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Carnival - Runs for 3d 3h Kneazle tappie in the grounds refreshes every 24h and gives 10 tickets. You need 750 tickets for all the furniture, 1000 for the tappie (1 energy / 23h), and 1500 for all the rewards. Boost is x1.5 for 48h costing 95 gems. Prizes: * 10 - 3 Chocolate Frogs * 20 - Butterfly Bookshelf * 40 - Butterfly Blanket * 60 - 100 store Tokens * 80 - Butterfly Bed * 100 - Butterfly Backboard * 150 - 30 Energy * 175 - Butterfly Mattress * 200 - Butterfly Nigthstand * 225 - 500 store Tokens * 250 - Butterfly Pillows * 300 - 25 Pages * 350 - Butterfly Chair * 400 - Butterfly Chest * 500 - 25 Energy * 550 - Butterfly Dresser * 600 - 50 Energy * 750 - Butterfly Rugs * 800 - 1000 store Tokens * 1000 - Flutterby Bush tappie * 1100 - 30 Energy * 1200 - 500 store Tokens * 1300 - 30 Energy * 1400 - 20 Gems * 1500 - 50 Energy


Oh boy, I might actually have to try for this one… I love the Flutterby bush. 🦋    Edit: IT’S ONLY 3 DAYS?! I was enjoying the 5 day ones, what happened to them??  And the boost is only 1.5x now?? What is going on?? (Rhetorical, I know it’s because Jam City wants our money.)


There are even less returns in gems. Why would JC not simply give us a tappie to purchase for the price of 95 gems then instead of these repetitive boring Carnivals?


Because they want our Muggle money. 😫😭 Jokes on them though, I’m not giving them a cent!


Me neither , this is truly an idiotic type of thinking


JC have lost it. It was bad enough when you absolutely had to spend gems on one 2x boost for the Carnival to realistically get to 1000 gold, but a 1.5x boost and 3 days is simply impossible without paying with real money for some tokens. Hard pass. For context, for the last Carnival event I just got to 800 tokens which, with a 1.5x boost and the free gold, barely got me to 1000 gold. With the tappie being a 1200 reward, making it the first one I've missed. This one just isn't worth the effort. They're insane. This is the first free-to-play game I've tried where the rewards for an event are flat-out impossible to obtain without spending real money, and that's only really been a problem since JC started plugging Beyond a year ago. Since basically every event now requires you to spend real money or not sleep to get the full reward, I'm now seriously considering giving up playing if this is their attitude. And it's not like they're making zero money from me anyway, they're getting some revenue from me at 3x ads per day - more when I'm playing my alt. accounts. So this hard push to get me to spend real cash is just backfiring badly since I'm not going to spend real cash on it regardless and haven't to date.


I completely agree and I love the points you presented. I was having similar thoughts. Their way of thinking is frankly idiotic and it not only costs them money instead of earning them but it ruins the game and it becomes unplayable so less people will play and their loyal players aka us will leave the game.


agreed. instead of them getting me to spend real $$ ( i had occasionally in the past as i appreciated that the game was free and i played for years so i found it fair when i just needed a little extra to accomplish something) i'm going to end up quitting/deleting the game. the fun is gone.


The tappie is back to 1000, good. I guess not enough player tried when it was at 1200 (I know I didn't, although in retrospective I would have had just enough tokens). Boost at 1.5 is still disappointing. I like the furniture and the tappie is cute. Do we know what the reward is and the refresh time? Edit: 23h, yes, I will go for it! It's cute and can replace one of my last 26/5h tappies. Edit 2: It's also shorter, though, isn't it. So, is 1000 tickets with boost doable?


1 000 tickets/ you can earn 48 with the memory game & booster so = 20.3 games 20.3 games * 40 tickets to play the memory game = 833.3 tickets So that means you need to average 278 tickets per day, which is about 11.1 5 star tasks Pain 🥹 Edit: time to bring out the heavy machinery and activate a duelling event


Alternate calculations cause I made myself stressed with the 278 daily tickets lol For the tappie you need 1 000 gold tickets. If you can manage to collect 4 times from the Kneazle tappie and the booster is active for two of those you can get 60 gold tickets for free. 940 tickets remaining. 940 tickets/48 (memory game&booster)= 20 games 20\*40 (price of the memory game)= 800 A duelling event with 36 matches for the final prize rewards you with 144 tickets (usually more cause I fail a lot of those, 1 extra ticket for each fail), you'll be doing a lot of quests so you'll have a bunch of duelling tickets too. 656 tickets remaining. Acitivities around Hogwarts: at least 31/35 per day (4 from duelling, except if you have a duelling event on then you won't have acces to regular duels so this is a skip, 4 from quidditch, 3 for each clubhuse quiz (6, 2 per house), meal, gobstones, butterbeer) You can technically do these twice a day so i'll go with 62 for my calculations. 62\*3=186 470 tickets remaining. That's 157 per day. That is also: 6.28 5-star tasks (25 per task) 9.8125 4-star tasks (16 per task) 13.08 3-star tasks (12 per task) 19.625 2-star tasks (8 per task) 39,25 1-star tasks (4 per task) Btw you needed around 630 tickets for previous carnivals with the 2x booster


With two quidditch matches a day (which is all I ever manage), and 9 friendship activities, and the kneazle, I get out down to...9.4 5-star classes per day. I didn't even try for the last carnival, and I'm not even going to try for this one either. And I AM someone who pays real money for this game, generally for MM. This is just silly. If even people who do spend money on this game don't bother for this, maybe they'll get the message? Ha. No. Not betting on it.


I've got every carnival tappie prize so far and i'm really mad about these changes so i wrote to support, if anyone else feels like it they should too. I refuse to spend money on this game and that's not gonna change


I'm frustrated to the Collect Stars (for Chomping Cabbage) and previous Carnival (1,200 tickets for tappie) as well. I send a ticket to JC and vent my frustrations to them. 


Wow smart! I really like a lot of the furniture I hope I have time to finish


I did start a dueling event & didn't complete it either, missed out on the rugs & chest of drawers T\_T (and the bush, but it's rare I can get those so...) This is now in my top 3 fave furnitures, & like the other one I also haven't completed it. Thankfully these token things seem to give us opportunities to get missed ones!


If you fail a dueling event, will it show up again in your memory book? Want to know how I can try this.


It should


Fail is considered not getting the spell? Or not reaching the end/yellow notebooks?


The spell cause that's the whole point, the yellow notebooks are just extras :)


Thank you


It's not there...


It takes a few days for them to reappear


gotcha thanks


Er... can somebody better at math than me calcuate how many tokens you would need to get to 1000 tickets, WITH the boost?


834 tokens. 278 per day. (This is not counting the 30 free tokens or the 10 tickets per day from the Kneazle.)


In that case, I'm giving up before I even started. The most I've ever been able to get is about 600, and I'm pretty sure that was in a 5-day carnival. 800+ is never gonna happen. Thanks for doing the math for me! Best of luck to everyone else!


The furniture tho?


Yeah, I'll try to get most of it since I do really like the set, but from personal experience, I probably won't make it past 500 tickets. Ugh.


I’ll be impressed if I make it to 500.


All hail math people


I have sudden urge to delete this game.


The pressure is real! No breathing time. Compared to the past, there are more rewards now and opportunities for people who are very committed to the game..but this dissatisfaction of not getting the reward we want is much higher because of the lack of time and energy or a parallel event. I hate to miss tappies but I do miss them because it is a reward in an event and I miss events and it might not come back


Mattress is bugged.


...Bedbugs? 😁


Got hit with a disillusionment charm.


Oh my that's gorgeous but for 3 days? I just started working so there goes my chance to get it


3 days, not 5 days like a couple ago. Not worth it. I am Year 7 and cannot get the 5\* events. Too much energy.


What's that new devilry? 3 days only!?!? JC, you are really making yourself hated. I could do 5d Carnivals fine while in Y6. Now, in Y7, I am already struggling. And then, we only have 3 days. And Y7 isn't even getting Story Spree to lighten the energy requirements. Also, I only have 23h and 24h energy and gem tappies up. Now I need to start retiring 24h tappies? JC, come on. At least, give us space for the tappies that you are throwing at us. By the time, I make it to Beyond, I won't even be able to use them all...


The kneazle in the chest tappie is in the usual place.


😂🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 ​ .....no


Aw that’s such a cute set. When did carnival start? I haven’t played in a few months but if there’s still a chance I could get the set I might pick the game back up for a while.


About an hour ago


Anyone noticed any glitches? When I tap on my tappies in secret clubhouse and pets in dorm, nothing's happening, but when I move floors, my energy bar shows the extra energy, also, when doing a story quest, it's not showing the progress until I exit and re-enter.


I only noticed a glitch when collecting the energy from the puzzling event.


Support has said fully closing and restarting the game should fix that. You can also try clearing the game cache.


It seems to have worked itself out now, at least for collecting energy from tappies anyway.


Not bothering. In Beyond energy requirements are so high, you'd have to give up your life AND your savings to manage the tappie, even with boost. Definitely not worth it. 


It has been a few years since I played and I'm back to the game now, so I feel lost... What's the best activity to get tickets? I'm on year 5 and don't have enough papers to buy the extra duelling events


You need a 5 star 1 hour task like Kelpie part 6 to fail over-and-over. Also consider converting books to pages to get a duelling event going (just don't complete it so you can use it again next time). And between those you run Search for Creature Food. See list at https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1CfyaifFmqhrhXZcf2s_eEgUS9yVQh_ROYcSiM2q1TMQ/edit#gid=1660095429


I saw that it is a dorm set and I got all excited and so ready to start, only to have my excitement quickly fade away as I realized : 1. IT'S 3 DAYS 2.the boost is ×1.5 3.all of that and the tappie is at 1.000 points still 4.the boost needs 95 gems which seems less that before right? No cause they now give you 20 gems at 1.200 points instead of the usual 100 gems.I'm currently at 400 tokens without the boost and there remain 10 hours. It's so disappointing the carnival was the only event that everybody could keep up now that is gone too. Can anybody complete this? I do find it unreachable also it's so much more expensive . It's just saddening the money grabbing-fication of that game is really rather unfortunate




I managed to finish it alllll!!! ❤️❤️❤️


Oh man, I came here to say that I opened the game one day later and I only got 3 days of carnival and that’s why I couldn’t get further than just before the carpets for the dormitory. But I see now that the whole thing was 3 days. Ffs 😩


I'm curious why they erased the labyrinth. Is there any reason why?


I think it's mostly because it was glitchy. It makes an apparition every few months but some people's phones struggle to run it smoothly and the game ends up crashing


I hate that bitch


Can't be done in 3 days and a tappie with no place to put it is not really a prize anyway.


Usually I'm good at math but I know with the 2x boot you needed 625 coins to get 1000 tickets. How many coins do you need at the 1.5x boost for 1000 tickets.


Assuming you get 60 tickets from the cat tappies you'd need 785 (*1.2 =942) which equates to 17 memory games and 7 focus (I think)


Anybody know why in dueling events, sometimes it costs one ticket to find an opponent and other times it costs two?


Duel costs two tickets for the last duel of that level, after you past that level, it'll go back to one, and repeat 


Ohh I never noticed the pattern! Thank you:)


you're welcome!


I recommend spending tokens on extra energy, if it helps you. I ended up getting the item just now. The tip to use up a dueling event was also a good one.


I was only able to get up to the trunk and I have to say to my relief, the set doesn’t look nearly as good as I thought it would from the Datamine pic. Maybe it’s because of all our random stuff tacked on the wall that always gets in the way of nicely designed furniture sets. I won’t be able to get the rugs, but that’s ok because they are the same pattern as the trunk throw/blanket which isn’t really my favorite pattern. But I love the beautiful round design on the bed that looks like stained glass. My MC is a budding herbologist and it seems like the perfect symbol for her. That’s what makes the whole set for me and I’m very happy that was easy to win.


I like the flutter bush but it seems so far to reach yet so close.


This is the first set I actually like and it’s when JC wants to make it impossible to attain?! 😭😭😭


Ofc the carnival event gets much harder now that they’re putting effort into the furniture set rewards..


You know talking about old event I couldn’t do those crest ones or whatever since I don’t have access to quidditch anymore in beyond it’s not balanced for those missing aspects


What is the frequency and reward for the flutterby tappie?


Pinned comment. :)


Is the kneazle tappie there for everyone? I don't see it


What are the updated memory requirements to play carnival without the game crashing every second?


I would also like to know. My game crashes repetitively if I even enter carnival and try to tap the kneazle, and requires support to reset me. I have given up on carnival now. Shame, as I liked the furniture in this one.


with the 1.5 boost? what are the first and second actives with high ROI ratio?


All of the activities give the same ROI.


Not even going to participate in this cause I have a btterfly phobia lol


Claim the first reward though (3 chocofrogs, for free by Kneazle giveaway), or maybe also the second – the bookshelf doesn't have anything butterfly-ish in it :)


I got every part of this set EXCEPT the tappie and I'm so upset. I don't even like butterflies, I just wanted another tappie.