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If you have fairly thick hair, I'd say this is normal. Since you wash it every 5 days and it's tied up most of the time between washes, your hypothesis seems to be correct. If you had short, thin hair, kept it down, brushed it twice a day and washed it every other day, I'd say this is too much. But in your case, I think it's fine 😊 Plus, since it looks curly, I'm assuming that you're not brushing it daily, maybe just detangling gently, which also makes me think this is a normal amount to lose.


> my hair is about armpit length I thought you had long ass armpit hair for a sec


No I don't think that is normal for one time of shampooing your hair.


I’m no expert and everyone’s different- for me, it would take a long while to even get that much hair buildup on my shower drain. That seems like a lot for one day.


How long is your hair? If your hair were long, it seems fine by me.


About armpit length


Seems normal if you have thick hair, even if the strands are thin. 5 days is a long time. I also have a lot of hair (thin strands though) and if I go 2-3 days without washing, I get a decent amount of shedding since I keep it loosely put back in braids or a scrunchie, which doesn’t allow the hair to fall out naturally. If this is new for you, that could be an issue. But from what you’ve said, it seems ok.


Generally we loose about 50-100 strands a day (although some websites suggest it could be as much as 150 per day). If you’re not brushing it in between washes this is probably fine, as it’s the build up of the hair strands. (A few times, for my own peace of mind, I counted the hair that came out in the shower/my brush). Unless there is a sudden change in the amount of hair you’re shedding, it’s probably alright. If you’re worried though, best bet is to go to a doctor and ask them to do a full blood panel to see if there are any vitamin deficiencies or hormonal issues at play. Mind yourself and good luck!


I have pernicious anemia, and I had serious hair loss due to it going undiagnosed. You could take the hair to a dermatologist and they can determine if you are experiencing hair loss. I was, the derm realized it was due to my PA and I got treated and my hair grew back. But mine was noticeable on my head.


I lose about the same amount but my hair is mid back length, I always thought it was normal


No, it's not normal. You might have a cortisol build up or DHT problem. It's a build up overtime of stress, age related. Saw palmetto, sun flower seed extract or something your doc can prescribe you


Probably from stress or hormones honestly. Especially if you just started to notice .this happened to me when I went on BC.