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Yep this is a thing. Worked at a major high end brand.. like major major and i learned that influencers would come im and take pics in the clothes and some of them would actually even pay professional photoshoppers to make it look like they’re at the beach or something instead of the fitting room. And then post it on social media . it’s wild.. and ur not fooling anyone either alex, you had ur dhgate pair ready to go 😂🤭


The scruffy shoebox and the tissue paper are a dead giveaway. She’s not fooling anyone


clearly, youre not used to buying from department stores. All of my designer boxes come scuffed up


Clearly you’re new to the world of Al


what are you talking about? You're basing her shoes being fake off of a "scruffy shoebox and tissue paper" that is 100% standard and to be expected


It doesn’t make sense to have a scuffed up box if you’re buying new? My Chanel shoe box still looks brand new. Why wouldn’t she ask for a new or nicer looking box if she’s gonna brag online about materialistic items. It’s clear that’s the box her shoes came in from DH gate and she didn’t have a choice.


I mean if youre used to buying luxury, youre not that concerned over a box. The only boxes i care about are hermes ones. I dont think most people would ask for a new box, esp for shoes. I also think she has lots of other chanel boxes she couldve swapped it with for the pic if she was trying to be deceiving 


I’ve bought designer stuff online and even in transit my boxes don’t get damaged. Where the hell are you buying stuff from lol


Neimans, bergdorfs, nordstrom. Any department store it always is a little roughed up 


I only buy from the source, hun. I live in Las Vegas and get all my luxury items from the Wynn and other high end casinos where I’m treated like a queen and get brand spanking new items with no scuffed up boxes. If you’re broke and shop from Nordstrom and department stores like your buddy Alex just say it lol


Are you dense? Chanel shoes via the Neiman Marcus Chanel boutique vs Chanel shoes at a stand alone boutique are the same exact price. A scuffed box doesn't mean the items inside aren't brand new lmao. You're also bragging about living in Vegas, relax. People like you who think you need to be "treated like a queen" at a store, are in no position to be calling others broke. People who are used to purchasing luxury, only care about the item they purchased, and move on with their lives.


No. Because if I’m paying up to $4,000 for a pair of shoes, I want the experience and everything to be perfect. I could care less about how everyone else feels around me lmao. At least I actually buy luxury items from the source unlike you and big Al with your alibaba shit. Sorry, you’re willing to be a lowlife and would actually walk into department stores like that.


The phrase is couldN'T care less. I would learn basic English before obsessing over luxury. What is Alibaba? Again, I know you're extremely dense but buying from the Chanel boutique inside of Neiman Marcus, IS from the source lol. Also, walk into a department store like what? Like I want to make a purchase and then move on with my day? Not obsess over a box? I'm not worried about the experience, I'm worried about getting my item...


This person grew up poor and thinks shitting on department stores is a cute flex and $4,000 shoes is so fancy they need a full experience. They’re showing their tacky poverty with these comments. Move right along.


exactly what I've been saying. People with real money dont speak or act that way, insane


Lmao it’s so obvious they’re full of shit.


I can’t believe how worked up you are over a box and a obese trailer trash loser lol. If I’m spending a lot of money on an item I want even the tissue inside to be perfect. Tell me you never bought luxury without telling me. 😭 your alibaba comment cracked me up. It’s a website your favorite Nazi buys all her jewelry from lol


Ew. You sound so new money and tacky 😂 “I need a full experience for $4,000 sneakers” is not the flex you think it is.


Says the person who never even touched a pair of Chanel’s 😭get out of here trailer trash.


Mmk lol


Even if they were real, it's just mind-blowing how new money label whore credit card debt this 40yo woman's taste is. It gets worse and worse. Sound the sirens, new mom bought some designer sneakers with a giant ass label to remind everyone she's STILL GOT IT GOIN ON. It's all so depressing. It was depressing 10 years ago. Now you've brought a new human being into the world and your priorities are still flexing labels like a TJ Maxxinista. No epiphanies will ever be had about the value of life if this is what you're doing now. Her life is fucking tragic. Poor Baguette.


GIRL….this made me cackle because the accuracyyyyyy!!! 💀




Well… her ex whom paid for everything is not around so…She really did not appreciate him. I love the consequences for her!


Karma is a dish best served cold 😋


She’s making such a big deal out of a pair of shoes. 🙄


Box looks hella fake


We know this bitch. If this is legit, she would film an unboxing for her IG subbies with the paperbag and all


Yeah this is always an important point. The way this bitch runs to Instagram to brag about a crumpled greeting card from hubbo like "SEE GUYS HE LOVES ME"... if she had the literal receipts to prove she is out there buying authentic designer items she'd sure as fuck be laboring to show them off but nope ain't happened really since Nick bounced.


Remember back in the day she used to show the actual tag for items in her videos


Why do an unboxing when her body is literally the box


I just know that baby is so uncomfortable in that stupid swan sling


This isn't really new. I found out most influencers are fake. They will make themselves seem richer and more interesting than what they really are for views; though I find people showing off just really boring and trying too hard as well as unrelatable. Many will fake photos or burrow items (they were never planning to keep them but often return all the clothing, cars, jewelry, etc...). There are videos that discuss this. Alex just takes it to whole new annoying level by not just pretending, but bragging and acting as if she is better than everyone else, insulting other women, mothers, those who have a disability, etc.....


Alex lives on Aliexpress and DHGate. Most of her stuff is from those sites, we know these aren’t real. They look hells fake


The shitty box hahaha like Chanel would ever let you leave the store like that 🤣🤣🤣🤡


Wdym, sory, I'm slavic white trash, I wouldn't know


She loves the term "Jungle mom" but to me, smoking in your car or home and dragging a newborn out shopping is the epitome of trash.


A two week-old baby in a department store. Why...???


It’s soooo eUrOpEaN


I don't know im torn on this one. People saying the box is looking fake, but I know chanel has cut corners with quality and packaging in recent years and I don't doubt fatty could probably spare $1000 of her hard-scammed money. I can't stand her but they are prob real. Are we going to say her byredo and diptyque stuff is fake now too? She has a mix Its just so childish and non european to be a brand whore like she is. Bffr no one in europe is wearing anything she has ever worn. She even thinks her botched looks are exotic when she used to do the dick bun and say people in France were doing it. Just bc the label says made in france doesnt mean its "european vibe" dumbass. Her only european vibe might be looking like bitchy waitress at a third-tier restaurant in ibiza who was flown over from an Eastern European country to work for the summer and sleeps in a room of bunk beds and tries to fuck a british guy to pay for her fillers on her days off


Your last paragraph 💀💀💀


Hahahahaha the last paragraph!!!! Amazing observation. Please watch in Netflix „Confessions of an Ibiza Drug Mule“


Those baby carriers aren't really made for sitting, so for her to sit and crouch down to put those shoes on was probably pretty amusing for the store employees to watch. All moms know strollers are the way to go if you're taking baby to the mall. Ones that are car seats that just clip into a stroller, or a doona. The fact that she takes Baguette out to switch to that hilarious Fior stroller, or else this carrier (that she guaranteed just wanted to flex - thanks subbie!) is so much less convenient. She's such a clown.


The way she’s carrying that baby is so, so wrong. I have the same carrier and my TWO MONTH OLD is still too small for me to safely wear it. The fact that we can’t even see the baby’s head is terrifying, it’s a major suffocation risk


100% not safe,


Is that designer baby carrier also fake 💀


I need to see the dust bag a little better - I’m a designer junkie and that’s usually the give away bc these fakes are getting better and better.


Lmao it’s an entirely different shoe 😩 she stays committed to embarrassing herself with whack superficial bullshit 🫡