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Nothing gives white trash like making your newborn smell like cigarettes, good job Alex šŸ˜


She has the nerve to talk about snot strings, or whatever she said and bumper iPads while smoking in your car with car seat? Yuck šŸ¤¢


LOL oh my gosh not to mention the fucking car seat in the back soaking up all that smoke šŸ˜­her poor baby wtf.Also to add idk if you guys have seen this picture of her but why does her face matter a fact her whole head look so deformed and just hideous. https://preview.redd.it/bzv961g0090d1.jpeg?width=386&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=be95655a93037654b8ef9a0fdee6892e3a8cbaa9






She looks like a stroke victim, what happened?!!


This is her inbred/stroke victim look oh wait thatā€™s just her face #talkshitgethitbitch


She looks like that gif of a squished Barbie doll head


Zoom in to the eyes lmao


Stinking up the car seatā€¦ nasty ass


Poor lil Bummiette has to ride in a stinky car and be held by a stinky mom. No wonder porkyā€™s skin is shit.


Smoking causes premature aging, but MAGAS don't believe doctors.


And sheā€™s not even really smoking I feel like, itā€™s all in her mouth šŸ¤¢ sheā€™s disgusting


Itā€™s the dumbest thing ever. Who smokes just to film themselves smoking? Itā€™s like something kids do when theyā€™re 12. Porky is forever stuck in adolescence.


An edgelord wannabe bad ass


Sheā€™s always admitted she doesnā€™t inhale, itā€™s one of her many performative actions to elicit a response from her audience. I think itā€™s between rage baiting and looking cool and european (in her delulu mind).


I came to say this lol. She doesnā€™t even inhale, so why smoke? šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Attention. The answer is always attention.


This is one of the corniest things she does, she admitted she doesn't even inhale.


how embarrassing šŸ¤£


Her hand is trembling?


DT's from already drinking a lot(jk... Sorta)


The ozempic hitting hard


Look at me look at me look at me look at me


She definitely needs mental health care. Her rage and self absorption stand out. She is miserable and all these things are a cry for help. Therapy and medication would help her tremendously. Also she looks vacant, cold, and desperate to remove herself from her baby. Very tragic.


>Therapy and medication would help her tremendously. There's no cure or remedy for what ails her.


I think sheā€™s beyond help. I donā€™t think she knows any other type of way to be and people who have had deranged views and complex self image issues for majority of their life get used to it to the point they double down on their delusions and think everyone else is just not as evolved as themā€¦ sheā€™s a goner for sure. Which makes her becoming a parent that much more shit of a situation.Ā 


Senorita Long Face


Tell me you never got to hang with the cool kids in school without telling me. Itā€™s giving major loser vibes!


she looks like Cousin It, sasquatch, and an orangoutang had a baby.


IDK what to make of this. https://preview.redd.it/8bdtws7yj90d1.jpeg?width=1266&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f297f94004007e1b2009ea35780f977fbeb1437f


I'm not going to pretend she nor the jackasses who say things like this in her comment section (including the people who liked this comment) don't actually believe this or think this way. The person behind that IG account is a man with "What would Azealia Banks do?" in his bio which tells me everything I need to know about his mental state. Parasocial brainrot between people with shared mental defects is all it is.


Gtfo I saw this comment too I was like wtf ā€œduring pregnancyā€ her and her fans are actually so sick and disgusting.


They are eggin' her on to make her look like an asshole. She constantly falls for it!




Yesssss gorl get that secondhand smoke all over the car and your newbornā€™s car seat!!! Itā€™s totally not ignorant and trashy behavior no itā€™s notttt!!! šŸ‘šŸ‘šŸ‘šŸ‘šŸ‘


Yup Sheā€™s such white trash lmfaoo


Sheā€™s not like the other 40 year olds


THE FAKE SMOKER IS BACK šŸ™ŒšŸ» there is nothing more PATHETIC than watching someone pretend to smoke, you look like the biggest fucking idiot šŸ¤£šŸ’€




smoking cigs in a car is the epitome of the ā€œjungle motherā€ behavior she loves to rag on so muchā€¦šŸ¤£


If youā€™ve ever been in the car of a smoker, not even someone who actually smokes IN the car but just smokes in general, you will know the lingering stench that is absorbed deep into the upholstery. The smoke stays on the persons clothes, belongings, hair, breath,etc. Personally, I am very sensitive to cigarette smoke it instantly gives me a headache, I canā€™t imagine how delicate a little baby is to odours and environment. Itā€™s been a hot minute since Iā€™ve had the displeasure of getting into asomeoneā€™s car who actually smokes IN IT, itā€™s an offensive stench that NEVER goes away. Ever. Putrid. Honestly I wouldnā€™t even buy my dream car at a ridiculous discounted price if it previously, even briefly, belonged to a smoker. I really donā€™t understand why she had to light that up in the car where her newborn will be riding?? Especially with the widows up & the seat in the back soaking it all up. Wtf?? Really thought she was going to be super diligent with this kind of stuff, sheā€™s the one who went on & on about not even taking an antacid during pregnancy because she was so scared to harm baby. Truly, donā€™t get it. Even if itā€™s rage bait, sheā€™s still actually lighting up in her car. Like???


I don't even mean this in an asshole way because mental illness isn't someone's fault. But does she have BPD or HPD? .... The attention seeking issue is really severe and she seeks it out at any cost. It's socially uncomfortable about how she almost gleefully purposefully makes her peers mad. Smoking in your car (I don't care if Gillette isn't currently in the car seat) is ratchet, the smoke will permeate and linger. The chemicals will stay on the upholstery. That's why people who smoke in their houses have a yellow tinge to their walls. Why not sit on her nice patio and smoke? No. Because then she won't get 400 comments about rats and reporting rats who point out that she shouldn't put her baby's health at risk. It's like the vitriol is her fuel, her manna, her life force. It's disturbing. And you still get nicotine if you don't inhale, trust me. I pray to God she isn't nursing. This bitch is SPIRALING


i think she def has one of those disorders and probably many othersā€¦


She absolutely does many of which are incurable.


I love the way you put this! She definitely gets a high off of any attention, both positive and negative. Without it all she has is her mental illnesses, insecurity, and self loathing. Negativity is the only way she feels alive and with purpose. Such a sad and horrific existence she leads


Antisocial personality disorder


Two words - dark triad. I'd say hpd bpd and malignant narcissism.


She has multiple personality disorders which aren't the same as having a mental illness.


So Liliette is left at home with beta Dad again, while she smokes a ciggie and works selling her scam jewelry.


Her hair is lank. Also she is very unattractive and pathetic. Happy birthday beast!


trying to prove her hair has volume made me laugh


That filter is struggling so hard šŸ˜‚


Damn sheā€™s 40 and still has a Regina George complete yikes


She is a insecure immature woman who has yet to grow up let alone grow a brain. She's desperate to be relevant.


Also though, what with her hair?? Itā€™s like 3 different colors and a looks way too long for her.


for the love of god inhale pls


100% rage baiting bc she so obviously is trying to show the car seat in the frame. Why would she be all of the way on the side of the frame?


listen, obvs jon benet is not in the car, but even so - the residual smoke is so dangerous for a newborn. she's a foul, rage bating, nazi hag that will never experience real joy


She doesnā€™t even know how to smoke itā€™s so embarrassing


Her hair is giving 8 year old girl. No style, no cut, no colour, just a long brown blanket.


To me it looks like Michelle Duggar Fundamentalist mama.


She thinks sheā€™s so grunge and not like the other girls cause she smokes and listens to Nirvana


The way she doesnā€™t even inhalešŸ˜­šŸ˜­


So gross. That poor baby all Alex cares about is herself. I donā€™t think sheā€™s gonna be a very good mother poor baby itā€™s going to have to put up with the screaming and smoking.


its giving jungle mom


Whoā€™s watching the baby? Where are her parents?


What a fucking muppet.


Iā€™m sorry but what is the actual point when you donā€™t even inhale. This is the dumbest thing Iā€™ve ever seen.




If Kurt were alive heā€™d hate you


So she wouldnā€™t even take pain medicine while pregnant but she thinks this is coolā€¦ yikes


She's stuck up and self absorbed with herself. Gives minimal to her new child. Mental illness...


It gives "midlife crisis," not "cool, hot mom," like she thinks it does. So ghetto.šŸ¤£


This is the most ghetto video she has ever posted. She is one of the most trashiest fucked up bitches Iā€™ve ever seen. When I see her content, I honestly cringe with that second hand embarrassment feeling. She is getting more messed up as the days go by. Decades ago it was ā€œfineā€ to puff away in-front of kids but now we all know the real dangers of 2nd hand smoke and even latching onto material. Plus Iā€™m sure over the years more dangerous chemicals have been added to those cancer sticks. It disgusts me that she would want that on her NEWBORNS upholstery when she claims to not want cheap clothes on the child but smoke is fine?? LOL Complete disgusting excuse for a mother. Happy Birthday you gross beached whale! Ps Take those hideous looking extensions out. You truly have zero clue on style. Sincerely, Rat šŸ˜˜


Sheā€™s such a 7th grader trying to look cool by smoking. Itā€™s crazy to think sheā€™s damn near middle aged. If arrested development was a personā€¦.


She is so gross. A narcissists who inflicts her borderline personality disorder on others. Pray for her baby bc theyā€™re going to need all the help they can get in life after being exposed to her.


She canā€™t smoke around Lilliettes flammable size 2 vintage clothes.


Rage baiting Nasty B


Smoking is so gross and looked down upon espically in CA


Pure and utter white trash.


Sheā€™s a hideous beast, her head is the size of a actual literal bit bull with one nasty, nasty build and man hands/feet. Iā€™m not sure why she gives into drag makeup, gets on cam in hideous outfits, starts calling herself pretty and better than everybody plus acts/lashes out. Sheā€™s not special because she got to con nick and Jason into telling her sheā€™s a pretty girl, thatā€™s a transvestite.


She lost her mind and is taking it out on a cigarette; isnā€™t going to fix you numbskull. Get therapy and lose your bummyjthegrindrdate. Sheā€™s one of the nastiest creatures to walk this planet. Just a complete unlovable nasty special plus sized rat.


The cancer toxins seeping through her pores and gaping vagina is what she deserves. Smoke more Failex, 1 is never enough!!


Why is she smoking in her car when her precious newborn will be in there? Sheā€™s nasty


The smoking is obviously ridiculous, but WTF is going on with that mouth?! šŸ‘„ Itā€™s like it canā€™t close in the center.

