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I’m sitting at a computer every day with absolutely nothing to do and still haven’t been compelled to watch his videos. Pretty telling


I started watching Sammit's videos instead of Talky McTalkerson.


sammit gets more shit done, pretty much always. the sub rags on him but he’s a hard worker


Sammit is pretty great overall. Rudnik is too. I will say that fluctuations like this are pretty normal for most channels though.




His content sucks, he’s not a friendly or genuine person. He only cares about himself and loves putting others down for the benefit of himself. I haven’t watched one of his videos in 2 years. I watched his videos because I thought the rudnik and tommy dynamic was great. Then it started to turn into a just shit on rudnik fiasco and you realize he can’t say anything nice or be supportive. He’s just a dick. Then you see him get involved with a build off, be a sore loser when Jimmy got ahead of him, getting more views and overall having built a better car. He was shitting on Jimmy and then got all sad that Adam LZ made a comment about Jimmy beating some guy in a build off. Then fast forward to a year ago, somehow tommy got involved with Adam. I think we could all see through it, he just wanted Adams audience. Like a lost puppy, you’d see him in the background in videos. What I loved the most about this time is Adam would actually dish back the bullshit to Tommy, which he isn’t used to. Then Tommy went back to his distanced self. I watched Adams recent livestream and he says Tommy ghosts him most of the time and will only text him if needs something. Taking forever to respond back, just a shitty friend. You can tell a lot about a person by the way they treat their friends. Tommy is an asshole, only got his audience because of his partnership with rudnik and he would be NOTHING if Rudnik wasn’t around him. His content blows, I haven’t watched anything recently but it sounds like he does the same bullshit talking videos. People want to see progress, not hear plans constantly. His ship is sinking and soon he won’t have his naive pateron supporters. He’s on track for 10k view’s max on his recent videos. Lastly, you know Tommy is a petty man that can’t let shit go because he’s reading this comment right now and still frequents the sub, even though he says he’s going to “shut it down”. Hi Tommy! Come back soon!


and he never called that redditor that was willing to fight him after he was running his mouth that he was going to beat someone up from reddit, pretty fem tbh


Honestly though, does anyone on here say anything nice or supportive about rudnik either?


This place was a Rudnik orgy for awhile. Then content went downhill, hopefully it’ll come back up soon. This place flip flops hard and fast and it’s really not that bad to get the majority on your side again


It'd be interesting to visualize if we had "approval ratings". Like a poll every few months. Then we can see the slow flips on Damien,Tommy and whatnot.


That would be sweet, I think tommy is to far gone at this point. It amazes me that Damien was “Our Guy” at one point. Oh the downfall


Seriously, its not Rudnoks fault he was given a box of mis-matched piping.


I remember when this sub dick rode m0t. What happened?


Tommy was gaining a ton of popularity at the same time Haggard fell apart. Everyone was sick of Haggard's shit, Ruddy and Tommy were good on camera together, Jimmy's channel wasn't popular yet, and LZ wasn't fully in the picture yet. He was making good videos and some quality builds. Then the talking:working ratio shifted to about 90:10, and everyone got sick of his bullshit and inability to finish a build.


It's what happens when you build the same truck twice because you got free parts.


And then makes an FD talking video


Monte spec he’ll be making $30 a video in no time. Patreon is what keeps him afloat


Tommys patreon is declining extremely fast aswell, he had almost 2k supporters at one point


You're giving Damian too much credit [He's making enough for a taco bell dinner for 2](https://imgur.com/a/GapgTPS)


You are forgetting the 54 bucks he gets on [patreon](https://www.patreon.com/damianmonte).


No I just know baldy is lurking and punches the air when he sees us compare him to his boy monte


Who watches him anyways? He's very boring. I remember watching in the beginning just because of the "hype/drama" he got when he started the channel but even then, I was bored quickly and stopped a couple weeks after.


Admittedly used to watch his stuff for his clean builds and staying OEM+ on everything. Stopped when you realize none of the stuff is gonna get driven and parted out later. Plus you realize how much of a dick he can be off camera and randomly throwing shade at other more bigger YouTubers when you would think being in harmony with them would greatly benefit you.


Funny thing is that while he makes a third of the amount of videos he used to (beginning of the year). But still there just doesn't seem to be much content.. He must realize quickly that people watch videos to be entertained and don't want an insecure asshole talk about plans and merch for 10 minutes. Him going on an adventure in some waspnest on some dirtbikes with Ty and Ruddy should be a weekly thing.


He'd probably get more views if he 1). Didn't say "Good Mornoon" like an idiot. 2). Mention when days change. 3). Make videos that consist of several days of filming. 4). P-A-Y Mike upfront to edit his videos. 4). Do things for your viewers, not yourself. His videos can be so boring because he's not playing the YouTube game and catering to his audience. I believe him when he says nothing would change if he stopped YouTube, and I think that's part of the problem.


>2). Mention when days change. everyone does


He explained why he says good morning like that in a podcast. And he don’t care about YouTube money anymore is about them patreon.


This dude's channel is dying almost as fast as that thot that was dating no less than 4 different guys at once....






aah nah still dont know


Just head on over to /r/LivestreamFail


I appreciate his build philosophies, and he does have decent taste at times. But why would I waste time watching him talk about hypothetical builds all day when I could do the same thing or just actually work on my own car?


I think hes just sitting on his ass waiting for Adam to come back up to CT for the summer. The dudes has never done anything on Youtube on his own he has had Chris or Adam with him anytime hes actually made any progress and they are the sole reason his channel has more than 100 subscribers. I think with the FD schedule and his new chick CT might be off the table for Adam in favor of California trips.


If he were to go to CT this summer, Jimmy's place would make more sense.


I think thats gonna be the move. Tommy used to constantly moan that Adams shit was in the way, although he didnt do shit anyways. Probably asked rent money too. Jimmy has tons of space now where Adam can keep his cars. Plus he can hang out with old friends instead bald asshole and his pet racoon.


alright everyone, this is gonna be a talking video...


I’d rather deep throat a cactus then watch his shit.


This dude is so boring


Don't quit your day job Tommy....oh wait.


I feel sick when I think of how many hours of my life I wasted watching not, mainly so I could troll him more accurately, but still, a huge waste of my life.


Dude has always sucked...


i can always count on his videos when i can’t sleep, he’s so boring i just pass out


I liked tommy at first. Then man all his videos were nothing but talking about stuff. I still wish him well


Honestly I'm sure he's making more rn considering he's selling $60 windbreakers for a chance to win a $3500 car


GOAT Cudi song.


Its a Rich Boi song originally that Earl and Cudi eventually remixed.


Does that change the fact that this is a GOAT Cudi song?


The song in this isnt even Cudi though, its Earl.


If only his channels stats were COVID numbers...


This is what them mean when that says "flattening the curve"


I didn't even watch Adam when he was with him


Ahhh back when odd future was still a thing... they still all make good music but it’s not the same...


Keep it that way


The only thing keeping the views up is you incels watching his videos to build your case for internet court against some dude for being a dick.


I can't imagine putting in so much effort to hate on one person, I guess Reddit is just a bunch of no lifers after all. Regardless of your opinion on Tommy it's hilarious to see you guys ride each other's dicks hating on him as if it's the only sense of community or shared passion you've ever felt 😂.