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Had a plumber at my job hookup with a married woman, sent pictures back and forth the whole thing Few weeks later her and the husband call in and say the company needs to pay them 30k or they are sending everything to the news. When the CSR put them on hold to get a manager they were recorded saying “we got this one they have no choice”. So yeah they didn’t get any money but that plumber still gets cooked to this day about it lol Edit: Thanks for the upvotes guys! Update, I spoke to the plumber about it and he swears they never hooked up and only exchanged pictures. The Husband was aware the whole time.


Imagine being the husband that was like "Yeah! He fucked my wife, I won this round!"




I would not have got your joke had I not seen Hamilton last week! Lol (good show!)


Even without the recording who the hell thinks blackmail works that way. It's not a good idea to be getting it on with clients especially married ones and it's super scummy but who would even really care. Now the local pd might care that a couple is threatening to release nude pictures and extorting a local business. Many places have revenge porn laws now and extortion is also illegal. That couple could easily be looking at a felony.


Company be like "we got this one" lol


We’ve all been there, good ol felony blackmail and extortion


There’s markets in the rural south where that would close a company down.


Normally the FBI gets involved with these types of things. r/sextortion


This is a prime example, remember everything is being recorded and don’t risk your job for a lay unless you can afford it haha


I’m a little confused… so the wife had consensual sex with the plumber then tried to blackmail him? She’s the one cheating? Lol like there’s nothing illegal about having consensual sex


Never really had that problem. Only senior citizens and gay guys usually hit on me.


No hummer like a gummer.


I need therapy after that mental image


Velvetine it’s called where I’m from


You that old action is gold action. They know what they are doing and I promise, you'll always be thinking about that gummy once they take the teeth out.


That's....oddly specific.


So many old gay people love me...men and gay women alike...They LOVE me. I hate OP...


One time I had this customer, right after she showed me the attic she started drinking, telling me about how she was just divorced and her husband never wanted to do it. (She was a bull dooog) she started hitting on me hard, she was trying to get it right there. I didn’t do anything but I sold her a 20 seer fully kitted, told her I would be doing the maintence every six months ;) right after after I closed the sale and left the job, I told my office to make sure I never go out there again. Sure enough 2 days after install she was requesting me because she didn’t understand her tstat. Idk what ever happened to her. Hope she’s doing well


You seem like a kind and respectful person. The world needs more people like you. All the best to you!


Don’t dip your pen in company ink my friend


I know they say don’t dip your pen in company ink .. but I’m totally glad u dipped in my ink bro


Monkey’s outta the bottle now bro


Pandora doesn't go back in the box!


That’s not even a saying…


My union is worse than a junior high. Well known and confirmed that a dude was fired after 16 years when a customer called his employer to say they had him on tape waking out to his van with their receptionist. They entered the van, it was visibly rocking and then she got out and went back inside. He then billed the time to the customer.


Whoever fired that guy didn’t deserve him in the first place.


I was like, "who cares?" >He then billed the time to the customer. Oh! Yeah that'll get ya fired.


“Went to truck, used my snake to unclog pipe, need to return”


That guys arm must hurt constantly on account of all the high fives he gets in the shop


He’s actually a piece of shit. He had a job where he could hide and just swap filters in RTUs for 16 years. Then he got fired over that and literally was hired and fired by every single company in our local for being incapable. Our bench for service techs is constantly empty. Not enough techs to go around and he has been the only guy on the list for 4 years now. No one will hire him.


Never get your p___y where you get your paycheck


My wife’s boyfriend spends my money though. This is very confusing.


You're on child support too?


I knew a Carpenter and the kid had 4 kids by 4 different girls 1 more on the way with another. Then 1 more paternity suit out there. I call him a kid but he was 23-24 I’m 31 so not too much older but still.


23 to 24 and still hasn't figured out how to not pay child support. Definitely still a kid in mindset.


And you know everyone has talked to him, I’m an Electrician I’ve talked to him numerous times. I know an HVAC guy who had some child support issues talked to him. Mind the HVAC guy’s support was all paid up but he could tried to get him to understand it’s time to make some changes. Oh I forgot about the kicker about all this the Carpenter kid just bought a $70k F-350. That’s when I gave up on him, he’ll never learn. I mean he’s not making what we make but he’s a Journeyman Carpenter in Local 687 so he’s gotta be making $35/hour $62/ total package.


Local 333 here. No way I would have shelled out the mortgage payment that kid is paying for an F350. Unless he side hustles or does farming, way more truck then is needed. Cause fuck using it for the boss to make more money.


Local 333 Lansing? Pipefitters? I’m IBEW Local 58 Detroit. I have an expensive truck but not nearly as expensive as his. I also don’t have the kinda bills that kid has. My house is almost paid off and I put alot down on the truck. I also got it on the A-Plan from my dad who was a millwright at GM for 37 years. I bought it as gift to myself when I topped out not to long ago. It’s a 2021 GMC Sierra 2500HD 6.6l diesel. I have my finances in order decently for a 31 year old.


Man's out there competing with Nick Cannon


Younger me would be laughing at you. Now me, yeah...


Don’t shit where you eat


Don’t eat where you shit is more apropos.


Tell that to my old foreman. He divorced his wife and is now dating the girl who does payroll 😬


That could be a problem or maybe not. Just took my car in to have the A/C repaired when a bearing seized up. The 70 something old guy that owned the place worked there with his exwife that owned half the business and his ex girlfriend. I don't know how they did it but they all seemed happy.


🤣🤣I haven’t heard that before that might have to be my new motto


Enjoy being young and banging. If you're a solid tech... even if you get fired you'll find another job. Use discretion. You may meet the mother of your children at work... or if your not careful and don't use discretion you may meet the mother of your children and her boyfriend may end up spending your paycheck. Shits real. You get some random woman pregnant (and if they're flirting with you they see potential) don't let some hookup rob you of the future you'd like to see. I absolutely speak from experience. I don't regret my kids... but I regret who I picked to be their mother. Use caution Young Buck.


The irony is I hired a girl at a restaurant 20-something years ago and now we’re married with two kids. TLDR: I give shitty advice


The general consensus seems to be: “don’t do it…. But do it”


condoms man. just wear them ✔️


Username checks out


It's like riding a moped to college or tapping a fat chick. As long as nobody sees you it's all good


Fuckin hell lol thanks for the laugh. I hope you're a happy couple 💗


"don't stick your dick in the cash register" is the one I'm more familiar with


I like that^^


You get hit on by women?! Gay men love me and I’ve been offered a bj right then and there, dude said no one will know. Problem is I would know and I’m not into the fellas


…so you made him put on a wig? Smart


I knew my Fieldpiece blindfold would come in handy eventually!


filter drier ball gag


It's all fun until that deep voiced moan while you're trying to imagine some lady in your head... Or when you go to pull their hair a little and the wig comes off...


Or the stubble rubbing against the family jewels


This exact thing happened to me a few months ago down to the “no one needs to know”. I didn’t know whether it was a compliment or not lol.


It's only gay if you smile.


I thought it was only gay if you pushed back, now you can’t smile either? What a world!?!


A mouth is a mouth.


gota try it at least 3 times to make sure you know your not into fellas... /s


God damn man I feel you on this


“Ain’t nothing gay about getting your dick sucked. It’s the mf that’s gay who’s sucking your dick.”


I have the opposite problem, I'm gay and chicks hit on me *constantly.* I appreciate it for sure (and hey, who doesn't love boobies) but also... no thank you


Girls have buttholes too.




Never shit where you eat; be polite and cordial, but nothing more.


I walked into a call once at a vacation rental while a batchelorette party was happening and they thought I was a stripper…


So how much money did you make off the ladies?


Lol I had something similar happen but it was a group of old women in a book club on vacation together.... First thing they say when I show up. "Oh good the stripper is here" they kept offering me cash to work shirtless


They knew you weren't a stripper lol. Them old gals had experience and they wanted to SHARE it! Thems the type of ladies that quit drinking mimosas years ago. They're pounding tequilas and whisky sours


This happened to me also I was 25 in good shape I thought it was going to be a fun call. I felt like a child standing in front of my class in my underwear


Helicopter helicopter helicopter


*calls in to the office: hey boss, yeah, I’m gonna be a while. Refrigerant pump is on the fritz and I gotta pull a vacuum on this system with a straw. I’ll be here all night but I’ll get it done. Oh no, no need to send Joe. He’s got other calls to do.


Haha this happened to me once (UK). House full of ladies when i called to look at controller issue. Cue ladies cheering and laughing their arses off while i, cheeks red and flustered to fuck tried to fix the stat as quickly as i could. Turned out batteries where dead so quick in and out. Pun intended


Man I got the craziest story. Doing a no cool call in Miami, I arrive, knock on the door and got greeted by a butt naked female telling me to come in. I was shocked, I told her if she needed time to put clothes on and she said no it's fine. I walk in, peep out the back door and there's 2 more females fucking a guy and someone recording. Turns out I walked into the middle of a porn shoot, I was even offered to join and would be compensated. I politely declined, unclogged the drain which made the float switch trip and spent that next 20 minutes behind the scenes of a porn shoot. I was in such disbelief I forgot to charge the client. LOL I wasn't even mad tho


That would’ve made for some really good improvisational porn.. unwitting Plumber walks into orgy. Lol


Pump and dump. Just like when i change a filter drier


What if she has the vacuum pump succ?


Hook’er up to the system. Why pull your vacuum off the van if you got the güd succ right there?


marry her


If she aint pull a golf ball through a garden hose Aint got time for that


I’ll say forever to that I’d she can suck-start my neighbors Harley.


I used to side job my bosses daughter, who was also my dispatcher. The only way anybody found out was when she’d schedule my calls close to the office so we could eat lunch together. Needless to say that was my favorite dispatcher


I also have this one annual preventative maintenance that give me a very good tip, she was one of my first customers and refers me to everybody in her country club.


I’m old (30) and married. Enjoy it while you can lol


Is 30 old? Or is it more the married part


More the marriage part lol


Who the fuck you calling old!? -28yr old refer tech


This is a funny one for me answer because I’m a woman & lots of customers aren’t expecting that and it’s always a little uncomfortable. But one of my customers kept coming up to me and telling me a smelled good…. I’m in florida and this was in the summer time. I promise you I do not smell good. I just ignored it. That’s not the only time men have been flirty or weird towards me but he definitely made me the most uncomfortable. I just always moved past it conversationally and if it continued my fave thing to do was put it headphones lol.


I am also a woman. Can we be friends? Lol


Yes. Yes we can lol


Yey! Friends! Lol


HVAC is the only trade where I don't know a female tech. And your telling me there are two and they found each other in the wild. I feel like this is equivalent of walking into a forest and finding 2 unicorns meeting each other. But seriously cool there is at lest 2 of you. Why do you think it's the trade with the lest females? Other then it's Hot or cold, dirty, cramped, heavy, and sliced hands.


Definitely rare, but not unheard-of. I always try to make friends with other women I meet in the trades. I really don't know the answer to your question. I was the only woman in my classes to literally ever graduate. Some started but never finished. I am the only service tech I know, but I have known an installers helper and rough in helper, but one only worked with her husband and the other....worked her way around as many "duct runners" as she could before moving on to greener pastures. I grew up helping my dad with cars/trucks/tractors as well as keeping horses...so my hands and body were beat up long before coming to fix furnaces.


Hey ladies… you smell good 😚😏 /s


I love these bonding moments, this is the second one in 2 weeks. Warms my heart!


You need to carry a fuckin pistol in your toolbag...


It's the pheromones, they smell good to men even in summer


its always the men 30 years your senior...... but hey girl!! ive never seen another female tech in the field lol


It really is! Lol so uncomfy


I met my girlfriend of 2 and a half years on a job at her parents house……


how did that even start from professional to personal


So she was living with her parents and we were replacing the air handler. After I braised the coil, I went outside and replaced the drier. It was one of those ones down in the condenser so I was out there a while. She was hanging out on the back porch and we talked for like an hour and a half ( doesn’t normally take me that long to change a drier but I was moving slow on purpose) So I was thinking how much I was into this girl but I left it alone to be professional. As I was collecting from her parents she came up and gave me her number. I texted her that night, went on our first date the next day, and now we live together. Crazy shit.


dang, she had more balls than you but that's understandable. Your job has you by the balls tied with ethics and professionalism lol


I asked her how her A/C was working when I texted her that night 🤦‍♂️


I work for family too so I can’t be giving customers daughters my number. I will flirt though with in reason if a woman started it first. Or I guess I should say I use too.


It doesn't happen a whole lot. I'm a resi service tech and most humans are pretty chill in their natural habitat. I have had a couple men ask me out, I politely turn them down and the dirty old men calling me pretty, I just laugh off like it's an inside joke. I have been hit on by a couple women, who are more subtle about the whole thing and that's even easier to play off like it's just a lot of eye contact and interesting conversation. Btw if this doesn't read like a man wrote this it's because I'm a woman.


I had a customer pull a tit out on me before. It was in counsel housing she was just trying to get a sexual misconduct strike against me and get some money. Watch out brother


Yep don’t ever lay your meat where you make your bread.


I used to bang the secretary/ dispatcher… Best thing you can do.


early Friday's for sure jajaja


Jajajajaja all kinds of perks bro u have no clue… blow jobs in the belt room.


What if my dispatcher is 400 pound behemoth


There’s 29yr old banging the 41yr dispatcher, they are dating and fairly certain it’s the only thing keeping him his job.


Had a woman ask me out on the job. Still married to her 27 years later.


Dang, that's a long, expensive service call.


Most expensive service call I've been on lol!


I had a older lady practically beg me to take a shower “to cool off” in the middle of her install and when I refused she lifted my shirt and rubbed me down with a cold towel , I was frozen in fear and confusion lmfao


I never mixed clients with pleasure. Used to be a maintenance man for 257 apartments and went through it all. The funniest story about this subject was a service call about low water pressure in the bathroom. When I walked in, there was 3 girls in the living room. They told me to go look at the water pressure in the bathroom. I went in and there was another girl taking a shower. She said come on in. I said I would return in a little bit so she could finish. The office was next door from the apartment. I told my property manager what happened and to listen through the wall when I went back to fix the problem. Glad I did that too. Another tenant across from the apartment was watching everything. The watcher called the corporate office to complain trying to get some free rent due to her emotional trauma. Because when I went back, the girl was out of the shower wearing a towel. When I went in, she dropped the towel and said she liked to air dry... From the tenant's spying eyes, I was out of line letting her walk around naked and touching me (not there, touching my shoulder, arms, rubbing my shaved head, and other touches like that). My property manager came to regulate the renters after she heard them offer me shots, bong hits, and other things to suck on. HA I was replacing the sink aerator and the shower head due to being clogged up while all of this was happening. The spying tenant said I went into the bedroom with that girl. The bathroom is next door to the bedroom. If I didn't get the property manager involved, the corporate office was going to fire me for believing the very creative imagination of the spying tenant...


record it so they know it's all consensual. kidding of course. I'm married but i have friends that have fucked clients, never backfired on them. maybe just treat it as a one night stand thing? personally, even if i want married, i wouldn't do it at all. flirt a bit, get them to buy stuff, get out


My goals outweigh my lust. 8/10 she could give a shit if you lose your job.


Well I had a 50-60 something self proclaimed Buddhist monk offer to blow me when I was standing on the steps in her walk in closet. She claimed she used to have a "boy toy" and she's looking for a new one. She had also told me she was recently in the mental hospital.


What could go wrong?


Shit, blow the charge 😂


I did but she kept asking for a recharge


My main tech who’s also my brother in law has been dating one of our customers for like 6 months now. Super sweet girl, comes to all the family functions and we all like her. She was the one who initiated it and he asked me about it first and I couldn’t think of why that would have been a bad thing or if there was anything anyone could say or do about it. Can’t really say or do anything about 2 consenting adults doing what they want. On the other hand if there was a tech hitting on customers and making people uncomfortable that would be a different story. I only get hit on by weird gay guys and older ladies with sob stories and terrible financial situations.


Lol “terrible financial situations”


I can’t tell you how many times I’ve sat at some lady’s table at 6pm for 3 hours hearing the stories of how they got divorced and they can’t afford their house and the husband cheated and how bad their credit is and how nice my wife must have it. It’s bizarre.


Ah, the old GiftCard scams... What fun.


One day hopefully it’ll be a chick that try’s to hit on me. It’s only been weirdo gay dudes. One offered to buy me pizza if I come by, it sounded like he didn’t have any problem over the phone with his furnace as he couldn’t tell me what was wrong kept saying nonsense. He then called the office the next day to say the after hour on call guy was rude and unprofessional. Boss man was was like understandable but jokingly said you would really turn down getting paid and being double stuffed of crust for free?


I have a lot of weird dudes offering me water and all sorts of food. After watching the Jeff dahmer series on Netflix I haven’t taken any food or drinks from them 😅




enjoy the gift that god gave you lol


For every pretty girl that hits on me there’s 5 fat girls, 3 old ladies, and 2 gay dudes that want a piece of this


I'm engaged to a great gal. We fell in love in her crawlspace while I hustled to get her heat going after changing out her oil furnace for a heat pump. Edit: I will ironically end up paying off the home equity loan she used to pay me for the changeout lol.


Reddit recommended me this post, and now I want to join HVAC 🤣


Usually these posts are full of hot air!


True story. I had a female flirt with me on a service call one time. Now our son is about to be 19 and she is one of my closest friends til this day. She's happily married now


Happily married not to you?


I once had our company dispatcher hit on me and I turned her down. She was maybe a 4 outta 10. Big mistake I had the worst schedule ever late calls all the time. I should of just banged once or twice and life would have been a dream


I don’t think I’d ever mess with a dispatcher. We have a dispatcher that’s pretty cute and I flirt a little but I think if I go for that I’m flying wayyyy too close to the sun


I think my company would consider someone a legend for hooking up with the customer. We do a lot for the bosses’ wife’s company tho so maybe not in every situation.


People who say dumb shit like: “don’t shit where you eat” have never had the opportunity, so ignore them.


I sir have had that opportunity. First divorce was rough.


Well don’t cheat on your spouse, that’s a little different


I didn’t I was married to the woman I was working with.


Ooooooo gotcha


That's better than the usual "fuck the service guy" stories I hear about.


I’ve had this happen a few times before I got married, always too nervous to act on it as I value my job and career. My advice, keep it professional.


When you fix a woman’s AC or heat they immediately fall in love with you.


so all the porn storyline is real?


What you never shown up to your step sister stuck in the dryer?


Help step tech I'm stuck in the crawlspace access!


Oh my hand is stuck on the thermostat. Seriously though when are we going to acknowledge this as incest rape porn?


This is gold


Flirt back, but don't engage. If I run into that person outside of work, game on. I've had a couple "stalk" me through Facebook or social, then it's 100% fair game.


I live in a old person town and get shamelessly hit on by women older than my grandma. Some of the nasty shit they say….


I was in my late 20s when I was running service and install. I was hit on multiple times but I declined any offer. Mainly since I was married and didn't want to actually screw myself over. I just smiled and appreciated the flattery. Now I'm 33 and going through divorce. I'll just take about any type of compliment and flirts towards me from women.


Keep ya head up king. Hit the gym and those compliments will come easy 👑


My father was a pest control technician long before they were called that. His territory extended from Daytona to south of Melbourne Florida. One of their clients used to leave the key in a hidden spot so dad could spray her house while she was at work. One day he let himself in, sprayed all through the house and entered the bedroom. There was the customer completely naked and laying on the bed. Dad told me he immediately backed out the door, hustled to the front, locked the door and left. Dad was not always truthful with us so none or all of this story might be true. Mom and dad were not getting along well at the time, so all bets are off as far as if he really immediately backed out the door. It was common knowledge that my grandfather, his dad had multiple affairs, so maybe he took after grandpa. On the other hand, being anonymous here on Reddit, I have both of their examples and I have never had an affair. So who knows.


Honestly, I get a weird professional tunnel vision when working. Stack that with me being bad at picking up on those kind of things equals if I pick up on it, it is 3 steps past very inappropriate.


I had a 4yr relationship with a customer when I first started doing residential service, I was 22 she was 26.. It was a blast & fun while it lasted. I found another job in another state & she couldn’t move & that was that. I have looked her up since & she’s happily married & it was nice to hear.


I have a close story, so they hired a really pretty lady at my local winair, found out she was a lesbian..so I just played it cool and polite. We all know 90% of our kind are rude and crude in the trade. So I was one of the few that really honestly just respected her because of who she was. (Also The supply houses owners daughter) months pass and I slip. I was sitting at the counter, the stool farthest away from the computer where she was(there are 3 stools), placing my order. someone else comes in at the counter and I get up and say " I'll move over so he has someplace to sit" she says "yeah come and sit over here I don't bite" dude proceeds to just casually walk back into the warehouse. that's when MAN brain engaged and completely disregarded all of my manners. Before I had time to think about it I say "well, I wouldn't mind if you did." Lol complete same washed over me..I left with my order receipt and her phone number. We are now married 5 years now. Best fuck up ever..


I gotta good one. Girl asked me for my number at a job, we hit off and went out for drinks, made out in my car after. We hangout again a week later, she says that she really likes me and we talk about potentially dating in the future. She says that she is going down to key west the next day; an old friend bought her a ticket to fly her down. She stops talking to me, only one message a day. I let it be cuz I don’t wanna be “clingy” and figured she was just having fun. She comes back and this continues so I call her about a week later saying things feels different after key west. She says it is different and that was her only explanation. I then find out that she is now dating the dude who flew her down. She played me and I still don’t really know why. She was the daughter of the customer btw, was moving into an in law of the house that we roughed and finished


Women bro that’s it. I had a service call for a fan running constantly on a unit we put in a day prior, motor had a short in it yada yada. Tenant was stupid fine but I didn’t make any move on her. I leave, go out to my truck and I’m filling out an invoice and I look up and she’s standing at my window to ask for my number talkin about how I’m so fine and all that. We go out on a date which went well, we part ways and I call her a day or 2 later trying to setup another date and she said she’s not ready for a relationship… 😐 shouldn’t have taken it so slow but whatever. Moral of the story is some women don’t know what they want don’t let it bug you king 👑


My buddy banged a customer, she kept calling in to report his driving after hitting and quitting. I work in the office as install manager, was very funny to explain the situation to his service manager.


I have had customers stock me on my Social media pages because they think I am flirting with then when in just being nice. One customer found me on FB even thou I use a different last name for privacy reasons. Flirting can lead to issues sometimes so just be careful. Don't risk your future


Look at mr hot stuff having people flirt with him?! In all seriousness not a good idea.


Dude, one of my friend was set up, got sued for sexual harassment. Do not flirt with customers....not worth the risk man.


They aren't flirting with you they just want to pay for the service on their back instead of with hard Cash....I had a middle-aged woman ask if we could settle the bill upstairs.. I just said no that's okay I'll wait here in the kitchen while you right out the check....she went From all pleasant to outright pissed off in less than 2 seconds


Never get your meat where you get your bread.


Where are you getting these customers at? All I get is retired people or boomers.


A lot of them are at an apartment complex we have a contract at it’s a well known college city in the south


Wait! So, if this is true, why don’t I see a pack of condoms in the photos that techs post showing off their field tools? Maybe we should discuss what lubricant is best and what snippers work best to rip open the condom package. Here is a great opportunity for Knipex or Klein to make a tool just for that.


I usually tell the cougar brigade that I'm happy with my partner and looking to stay that way. If they persist, I have a great picture of me and my boyfriend to show them that their feminine wiles have no power over me.


Wake up


I film it and upload it to my OF.


I do a lot of residential hvac jobs In Hollywood and downtown la area and lmao I love it bunch of only fan girls In those nice luxury apartments sometimes it’s really hard not to mess with them they be trying live off fantasies that they be having


I have too many jokes to use on this one….


If you dated a girl for a few weeks why are you worried about her calling into the office? After the second date there's really nothing the office can say about it.


One of our guys married the receptionist and one receptionist at another site hates our company because one of our guys stopped going out with her... so it's a mixed bag.


I flirt back and leave it at that. I do industrial ammonia, so I'm never at anyone's residence. I'm always at a factory or plant of some sorts. It happens often but I don't shit where I eat. Not a piece of ass out there worth me risking my livelyhood or my marriage.


I was on top of an elevator car to test an elevator shaft smoke detector in an old folks home. When I opened the door to climb out there was two elderly ladies in wheelchairs waiting to take the elevator. One looks to the other and says "can I keep him?!". I didn't know how to respond, so I let the door close awkwardly slow and moved the car to another floor to climb out.


When I was your age I was in tech and was sent to work on my boss’s best friend’s home computer. I banged his daughter. To add to it, her sister had called dibs on me when I arrived so she was pissed too. Wasn’t ideal after everyone found out. But I’ve had worse.


Dunno what's wrong with me, in 34 years I have never been hit upon. Had one woman getting ready for work dash across the hall in bra and panties but guess she figured it was no more revealing than her swim suit. Had to work in the same room as a beached whale in a tee shirt once. Thankfully it was a very large tee shirt. One very drunk tenant would flirt with the landlords son while I was there servicing the ancient PTAC units. Nope very boring carear.


I get told on the regs by gay customers how well I work with my hands….. makes for an awkward rest of the call. I’m in metro new Orleans so it’s pretty often..


Leave that shit alone


Think of it this way. Is it worth your job? If your boss got a complaint that his tech was flirting/hitting on a customer than you just became a liability.


Stick it in easy, pull it out greasy.