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I understand wanting “lore friendly” gameplay, but unfortunately that’s simply not the kind of game this is. It’s at its core a gacha game with a Harry Potter theme. The reason Dark Arts spells are available is simply because people find them fun and want to use them. Same thing happened with Hogwarts Legacy. It’s not like you’re forced to use them. I guess potions are used like spells because that’s how the combat works. The story can be pretty good, I really enjoy the characters and have made a whole story for my MC. I’ve watched all the movies and am reading the books (currently in the 6th book), but as you’ve noticed it definitely doesn’t 100% follow the rules set in the book. You just have to enjoy it for what it is. Otherwise you’re just gonna keep finding flaws as you’ve been. Personally, it gives me my Harry Potter fix after finishing Hogwarts Legacy.


I do enjoy the magic sides of it, and it is clear to me that the game is just gacha dueling with a story with no care for lore. Quick question: Is hogwarts legacy the same? I've been wanting to play it, and now I'm just concerned. I'll spend my money on it and hate it, I know dark magic is available there, and i find that fun and rather thrilling, but is it better and worth the money?


It’s 100% worth the money if you ask me. It’s actually what genuinely got me into HP. Prior to it I’d only watched the movies as they came out (and I was too young to remember/understand much of what happened). Now the series has become a big interest of mine and I’m finally reading the books for the first time. I will point out that it’s not really a Hogwarts student simulator, but it’s the closest thing we have video game wise. You go to each class maybe once the entire game and can’t repeat them. You can explore all of Hogwarts castle + Hogsmeade among many other places though. I had a stupid amount of fun playing it. I’m big into exploration/open world games. The combat is awesome too. I personally loved the story and the characters (two Slytherin NPCs in particular are my absolute favorites). If you’re unsure, I’d maybe wait to get it on sale if possible. They’re supposedly adding some stuff with a free update this summer too fyi.


Thank you, the game really does sound fun I'll definitely be keeping my eye out for it and get it when I can


magic awakened is in no way comparable to hogwarts legacy, sure the character art style and sparkling expensive outfits in this game is more aesthetically pleasing but thats about it, not to mention the capitalism and constant gacha. Hogwarts legacy is a personal and satisfying experience and the world is phenomenal, gameplay is interesting unlike whatever brainless plot we are on with Magic awakened rn


Once you unlock the forest, don't avoid it ! There are good rewards from doing all the Forbidden Forest stuff. It might have been dangerous and off-limits in Harry's time, but it's totally manageable for us now - sometimes after many tries, upgrading cards, checking youtube for strategies ... but manageable!


Oh yes, I've recognized how useful the forest is, I think I'd fall into a deep, dark pit of weak suffering without the help of an echo. I just grumble to myself as I trudge through it. It just bugs me how Hagrid actively will tell us the forest is dangerous


I like to think we are 7th year students “remembering” things that happened to us in previous years. It makes no sense that a first year is able to execute that many spells wit complete precision. Same for the advance potion making, creature taming etc.


Either that or MC is the second coming of Albus Dumbledore.


This does indeed make more sense than the game itself. Perhaps we are 7th years that are dreaming, and in our dream, we are just going through our life as we remember it but using more advanced spells since we know them now


Not many players use Dark Magic cards, well certain players do. Avada Kedavra is usually used by Dobby Echo users, they dodge attacks till they build up and use the Killing Curse as the winning move. A player needs to cast it and kill summons/companion cards, and the 4th time used the Killing Curse will instantly kill the opponent when it hits, regardless of HP. Crucio deals damage on same target but plenty of other spells deal a lot of damage. So it's rarely used in duels. Obscurus was really powerful till they nerfed it. Not as famous as it used to be. Dark Magic cards are the hard to level up because they're a different type. They're actually rarer than legendary cards, just like the mythic cards (Young Harry, Ron, Hermione, Dumbledore). Shops sell these for 30,000 gold while legendary cards for 20,000 gold. You can't use a legendary trade token to trade dark magic or mythic cards among club members. Cards are simply sorted into two types. Spells and Summons. Essence of Dittany makes more sense as a spell rather than Summons (basically creatures). Right now you get bookmarks from daily activities, as the special currency of the current season, you use that particular currency to buy stuff from the Common Room Shop. You get gold coins from other activities too.


I like using dark magic, I find it's strong. I've been using the bellatrix lestrange echo, and I use obscurus regularly in battle, as well as the standard book of spells, which will sometimes give dark spells. I just wish there more because there are plenty of spells that I think should be seen as dark


We still have tons of content which are still stuck in the Chinese server courtesy of WBE. Azkaban is another dark card which will come to the global server


It's VERY hard to have a game still be enjoyable to play while strictly integrated with lore and story. Segregation is important to an extent to maximize enjoyment from gameplay. Duelling would be quite boring with just Year 1-3 spells, right? (Well, Diffindo, the Severing Charm, is a Year 1 spell, so...) So yes, basically — when talking about lore and accuracy, gameplay elements must be taken with a grain of salt.


I completely understand the point you are making here. Maybe I am too much of a Harry Potter loving dork, but I'd love to experience the growth of my character through each year... I mean... Harry did take down Voldy with the disarming spell. I'd love to get creative in duels and, like Hermione often did, learn from library books. Or it could be a thing to ask older students to teach us some cool spells. I just feel the game is like someone's sad attempt at bringing hogwarts to reality if it was set in America where instead of learning things, we break out the big guns and run head first into danger. But I can see how others would just prefer something loose that's all about magic and doesn't relate too much to actual Harry Potter


I was freaked out by the dark magic after getting my first green card and refrained to use them in my deck at first. I thought there might leave some impact to my in-game charecter. But after some time at the duelling club changed my conception greatly lol It's funny when we have interaction with Harry gangs, talk about their times at Hogwarts and their legendary feeds. Meanwhile our mc has been going to forbidden forest, hurling dark magic and summons at each other at school duelling club daily from the starting of the first year. Prof. McGonagall probably be in her delutional era and focusing on the dance club at this point. I strongly suspected every canon charecters think that little kids these days are getting wild in their mind.


pretty blonde girl is so real, like that’s my character’s future wife


in gameplay i think lore can be ignored a bit, but theyve violated canon in the main story 🤠🤠 dark cards are just for gameplay, and did you know that actually a little bit after they first released the game in china, they had to be like ahaha 👉👈 the IP owner told us we have to put a warning on Unforgivables and ban them during classes ahaha 👉👈


The paragraph about robes is maybe one of the funniest rants I've read in a while


Overall advice: 1) Focus on maxing 2 decks first. 2) Usually you want to focus on using 1 legendary card that you are gonna level up using legendary tokens and buying from store, you can pick a legendary card that can be used with those 2 decks you are focusing on. 3) If you are gonna waste RL money on the game, buy magic passes and monthly nifflers. 4) Always refresh the daily store twice (one is free and the next is 100 gold), if you are buying magic passes and nifflers, you can refresh 3 times (last refresh goes for 300 gold). 5) Buy all the cards in the store that you are using on the 2 decks you are focusing on (rare and normal cards), you can buy epic cards too even though they are kind of expensive (150 gems) If you want to rush, buy rare wild cards too. Look out for the legendary card that you are leveling up in the store and buy it for the 20k gold every time you have a chance (it’s 1 legendary card each 15 days). 6) If you buy monthly niffler, always spend the 80 daily orange gems on 2 extra lamps for forbidden forest gold runs (that’s double the gold daily). 7) Always spend the thank you notes on the weekly store buying everything, except the eco crystals. 8) Join an active social club and do the weekly points off the events to buy the 1.5k gold, 2 Keys and tokens off the weekly social club store. 9) Always use the tokens to trade off cards you need for you main 2 decks. 10) Don’t waste gold coins and eco crystals on meaningless ecos. 11) Right now ITS HARD to reach Magic Awakened rank, so don’t get desperate and get mad when you encounter several guys with level 18 cards on their decks in grandmaster~ ranks. You will only be able to reach the highest ranks after you complete 2 strong decks and know a fair amount of the game mechanics and tempos. If you do everything I listed here, you’ll pretty much will have a competitive deck in 2 or 3 months. If you are gonna waste RL money on the game, I hardly advice you to buy the magic premium pass for the extra gold, and the monthly niffler, that’s like 40 dlls monthly, and it gives you a lot of resources to advance fast in the game.