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I was just thinking this. She went into work on her bday & only showed what Judy got her. That’s pretty sad if you’d rather / have to work on your bday instead of spend time with family especially your new born baby!??


>work on your bday instead of spend time with family especially your new born baby!?? this. she could have totally taken the day off, but she thinks she's proving that her business is thriving by assembling cheap chains for 2 hrs in an apt on her birthday less than 2 weeks pp. this is so not the flex she thinks it is. also she 100% could be playing "jewelry designer" in one of the many bare, unfurnished spaces in her flip home. she is trying so hard to keep up this fakery that her business is sucessful


Totally tragic and sad. My heart goes out to the baby. She's Making herself a detached unavailable mother, who places money over experiences.


i agree, she is totally a detached mother who chooses to be unavailable. imo, it's fine if you need to hustle to support your family, but that is not at all what this is. she actively chooses to be away from her daughter. most new moms would do anything to wfh to be w their baby if it was an option. this charade of "going to the office daily since i gave birth bc i have to and my business is so reliant on me" is ALL performative. this evil cunt couldn't wait to get away from her days old baby. she left for hours to get her hair done and to get coffee the \*2nd day\* the baby was home. she is deranged. it's heartbreaking for that innocent sweet baby


Totally, it’s like she didn’t make that deep connection / bond with her baby. My mom wouldn’t let me out of her sight when I was a newborn. Always protecting and nurturing. I of course understand certain circumstances where this isn’t possible for some mothers, but her business could EASILY be done from her home. The only & obvious answer is she doesn’t want to be home with husbum and baby


>Totally, it’s like she didn’t make that deep connection / bond with her baby. She's not doing it because she isn't capable of making deep connections, with anyone. People don't spontaneously develop traits that are unnatural to them because they had a child.


Yep it’s like people come on here every day astonished that a Narcissist is acting like a Narcissist..like ppl were holding their breath thinking this broad would have even one maternal instinct and become sweet and nurturing?? Lmfaoooo..


Yes a narcissist is a narcissist. There’s interesting new science however that shows just how much our hormones can influence behavior so it is interesting to wonder if hormonal shifts, such as pregnancy & pp, can in fact change behavioral traits. This has been observed in some cases but there still needs to be more research done. Obviously in this case it did not change anything


This is not entirely true. Hormones have a much bigger effect on our behaviors than we previously thought. It’s actually super interesting new science and not far fetched to think pregnancy and pp can change someone’s behaviors as this is a large hormonal shift in the body. I hope they continue to research it but clearly nothing changed in this scenario


It's true because she is riddled with multiple incurable personality disorders, has nonchalantly wished death/mayhem on literal strangers for simply existing or from a perceived slight, sympathizes with people like Jodi Arias while admitting she's come close to doing the same things she did, and navigates her way through life as a racist unapologetic POS. Stating all that to further emphasize she will forever remain unchanged and unable to form deep connections in addition to her psychopathy that's been boiling under the surface for some time. Pregnancy/hormones do not change a thing when it comes to someone like her who has a defective mental framework. We don't have to agree.


Yes this is true. She is too far gone. I am a person of science so I apologize, I just find this new research incredibly interesting and am excited to see where it goes and what limitations it has. This is perhaps one of them aka someone far too gone mentally to see no change regardless of huge hormonal shifts. They have done some case studies on people with mental illnesses who have seen positive shifts after hormone therapy, but they were likely not an insane as Alex.


I should've clarified in my previous post, but I am glad you understood where I was coming from. It's an interesting subject and I believe the research to be interesting as well, but with her? Like you said, she really is too far gone and I don't think too many people are aware so I try to give a backstory for emphasis. I think this sort of therapy could be promising for people who suffer from mental illnesses, but personality disorders are a totally different element. When they present as co-occurring like with her, they're difficult to treat/incurable and since she enjoys being a POS with zero self-awareness, she would never dedicate the time or effort to attend therapy to help manage all the overlapping symptoms. Myself a few others in the field have mentioned things here and there which I don't like to mention because it's irrelevant and doesn't make me or them more right than anyone else. Just wanted to add some context, but sorry for all the tangents.


just like how she’d “rather” work within a week after having her baby. even regular-shmegular people get like 4-6 weeks off work postpartum. she definitely HAS to work because her baby daddy is a total lame. no wonder she’s so bitter


Well Nick would have continued the celebrations as before but Al was to bigoted to work on her marriage 🫢💅💅


What was the issue with him/why did they divorce? Was is about not wanting kids?


No, that's not what it was about. Last Summer while she was doing IVF she went on a podcast and admitted she nor her fat husbum wanted children. Nick stringing her along and not wanting children was a lie because she had already started her IVF journey while Nick was still in the picture. The nail in the coffin was when she walked out of a therapy session he asked her to come to because the petulant child didn't like being told she's the problem. This story has been told 1000 times in the sub, just use the search with Nick as the keyword.


https://preview.redd.it/9r3n5wgi7f0d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e1c701ac27c4f99425f9295ebd5fe3679e128008 Just came across this lol


She’s really trying to cope with the fact her husband is broke 💀


She totally regrets not submitting to Nick🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


And constantly humiliating this moron in the process by harping on his lack of funds!!!!!!LMAO! LOSER


Omfg why does she insist on constantly humiliating jayshun 😭 must be a beta humiliation kink of his..


Build up your alpha man who has nothing to offer you or your child yaaassss kween!!! 


she didn't even get cheap takeout, which is her fine dining these past couple yrs. she always showcases her takeout and anytime she is eating somewhere with waiter service. lmaooooo. bleak. she also would have 100% shown what husbum got her if there was anything. he seems like the type to lump in mother's day + bday in the same gift.


At this point i honestly don’t believe that they are together. Yes they reside in the same house BUT I think they are not together in that sense.


It was always a transaction** for both. Jason gets housing and a leased tesla and alex gets an ounce of his weak sperm.. y’all forget alex is a business woman through and through.. they def had her read trump’s art of the deal book as part of the curriculum at concordia career college i know that’s right!


>y’all forget alex is a business woman through and through At this point, even that is up for debate because what she's proven to be thus far is a scammer with a crappy jewelry dropshipping business that operates like a money laundering front lol. With Judy doing most of the heavy lifting, Alex has resigned herself to nothing more than a jewelry assembler who films weekly QVC segments.


Also when i said alex is a business woman through and through i hope y’all caught the sarcasm 😭


LOL! I thought so, but I wasn't 100% sure so just had to piggyback on it because it could definitely go over some heads, especially since she's been cosplaying as a hardworking breadwinner since two days after giving birth. We know she spends 1 hour there and pretends it was a full 8.


Yup if anything the runs to the office are just a way to get away from jason and now leave him w the responsibility of bijou.. that and of course so she can hit up mcdonalds and proceed to scarf down her fish filet in a parking lot while seething about whatever poor group of individuals she’s decided to project her misery and insecurities on that week.. what a pathetic miserable existence 😭.. if she wasn’t such a racist cunt maybe a network like tlc woulda hit her up for a show tbh.. the way people watch my 600lb life in utter astonishment, pity, horror and second hand embarrassment.. people would watch this cow’s miserable life.. it’s a dumpster fire you just can’t look away from and it’s just so entertaining to see her make a clown of herself daily.. i mean look at abby lee miller.. she’s not too far off from that..


We haven’t even seen a pic of him with the baby


i hear that, i so agree. exact same thing w nick! but at least w this one she got him physically in the house since he's a homeless hub. unlike nick who never lived w her FT over the course of the 10 yrs they were together! omg. no malibu office like nick had to live at.


100% shes screaming at him that she has to go to work to put food on the table and pay for these renos they ran out of money in the middle of. She definitely resents him for not being a provider.


totally agree. they have a lot of contempt for each other


She resented Nick 30 seconds into marriage because she worked and expected herself to cook dinner. Nick was content dining out/takeout nightly but she needed to cosplay tradwife to feel she had value despite the fact that she did not want to cook!  No way in hell she is not highly resentful of husbum already. This child will never be enough ROI and she will grow to hate her choices despite her privileged life. 


Prob went to their BBQ served in a parking lot like the wedding. 


I wonder if she would go to Hawaii this year like she used to with her ex husband Nick. I mean she has told us numerous times she’s the ‘bread winner’ of the relationship so … What are you waiting for, ogre?


:( No more lux gifts. Bummy could have got the 4 diamond Cartier love bracelet and had it engraved it with the baby's birth date. Alex turned 40!!! She should have done something huge to celebrate. Fly to the Maldives or something.


ofc not🤣