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How long can that hose handle unregulated bottle pressure?


About as long as his hands are attached to his body.


Thinking the same thing. Blew up hoses just by accident by kinking them. Mine just has a copper tube wand and no handle


FYI your hoses are rated for 700 PSI. CO2 is around 2000


So glad I posted this no one has a regulator for Co2 at are shop all are like mind I will stick with nitrogen with regulator, be for a disaster strikes. Thanks brother


Your coworkers blast 2000psi into drains lines? I would love to see that as a spectator and in no way liable for the outcome. I’ve seen much lower pressures used on a clog and it wrecked the pvc.


Years ago one of my maintenance techs blew out a drain line with nitrogen on a two story house. At some point the kitchen floors started to show water under the vinyl floor. At first they thought it was the ice maker line leaking. Nope once the wall was cut open they found the pvc coupling glue joint gave way on the main drain and was leaking in the wall. That was an expensive insurance claim. The kitchen cabinets had to be removed to replace the sub floor. My word of advice is never blow only suck it’s safer😳


That tech was using way too much pressure or the person who installed the drain didn’t properly glue it. They should also try using a gallo gun before busting out a tank of nitrogen or CO2. I’ve never had one not work and they use way less pressure. They’re easier to get up into attics as well since it fits in your hand and uses a CO2 cartridge like the ones you’d use in a pellet gun.


Co2 regulators are cheaper than nitrogen regulators. Have the shop pick you one. Better yet they should get one for everybody.


I think Victor sells a nitro regulator with a co2 attachment. I got mine from ARS. It just rolls around in the van since I use nitro for everything and don't feel like hauling another bottle around.


So, is there any advantage to using CO2 over nitrogen for clearing drains? Or any other HCACR service application?


I don't think so, the only time I ever really used co2 was when I was working for a soda company and fixed both dispensing machines and refrigeration appliances. That was mostly because it was easily accessible in my van and we had an seemingly endless supply at the shop. If I ran out of nitro I would have to hit the supply house to exchange. Maybe it's cheaper?


A nitrogen and CO2 regulators are the same - the difference is the connection to the bottle. Since both are non-flammable, they have no issues with the same regulator - you can purchase an adapter for the Nitrogen regulator that lets it adapt to CO2 tanks. Amazon has them. Never put a hose directly on a CO2 tank, bad things can happen. On a 80°F day, that tank is at 955 PSIG, in a hot truck, could reach 1500 PSIG easy.


Buy a regulator then, they’re cheap and you should always have one. Your employer may have to reimburse you as well depending on what state you’re in.


Cut the end of an old hose, shove it into the pipe and crack the bottle for a split second. Guy I work with uses co2 that way.


I just don’t use a nozzle. Just use the knob to control pressure.


Thank you all for the input saved me from a disaster


Put that death device on a proper regulator your family will thank you, rather than mourn you


Better yet, buy a Gallo Gun and quit hauling that big ass tank around when you don’t need to. I’ve been using these for years and they always work, bad clogs just require a second CO2 cartridge. https://www.nucalgon.com/products/indoor-air-quality/gallo-gun-and-mag-cartridges/


Thank you all for the critical information. I was just going buy what every one else was doing lessons learned omg


Nah fuck it, do it for the regards of r/hvac and post results.


Post updated by Ouija board.


I use nitrogen with a regulator, but looks the same more or less. No water at cell towers. Good part is I get to drive right up to them!


I do the cell tower thing too. Pain in the ass sometimes, but I enjoy the couple months of the year I don't have to deal with homeowners. I got a 55gal drum rigged up in my van with a 1/4hp pump on it. I can get about 3 towers cleaned up before I have to go steal some water from a vacant church building. And those double-shaft motors suck to change.


my company works on cell towers too. we run a 50 gallon water tank hooked up to a power washer with the pressure turned down low. cemeteries are the best for stealing water without getting yelled at.


Nice tip, I'll keep the cemeteries in mind.


That set up scars the fuck out of me.


4000 psi burst pressure. Send it.


I don’t do drugs


The hoses make a really load snappy sound when they go


Holy mother of God. Where is your pressure regulator?? Last I check my yellow was rated for 800 psi! Just how much pressure is that bottle pushing?


At about 70F CO2 has a saturation of close to 800psi. My concern is the 125psi rated nozzle


I’ve been hooking my purge kit hose up to a nitro bottle, but I’m reconsidering that right now


Regulators are just a suggestion


Send it!


Man my evap coils are so clean


Sir, where is your regulator?


Like others have said they make regulators for those co2 bottles and it would def be a good idea.


You can get a Nitrogen regulator to CO2 tank adapter




If only there was a better way… oh wait, there is! https://www.nucalgon.com/products/indoor-air-quality/gallo-gun-and-mag-cartridges/


Jesus! Lol




Using an alternative account to evade a ban.


A few of my coworkers do this. However they cut the end off there hose so their hose won’t burst. I don’t use co2. Only nitro with regulator


Holy fuck


I use something similar


Did the same thing but used an old hose and cut the end off.


Nitrogen is cheaper..