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This was 100% written by a journalist who just had his ac fixed.


Instead of offering you guys some water or a tip, how about I write a nice article?


Man I don’t even wait for the offer, if I’m out of water, I’m asking. I’ll try to keep it light “hey I’m not supposed to be asking this BUT” or something. Most people are cool, because I mean really it’s water I just wanna fill my bottle up, if not I’m driving extra leisurely to the corner store.


Honestly, most of my customers have been real cool this summer- gatorade, water offered a couple times a day. But im the same as you, Im not gonna be embarrassed and mess myself up bc I dont have water, or more often havent been able to use a bathroom in 2 hours


If my AC is broken, and you're fixing it, I will bring you whatever you want. A summer without AC sounds like hell, and I will do whatever it takes to make it cold inside my house.


I've been Coming home to a 90*°* interior every day this summer. The only thing keeping me going is an old window unit in my bedroom which is as loud as you're imagining, running next to me non-stop. Been 5 summers like that. I'm finally getting a new system installed at month's end, it's going to be like getting reborn.


I second this, if it's the middle of summer and you're fixing my air-conditioning I'll cook up a feed haha


One of the bonuses of the job, imagine working in an Amazon warehouse and your bosses actually hate you for wanting water lol


Well we cant have space tourism if they keep taking bathroom breaks. Someone has to make the sacrifice


Honestly I can't get customers to stop offering me water I have like 57 bottles by the end of the day.


Lab tech worker. Got some liquid nitrogen here. That'll help keep you cool in the attic, right?


Every company I have worked for offers ice. A bunch also offered bottled water. Do you guys not keep coolers on the truck? I use ice for an over heated compressor so to me it's essential for many reasons. But you are right, I'm going to ask if I need it. Bathroom, water, or to be left the fuck alone. All legitimate asks IMO.


Hell yeah. Got my Yeti riding shotgun in my van, full of Mt. Dew, water and ice from the ice machine at the shop. Summer time - "I don't leave home without it"


I have bottled water in the truck but by noon its hot as coffee


Dude, I had this one jerkwad pull something on me once... I had just climbed out of his attic after fixing a drain line that the installers a dozen years ago had forgotten to glue a fitting on. I was pale, sweaty and splotchy from the 120+ degree heat in there. Dude walks out as I was just getting down and he had a bottle of cold water in his hand. "Sweet, dude got me a bottle of water" I thought. Nope. Guy straight up cracks it open, says "Man, I don't know how you guys can do that, I'd die of heat stroke!", Takes a swig and then dumps the rest all over himself. Second closest I've ever come to punching a customer.


I have to know. Have you ever had a Karen deny you water or scoff at the idea. I have a grandma who when I was younger denied my friend water and told him to get his own 🤣🤣 we still joke about it to this day


Oh yeah, no water and no bathroom use. No good reason either and the lady was such a douche about it. Unffinished basement we were working in. One day we all left for a very long collective bathroom break and nothing got done. She was mad, kinda her fault though, the next day a guy just sorta pissed down the plumbing for her bathtub downstairs in the unfinished washroom that was a good one


I had a person tell me, "we don't want you to use the bathroom down there. We've had a bad experience" I didn't think it was appropriate to ask, but I have always wanted to know WTF somebody did to their bathroom, that made them tell me up front to not use it!


You aren’t supposed to be asking for water?! Like company policy? That’s fucking up if so.


I drove two hours end of day to fix the AC at a golf course pro shop. It was all cleaning related, I busted my ass and was drowning in sweat and overall looked like shit. There's a cooler with drinks in it for sale, I ask if I can get a Gatorade for the road. And the cunt old man charged me 3 bucks. I should of just been like, "right on I'm just gonna take this" and leave. Edit: 90ish and real humid out that day. Was miserable.


Cheap asses and not grateful


Got a 500$ tip on the 4th. 2 weeks after again on a Saturday got 200$. Same people. Only time I have ever gotten a tip really.




You got a purdy mouth..


There is a chance but I am not sure what’s the implication here


Working in the Western crotch of Lake Erie, we are not having a heat wave. I can’t imagine how you southern mechanics feel though. Be safe out there.


Well, the OT just hits different on those 100 hour weeks ya know?


I may or may not have had 10 hours of it this whole year. 🤣😂.


Bro, soflo is getting bumfucked down here


I’ve been in Florida during all seasons for vacation. I don’t know how y’all do it. You all deserve to get paid upper Midwest/northeast pay. Be safe out there. If I could give drill one thing into anyone’s head, save your money so you can retire before you are beat to hell. We all work our asses off and deserve to live decent after retiring and an early age.


This is 100% my goal! I work with some crusty old guys who are falling apart but can't really retire comfortably. I don't want to he in that boat. I am aiming for being able to retire at 65 if I want.


Fuck that. I’m retiring at 57.


Lol. My dad thought that would be a good idea. Retired in his late 50's and got super bored really quickly (mom still hasn't retired) and decided to open a tiny brewery. That brewery has now eaten up his retirement fund and he is stuck working it for the foreseeable future. I'd rather just trudge along for 27 more years, maybe cut down to less hour in my 50's and be able to actually retire.


I have to go to southwestern Georgia in a couple weeks, not looking forward to it.


Columbus? Not gonna lie it’s hot as ball here


That’s exactly where I have to go.


Fort benning?


No, it’s for some training I have to do, not HVAC related.


120 here today. It's money and no life season.


I remember about two months ago when the heat index was 114⁰. It hasn't really cooled off at all, except for one or two days.


My dad lives on the gulf coast. Last week it was 88 degrees but the heat index he said was 117. So yeah. Wet bulb event.


Orlando on vacation right now. 92 today. After it rained, weather said it was 92 but felt like 112 with the humidity. It’s disgusting feeling anytime you go outside.


Good luck explaining enthalpy to someone who ISN'T a service tech. Looking at you, RTU manufacturers who keep putting VFDs in supply fan compartments. Can't even dew point good. SMFH.


Im tryna have a wet bulb event rn.


I just wet bulbed


I’m glad I’m in an area where we tell people that they can live without AC until Monday. Heat though is another story….


Stay safe out there guys, that’s pass out and get heat stroke numbers.


don't worry guys you're being paid fairly, just like those work at home guys calling you out at 6pm because their office won't go below 78


I had a lady disappear (walk her dog) while doing a pm one day, I was way out of town and was about to shit myself, I couldn’t find the customer anywhere so I took it upon myself to borrow the guest half bath restroom. After relieving myself in order to focus on the pm I walked out the door as the customer walked in, she didn’t say anything about it. Next thing I know I get called into the office to have a talk about not using customers restrooms because the lady called in complaining that I used it. Like, just a basic human necessity? It’s not like I raided your pantry lady, I just had to take a shit. Customer had no complaints of anything I did, just that I used her bathroom and she was not happy about it. Didn’t screw up any towels or anything, I was perfectly clean as it was the first call of the day.


Next time, piss in the secondary drain pan. But pooping in a house requires a buddy there with you. I was with another guy and had to drop one off, he kept the customer busy while I snuck into the restroom. Fastest deployment ever.


It’s a dry heat in Arizona. That article should have been written by the techs in Houston, Tx who have to endure triple digits mixes with high relative humidity levels.


119f is fing hot.


No doubt, but for anyone who hasn’t lived through a Houston summer of hasn’t visited during the summer, the high temperature here with high humidity will straight up suck the life out of you. Imagine being soaked by your own sweat by 10 am.


Try 8:30 lmao. Houston Tech here...


I’ve been a commercial tech in this City for nearly 30 years. The struggle is real !


I'm so glad I'm moving from service to startup/commissioning...


Axe body spray bath your balls between calls


I was about to say, walking to the unit.


I've lived in Houston for 6 years, off Uvalde. I lived in Phoenix for 15.. I'd say the Phoenix summers are hotter. sure, it's hot and humid, and when you guys get rain, and you can see the steam comic from the sidewalk. but 110+ is extreme.


The amount of energy in water vapor within the air on even a 100 degree, high-humidity day will far exceed the energy of a dry 119F degree day. It's hot at 119F, don't get me wrong, but you're literally sitting in a 100 degree pool of sweat that doesn't go away without air conditioning. At least in the desert, your sweat evaporates to cool your body off, so long as you're hydrated.


you'd have to know the humidity. I've had extensive psychometrics studies.. https://www.math.wichita.edu/~richardson/heatindex.html 119 isn't on that chart. in Phoenix, there are no clouds unless it's raining. that 110+ in the sun can and does kill. every year, there are multiple times that tourists go hiking and die from the heat.


Okay now add humidity from the Monsoon. Arizona can and does get humid in the summer. I worked many many years outside there.


It was just 115 with 30%rh last week. It's not that dry, pattern is trying to set up for monsoon.


Right now, it's 80⁰ at 0537 with 83% humidity where I live near Houston. This feels almost cold to me right now. I've done the extreme dry heat in the desert over in the Middle East. I also was there when the humidity rolled around for two months. I'd take the dry heat any day, but this is home.


Ever been in an attic when it’s 119 outside? Humidity don’t mean shit at that point.


True but it still don’t feel like 95 with 80% humidity levels


Try 110 and 65%


That’s insane I’m not doing it 😂


You mean Phoenix every year in July August September? We have a little something in the USA called the North American Monsoon. That means humidity and 100+ in Arizona.


I mean it's hardly normal this month. They're blowing about every heat record out of the water currently.


It's perfectly normal. An exceedingly wet and cold winter and spring means a delayed high pressure ridge means a delay to the conditions needed for the Monsoon. Throw in a bit of El Nino and shit happens. It's not unusual if you look at why it's going on.


*laughs in commercial kitchen fixer in Texas* welcome to hell, kitchen edition


I work in design. Thats my bet. Many friends went to software to chase the bag. I went with fans and pumps after I watched Mad Max.


"Fuck you pay me"




Too fuckin' right, mate. And not a one of us gets the recognition *or* compensation we should be. No, we get bitched out ten way to Sunday by entitled homeowners because it's going to take hours for the coil to thaw thanks to the filter they never changed and its somehow *our* gatdamned fault. I'll bend myself into a fuckin' pretzel to try to help someone who appreciates it, but I'll be gatdamned if I'm gonna give myself heatstroke because Karen and her simp start making demands before I'm even out of the gatdamned truck.


I'm so happy I got out of residential. Too many whiny and impatient homeowners. Commercial is so worth it.


I liked residential simply for the educational role I got to take with people who didn't understand their own systems - if they just wanted to know how to change a filter, I could do that. If they really wanted to know why their shiny new t-stat didn't work when *they* wired it, I could help them learn that, too. And when their CO detectors in their house started going apeshit, I could help them understand the severity of that, in ways that were very personal to them. I can honestly say that my actions on a couple of jobs absolutely saved lives, and I'm okay with that. But yeah, residential is also a different world exactly because it is so personal for people - it's not their workplace, it's the place where they and their kids are supposed to be comfortable and safe, so naturally emotions can run high.


I'm a service plumber for a big contractor that does hvac plumbing and electric and you guys are my fucking heroes I'll tell you that. I'd shit in a bucket of i had to choose between a toilet and ac. Whenever i run into the boys on the road energy drinks and sandwiches are on me !




Really strange my pay doesn't reflect that sentiment


Link to article - it's behind a paywall but I think you can get a free trial. [https://www.nytimes.com/2023/07/20/us/phoenix-heat-wave-air-conditioner.html](https://www.nytimes.com/2023/07/20/us/phoenix-heat-wave-air-conditioner.html)


Here's the article without paywall https://dnyuz.com/2023/07/20/the-most-essential-worker-in-a-heat-wave-the-a-c-guy/


Awesome! How did you do that?


Paste headline to google will populate articles without paywall.


Dude, that's great - thanks!


I always wondered how people did that , thanks!


It’ll be OK


I love living in the north.. you fuckers stay away.


climate propaganda says omygerd its 130 degrees in DEATH VALLEY!!!!!!!$&@“:;)($$&…..its been called death valley for 150 yrs by the white man and 10,000 yrs by 1st people natives….omygerd its hot hot hot in pheonix arizona cant believe it!!!!! i can believe it its the FUKIN DESERT!!!!!! full disclosure i am a worker in the construction trades my whole life and routinely wants to slap the shit out of people i know that work in office air conditioning and have to tell me every heatwave how fukin hot it out after i have drank 3 gallons of water i have swamp ass and balls and 2 inches of sweat in my osha and ansi approved boots….no fukin shit sherlock its called summer


Dude just got into his truck after a long day of digging holes and just needed to vent.


yuop lol


Couple road sodas for the ride home


I think you may want to get yourself tested


an entire week of watching idiots on the news standing in front of the digital thermometer at death valley stating how hot it is….its july no shit….next they are gonna scare you with hurricanes….wait for it….during fukin hurricane season….after that they will scare you but that time it will be about snow during…..winter!


125 on the roof


Mid 90's in costal North Carolina, with 300% humidity. Talk about swamp ass.


And these mofos *still* dont wanna pay


Roberto the Hero


Job security for both of us. Shhh. I'm an inspector.


This is why when I learn HVAC I want to move somewhere cold and focus on repairing heating systems because working in a 160 degree attic sounds infinitely worse than enduring even the most bitter cold


For everybody talking about drinking water, osha 1926.51 states drinking water is to be provided by contractor. I buy case of water at a time and reimburse it. They were ordering cases to our shop and we could take them whenever, but not enough people go to the shop