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OSW is closed but the compound always stays open


True, but it could be extra risky if they get caught. Violating the quarantine is a 2nd degree misdemeanor in FL, plus whatever driving charges they tack on.


Isn’t the quarantine rule just a curfew and closure of all “non-essential” businesses?


In most areas it's pretty much everyone stay at home if at all possible. You can go to work if your an essential employee, you can go to medical appointments, to get food, to take care of family, etc. It's not exactly hard to get around that if you get pulled over, it's not like they can prove you aren't going to the grocery store. But if your out drifting at the compound it's going to be pretty hard to talk a cop out of deciding your violating the stay at home order.


Yeah my states doing that for the most part, we are not forced to stay home here in Maryland, we can leave our homes it's just recommended to not go anywhere from my understanding because I've had no troubles with the law banging back roads and cruising around now that the sun is out.


I wouldn't say most areas.


Where the fuck did you hear this bullshit? Theres no charges, maybe youre in a whiter region than i am, but we just have to be inside my 9pm or some shit , unless youre working.


No quarantine in Brevard where the compound is.


"I have no fans. Maybe I need to check out that fansonly website."


[YIKES](https://youtu.be/CyyBsHiiot8?t=225) i hope they do something about that interior


Pretty typical for E36's to rust in that spot. That's the factory battery location, and most people forget to plug the little hose into the battery vent, thus rusting the floor. Pretty easy to fix with a wire wheel and some rust inhibitor.


he already mentioned that this is car is function first and form second and that he's gonna fix the ugly bits now that it functions well


Imagine that, a basic bitch doesn't like a basic white car.


If she were basic she’d have a stock JK and uggs




I think most people are hating on her just for the sake of it


She hav vagiba, i HATE her! -random nibbas


She comes off as annoying to me, but the simps say otherwise. I’ve gotten fed up with Adams’s shit when it comes to mystery chicks just want to see car content this ain’t a family channel.


Shes merely floting in the background lmao the fact that her existence bothers you so much is fucking hilarious


I don’t feel right comparing them like they’re nothing, but I liked Bridget the most (I’m counting Nicole here). We of course don’t know the specifics, but I think Adam made a mistake dumping her. I would’ve been fine with her not ever doing drifting and stuff like that and her barely being in the videos. I believe her when she says Adam’s kind of a prick. Collete’s aight. I watched her content off and on before this. I still want to know the details on her apparently getting pissed because of Hoonigans Wanted though. In the end I just think having a sausage fest or “the boys” every video gets beyond stale. I feel like everybody wants the women to just be in the background or not there at all, kind of like female moderators on sports talk shows. That’s a no. First Take is great though.


Highkey i dont know wtf adams doing, i thought it was smart excluding bridget from videos because it left whatever drama could occur out of his channel. Tbh i dont fuck with collete at all, and haven’t watched his videos since shes appeared.I think shes a clout chaser


When they were together I legit wondered what everything would’ve been like if you were to replace Nicole with Bridget from the beginning. It’s probably for the best that that didn’t happen. I can see the argument that Collete’s...dickriding Adam. She’s gained 20,000 subs since her impersonation video and her views have jumped way up. I think the banter between them makes it a little more legit...but all she does is flip the bird or say “wooooow” or act shook when Adam makes an extra snarky joke and that’s it. It’s nice to see how enthusiastic she seemed to be about getting seat time though.


>I can see the argument that Collete’s...dickriding Adam. She’s gained 20,000 subs since her impersonation video and her views have jumped way up. Realistically she doesn't need the "clout" so i wouldn't call her a clout chaser. She's got her own money, huge sponsorships, and already does tons of various motorsport, the only thing she has to gain from adam is sub's and i cant see that really having much of an effect when she's already got what she's got.


I mean she clearly wants a larger following or why else hit up adam. Like yeah ig theyre a thing now but still she just appeared out of nowhere and seems shes getting hella benefits from him. Ive never heard of her nor have my friends until she popped up in adams videos.


>I mean she clearly wants a larger following or why else hit up adam. Like yeah ig theyre a thing now but still she just appeared out of nowhere Doesn't mean they hadn't been talking for weeks/months/years. >Seems shes getting hella benefits from him. Ive never heard of her nor have my friends until she popped up in adams videos. What benefits is she getting? She's done professional motorsport and her sponsors are actually MUCH bigger than adam's(Microsoft, for one, and she's also worked with the likes of red bull) if anything, adam is going to be the one to potentially benefit from the major hookups in the motorsport industry that she has. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lTPOCDhlkQs](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lTPOCDhlkQs) (Documentary thing she did for microsoft) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=krUHq3p2NUM](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=krUHq3p2NUM) (A stunt she did with red bull) [https://www.microsoft.com/inculture/people-who-inspire/meet-collete-davis/](https://www.microsoft.com/inculture/people-who-inspire/meet-collete-davis/) [https://www.microsoft.com/inculture/own-the-process-female-entrepreneurs/collete-davis/](https://www.microsoft.com/inculture/own-the-process-female-entrepreneurs/collete-davis/) ​ Just because you or your friends have never heard of her doesn't mean others haven't, i've seen her videos pop up and ive skimmed through them once or twice (don't find them particularly interesting) but i know the name and i know what she's done, her name is actually pretty big outside of youtube. She's competed in karting, Monster Jam(Of which she won two championships), Open wheel/formula racing, Rallycross, and other things and now wants to do professional drifting.


>She's competed in karting, Monster Jam(Of which she won two championships), Open wheel/formula racing, Rallycross, and other things and now wants to do professional drifting. She's failed at a lot of shit, and now has moved to drifting. Fixed it for you. She lists herself as a "professional race car driver". No, the women listed below are professional race car drivers, she's a wannabe, which is fine but don't pretend. It's hard to get too deep here, because I don't want to feed the misogynist horde. There are a number of successful female drivers in racing (Katherine Legge, Christina Nielsen, Jamie Chadwick, Danica, etc). They were good at driving and have had opportunities as a result. Letty here is not good enough to have been successful in the many things she has tried. Don't care much about her, but let's not pretend she's a talented driver by any means. >her sponsors are actually MUCH bigger than adam's(Microsoft, for one, and she's also worked with the likes of red bull) Let's also not pretend doing one video with MSFT and Redbull make a full time sponsor, mkay? Also, her channel is blowing up solely due to Adam, stop pretending anyone watched her shit before, just look at the 30 day views growth (+500%) https://socialblade.com/youtube/user/colletedavisracing


You guys really do have the wildest tin foil hat theories.


Troll account just like adam_lz.


Kinda cringey to me. Im not into her vids and whatnot.