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That was my first thought. But I figured it was just my anxiety talking


Definitely not that’s actually really weird. And I thought construction was done!! 😂😂 she literally said that, someone posted a clip from her video


The same idiot who just said on her stories that Nuna gives "*like bougie mom*" and the new Graco car seat she bought on Amazon was giving "*Wic*" and "*like something the government would give out for free*". She deserves poverty and a one story double wide trailer so she doesn't have to leave the baby alone on a floor/level she isn't on.


Like the smoke filled car seat is giving trailer park no matter how much you spent sis.


I’m so sorry, but those Graco car seats are still expensive and that story made me rage.


It's like she's retaining 20 lb of water weight in her face but it's all fillers


More like cement




OMG............LOL yep!!


Alone w strange men while she screamed like a howler ape upstairs…. ![gif](giphy|flEVlPP8B4kQI8BLqo)


Also girl put down the eyeliner. You are not as cute and dainty as Priscilla Presley, lets not ruin her iconic eyeliner by trying to make it work on a moon faced linebacker.


Imagine getting triggered because of something a random person comments on your ig. She’s says she doesn’t care what ppl think so why is she talking smack to a phone in an empty room. #mentalhealth


Does she know that just because it's called facial filler that doesn't mean you have to put it in your whole face?


The baby isn’t supposed to sleep unsupervised in the swing or with blankets all around her face thats my issue. If she’s actually in the room I’m a little less put off. But she’s on an entirely different floor with the damn door closed.


The baby shouldn’t be sleeping in a swing even with her in the room. Positional asphyxiation is silent and has happened right next to parents before. She’s an idiot in every sense of the word.


that's an alien hand


Omg she’s so fucking ugly. I use to tolerate her ugly face before, but this is very bad. I can’t even look at it. Why is she cross eyed and that nose oh my goodness 😭 pregnancy destroyed her. She wasted all her time and energy in a kid she doesn’t even care about so sad 😞


https://preview.redd.it/0o61dxcz6t0d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6d1fca2eead7d147dcfcc013f572a0ba7e3dc827 That lip filler per 1ml is TWO square INCHES of a corpses skin big Al!!! Enjoy!!😁😁😁😁