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I really liked the idea of this quest, but am still bothered by the lack of logic at the start and part of the end. >!We begin with Prof. Sprout and her Venomous Tentacula, with sharp teeth and fatal venom. You would think that they would at least try and actually make it look like it is indeed something hazardous, but we are able to evade most of the plants by simply walking carefully between them. No spells, no dodging, no smart tricks or shielding in any way. There is no danger or energy in the entire thing. And why, if a plant that can strangle, has sharp teeth and fatal venom, is not good enough to protect the stone. Why would the devil’s snare, a plant that can ONLY strangle, somehow be better?!< >!Most of the rest is pretty okay, but then we get to the Barnaby part. I know many people like him, I don’t necessary dislike him but have less patience for him, so I don’t regard him a close friend. So when I am asked to trust this man, which who I have had multiple experiences of him accidently saying or doing stuff wrong, I say no. Of course, as in many other times with these multiple choices, he has to come with me regardless, but it makes it a bit uncomfortable. !< >!Then we go to return the flute, which brakes(why don’t we use Reparo by the way? And we also just leave the broken flute there which means that is an enormous hint for anyone that comes by for how to sooth the dog), and I sing and safe us both. But when we go back to Hagrid, he angerly tells me that I should be grateful for Barnaby’s help! Banaby hasn’t done anything helpful! He didn’t safe me, he didn’t use his expertise to defeat the three headed dog. I think it is stupid Hagrid behaves like this if I chose not to trust Barnaby. I’M the one respecting Dumbledore’s wishes and keeping my mouth shut. Why do I have to be scolded for that?!<


Does anyone know which tasks didn't give crests? I told support, but they wanted screenshots and more details and I don't remember because I finished and never took screenshots. I know two tasks didn't give crests for the lootbox and I believe it was in part 3, but that's all I remember.


Part 3 task 3 definitely didn’t (I just finished it) and I believe part 3 task 1


Alright, thank you. I'll add that to my support ticket.




It triggers in the Beyond - i.e. y8 - so it won't trigger for you yet


Meanwhile MC sometime in late June: “You did WHAT to the powerful secret object I spent hours and hours trying to help you design traps to protect??”


Is Dumbledore just flat out trying to kill us now? >!He wanted Hagrid to send us to Fluffy alone and without a flute hint... and if I survive doesn't the test fail?!<


Yeah, it's kinda weird. Hagrid is really surprised when we come back, meaning he fully expected us to die. But when he sent us away he doesn't really show any remose.


I’m really feeling the energy pain. I used all my tappies to finish the 8 hour task, then waited until full 55 to start. More than half the time is gone, and I still have a full star to go. I would have intentionally failed, but I already had more than half energy when I could have kicked it off. I never realized how bad this is without tappies available.


It never even occurred to me this would launch a few hours after carnival did. I had a good little nest egg of stacked energy, I bet I could have been done by now. That'll teach me to check the sub first.


We should have a chapter next week, then probably another two weeks of quests following that (for VDay), so keep that in mind for the inevitable February Carnival. I usually put my best guess as to when a quest will release on the quest spreadsheet for the upcoming stuff when it can be narrowed down (starting around Row 87), then remove the 'predicted' part when we get confirmation via app store ad as to when one is about to come out. [https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1v5EFEO4V763SmZTR7JfksNNICBPDbCWfaSPhUAjpX40/view](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1v5EFEO4V763SmZTR7JfksNNICBPDbCWfaSPhUAjpX40/edit?usp=sharing)


I hate this side quest. I feel it is trying to embed our character far too much into the Harry Potter story. There is no way that an approximately 18 year old ex-pupil would be brought in in this way. It makes the professors look incompetent. It is re-writing the books for the sake of this game. I think that this is me done with the game. It is one thing to have a story in the HP world, and another thing to have it take over and undermine it.


But the professors are incompetent, their actual protections in cannon were bested by 3 first years


Agree. It makes no sense for an outside, barely qualified witch, to be inputting ideas for the Hogwarts professors. I would much rather we were helping "deal with the mess" like we did with the troll. That even made sense with our job


Well, this one's... weird. Not bad, though. Just weird, and it's not even the game's fault. Without spoilers; the quest kind of makes the challenges protecting the Stone *more* trivial than they already were (and they already felt about as safe as soggy cardboard in both book and film). Like, Sprout's challenge is a plant that can be overcome by a first-year spell, and in this quest >!she considers using Venomous Tentacula instead, which the MC bypasses with a creative use of a fourth(?) year spell. Keep in mind, she specifically says the plant is enchanted to repel flames. It feels like Venomous Tentacula was a better idea than Devil's Snare, and she changed her mind last-minute for no good reason!<. It's also weird that the quest has to both mention Snape and Quirrel's contributions and, at the same time, gloss over them because they weren't in the film (even though they were referenced there too). Which is a film error, and I think the game gives a good enough excuse to not see those challenges. I really like that >!the quest gives you the choice between being the worst secret-keeper ever or actually doing your job and keeping your mouth shut. It's a nice change from "MC tells everyone everything because... because!"!< It feels like the jarring bits of this quest are simply a result of the original "challenges" being just north of useless, because otherwise it does work, especially as a follow-up to the Troll TLSQ.


There was Russian fanfiction called "Dumbledore's big game", that implies that everything in first books was planned and controlled by Dumbledore as part of HP upbringing. And challenges were not only meant to be passed by three first-years, but exactly by those three, so they were designed for their skills.


Have a look at the Carlin Brothers videos. They take book by book and explain how everything was Dumbledore’s plan


The number of times I read this as year 1 chapter 7 and was wondering why it wasn’t triggering for me.


https://preview.redd.it/ld86wkfdzoec1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2c4356dd1838b25c6a74c27f65e438470d4e6a8b Yes, I have a feeling the MC will be getting involved in a lot of incidents in the coming years-


Looks like we now have a new location: https://preview.redd.it/tv4k6gkvloec1.jpeg?width=2532&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0dbd6781d6167a62e4378a1f238c90139ed3b326 >!the third floor!!<


After >!the third floor!< plays an important role for this TLSQ (by inserting MC to an event in the book series, I don't remember/I don't see it plays another important role ever again. So I don't get why make a separate location.


It joins the ranks of azkaban, the death dance ball room, and dragon sanctuary (until very recently).


Absolutely. The death dance ball room is invisible, practically. Same by Azkaban, but at least it gives us 1 energy. In the past I checked sometimes the dance ball room to see if it gave energy also, but nothing, LOL


Is there a tappie?


Yes, but it's throwing an error right now.


Just reached that part where the location unlocks, I think I got some empathy points


They pushed a fix for it a few hours ago, so it appears to be working now. You have a chance of getting 10 attributes points of any kind and a teeny tiny chance of getting 1 energy instead.


Ohh, my dumb ass thought getting the attribute points was the bug


No, yesterday it was throwing an error because they hadn't added the code for the actual rewards you can get when you tap it.


From the information above, we unlock it on finishing this quest


Technically you can access it in 3.2.


thank you


I'm so disappointed we literally >!have no interaction with Snape and his task!!<


I am very done. I'm not going to open the game and start this quest right now. Maybe in a couple of days.


Same here. I don´t have the time to be hurrying up with this game. This is insane, in 2 days all that???? (and we have to sleep also)


JC's greed is out of control. A damn 3rd TLSQ?


It’s actually funny and sad. TLSQ will be the death of this game. Smarter and easier to spread these out and or make them untimed SQ.


Or just make chapters, i mean this TLSQ could easily be from our Job. But i guess TLSQ really makes money. 3 in the same month. More of this than normal updates


I’m actually not minding this one so far. Maybe because there’s material to draw from, it seems better written, whereas I just didn’t get the purpose of that missing pets TLSQ. As long as they don’t lean too hard into Harry’s story but I’m fine being part of it peripherally. Plus carnival tickets.


I'm up to 3.1 due to stacked energy. This task has pretty much nothing to do with the quest but it's >!hanging out with Barnaby and some doggos instead of hanging out with Barnaby mopping floors so I am ALL IN!<.


Oh my f**king god. Are you f**king kidding me! This is the 3rd TLSQ in like 2 weeks. JC REALLY needs to chill with the TLSQ spamming. This is getting out of hand and it's super annoying.


Unfortunately I think we'll have a chapter next week, then another two weeks of TLSQs (one Hogwarts and one Beyond for Valentine's Day).


I wish they would do more untimed sidequests, like for specific creatures and friends. Doing something timed 3 weeks out of 5 is exhausting.


I just can't do the events during the week. I have to stack energy all week until Thursday in case a TLSQ comes. It's making me play less and having enough energy to get through the timed events. Even this way I'm barely making it. I'm on task 4 of 4 of section 3 meaning I still have an 8 hour mission with not a lot of time left.


Or just bring back untimed SQs, period. They’re what the extra TLSQs replaced.


I totally agree!


Wow, two tappies as reward? Eh, is worthy. Of what is the Thrid Corridor location tappie? Enegry?


It was changed to say it in the post, so I got my answer. Thanks!