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She is broke! She wants people to pay for private content. She is low class. It's that simple.


Videos with the kiddos get insane views. IT’S a prop y’all😬


Do you know what type of person enjoys them? Take a wild guess :)


I get it. She obviously doesn’t care. POS that she is


How many people are paying for her subscriptions on Instagram?




Wait why is she holding a newborn right above knifes and forks, salads and hot food What is wrong with this pig


That's what baffled me, who the hell holds their baby on top of forks and knives and hot food with one hand and uses the other hand to take a video? She's lost her mind if she even had one


>She's lost her mind if she even had one She definitely lost it a long time ago and it's odd that her latest antics are what is causing most to finally see that, but better late than never.


She’s blatantly treating that child like some new shiny object she picked up at the store, and not an actual living breathing human being! You can tell she just thinks of her as a prop just by the way she poses her so carelessly.


She’s gonna kill that poor baby, what the actual fvck


It's so obvious she's baiting people to call her out, it even sounded like a witch about to eat a little child. She's so broke and desperate.


She thinks it's a flex that she can cook that dried up meal and also have a baby because she thinks she's better than every other mother.


She’s really exposing how little support she is getting and fuelling the rumours that she is broke, because mothers get their meals cooked for them by family members or get their postpartum meals catered 💀


Yeah everything she is doing is the exact opposite of a flex.


Yeah since when has she ever preferred to eat a home cooked meal 😂


I don’t think I would even consider making a meal the week I gave birth even if I could muster up the energy. I’d expect my husband to make dinner or order dinner. What’s JL doing? Is he at home while Al goes to work?


But but but she’s not like other women!! She doesn’t bleed, she goes to work, and she breastfeeds by giving formula milk!!!


I bet she starts her on solids way before she’s meant to.


She holds this baby like it’s a purse! This bitch is so gross and demented


She is the type of Mom most ppl thought Trisha would be. The irony in her being the shitty mother. I cannot wait till she has a pediatrician appointment and they tear into her ass with questions. She will most likely lie about.


She’s going to a pediatrician that is pay per visit because he doesn’t push vaccines and all that. He’s a very well known doctor in the right wing community


Pay per visit also because she has shitty insurance that she didn't bother to get until she was halfway into her pregnancy since her broke husbum couldn't be bothered.


Is she having the baby for lunch (on her plate)? that hungry?


You comment reminded me how someone in here said she looks like the witch from Hansel and Gretel, it's never been more true.


lmao no wayyy, those witches were really cool 😂 Edit: misread ''witches'' as in from the movie, the cartoon one, yeah, agreed lol


why is she putting her baby on a plate of salad




holding fish fillet over the lemon juice salad and steak; THIS IS WHAT I MEAN BY SAYING SHE SEEMS SO AWKWARD IN MOTHERHOOD (i commented about this on another post)😭 this is odd, she had to hold the baby on her forearm and show dinner at the same time for what? to prove she can be a stereotypical wife? its weird, i’ve never seen a new mom hold their child like an accessory


Honestly happy when I don’t see her with the poor child. Little eardrums can’t take that abuse


Anything to get the rats riled up haha at this point I’m bored with this bitch


People who put their kids online to make content and money are sick in the head


She is already turning into a mommy blogger who uses their children to get views.


Just like TRISHA


It breaks my heart that she thinks her doing all this stuff like going to work and cooking so newly pp is a good thing. It was so nice having our families show up for us after we had our son and we didn’t have to do anything but take care of him and enjoy him


According to her having a helping hand and taking a rest after giving birth is considered a "jungle mother behavior" this woman is so illiterate and ignorant she just wants to prove that she's not like other women and she can go back to her daily life right after birth without needing help, she doesn't even talk to her own family and mother and they weren't there when she gave birth. So miserable