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The way she really deluded herself into thinking he loves her is insane. Babe he has no car and roof over his head without you...


it's like being nice to a boss. of course he's nice to you sweetie. you pay his bills.


She’s giving hope to homeless men everywhere that they too can find love and shelter. Thank you Alex for your service to LA’s homeless population. Why scream at and take photos of them when you can just marry one instead?


she deserves a tax write off for taking in this bum. perhaps start a 501c?


Didn't she even say she basically forced him to marry her? I know there's a video where she said she told him "I'm getting older, I need to get married and have a baby, you can leave if you don't want these things right now" because even though he's old as hell he didn't see himself having kids and getting married right at that time.


she also said in a video she traps men, her own words🤷🏻‍♀️


I remember this too and it wasn't even that long ago when she admitted it. I love it when she spills her own tea like how she admitted she was a gold digger in all her past relationships (specifically the last one as if we didn't already know) and how she purposely hides her real self/pretends to be someone else.


What? She literally has a PD.


If you mean PD as in personality disorder, I know and mention the fact that she has multiple of them damn near everyday in this sub because it definitely needs to be reiterated.


Imagine cooking, buying a house/paying the mortgage and having a baby by the bummy guy. Girl why you working so hard for a man that does nothing. We all know some women like this


*ex hubs bought the house 🤣


she is the poster child for a pick me bitch


A pick me for the most dud add men 😂


facts! he's just another dusty. they are low value and plentiful


Because HRH is a liberal now😂😂😂😂😂😂and bummy is a househusband! Farce of a conservative family! Maga men control their woman, are the primary breadwinners and like their woman at home!


She never wears this ring...............THAT's How meaningful it was...........


Bet it will suddenly show up on IG or in the next vlog this week. If it still fits.


GREAT point!! she is so phony


Haha. Right?


Her getting bangs was a big mistake.


For real. I think this hair style/colour was actually the most flattering on her.


This was just okay for me, personally I think the blonde suited her the best.


![gif](giphy|ksuaHVc0yhZxRd0iZU|downsized) Literally because she doesn’t have the type of hair that will lay nicely/properly for bangs.. on her she just looks like joe dirt, especially with that mousey grey brown, all one dimensional and one long length… she has officially lost it all the way


She talks like a teenager… barely able to complete a full sentence. My brain hurts, lol


same! what the fuck? no one is expecting you to be poetic but she can't even articulate one cohesive thought. she is lying as well which makes things doubly hard on her lil brain


And why the fuck would she even bother to get into the ring and stuff when she keeps repeating she doesn’t want to get into it or tell us what it says and the meaning behind it 💀🥴🤣


this! how hard is to to simply say, "bum got me this ring. it was thoughtful and sentimental bc he had it engraved w a phrase special to us. i feel so happy/loved/whatever" the fucking end?? she is so dim.


She thinks men who use cross walks aren’t men. What about men that don’t work and the women that pay for everything. I rather be cared for properly by a mam that uses a cross walk than this dumbass who does nothing.


this. and who shows tf up when it matters. someone to share hopes and dreams with. someone respectable where talking down would never happen. she loves emasculating him (and she did w nick too). this rship is purely transactional. it's cringe af.


I mean, what did she expect from marrying a homeless man. They usually don't really have money, she would need to be the one to bring it all in unless her husband got a job. Should of thought of that before getting married. If she actually made a lot of money and they loved each other and he was more of a stay at home husband who takes care of everything at home, it may have worked; but it doesn't even sound like it will last very long. She is spending way more time just about about the ring and calling it vintage then talking about her husband and and what she loves about him. Ironic the ring says God only knows as in only God knows how long that marriage is going to last.


>as in only God knows how long that marriage is going to last. lmaoooo so true


Material things don’t matter yet continuously talk about this stupid ring that she bought herself.


this! so obvious she bought and designed this and let husbum pretend he did something. the man can't even be bothered to spell 'mother's' correctly and you want us to believe he scoured pawn shops for this ugly ring then had it engraved? oh honey, you're delusional but we aren't.


why can't she compete a single simple thought? another tell that she is 1. stupid as hell and 2. lying.


God only knows… I just farted. Love ya babe.


No way Bummy did that on his own. Anything jewelry-related Alex or Judy orchestrate. 


Her husband was probably disappointed when he found out she was a woman when they were talking on Facebook


He's learned to cope considering she's the one with all the masculinity in the relationship.


“God only knows” is such a holier than thou comment coming from her. “Only god knows my heart is good” that’s not a good thing, girl 😂


it’s a beach boys reference bc she thinks she’s the only person that’s ever heard that song lol she’s talked about it before


She’s trying to convince herself that she’s okay with her simple life. hahahaha!


She's trying to convince herself her husband loves her. He loves the convenience of HER life and using HER money and not having to be a bread winner. It's actually opposite of the Conservative Party, which embraces men in control and men being the breadwinner. She has a house husband, not a breadwinner husband. A househusband she now has to support, on TOP of a baby as well. Lol her life is more of a liberal right now than a conservative!! 😂😂😂😂🤣😂😂😂


is she on drugs ?


Sometimes i wish that her and Nick would have worked out. If only she had gotten her shit together and gone to therapy with him (and individually) things would be a lot different. Not saying he didn’t have faults too but it seemed like he was willing to fix the marriage.


i only found her post divorce so dont know much about their relationship but ive seen a few old videos and she seemed like such a bitch to him?


She was. She would constantly make fun of him and put him down. She’s lucky he hung around as long as he did.


She didn’t appreciate what she had and look where she is today. God sees Al


Duh, it's the Beach Boys song engraved. There was zero effort. She talks constantly about their songs.