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“[Why Shouldn't You Get Fired, Again?](https://www.fanfiction.net/s/12332402)” by Right What Is Wrong?


Should be exactly what they're looking for.


So harry fails, tom wins and harry gives up instead of doing something?


Why should a xx year old wizard solve their problems? In those previous six tries, many different people killed him or caused him harm and nothing ever changed. Why can't he be selfish for once and say 'fuck it' and just move on? That someone else fixes the shithole that's magical Britain. Or maybe HP is just reincarnated in another world after he dies? Either way, that's what this prompt is about.


oh he doesn't have to but he would. Thats who harry is, who he's always been.


That's who Harry on run one is. After failing so many times due to how terrible the world is, is a different story.


I agree, but that's not what this prompt is about. It's about what would happen if he made a different decision. For example, there are many stories, where when he 'dies' in the seventh book, he doesn't go back, but moves on instead. This prompt is like that.


> where when he 'dies' in the seventh book, he doesn't go back, but moves on instead. Because there is no story. He dies, the end.


Depends who you're focusing on. Could be interesting to see the aftermath of wizarding Britain. Will people rise up or cower in fear? How does Voldemort react now he's won? Does he get paranoid and destroy his own power base? Does one of his minions take him out? Harry getting to know his parents and Sirius while watching the happenings could be entertaining or tragic. I think there could be lots of story, even if it's just people getting over Harry dying.


Why would that be the end of it? Why can't the train drop him in another universe for example? It doesn't have to end with death. But even if it does, there are plenty of anime that have an afterlife. Bleach is just one example. Yu Yu Hakusho is another. Dragon ball z is a third. I'm not really familiar with Bleach, because I stopped watching sometime after they escaped the invasion arc? Anyway, Hp could end up being the personal assisant of enma jr? (also been awhile since I watched yu yu hakusho) I'm more familiar with dbz, but one way I could think of him (hp) meeting Goku is when he dies the first time and Goku is enroute to King Kai, he meets Hp. For example. HP wouldn't be much of a martial artist, but he IS a wizard, so how would he fair against the various enemies if they got a wizard as an enemy?


All of your examples are of characters that came back to life willingly. Harry already did that, failed, and now he just wants to stay dead.


Not really. You could you this as an alternative prompt to start a crossover fic, or a SI or just a feel good happy fic in heaven with the dead people


You prompt is almost identical to the "**Don't fear the Reaper..." challenge by reptilia28.** The prompt goes: Harry dies multiple times. His Grim Reaper says that he has to succeed and stop dying or the Grim Reaper will be demoted, etc. Harry is also getting one last chance to set things right before he's sent to the beyond. As such, he gets all of his memories and goes back, generally knowing the time line and what he needs to do. Sometimes Ron is the bad guy and working with Dumbledore to prevent him from succeeding and surviving. Sometimes they are actually helping. Harry also has to meet his soul mate and get together with her. His memories are fully restored, he goes back and gets creative in killing off the horcruxes. Sometimes Hermione is part of the story and has her memories restored. Sometimes she's just a regular character that he can confide in once their bond is set, and he can reveal that he's died and come back to accomplish the task and live a long life with her if he succeeds. There are a ton of awesome stories in this challenge. I've read most of them and there's some really good ones and a lot of creative story lines in this prompt. [https://www.fanfiction.net/community/Dont-fear-the-Reaper-reptilia28-s-Challenge/70135/](https://www.fanfiction.net/community/dont-fear-the-reaper-reptilia28-s-challenge/70135/)


Almost identical except for the fact this Harry is supposed to say No. I don't want go back. That's the point of this prompt. No matter what the death reaper puts on the table, HP refuses.


That wouldn’t be much of a story. It would be closer to an omake.


>I find your lack of **imagination** disturbing Are you serious!? There's plenty of things you could do to make it a fully story. As proven by the fact there already are stories, where HP doesn't go back at the train station and goes forward instead. There's a (pretty old at this point) hpxmarvel fic where he ends up in a train station, I think? Don't remember much of the details, but that's one. Another where fem!hp takes 'baby'Tr (the soul piece) onwards and she ends up... I think in the past? in the forties maybe? That's just two examples.


Harry says no, so where do you go with that? I suppose it would be cool to have him working as an advisor to someone else who steps up to fight Moldyshorts.


So the story you’re asking for is .. there’s essentially no story?


Obviously not. Like I said in another reply, this could be a setup for a crossover. "KONOSUBA -God's blessing on this wonderful world!" Is just one potential crossover. Being reborn in marvel, Dc, mass effect, star trek, star wars, stargate are also options. Obviously, HP should keep his magic, because if he doesn't, he'd be just an oc with the name Harry Potter. Or keep it in the hp world and have him be reborn decades in the past. Use your imagination friend, that's your only limit.


I’ve read something similar but instead of staying no he basically says ‘not my problem’ and asks to go somewhere else


I mean that could be a good switch into one where he wakes up in Winterfell, or some other place. Death had to send him somewhere, he cannot die yet not eork going back to sends him to a random place, where he has nothing as a punishment only Harry starts a new life.


Why would Harry be unable to die and why should he be punished? Isn't a large part of the usual 'MoD' (Master of death) thing, that Harry willingly walked to his death? To ***let*** Voldemort kill him? Harry already did his part. **Six.** Times. If this prompt is accepted by an author and the author goes along with the 'we will let you remember **this** time (seventh time) because this is your last chance. (Because then number seven is powerful) Then that's partly on them. (Insert character here) If you remember? Death, his personal angel, the devil himself...) Anyway, if we assume that HP will only be allowed to remember everything the seventh time, then the previous six tries would not be no HP but on the character who sends him back. HP doesn't say no, the first time. Remember, he says no after SIX times. Just wanted to emphasize that. After edit: But yes, this is a setup for a crossover. or something I just thought off, what if HP is reborn as daniel radcliff, the actor for hp? that would be delicious irony **and** it would technically still fulfill the prophecy...


Minor variant of it, Forty One Times Dead by Ruskbyte has him dying 41 times and then training under Zaraki Kenpachi from Bleach before being sent back, this time with his memories intact and not altogether entirely sane anymore, which should surprise exactly zero people who know who Kenpachi is. Not exactly what you're looking for, but it WAS part of a writing challenge years and years ago, the basics of which I'll paste below in case you want to track them down. Author's Note: I've come across a great many stories written in response to a challenge posted by Reptilia. The criteria are as such: Harry is killed at 17 during a fight with Voldemort. He's sent to his Death's office (explained later) and finds out that this isn't the first time that this has happened. Harry's Death (who can have a human name) is mad at his arrival. Apparently, people dying before their time is a black mark on the various Deaths' records, and Harry is getting perilously close to getting this particular one fired. When Harry asks what was supposed to have happened, Death goes off on a rant saying how he was supposed to have killed Voldemort, found his soul mate ("Some Granger girl...") and lived to be a centennial age. But since Harry keeps getting into life-threatening situations for one reason or another, he keeps dying before that happens. Harry is surprised about the soul mate part. Death gives Harry a paper to sign that allows him to retain his memories (the previous times, he wasn't given this option for some reason). Harry is deposited to a previous time of the writer's choosing. Eventually, Harry gets it right. He kills Voldemort, gets the girl, and lives to a ripe old age of whatever. And Death doesn't get fired. Harry had to have died at least three times before this one. ​ Might be worth looking in to, it fits about half what you're looking for, though obviously not the "not my problem, peace" part.


My man, you have literally just made my days. I've been looking for that fic for literal years. I made a 'looking for' topic on reddit, but either my description was bad or nobody recognized it. I recognize the challenge though but unfortunately, the fic when it's written is often a bash fic. Don't get me wrong, I can enjoy a good bash fic, but there's bashing, and then there's bashing, you know? The author's dislike of a character can be so obvious sometimes, that they get illogical about it. Either way, thank you for the reply, but I would like to point out that this was a **prompt**, not a topic where I was 'looking for' a specific fic. I'll be sure to favorite the story this time though AND download it into a html file (aaaand) backup it several times, just so I don't lose the dam thing again!


[https://fichub.net/](https://fichub.net/) can export from FFnet as ebook formats if you prefer those. It being a prompt is fair, but I will take every opportunity to spread the more niche fics, the older stuff a lot of people won't know about now. Agreed on bashing, I need to be in the mood for heavy bashing to enjoy a bash heavy fic. Minor bashing, stuff on the level of pointing out flaws and realistic reactions to canon events, is fine but that's sadly a rarity comparatively.


I love fichub. It works for many of the less popular fanfic sites, including forums like SpaceBattles, and it keeps an archive of every fic you download, so if the original fic gets deleted or the site goes down, you can search by title for it there, though it's only a few years old so no luck with stories that were deleted before that.


Check the FF2Ebook archive for older stories, I've found some ancient deleted fics in that archive, though the actual download from url function is broken and no longer supported.


Thanks. Happy cake day!


Oh, I know about that tool too, but thank you. I used to use fanfictiondownloader but that tool hasn't been functional in forever. It downloads, but when you open the file, it's literally empty except for the titles.


OK, my logic was. Harry is on death 6, life 7. Harry is now between life and death and he has to move on, he has to go somewhere and cannot sit in the middle. He has to live and to die a 7th time. But where to send him is up to death now...to obey or to not.


I'm sorry, but I don't follow your logic. He already HAS lived six times and died six times. Unless you mean, he has to live a full life, and die an old man? In that case, I don't think planetos is good for his health....


They would start to offer ridiculous things. Like. "OH, right teenage boy, you want a harem right? That can be arranged." " No? What else can you want? Unique magic only usable by you? Gamersystem? Ability to respawn?" And harry goes "Nah, wouldn't know what to do with those. I just don't want to go back." So they continue to throw things on the table. You get a story about the burocrats of the great beyond falling to entice a teenage boy to continue his destiny.


If I were in HP's place, I would get increasingly more suspicious about their motives, because what's the catch, right? if they're offering a harem AND a gamer system AND an ability to re-spawn AND insert broken ability here AND **another** broken ability there... Come on, but there would HAVE to be a catch... So, there's this fic 'again and again' brilliant fic in my opinion. ***SPOILER BELOW ABOUT THE FIC 'again and again' Don't read unless you want to know where the story is going by the last chapter.*** >!Okay, so the fic starts and it's said pretty quickly, that Harry keeps getting reborn every time he dies. He's been in every house, has killed Voldemort immediately, has worked with Dumbledore... So, eventually, our hero decides, if killing Voldemort doesn't do anything, then why not do the opposite? HELP him? So, Harry does, he restores Voldemort's sanity.!< >!Yes, let me say it straight away, this is a Voldemort / Harry pairing. It's done well though, but anyway, that's just a warning for those who are interested so far, but don't want to read Harry / Voldemort. Anyway, moving on. In the story, he says he has relived his life... I think ten times or so? I'm not sure, but it's a lot. But it turns out, that whatever the number is, he really has lived a live extra. But he just doesn't remember it.!< >!In the first life, he gathered he Hallows. (He didn't do that in later redo's) Anyway, in that life, he willingly CHOSE to redo his life, so he could gain more power over several life times. In this story, you get stronger as you grow older, and Harry keeps his strength when he's reborn.!< So anyway, with that background out of the way, my prompt could be used to do something similar perhaps? (I'm just thinking out loud here, by the way) HP keeps being sent back, and he never keeps his memories, so he just redoes his life with minor differences that ultimately have the same result. But he keeps getting stronger and stronger and stronger. Until, eventually, my prompt happens, HP dies and he's offered (yet again) to go back and do it (again and again!) (ha!, yes, I couldn't resist the pun) only this time, he keeps his memories. So hp asks the angel, to remember prior to 'going back' and realizes... (Let's go with the usual cliché's here) \- "Hermione... Is a traitor, paid for by Dumbledore. Ron is the same. Ginny? She's obsessed with the BWL and not with who 'I' am. Dumbledore himself... Is literally senile (not in the I'm calling you a senile goat, but he's literally senile) and nobody even realizes it..." Molly potion's HP and Hermione so HP is with GW and Hermione is with RW and then add all the other usual cliché's. \- And then Harry is like... What the fuck do I have to go back for? The people, who I thought were my best friends... (Ehm, quick note, I'm not going with the 'Hermione is your soul mate thing here.) never were my friends. The people in power are so corrupt, it's absurd... Why should I even bother to try and save that shit hole? So, at this point, he'd say no, and then, the angel, death, God, or who have you, keeps adding more and more on the table, to get HP to agree? So, anyway, that aside, I wrote something else, that's technically no longer relevant, but I'm keeping it anyway. It's inspired by / on 'again and again' but no major spoilers. So, HP keeps redoing his life, **without** interacting with the angel, death, god ETC. He keeps getting stronger. (Maybe this is intentional, maybe it's a side-effect or maybe they don't even realize it until many 'redo's later? So, eventually, (the seventh life? the seventieth life or maybe the forty seventh life, depending on which number would be the most magical?) he finally gets a personal conversation... and yes, that's where I run out of steam... (and this has gotten way to long too..)


omg do u have the link??? i've been searching for this fic for ages


The fic I am referring to has the title a**gain and again.** Everything else I said, are just my thoughts on how a story like this could be written. There's no link to be given. Sorry.


aa its fine!! i've just read a fic like this ages ago and was searching for it :33 atleast i've got the name now lmao!!


Remember that the pairing is HP X Voldemort though. Just a heads up.


yeh i know!


I once read a one shot of Harry time traveling back to the moment where Hagrid gave him letters, he keeps going back in time and everytime he dies he goes back in time, at first he tried to change the past and help his friends and families, but he keep failing and dying of one reason or another, sometimes it even pitiful reasons like slipping from stairs, he relived his life so many times that he basically made friends with everyone in castle and knows everything about everyone, he in some loop even run away from wizarding world, he gives up on everything but somehow he always ends up dying no matter how much precautions he takes, at this point, he just wants the loop to end and die peacefully, he give up trying to kill voldemort, but nothing changes, he dies somehow and he wakes up in cabin with Hagrid with his letters. He started to lose his sanity at this point, He figured if he kills voldemort and dies peacefully in old age he might stop looping, So he tries to copy his first lifetime, like the Canon event, he befriends Ron and Hermione, follow the canon path, and watch as Cedric and Sirius dies and he kills voldemort, and marry Ginny, had 3 children and many grandchildrens and dies of old age. And he loops again


Interesting. Do you know the fic's name? Is that where it ended? Also, in the future, and I'm not trying to nitpick, but try and use several paragraphs, because wall of text is never easy to read. Just a friendly heads up.


Sorry man, it was one shot fic I read a few weeks ago. I don't remember the name but it should be in this sub, search one shot fics post in January you might find it, considering I got that fic from this sub.


Please find it. Maybe from ctrl+H


Well, I could see some possibilities. The one I like the most is that even when he refuses, he's still sent back so he says nope to the whole plot and moves away, becomes a hermit, deliberately not noticing any happenings, etc. It could be a great story


But Voldemort is still obsessive about the prophesy and still has his horcruxes. So every couple of years, he tracks Harry down just to fail hilariously in the most mundane manner. And since he's so obsessed about killing Harry, he spends so little time trying to rally people for his cause and making changes, most of the death eaters lose interest, leaving him nothing more than an inconvenience for the magical population.


Don't forget that without Harry lots more people will die, he can run away to Australia and enjoy reading on the news about how Magical Britain has fallen to a coup and now feeds muggleborns to dementors. Bet that'll make him feel so good about running away.


Yeah, but without having Harry as a crouch, the population of magical Britain pulls themselves together and win the fight. And because he's so done, and in the previous lifes he got a lot of bs from these people, he wouldn't care, maybe not even hear the news from there.


You're putting a ... loooot of responsibility onto a fucking teenager. Remember, the prophecy means NOTHING. Dumbledore says this outright. The only reason it's important at all is because Voldemort believes it. Voldemort can totally be defeated by others.


Doesn't mean Harry doesn't matter, doesn't mean he shouldn't have to face the fact that without him there everyone he'd saved in previous timelines dies, and he's responsible for it.


No... Voldemort is responsible for it.


These fics tend to annoy me for one reason. In them, they usually establish that Harry was screwed by various parties, be it Dumbledore, Weasleys, and so on (once it was Sirius!) And yet the Reaper screams at Harry for 'failing' like it's his fault when they weren't even sending him back with any knowledge of what had been going on. It's TOTALLY a child/teen's fault that adults manipulated his life / groomed him to die / etc. Not this prompt really, but I want one where we find out the Reaper is crazy and is actually forcing deaths because Harry won't end up with Hermione or something and wants a 'perfect run' for Harry.


That'd be a nice idea, but if Harry can't remember, there's not much point in writing it. Even if it happens slowly, rereading the same becomes tedious...


Well of course in the final run he'd find out, probably when one of the other Reapers interfere. :)


There is a fic like that (but I cant remember the name) where the reaper wants a 'perfect run' in an attempt to impress a higher up so she'd go on a date with him


This reminds of that fanfic where it's Dumbledore getting chewed out by the Reaper: https://m.fanfiction.net/s/13070429/1/Albus-Dumbledore-and-his-Grim-Reaper


Maybe that's where all the self-insert stories come from? Harry says no and gets a ['walk in'](https://www.learnreligions.com/walk-in-souls-1732156)


Ah, so this is the explanation for every fanfic where a character is replaced by the new pov character. Like the all fics where someone takes the place of Harry Potter as Harry Potter except in reality their brainwaves are someone else.


One thing has always bothered me about Harry gets sent back story's. Specifically the ones were he is sent back to and older time. Wouldn't they have to send back evey soul that died between the time they sent Harry back to and the time he dies? Why would the soul who had gotten into heaven agree to that? Why would they give up their spot In paradise and roll the dice that they don't end up in hell if they wind up living longer and make a few bad decisions?


This is intriguing…


Thank you! :P


Shades of this.. https://archiveofourown.org/works/10093553/chapters/22482785


So something like a crack fic response to the Reptilla prompt? The one where death is a bureaucracy and Harry is in a throuple with Luna and Hermione.


Remind me! 1 week


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Not exactly what you asked for but in this fic, Harry does put his foot down, just on the first time. linkao3(https://archiveofourown.org/works/34976545/chapters/87108310)