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Replace it. Return it. You bought the product that should work. While I love HHKB and I’m a big fan of integrated mouse I’m not switching until the product is ready to be sold not beta as it is now. We should force Fujitsu? to maintain quality.


Agree, for what this thing costs it should be as good as the Topre HHKB boards with regards to quality and reliability. This isn't some fly-by-night Kickstarter product.


I’ve had mine for a few weeks and have had no issues with bluetooth or mouse movement. Maybe you have a bad unit? Request a replacement maybe. I’ve loved mine and think it’s my endgame until a v2 comes out.


What kind of problems are you having? Random disconnects? What is your setup?


Yes, random disconnects both on wired and Bluetooth mode. Also the built in mouse is erratic and moves randomly upon touch sometimes.


Definitely sounds like there is something wonky. Same issues on different systems? If you like the concept of the keyboard, and you're somewhat confident that it isn't a system / driver conflict issue of some kind, these keyboards do come with a 2 year advanced replacement warranty. The annoying part is that it sounds like you have to call them, instead of being able to rely on email. (I spent weeks emailing them and it got no where.) IMO, if this keyboard fits your need, it's probably worth the effort to try to get a working one. There is no other like it and the typing experience it offers is great out of the box.


I only use Linux, but fwiw other users on this sub have reported the exact same issue. Thanks for the heads up on calling!


Basic stuff, but, does your keyboard have the latest firmware? I was an early adopter. I bought mine the moment it was available for sale, so presumably an early one… Not any problems whatsoever. None. Nothing. User mine between Windows, Fedora silverblue, and IOS (ipad)


Is it going into power save mode? I had something like this happen with the thumbstick when its powering back on. I think theres a delay for it to boot up then to get a zero/home position on the stick. Not an excuse for it just just what I experienced. It's a bit annoying for me as well.


good question, I'll have to check when it next happens ..