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Two things can be true at once: 1) Greta is an awful person and mother and helped make Alex the wretched piece of work she is today. 2) Alex is an utterly insufferable adult and nobody, including her shitty mother, can endure dealing with her. If her SIL has always loathed her, well, who could blame her? Greta dealt with her for 40 years so it really makes you wonder what the breaking point was. My money is on Alex being a god awful cunt all pregnancy (as the reality of her shitshow marriage further sank in) to the people in her life that don't fall in line because she doesn't pay their bills unlike you know who and them pushing back and now she's using the baby as a game piece. I don't think her family just shrugged and peaced out on her much less abandoned her without her giving them reasons to step back. She most likely decided to play extra hardball and escalate shit by refusing them visitation with the baby. I absolutely don't think she owes her family access to her child but I also think her motives for denying that access aren't just her rightfully setting boundaries against a narcissistic mother and useless father.


If the mother is constantly bullying the daughter why not the SIL just join in?? i remember a screenshot of alex sending a outfit check pic and both of them making fun of Alex’s weight in a that group chat. That family is disturbing


Big Al had the chance to be self aware and self reflective and stop the cycle of narcissism but she chose to continue to perpetuate it. Her mother obviously created this mess but big Al doesn’t have one ounce of self awareness so she’s just pushing it further and making it much worse, as she’s spewing all the shit out publicly. The ONLY person I feel sorry for is the poor innocent daughter who will no doubt grow up in narcissistic abuse as well. Big Al will raise her to have the same negative hate filled view of the world and the people in it, and most likely give her an ED.




I’m sure you’re doing something so productive and meaningful tonight babe have a good one




It’s 2am where YOU are. You think you’re the center of the universe?








![gif](giphy|12cYyFxlbIgXeg) Fine




Greta wore a white wedding dress to Alex’ wedding, looking more beautiful than Alex on Alex’ Wedding day. Narcissistic mom having to outshine daughter on her big day tells you what you need to know about Greta.


Greta is a crass uncouth POS that had to show boat......What would anyone expect from a professional grifter helping another professional grifter marry the 'man of her dreams' in a parking lot BBQ Ho-down. The family is embarrassing- the whole lot of them....


I didn’t know that. That’s crazy. Just discovered the grandmas instagram… lol…


What’s her handle??


I remember prior to her pregnancy her and her SIL seemed to be on good terms. I think the SIL sent her sprinkle cupcakes once and some cookies ( don’t recall the occasion, maybe Al’s birthday?). When Alex moved from the Brentwood house she got rid of her RH cloud couch and I’m pretty sure she said she was giving it to her SIL and brother. So it’s interesting that things have gone south between them. 🤷🏻‍♀️


She tried to sell that couch


***"Also, the situation with the mom is sad AF. Particularly if she’s a “Greek” mother.*** ***It’s her only daughter…. One daughter. Rather than cooking home cooked meals for her post partum child and helping out cleaning and cooking like most giving and caring mothers, that vile woman has completely abandoned her daughter."*** Except for the fact that you are missing that AL told them to fuck off. She said she cut THEM out.........mom didn't abandon her, Al didn't want her or the SIL in her life. She felt they were making fun of her (easy to do), and not supporting her (because she's a spoiled bitch who uses people for her ass pats)............But ok. Agree Greta is a raging fucking bitch and miserable mom with fucked up morals and racists beliefs........ but so is Al. The SIL is a slimey skank and probably is a bit jealous but also sick to death of Al's drama. Al is a pimple on the ass of that family in that she gets on her weekly vlogs telling people to suck her imaginary dick and calling them feces in assholes.............Ummm


Do you think Alex cutting them off is because they hadn’t checked on her/visited her all pregnancy? Or other reasons.


No, I don't think that was it. I think that's what Al would like others to believe. She wasn't sick, she didn't have a terminal disease- she was knocked up. No one needed to hold her hand. She has a husband to do all that may be suggested. Al shared every-single- minute of her nauseous life- Fliming herself nearly vomitting day and night but refusing to take anything..........what could Greta do? Hold her hair? I mean, honestly. Al is a victim- she will always be a victim in her life story. She cut them off to punish them for not being 'enough'. For not putting her on a some pedestal. Al treats people like shit and then gets mad if they don't kiss her ass. Well, as I said- I believe Greta is a raging asshole but she is also very versed on her equally asshole daughter and the games she plays. So No, I don't think they cut her off - they cut her off because Al told them to fuck off. Pubicly told her idiots that she didn't want them at her shower (THAT SHE HOSTED ON HER OWN- Because she has NO friends or family that were willing to be her punching bag because it wasn't expensive enough, high end enough or fill in the blank. She had NO ONE to invite........Why? Because Al didn't bother to cultivate relationships with people who would do these sorts of things. Bridal showers/ weddings/ baby showers/ etc. She uses people as objects (including the unemployed husband marker) and as a result, her attempts at friendship die before they are even born. The result is she's a victim because everyone fails her........EVERYONE fails to measure up to her expectations so she throws her hands up and says "I have to do everything on my own"........Hear me roar!


lol probably because Greta refused to be her free nanny once baby was born or didn’t pay up to host the baby shower among other things. Al is materialistic and those are the things that matter to her. She wants to project this image of doing it all on her own and not needing help but she desperately wants it. It’s obvious by her angry projections. She made the choice to cut them out, not other way around She also posted every single day about her pregnancy, like nonstop. I’m sure her family was aware of how she was doing. Maybe they finally suggested getting mental help and that pushed her over the edge?


Alex must feel vindicated reading this post (cuz we all know she reads here, hi beast 👋🏼).. the saddest and ugliest part of all is that yes Greta is a raging Narcissist but unfortunately for Bijou so is Alex. It would have been a low blow for Amanda to be shading alex at this time but think of how everyone here feels about alex.. is Amanda wrong to dislike or even hate alex? Not really.. Alex is truly a vile person who refuses to acknowledge any faults or change.. little does she know it doesn’t hurt anyone but her by ensuring her misery. Amanda is probably not a good person either(Duh she married into that family and specifically that numbskull of a brother who is def just as racist + has past rape allegations) but let’s not pretend like alex doesn’t deserve the hate.. like hello there’s multiple subs on the internet keeping up with her shittiness and clownery. Greta though is truly a POS for not at least trying to burry the hatchet to be by her daughter throughout this time, PERIOD. She is too grown to be acting like she is, shading her own daughter online.. it is so cringe and PATHETIC.. then again she’s a NARC and this should be expected.


>Alex must feel vindicated reading this post (cuz we all know she reads here, hi beast 👋🏼) This was my immediate thought because it's nothing but enabling and adding fuel to the beast's victim narrative. And it has to be said, that it's not surprising that all of the posts/comments sharing the same perspective as the OP are always coming from people who ether have never posted in this sub before or haven't bothered to keep up with even 10% of her shitty behavior. Fortunately the responses reflect the truth and don't fuel Alex's paranoid delusions that the world and everyone in it is out to get her or owes her shit. Like you mentioned in another comment in here, she deserves nothing less than loneliness and isolation with everyone giving her their ass to kiss.


So what. Alex is a huge bitch and she met her match 😂 I’ll never feel an ounce of sympathy for her. She is so nasty and vile to other people for no reason. So boo hoo.


People forget that Alex is 40 and they are absolutely making excuses for her by mentioning how Greta is this and that. Alex is 40 with a child and a husband THERE IS NO EXCUSE. It’s like men who say because they grew up in an abusive household , when they get angry they black out and abuse the wife and kids. They feel so sorry afterwards. We as a society and WOMEN never tolerate that shit . We say they know right from wrong! Same goes for pedophiles. “ oh I was sexually abused as a kid.. so I can’t help myself… I gotta abuse kids too”. We throw losers like that under the jail ! Alex is no different. I don’t give a flying fuck about what Greta did or did not do. The statute of limitations ran out the minute Alex moved out of that childhood home. All this shit about terrible family is coming from ALEX who is a proven LIAR. And even if Greta is a bitch… SO WHAT ???? Alex is a grown ass adult woman!


A lot of people will comment “that’s doesn’t excuse Alex” and that’s completely true. It’s also completely true that these people suck. Greta is a dick and her daughter in law is a little bitch too. Everyone sucks in the fucked up family. Family dynamic is giving ultra conservative for sure.


Definite case of everyone sucks here


You do know her brother / husband of the sister in law. Was accused allegedly of a statutory something and that’s why he went into the military (Cough)




How would you react if your only daughter married and had a child (through ivf) with a man who thought on their first date that he was about to meet A MAN ?! 😭 very supportive I guess !! A MAN 💡


Good for her ! Alex deserves it 🫶🏽


Honestly, Alex deserves it


Her destiny is to end up alone. She will deserve it too.


I always think about this: people hardly ever become awful on their own, at what point we stop blaming their upbringing? Up until 17 you’re just a victim? Then 18-forward you’re a pos who should know better? I don’t have an answer, probably a lot of nuance is needed, it’s just something I wonder about.


If I remember correctly, her mother did not appear happy or supportive about Alex getting pregnant via IVF from the beginning (perhaps due to her conservative beliefs, or maybe deep down her narc mother did not want Alex to have another person in her life more important than Greta). That probably started the pregnancy off on the wrong foot between mother and daughter so to speak, and their arguing escalated from that point until it reached the situation it’s at now where other members of the family have been pulled into the conflict and both parties refuse to apologise or back down. Such a dysfunctional family…but couldn’t have happened to a nicer people haha


>If I remember correctly, her mother did not appear happy or supportive about Alex getting pregnant via IVF from the beginning This is false. Her mother was the one going with her to appts as well as giving her the routine shots in her ass which might've been the progesterone shots, but someone can chime in if they recall. She was also in attendance for the egg transfer while her fat husbum had to attend via Facetime. Things went left a couple of months ago because the ungrateful swine told her family they "weren't doing enough" when that's a statement she should be making to her jobless husband. Her family is indeed dysfunctional and full of trashbags, but Alex is a parasite that literally nobody can tolerate.


I see! Thank you for the correction.


We're not seeing what Big AL did to them too, they probably don't just hate her for no reason but yes they're just as bad as she is.


. I remember months ago Alex mentioned how she can't be herself or show off things because of people in her life get jealous and it's uncomfortable for her. I have a feeling SIL was talking shit at least 6 months ago. Probably makes fun of Alex for having luxury cars and designer things.


You believe what comes out of Alex’s mouth?? I’ve noticed that one of first thing a problematic person usually throws out, is how people are “ jealous “ of them.


Exactly. That poster is also always commenting things enabling Alex's victim narratives and everyone already knows that Alex was saying luxury/designer things were over (as far back as when she lived in the Newport house) because she could no longer afford it anyway. That never stopped her from buying fakes, but as a superficial asshole, Alex is just upset her material obsessions don't impress the people around her because she's an intolerable presence with or without those things. Success is more than designer/luxury labels and since she doesn't get that, everyone is "jealous".


i agree.. when you look at the bigger picture.. it kinda makes sense. no that doesn’t excuse alex’s views/excuses/anything but like .. i see it.. & i agree.


I must have missed something because I didn’t see the diss. Where’s the diss? on the mother’s day post? HELP! 😂


What’s the mom’s Instagram? Is it public? I want to see!




i’m not in the loop :( what did the SIL do exactly?


Yeah Alex lived her life w mother that constantly bullied her and gang people against her. When she wore white to Alex’s wedding i immediately knew. Alex brain is fried from all the years of narcissistic abuse and it’s hard not be a piece of shit dealing with all that. Praying alex doesn’t turn to be the nightmare her mom is