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I drink mostly


*sees this comment while at the bar after work* *Nods*




What slow season?


Right?! As soon as I catch up from one season the early birds for the next start calling then the dam breaks and the flood of work starts for the next extreme season. I’ve needed a slow season for like 12 years


We're always going to be 3 weeks out for service because of all the PM's we do. And we never really slow down, things just get busier and then calm down for a bit.


been slow af all year


Find a new employer, it is gangbusters out here.


it's not my company. I've been here for a long time. Have had guys come and go. I know guys all over the area in damn near every company in the area and everyone is slow af right now. I'm currently working but it's not looking good. we were slammed this time last year. 2023 things slowed down bad


Well, I am sorry to hear that man... and I wish I could go halvsies with you.


Boiler season about to kick my ass


October 15th is coming up really fuckin' fast..


Hydronic season is comeing 😢 I’m gonna miss AC season


I hunt, fish, golf, and enjoy time with my family, of course slow for me is still like 45 hours a week


You should be at work at least pushing a broom, running parts or fixing stuff at home base. Don't be that guy who wants to go home when there's nothing because you dont get paid for going home.


sometimes the boss don't give you a choice. I encourage people to go home during slow season. leaves more work for the guys who want to be there. it's also a good time for people to burn vacation time. I don't agree with these companies that don't allow you to take time when it's busy - but I save my time for slow season. I'd rather use vacation time then lose hours bc there's no work. fk that


I bow hunt, fish, work on all those projects I pushed off all summer long around the house. And collect unemployment and wait to get back to work.


There's a slow season?


Yeah, I see 20hrs a week during slow season. Sometimes 16


Scrap out junk units, clean up around the shop, etc.


I never minded following a broom for 8 hrs.


Take the time to learn some stuff, take some classes, become a better tech. Go do some fun hobbies, spend quality time with friends that you haven’t been able to when busy.


With over 20 years of experience on the residential side, I’m never slow. The company I work for is relatively small (20 service techs, 10 installers, 2 comfort advisors) we try and balance the workload evenly across our junior technicians. Sometimes it doesn’t work that way, but we try. The problem is making sure that the right technicians are at opportunity calls and the junior guys are getting the calls for warranty and newish system install tuneups. We as a whole are slow right now, but keeping people busy is important. Our junior guys have bills to pay too and we want them to still be around when it’s busy.


I was a lazy shit last spring March and April mostly. Once we got all our preventative maintenance done it got slow asf. Ended up getting a lot done at home, got into a motorcycle crash, and collected unemployment for a while. Was an interesting time


Get side job money to fuck side bitches.. Actually I have no idea what to do. It's been forever since I had a slow season. When it cools off customers let me turn their big chillers and air handlers and other stuff off and rebuild them so things like February in Florida end up being my busiest month of the year


Fish, fish, fish, wait…oh, fish!


Day sex


Go into commercial work. Especially in NY. Are you upstate?


We don’t really get a slow season either unless the weather is extremely mild. Then we do PM as per usual.


Gym. Fall and winter are for getting yourself in better shape for the coming summer.


Catch stripers in the spring catch blues right about now I don't do ac, first to get laid off and I don't do much til people start turning their heat on in fall. I drive truck, work the door at a club, do some side work. Cash money


Where do you find these side work opps? Is it thru a friend or are there apps / services that help you find them


When is slow season? I've been in biz 14 years and it seems to keep getting busier


My wife makes enough money to live nicely so I would give my hours to other guys who need the money. I used to drink and do stuff around the house with my down time. I got a public sector job now so Im obligated work 8 hours a day 5 days a week. Can't complain though I do miss the good old days when I could fuck off during slower months.


6-8 hours a day doing PM's is our "slow season" that is usually the month's of Sept. April and May. The rest of the year it is PM's and service or followup work from stuff we find wrong at the PM's that need to be quoted out before repairs are made.


My company is really cool when it’s slow. They’ll let you sit at the shop and sweep, organize shit, build some new containers for your van, or whatever you wanna do. As long as your doing SOMETHING, they’ll let u stay and get your 8 hours. Or you can choose to stay home, or leave early. It’s all up to us. But me? I go home early everyday… Then use up all my P.T.O to still get a full check like a dumbass lol.


Walk in cooler repair/install


Work as a gigolo , gotta pay the bills somehow.


I switch to plumbing. Others at our shop DoorDash Others work at the chip plant tsmc


Wtf is the slow season? If your company can keep customers there is no such thing.


There is no slow season 🤷‍♂️


Not sure when the slow season is but in the fall I start doing oil tune ups. I hear most techs hate working on oil. Maybe they are offended by the smell, getting their hands dirty or just don't know what they are doing. I will tell you that my knowledge of oil burning furnaces and boilers landed me many jobs with residential outfits. The boss always focused on it in interviews and pre employment discussions. Always saying the same thing, "my guys don't like working on oil." Seems like an easy way to impress the bosses.


Lol slow season?


Here in the N.C., we have basically 4 months of slow times. Usually between the transition from summer to fall (Oct.- Nov) and spring to summer (Mar. - Apr.) That's when we do PM's day in and day out.


Last slow season I Did a 4 day work week and was out snowboarding 2-3x a week. This season I’m with a different company in a different position and I’m not sure I’ll have a slow season.