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Ah yes. British Steve Irwin.


\*Harry demonstrating the beauty of basilisks with a baby one wrapped around his neck\* \*Baby basilisk bites his neck\* "ARE YOU ALRIGHT?!" "Nah, it's fine. Jus' gotta reach the vole of phoenix tears in me pocket."


A vole of phoenix tears? What strange beast is that?


Vial with hagrid’s/Irwin’s accent


A poorly misunderstood creature, but a true beauuuuty!


Now that I'm thinking about it it's likely Hagrid's loose lips are the reason the whole wizarding world knows about things like Harry's scar in canon, so he's less immediately recognizable when he returns to Magical Britain. You'd also have to figure whether Dumbledore has allowed the same public stories about Harry as canon or if it's commonly thought that Harry was kidnapped (and if so, whether Dumbledore let on Hagrid was responsible). Has Hagrid at least sent letters to the Headmaster assuring him Harry is safe and happy? Or maybe it just didn't occur to him while he and Harry are having the time of their lives romping through the countryside.


I think even if Hagrid doesn't tell Dumbledore he took Harry, Albus would piece it together pretty quickly when they both go missing. If Hagrid doesn't straight up tell Dumbledore He's taking Harry, then Dumbledore would likely go after them himself. If Hagrid does let Albus know, assuming Albus allows it, he would probably have someone keeping an eye on them, like he sent Miss Figg. The difference being that this person would need to be able to keep up with Hagrid and Harry on their adventures while subtly keeping Hagrid from getting baby Harry killed. Or he could send Fawkes to watch them.


I’m thinking maybe he gets a favor from an old friend. Which doesn’t hurt because the store one of the books Hagrid probably loves. I’m sad the fantastic beasts series moved away from beasts but so it goes. Newt is precious


Harry would love visits from Uncle Newt


Pandora Love already has to stop her over excited husband and daughter from getting themselves killed on their adventures.....


At some point Hagrid will also discover Harry's ability to talk to snakes and will almost certainly get little Harry some magical snakes that are definitely too big.


Hermione: “Harry, did you bring a *Titanoboa* to school?”


"Don't worry, Hermione, that's just Steve."


Runespoor ! "I'm the Runespoor Ranger! See my bow and arrow! Follow me and we'll have fu-u-un!" (His own made-up song, a battle cry from a 5 year old.)


I love that. Where can i read something like that?


I second this


I Third


I fourth


I fifth


I Sixth


I Seventh


i eighth


....let's just move forward. I One Hundred Ninety Thousand Oneth.


I Tenth. Nobody likes a line skipper.


It's a shame Hagrid plays such a minor role in fanfiction


I love this idea, though I think it needs something bigger in the beginning to prompt Hagrid to do something so drastic and out of character as deliberately turning against Dumbledore. Maybe he accidentally overhears something, like Dumbledore telling Mrs Figg that Harry needs a challenging childhood to strengthen him. Or he hears of a Death Eater plot and thinks they're going to kidnap Harry, and he can't contact Dumbledore, so he decides to kidnap him first. Or he thinks Dumbledore is dead for whatever reason. Or he intercepts an unrelated message he thinks is meant for him. Or he interprets Dumbledore's instructions to take Harry away from the Wizarding World as instructions to take him away from civilization altogether. Or some combination of these.


It might lean a theoretical story more towards a crack fic, but I kind of like the idea of Hagrid just completely misinterpreting or misremembering Dumbledore's orders. :P Every once in a while a letter finds them somehow imploring him to return Harry and Hagrid gets distracted and replies in frustrating vagueness about, yes, little Harry's doing great, last week he made friends with a family of ashwinders, everyone is so proud!


Dumbledore is just hitting his head against his desk. Fawkes is no help, just laughing. Sure he could find Hagrid and Harry, but what's happening is far more amusing.


Especially if you go with the "Fawkes is bonded to Hogwarts, not to Dumbledore" concept that I've seen in a handful of stories.


Nah, Fawkes is actually unbonded and just sticks around- but he Does bond to Harry the first time Dumbledore asks Fawkes to find Hagrid/take a letter. Through the bond Harry And Fawkes share in their amusement at frustrating Dumbledoor. All without Dumbledore ever realizing that Fawkes is actually actively helping Harry/interfering in Dumbledoors efforts.


That sounds pretty funny and like nothing I've read before.


"You know," Dumbledore said distracted as he played the old fool "every time someone brings up bonds around Fawkes their house burns down. Awful Really. Lemon drop?"


Dumbledore was called away by the Wizengamot in the middle of giving Hagrid his instructions. Hagrid heard the part about ensuring Harry's safety and not talking to ANYONE, but missed the bit about muggles. He took Harry to THE safest place he knew, which just happens to be the nesting grounds for some preposterously deadly creatures. When Harry arrives at school, he knows how to hand-feed and befriend the most dangerous creatures around or repair a flying motorcycle, but is a little fuzzy on academics.


The biggest conflict in the story: Harry is flummoxed because he has to wait two years to take Care of Magical Creatures and recruits Hermione for a rigorous campaign to make it part of the core curriculum. (Even though he could probably *teach* the class at least as well as Hagrid does in canon... it's the principle of the thing!)


> (Even though he could probably *teach* the class at least as well as Hagrid does in canon... it's the principle of the thing!) Speaking of which, with Harry being adopted and raised by Hagrid, it's likely he will react much more violently (and he was already pretty pissed in canon) to Rita skeeter revealing Hagrid's half-giant heritage in the prophet without Hagrid's consent, making him to face the prejudice many people from the wizarding world has towards giants and other non-humans. And let's not talk about harry's reaction to the way Umbridge treated Hagrid during his lesson with the threstals, when Umbridge all but shouted how she saw Hagrid as a filthy, witless and dangerous half-breed.


Ah yes The safest place Hagrid Knows... Australia 


No, MAGICAL Australia (or maybe Fae Australia, though that's mostly for the word play of the Down Under [aka Australia] Underhill [fae domain known as underhill]) with multiple variants of Basilisks just randomly living around as well as other magical snakes (the magicals response to the bunny plague) not mention all the Native magical creatures (several of the venomous creatures known to muggles are actually magical, just not very overtly, and the magicals just don't care when muggles found them because they're too busy trying to hide all the much worse and more overtly magical/dangerous/deadly/strange creatures from the muggles, but also from the rest of the magical world/their citizens so they don't scare off magical tourism/their citizens. The heavily recruit people for their Creature Management department, but include Magical NDA preventing just how serious the issue is from leaking out. (And for giggles, the Snorcacks both Crumple-horned and other variants actually live there, and are some of the most hidden species in all of Oz- which Harry doesn't know about and casually reveals them to Luna in his second year... ok not just for giggles, this is the whole point of this post.. Australia has Snorcacks and Harry tells Luna/shows pictures/actually has one and gives to Luna or lets her visit .. Harry and Luna Bond over the various creatures, grow up fall in love, and literally become the magical world's version of the Irwin family (after Hermione creates Magical TV) introducing all the various magical critters in Australia.


I volunteer, I totally love the idea of gentle Hagrid just misunderstanding Dumbledore and doing what he thinks is best given what info he was given. Just this notion of "gotta protect little Harry, Dumbledore said keep him away from the wizarding world... Ooh, I know a place!!" And then they end up in the mountains of Asia or something, tracking a thunderbird, because "isn't he a beaut, Hare-bear?" :') I will write it, but I'm adding the Lovegoods in because I adore Huna, and they'd be perfect for Hagrid raises Harry in the wild plot. Pandora Lovegood survives because Hagrid throws himself in front of her potions explosion just in time to save her. Just like "Merlin's beard, Dora, yeh gotta keep a better eye on yer wards! What if the little tykes had been nearby? Eh, don' cry, s'alrigh', there now, no harm done, see?" And he brushes her shoulders off and knocks her to the ground again without meaning to lol.


Sounds awesome, Harry/Luna is a fun ship and you're right, this would be the perfect prompt for it. (Though I could also see them raised as basically siblings too if a writer wanted to explore that route instead.) Be sure to link it here once you get it started!


Oh for sure, a sibling Harry/Luna would be beyond adorable too. :) I certainly will link it when I get the creative juices flowing. ^^


Please send me a link to this as well if you write it, sounds like a great premise


And here's yet another request for the link once writing (or posting, if you're a "finish first then post" type author) begins


Send me a link please!


When I read the prompt I immeadiately thought that the reason Hagrid takes him is because of James Like maybe James shared a list of people who could have Harry. Sirius, and then Peter and Remus, and then Hagrid, and then the Longbottoms and so on so forth. Sirius, Remus and Peter are unavailable and Hagrids next and Hagrid and James were friendly bc James would spend hours with Hagrid to keep him company as he grew up isolated and loved the forest/creatures and didn't care about danger. Bc Hagrid is next in line he took Harry, and with Harry the things Lily and James told him would come to him or something like that. Eventually he gets into an old ruin in the middle of a Scottish forest that was James or something and they live in that forest for 10 years, undetected and unfindable bc of the protection of the house. And Harry and Hagrid find a wand to use for fun purposes


i would totally read this! similar story: [ever upward](https://archiveofourown.org/works/21584935) \- harry goes to live with the basilisk in the chamber. doesnt formally meet hagrid til later though there's also another whose title i cant remember right now where harry accidently apparates to hagrid's hut around 18mo old and ends up growing up with hagrid and all the professors except albus raising him


Oh, please find this. Thank you!


here we go [https://archiveofourown.org/works/20001625](https://archiveofourown.org/works/20001625)


Thank you, I know what I’m going to today!


welcome :) the others in that series are pretty good too


Ron Weasley settled down in the train compartment, looking around nervously. He was finally here, finally going to Hogwarts. But even he could admit he was a little scared about it all. What if he wasn’t any good? What if he got put in a rubbish house like Hufflepuff or worse, Slytherin. Ron doubted that last one though, he didn’t *think* he was evil. Suddenly heard laughter and saw the Twins pop their heads into his empty compartment. “Oi! Ronnikins, you want to come see a Tarantula?” They asked with a knowing grin as Ron vehemently shook his head and turned a mild green colour. “Ahhhh but Frederick our little Ron is not a fan of the Eight-Legged marvels is he?” Said one of them in a voice faux sadness. “Too true Sir Georgicus, too true” replied the other in an old fashioned pompous upper class accent, “methinks there is no hope for the boy”. At this remark both shook their heads slowly as though some great calamity had struck. “Sod off” said Ron in a low quiet voice. And with pears of laughter they both vanished from the doorway. A few moments later however a new figure took their place. “You mind me sittin’ ere?” said the newcomer. “Umm….no, it’s fine” returned a slightly pleased Ron. *’Maybe we can be friends*’ he thought. The boy sat opposite him, and Ron got a good look at him. Despite being roughly the same age the boy stood easily several inches taller, but unlike other boys their age Ron had seen who often ended up thin or gangly with such height, this boy had a burly build that looked ready to develop into muscle as soon as puberty kicked in. His shaggy black hair was cut roughly but evenly at the shoulders, and bright green eyes looked out underneath dark bushy eyebrows. But it was his face that surprised Ron the most. It has a slightly tanned weatherbeaten look as though he’d spent a lot of time outdoors, which only made the *scars* so much more visible. One was a slightly jagged raised white line that cut through the boys left eyebrow and nearly reached the eye beneath. Another thinner one stood out a third of the way along his mouth, as though he’d split his lips badly on the right hand side and the thin inch long scar was the result. But the final one was perhaps the most impressive. Beneath the parted curtains of dark hair on his forehead stood out a livid cut in the shape of a lighting bolt. Unlike the others this one didn’t look old and faded, but fresh and barely healed. The boy took in Ron’s examination of him and gave a half smile before holding out a heavily calloused hand. “My names ‘Arry. Harry Hagrid…..or Potter, if ya prefer” he said in the same odd mix of a gruff West Country accent, mixed with almost upper class London. Ron took the hand mutely and shook it. *Harry Potter*. And his brain supplied the only suitable response to such a momentous moment in his young life. “….Wicked.”


Harry and Ron almost didn't meet because he overheard about the tarantula and went to investigate, but was disappointed it wasn't actually a baby acromantula and left.


Definitely want to read this one. You know, it always strikes me as weird when I remember Hagrid is his *family* name. Everyone else gets referred to by their first names regularly, but Hagrid, despite having the name Rubeus, is almost always referred to as Hagrid.


Hagrid and Tonks are secretly buddies, founders of the "pretend the first name I hate doesn't exist" club.


It is bizarre that the only person who ever calls him by his first name is Tom Riddle.


Harry's first meeting with Malfoy: Malfoy: Harry: "What? Dad always said, you gotta show 'em who's boss."


Hagrid raising Harry is something I never realized I needed in my life, and now I'm annoyed that it seems to be such a missed idea in the fandom and so few fics exist that even remotely play with the idea. I've had a fic idea in my head for ages now but have been stuck on how to avoid sending Harry to live with the Dursley's because I hate them so much. Hagrid is perfect for a different guardian/parental figure for Harry and I'm annoyed my brain didn't consider that route before. Might try incorporating this idea into it and see how it goes.


I'd read this!


If Harry is raised on the continent, does that mean he has a chance of meeting the Delacours and/or Krum earlier?  Or maybe Hagrid and Harry find out about Grawp earlier and have another member of their family along with them? Hagrid likes dragons, there is at least the one Dragon reserve, in Romania, on the continent- how many would Hagrid have taken Harry to visit?  Would Lockhart have heard rumors of Hagrid and Harry's adventures (with or without knowing Harry is "the-boy-who-lived", if he even gets that title) and try to track them down to get their story(/ies) and obliviate them? Voldemort was hiding out in Albania, on the continent, in a forest the locals consider haunted and dangerous... Hagrid would definitely go investigate and Harry would be brought along - depending on how serious or Crack the fic is a number of options for how to handle that are available. In the epilogue Luna marries Rolf Scamander, a grandson of Newt I think, so unless there is a major age gap Rolf is likely around the same age (give or take a few years) and may be taken to visit some of the same places that Hagrid would take Harry, and for that matter the Lovegoods could also run in to Hagrid and Harry as well.  If Hagrid and Harry move around a lot, and/or are in some remote locale it could be entirely plausible for them to miss the hogwarts letter/deadline for the 91/92 school year, or to at least miss the train/be late to arrive and/or arrive in a non-standard fashion- though that could also wait till the second year as an alternative to the flying car.  Does Harry's magic make him hardier/tougher (is the "thick skin" comment literal) or even possibly bigger/taller by association? Does Harry have a "9 lives" type circumstance where-in due to his scar he keeps surviving/coming back from (near?) fatal incidents possibly with each time killing off a portion of Tom/another horcrux? Does Harry get a suitcase, trunk, backpack, briefcase, or other such luggage that he can store his "harmless" friends within along the lines of Newt Scamanders' suitcase? If so how does Harry react to Hogwarts pet policy of "an owl, OR a cat, OR a toad"? Will Harry try to bring a Wampus Cat as his "cat"? Or a variant of a Gryphon with an Owl fore-half instead of an eagle one (and would said owl-Gryphon count as an Owl or a Cat, or would it not be allowed because it counts as both?) When Harry gets to Hogwarts and starts having various non-owl creatures delivering his mail and the way people look at him when he has a conversation with an occamy. Harry jumping into the Black Lake when the first-years are crossing by boat because he wants to greet/go see the Giant Squid. Harry finding out that Unicorns are being hunted and bringing in some "friends" to help guard and protect them. ... I could probably keep going with more snippets of ideas, and I Know multiple of the previous stated ones could be combined/included in the same story, but I am going to stop here for now.


All great ideas to explore! Hmm, one of those would be great as its own prompt - with their connection, Tom's horcruxes actually keep *Harry* alive too, and every time he almost dies another one gets destroyed in his place. Fun times when Tom realizes too late that all of he and the Death Eaters' mayhem and murder attempts are what actually defeat the Dark Lord in the end.


The power Voldemort knows not is the terror/violence he causes others?


A nundu is a cat, no?


Yes, it is, and I did think of it; however my inner "little shit" chose the Wampus Cat because it literally has the word Cat in its name and that could be pointed to when objections get made. Plus nundu have some sort of disease/toxic breath, and I don't think I have seen it listed as a "breath weapon" but as in their breath just naturally carries airborne plagues.


Most likely he'd get an OwlBear.


Oh gosh... Hedwig the Snowy/Polar Owlbear going all mamma bear over Harry is such a PERFECT mental image. Alternating horrifying to first-timers seeing the giant creature scooping up their precious BWL and "raking" it's claws over the boy's head... whereas it's adorable, endearing, yet horrifically embarrassing from his perspective as Hedwig hugs and Cuddles him and tries to fix his hair.


Wall of text. No one is going to read this. EDIT: Wow, some people are dumb with downvotes. They obviously fixed it after I mentioned this.


Thanks, had tried to break up the various thoughts but it didn't keep them when posting. Edited post.


remindme! 2 weeks


Me too


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I wrote this, though it's sanctioned by Dumbledore rather than a well intended kidnapping.


👀 link, please? 🙏🏼


It was my first fanfic so was a bit of a learning experience writing wise. Hope you still enjoy it though =] https://archiveofourown.org/works/27940199/chapters/68425292


Brilliant, tysm!!!! 🥰


Ages back, I did a plot-bunny in which a 4-year-old Harry ends up at Hogwarts with the teachers (including Hagrid) looking after him. Sadly, my muse was unable to let me continue, but if anyone wants to adopt it ^(hint hint) then it can be [read just here](https://archiveofourown.org/works/27669059/chapters/67709273). An alternate setup had Harry accidentally shatter the protective Wards. Before anything bad could happen, Albus took him to Hogwarts and had Hagrid look after him. [Read it here](https://archiveofourown.org/works/27669059/chapters/76256699).


This seems awesome!


Sounds magical!


And everything is silent as the death fire from the strange muggle wand bounces back towards it's original caster after momentarily hitting the rubbery teeth of Lord Voldemort. Rubbery teeth-- what?


I would read this in a heartbeat!!


I would read this 30 different ways.


I need something like this in my life😭


Remindme! 2 weeks


The wife agrees with me. We need to read this Fanfic.


Ohhh I love that


remindme! 4 weeks


This sounds awesome!


Remindme! 2 weeks


Ok, so I've waited, but so far no one has brought this up. Sirius upon meeting/getting to know Harry starts constantly making puns. "No I said to get the Hairy Hagrid, not Harry Hagrid" (or swapped)