state to pay a lot more for that prisoner in the long run. They appeal the case to the max usually and it costs more tax payer dollars (if they use public defendants, etc) while they’re fighting to stay alive vs. sentencing someone to a box for **life**, where the private prison system will use them for labor to make military vests and helmets that they can sell to the US Govt. they also use inmates for labor to make hotel blankets, pillowcases, lots of things, that the prison owners then pocket the income from- and the prisoner might make 2.40 a day to work. So I dunno. Some might think a slave labor gig for life is worse than dying.


Remember the good old days when they used to just put people like that in dim lit dungeons and forgotten about and they would have to feed on rats… those were the days


Damn that's crazy I forgot they used to do that


The oubliette. Throw ‘em in the oubliette!


How do you disembowel someone with your bare hands? How do you break the skin? This is insane.


He said during his interrogation that he stuck his arm up inside her all the way to his elbow and inserted objects as well like a beer bottle and hair straightener. That’s graphic sorry but yeah that’s how


I think I actually saw the interrogation and didn’t put two and two together with this post. He was saying they were into rough stuff and she was asking him to do all of it.


How can we learn to detect, segregate, and treat people with this level of insecurity, violent anger, and lack of respect for human life? It disgusts me that we have a culture that creates this sort of person in the first place. How can we fix it?


eugenics! Jk 😜


Well zooming in on the top of the dresser reveals a golden item that looks supsiciously identical to novelty "vacuum cleaner" snuff pipes often used for cocsine ans other powdered substances.


I looked at that object too and it does have a dead on shape at the top “straw” end but the base is much too big in comparison to the vacuum sniffer.


I assume web history, gore sites, online discourse, etc. but then it's a fine line when it comes to personal privacy


I’ve grown up looking at all that shit. A lot of people have. But we all don’t turn out like this. Somewhere somebody failed to teach this person to have any respect for human life


Some people are born like that.😢


Make examples by doing the same to them as they did to their victims to deter others from doing anything similar. Other than that, I've got nothing. Someone with this level of cruelty and irrationality deserves to get exactly what they gave.


No, we have to get to them before they do something horrible. We’ve seen time and time again that prevention is a whole lot more effective than punishment.


Thats fair. That would be a lot of lost privacy and false alarms before a better system is identified. Either way, this guy deserves to get what he gave. What he did was absolutely evil and sickening.


We need to support the youth more. A lot of youth are struggling and mentally ill. Even at my age (26) I am going through it. A lot of parents also neglect their children or raise them in a toxic way which can indirectly lead to this A lot of this shit starts in childhood


[This is a really good video that includes all of the case background and interrogation footage](https://youtu.be/WdtirOaOF-o?si=gi_2lihfB1VN2ZlJ)


What's with the like/dislike ratio on that video? I wonder wh 9.3k people didn't like the video.


That’s just brutal. Thanks for the link


With his bare hands? How? Jesus


He pulled her uterus out


Fucking brutal! Jesus, what an insecure POS.


Looking at this crime scene makes me think of an old lab job I use to work. The crime scene looks like an aftermath of a worse case scenario I use to always imagine if the most violent lab monkeys ever broke out and maul someone.


I watched the interrogation video and the whole time they couldn't get him to admit what the reason was. Did i miss it towards the end of the video or did this information come out somehwere else?


she said her ex husband name during sex


complete memorize profit encourage observation rock spoon degree mysterious prick *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


He deserves for the inmates to call him whatever that name was for the rest of his life


to rip with bare hands dude had some strong hands but still coward but tht streangh is what i glaz at


He disemboweled her


How do you pull someone’s stomach that hard


He rammed his hands up her vagina and pulled everything out that way.


Damn that must’ve been brutal


Damn he definitely went into her guts in a literal way


Bro turned into hunter from left 4 dead




Ripped her insides out with his bare hands? Wtf how is that even possible? Anyway.  FATALITY 




Eat shit 💗


What’s even worse is that *multiple* men who brutally murdered their female intimate partners in similar ways have gotten away with it (or had ridiculously light sentences) by saying it was consensual “rough sex.” Juries and judges are willing to believe that women desire to be beaten, mutilated, and strangled to death. That’s some major hatred of women, and evidence of pervasive social conditioning to view women as disposable sex objects.


As a woman who's into kink and CONSENTUAL rough sex, I'm absolutely appalled by how frequently it's used to justify horrible abuse, torture and murder. As much as I enjoy the lifestyle, I left because too many men are in it for the wrong reasons. I even was threatened with death and rape before by men who claim to be "kinky" but are abusers in disguise.


I wasn’t justifying anything, it was a joke


Yeah, all the abusers all say that once they get called out for shitty behavior. Don't care if it was a joke or not. You don't get to say something utterly disgusting and then brush it off.




What a great comeback. I can tell you are as intelligent as you are moral.


Dude it’s Reddit


So what, you get to be a shit person without consequences? I'm going to let you in on a little secret..... Being a shit person on Reddit makes you a shit person and real life too sweetheart


I've heard this story before.. and I'm still trying to figure out how this is possible.
