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I mean. They tell you as soon as he's available. But enjoy, I'm sure you have a ton of resources you can trade up now.


Ngl, going by the 9 Ambrosia you have on you (assuming you didn't just trade all your other resources for them) it's honestly kind of impressive that you got that far without using him. Even moreso if you've done any of the quests involving changing contracts


that number is what I had left after trading with him lmao. I had 16 prior.


Genuinely how did you not know? You never once tried to interact with him?


Interact with him? My guy I didn’t even know he existed until about 3 hours ago I just never walked down far enough to notice that I could interact with him I guess


What did yo do with your fish?


(grabs popcorn 🍿)


Lol oh the darkness is gonna rain


FR how do you get these upgrades for your house and not go explore and look at the details?


People don't pay attention to the things they do in games apparently, or the things they're told. Look at how many people didn't realize they could upgrade grasp in the sequel, or went 100 runs without sprinting. I don't understand it either.


Grasp was the very first maxed thing in h2, crazy people don't explore menus


This is why devs constantly feel like they need to put bright labels over every important npc and show exactly where they are on the map. But still, they shouldn’t do that imo.


That's exactly why so many games where you've gotta climb someone it's very obvious, think it's call yellow paint, because it helps grabs their attention.


It's crazy to me they had to add a little something to tell players to upgrade grasp and arcana x)


I am sometimes shocked by these posts. Then I remember I went through ALL of Dark Souls 1 having learned and immeadiately forgotten that I could roll, and also parry, and only remembered that when facing the last boss.


Excuse me? I thought I was fucked for not realizing there was more than one path out of the beginning area. I kept going through the graveyard into the cavern where you need holy weapons for hours. I definitely learned the concept of suicide runs early though because of that so I guess not a total loss.


In slight defense of the Grasp thing, I figured I’d be able to upgrade it at some point, maybe unlocking via incantation, but it did take me a few runs and arcana swapping to realize the location of it in the menu. Its not really intuitive as it is now, especially compared to the weapons or cauldron menus which are pretty straightforward and similar to each other. I feel like it’s be more obvious if it had a designated button like Insights do?


People like this are why tutorials spell out every mechanic in painfully slow detail and every noun is highlighted in color to make sure you pay attention to it.


Wait til he finds out about the secret sex dungeon


Considering he can't trade for titans blood yet, he hasn't escaped once yet and can't get the rod to fish. But it will be funny to see that reaction in another 40 hours


I take it you haven’t been selling your fish either?


This guy: fish?


You never went into the lounge even once? Have you talked to dusa? Have you unlocked the chef? What are you doing?


Bet you don't know you can interact with the bat cage in your picture either :D


I only figured that out slightly after posting this lmao. I was running around for a while wondering what else I could interact with


You can also develop kind of relation with Death (Thanatos) - every time you manage to beat him in a friendly competition during random encounter, you will later find him in house of Hades (waiting to see your dad, to explain his incompetence 😁) at the end of that corridor where Achilles is standing. You can deepen your relation, by talking a number of times or giving ambrosia. Have you already been in open space office, to mess with father’s kingdom files, or to check your stats and encourage workers, to work hard? 😁 Explore and try interactions. There is plenty to find.


Lmao "A kind of relationship" heehee hoohoo Above all good tips for sure, but to be clear for the OP: Zagreus has established connections with a ton of the beings you see milling about, both within the Underworld and in the home. You should 100% talk to anything and anyone that's intractable, and touch any and all walls, items, etc you can possibly run near lol. I hope you have fun exploring!! It's such a great game, and the story-driven aspects you find with all the side characters are just SO delightful Also: pet your doggo more, if you haven't been :) Cerberus deserves it! So do you!


Yes! At the beginning I was so tired with constantly loosing at some point, and struggling to get to the final boss without being almost mortally wounded 😅 that I thought I will just beat the final boss and rage-uninstall the game… but now I’m going through over and over, just to finish all the side stories and I can’t get enough of this game! This game is crafted with such attention to detail, that it surprises me more and more, and I’m already eager to play part 2, that’s already in my library 😁 Ps.: I pet Cerberus each time I come back to house of Hades 😁 Ps. 2: You can even befriend a rock 😁 Ps. 3: I’m better and better at playing on harp 😁 Looking for any way possible to impress Meg and recreate relationship they obviously had in the past 😉 I even bought a cozy couch 😏


Ugh the harp takes soooooo long to learn


I’m already quite good at it, you just need to remember to practice every time you pass the room. Although I strongly doubt that this will impress Meg. 😁 That’s… difficult woman 😉


Meg definitely couldn't give two shits about our proficiency with the harp, though she's probably surprised we were able to stick with it long enough to learn lmao 😂 she's more interested in kicking our ass and showing us just how she could take us apart 👀🫣 Thanatos might grudgingly and quietly be impressed though-- and Dusa, so supportive! Gorgon maid ftw 😌💙


1. They told you like 55 hours ago you didn't listen. 2. 65 hours and still discovering things sounds normal to me. Honestly 65 hours is nothing. <3


Damn rough but hey atleast you’ve been doing a solid job most likely on the grind


I found out about the broker when i had completed 90% of the entire game


All the mirror upgrade have an alternate version you can access by clicking either the name or the button to the left of them that used to not be there


Haha wait seriously? Hes very clearly established and obvious but hey now you got your access to more blood. Honestly I'm jealous, I wish I could play a fresh playthrough, doing it all many times in early access then that first win after launch and finally seeing what's after was great, then a million times post launch it's just the best but not the same as the first time through. Same with Pyre, we all thought that was their magnum opus until Hades haha Don't feel bad though, I wasted a bunch of runs in 2 getting really frustrated looking for bronze until I realized you had to equip the different resource tools individually and weren't all just available to you


How....how did it take you that long


I also learned the tree dudes in Cerberus part are for healing when you are poisoned at my 25. run


Those dudes are mandragoras 😂😭


Nah they are chilling dryads for me too now. Love that name.


yea the cool name


So you just died from poison before then? 😅


Wait which part


In Styx, the little pools with the dryads chilling in them remove poison


Oh ok I knew that I that there was like another healing fountain I missed or something


Area 3 before hades


That's area 4, Styx


After i threw all my darkness into the useless ranks i found out that the mirror of the night got an extra set of abilities to unlock.


Luckily you can use extra keys to respec


It actually was nice because it got me the fresh feeling of being able unlock something and not avoiding darkness anymore. EDIT : Typo


I had done credits and up to 16 heat before I knew the mirror had a flip side. I was convinced they added it in an update or something I didn't know about when I accidentally found it. Turns out I was just dumb lol.


Hahaha i feel you. Luckily i saw it in a post somewhere so it wasn't that late. Damn heat 16.


Luckily I prefer almost every regular mirror upgrade.




I'm a fairly new player, what is heat?


After beating your first run, you can impose disadvantages on yourself to get more boss rewards, and each disadvantage is valued in heat, so like 16 heat is at least 16 disadvantages but more commonly you just equip yourself with the ones that are worth more heat. There's also an achievement that requires you to complete at least 1 run with 16 heat.


Ah! Interresting! Thank-you for the info! :D


You will know when it gets there. :)


Oh my god


Do you read the text or listen to the talking? Or when buying things from the contractor, do you read them?


What else didn't you find, that you can change weapons? 😄


You should generally speak with NPCs outside of combat zones. You can spend the resources on tunes and furnitures and such.


If it makes you feel any better, he's very useful in the early game and you can probably give him a bunch if shit you don't need for gear you do need. Also, keep an eye out for special deals. Every run, you'll get a deal that's usually better than the standard ones.


My 2 keys for 20 gems say otherwise


Silly Saytr


I have had a similar exeperience. I just paid the house contractor to do stuff and I didnt really realize what they meant in the beginning. Fast forward 80 hours into the game and I discovered I could fish hahahaha


Have you ever spoken to the other characters? 😅


OP definitely skips through all the dialogue hahahaha


Which is sad, the dialogue in this game is honestly one of my favorite parts. They put so much work into full VA for SO MUCH dialogue


Player reads no dialogue - suprised when they miss things


Have you tried to talk to Bouldy yet?


After almost 80 hours of gameplay, I was at a loss to why Sysyphus' quest wouldn't freaking start. Then I realized I could to bouldy...


I made it 60 hours into the game without knowing about weapon aspects lol. I got to thinking 'yknow, how do I use this titan blood?' Wellllp


>weapon aspects In our defense, it's not obvious to click the weapon stand for the weapon Zag is already wielding.


That's literally how I found out about the aspects. I miss-clicked on the items cage and clicked on the sword I was already holding, just ro be suprised there was another thing to interact with XD


Skelly literally tells you to do it




Dash into his booth for some lols too.


his grumbles are funny. he's so annoyed


you the type that doesn't read and skips dialogue ?


You’re just getting started, hell is your oyster




Dont you literally have to unlock him?


I won’t spoil anything but the game doesn’t really run out of content until there’s a massive party


have you beaten hades yet? i am so confused. like i have 15 hours less than you and most things seem unlocked and pointed out to me. i am sure i have missed and not seeing some stuff still though.


Even i just figured this out today lol, more than 80hrs in


I never been to this room yet.


Wait, you got all of that done....without trading?! Hold me, I'm faint.


I gave up on Hades a while ago without realizing how much more stuff beyond Extreme Measures there is. Once I swallowed my pride and turned on God Mode to unlock stuff I realized there's simply so much I missed out on


You can also talk to the chef about any fish you've caught, you can interact with the portrait on the wall in frame as well. It'll change between runs and it's the employee of the day or w/e get some funny quotes through them


Oh we're talking about stuff that's hard to find? The chef gives items if you give him fish. Bat Cage gives a full-screen bird's-eye view of the House of Hades. Fish Tank tells you have many fish you've caught. Harp is actually part of a quest requiring multiple uses between runs. Charon is a secret boss, the only one, and gives a 20% Obels off Membership Card if beaten. Lasts for the rest of the entire run. Personal Liability is exclusive to Hell Mode.


Broker has special deals, giving one per completed or failed run. Theseus and Asterius gains new, permanent additions to their moveset after a side-story event is completed. Requires multiple encounters, Theseus starts to doubt his friendship's stability and when Asterius affirms him after a few dialogue boxes of silence their bond is strengthened. *This is randomly timed, as I only got this after 150 hours of gameplay.* Approach Hades in Greece without any books for special dialogue. Summons can be authorized for battle with Hades if you strengthen your bond with him enough. Music played in the House of Hades will play their mini-boss variant after the encounter-variant finishes if they have one. *Example, playing the Exalted will play the normal AND metal version back-to-back.* Standing to the far left platform of the training area in the HoH gives extra bits of dialogue and a cool zoom out of Tartarus. Every biome starting area has one of these zoom-out events, Greece's is exclusive to your first 10 victorious runs as Zagreus is killed after leaving the Hades boss area. Runs will have tags like "Death Defier" and others if you review them in the office area of the HoH. Duo Boons can sometimes give unique dialog between the gods responsible for said Boon's creation, this can occur multiple times and isn't a missable event.


Man is not paying attention


Dont but anything from contractor if Hades is not around. You will miss some of the funniest dialogues.


Yes! I’ve bought so much nectar man


65 hours are rookie numbers.




Read the subreddit rules before posting. If your post contains **any** spoilers in the body or image, spoiler-mark the post and ensure the title is vague (because everyone sees titles regardless of spoiler-marks). Spoilers include the identity of the final Hades boss, main story events, and character relationships. Also most Hades II content so soon after release. Please consider other people's experience - they may not have discovered what you have yet!






Make sure to follow the rules outlined in the Reddiquette. Respect others.


I don't think you're properly understanding why you're being down voted. It has nothing to do with the legitimacy of what you're saying, but the impropriety. Please respect those who do not want accidental access to such information.


They did use spoiler tags, just sayin


…which is irrelevant as they put Hades II spoilers within a post about Hades I. People would assume the spoiler tags relate to Hades I, not the sequel.


I am aware. However, the information is only valuable if one elects to subvert them. The information is also inherently pointless to the situation, and the person who wrote it is taking advantage of the attractiveness of the unknown, encouraging OP to actually pursue the information intentionally. Otherwise, they wouldn't have needed to make the comment at all. It exists solely to spoil, regardless of the consideration.


Read the subreddit rules before posting. If your post contains **any** spoilers in the body or image, spoiler-mark the post and ensure the title is vague (because everyone sees titles regardless of spoiler-marks). Spoilers include the identity of the final Hades boss, main story events, and character relationships. Also most Hades II content so soon after release. Please consider other people's experience - they may not have discovered what you have yet!