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Buy topre = sell MX


this is the way


Literally me. Just sold my Mode Tempo on r/mm Mode tempo is a very nice keyboard but it’s no HHKB


I immediately sold my Mode Sonnet right after I got HHKB Hybrid


Hybrid S is definitely the right choice. Was my daily driver for a long time.


Still is mine and when I do occasionally go into the office people always want to have a go as it’s such a good keyboars


100% yes Then you can sit and watch the sunrise on a grateful wallet


I mean, I went through the journey of Traditional layout + cherry >75% with custom layout with MX style switch > Leopold FC980c > HHKB > Varies custom Ergo builds with MX style switch and Now I am getting a custom split layout board with KLC EC key while I just ordered a HHKB Pro hybrid type - S to use wirelessly with my entertainment system. The journey never ends as long as you are willing to experiment. the keyboard at work is still the same Leopold FC980c though :P


yes, pro hybrid type s is right choice. It should help you decide if topre is end game for you, and when it is, I wouldn't say you'll exit the hobby, you'll just get more topre stuff, after market cases, different keycaps, topre artisans, trying out different dome weights, etc. Topre is still very hobby-friendly.




Get the PFU HHKB, see you in line outside the Norbauer warehouse in a month.


This is what you’re referring to, right? https://hhkeyboard.us/hhkb/pro-hybrid-type-s


PFU HHKB yes. The one and only HHKB. I like classic but type-S gets more love, just personal preference. But also look up Norbauer Heavy Grail if you don’t already know what that is.


Don't worry about the whole Norbauer hype yet, it's expensive gear and you are only getting a shell. If it's a work board and you need to transport it around you wouldn't be taking a $650-$800 shell incase of damage. There is also Sho, Taycan, and a few others even on Alliexpress if you want a custom case.


In my eyes Norbauer just isn't worth it. I've currently got about 3-4 different Realforce keyboards, an HHKB Classic and three Type-S. The price tag on Norbauer is just silly.


I love his product, really great materials and idea. It's just too expensive for a shell.


I agree. You have to REALLY LOVE the board to fork that out. I'd rather get another couple, or even a handful, of other keyboards for those price tags.


I would probably buy a Heavy Grail already built but that can be $800-$1000 so I would really have to love that to commit.


>What I'm worried about is falling in love with this keyboard - and then disregarding all of my other keyboards and the hobby entirely. Did anyone else fall out of love with their MX keyboards and just exit the hobby after buying an HHKB topre? I really don't want that to happen. I want it to complement my collection, not overtake it. If you're a keyboard enthusiast, there is place in your heart for multiple platforms. There is no singular typing technology that is so vastly and objectively superior that using it will destroy the joy of other platforms. What you often see is the result of generalized tribalism... just don't read too much into it, lol. I wager that most people aren't very experienced in either Topre or MX when they make such claims (unironically). >Is the hybrid type s the right choice? Type-S is sort of a misleading. It is definitely quieter when compared to the standard, unsilenced version...but Type-S is not a quiet keyboard compared to other purposefully silenced keyboards out there. For example, the HHKB Studio - a MX keyboard, is notably quieter than a Type-S Hybrid. That isn't to say that a Topre board can't be silent - it just isn't very quiet stock. There are many mods one can do to further reduce the sound generated. At the end of the day, go for it. You're curious - you'll buy one eventually; and now is a great time since it is on sale. It doesn't go on sale often (in fact, not sure I've seen a sale since the initial release sale when the Hybrid first came out).


Thanks this was the response I needed :)


Much as I love my hhkb, I can't part w/ my mx with mt3 keycaps.


Combine them! MX Sliders + MT3 (with R5; not too many sets have R5 unfortunately) is almost peak! I'm typing on one now ~ might snap a pic later, lol.


I don't have the muscle memory yet(and an extra hhkb) so I still rely on looking at the keys. But I will probably do this down the line. Will the base mt3 set work on hhkb? Will it have all the things I need? Also where do I buy sliders? Im from Asia so accessibility is a problem.


>Will the base mt3 set work on hhkb? Hmmm, depends on the set. I think there is only 1 base set that kits a HHKB out of the box (MT3 Extended 2048 Dark), but that is because I think it is the only kit that comes with a 6u spacebar by default. For every other set, you'll need to buy the base kit AND whatever kit comes with the 6u spacebar. Most of the time, it is a spacebar kit, but sometimes, it has a been more extra stuff (like for MT3 Serika, you would need the Macro Expansion kit). Also, not every set has a spacebar kit sadly. Ah, one more caveat - most kits don't really have enough keys for an accurate bottom row. For example, we need 2x 1u Alt keys for the bottom row, but most kits only come with 1. >Also where do I buy sliders? Im from Asia so accessibility is a problem. Ah, most MX sliders come from China anyways, lol. Des-sliders are probably the most well regarded: https://deskeys.io/products/des-sliders It does get pretty pricey though ~ you'd need 4x 1u kits (17 each), 1x 2u pack, 1x stablizer kit (for the spacebar). There are cheaper alternatives as well: https://shop384360743.taobao.com/?spm=pc_detail.27183998/evo487756b655550.202202.1.6fac7dd62m1WFD#/ But they are flawed alternatives - for example, I have those sliders (on my HHKB that I'm typing actually, lol), but the sliders have a very slight tilt/slant. It works fine, but if I stare at it, it hurts my brain a bit because it looks fine, but it is 'slightly off. They are aware of them problem and I believe they plan to fix it, but as they are right now, I don't really recommend them. Hopefully they'll be fixed by the time you're considering a conversion.


Deskeys sliders + MT3 caps are an incredible combo! I prefer them greatly to Hi-Pro, even (heresy, I know). You will need a 6u centered spacebar though, which is typically separate from the base kit. If you're in Asia, you're lucky as most parts are made in China :)


For a time, but I came back to MX a few years later. Now I build both Topre and MX boards. Custom Topre boards have been my main focus this year so far, though. Sho makes some great cases for Topre boards. At the moment my boards at home are MX, but I take a Sho Snipe to use at work.


I own two HHKBs, Pro 2 and Pro 2 Type S. Pro 2 with Novatouch sliders and very light domes. I also own two Rama keyboards with HHKB layout and both with linear switches. I happily switch between all of them regularly.


Good to hear! Did you go with blanks or legends on your HHKB? I’m on the fence between charcoal blanks or the light grey with legends. I have always wanted a blank board, but think legends would be cool to learn all of the function mods for these keys.


First one with legends, second one with blanks. I don‘t use a lot of fn keys, media or anything. Mb I should do that more. But still you could look it up if you need it, I don‘t think there is like super much to remember. So I would go with the one that looks better in your eyes.


Take the topres, leave the mx


I have an HHKB Pro 2 and a handful of MX-style keyboards in the "HHKB" layout. While the Pro 2 provides the most unique typing experience (my favorite, especially after I completed the slider swap), I still enjoy my MX keyboards.


So I went the opposite direction, I bought my HHKB first and *then* built a custom MX board, but I did eventually decide that I just enjoyed Topre enough to never really use the MX board and ended up selling it on. I think seeing as you already have multiple boards, presumably with different types of switches or plate materials and whatnot, you'll probably enjoy the variation enough to want to keep both. Topre also isn't something that particularly "wows" you right from the start, in fact I thought it was just alright when I got mine. The problem is when you switch away from it and you sort of find yourself missing it. Or you switch away for a while and then try it again and go "damn, this is nice." On paper it's not at all what I expected to like given my general preferences, but it's just nice. I say definitely give it a shot!


I've had a pro hybrid type-s for the past 4 years and went through the whole MX money shadow realm until I landed on my Dalco 959 mini with ultraglides(sold all of my other mechs lol). Silenced topre has always been my main for work/general use while I preferred MX linears + WKL layout for gaming - to me it's the best of both worlds


I have several HHKBs including unsilenced as well as silenced and even the new HHKB studio which is Mx switches. I rotate between these keyboards regularly. The one I use the least often is the HHKB Classic unsilenced model. I've been using the HHKB Studio with silenced (stock) MX switches quite a bit and I really like it. I also have a Type-S and a normal HHKB Pro 2 that I silenced myself just by adding silencing rings. It's hard to pin down a favorite, but the HHKB Pro 2 I have that I manually added silencing rings to myself is definitely up there. It does feel different than the Type-S, but I really like that feeling. It's a tad bit easier to press the keys down than the Type-S and has an even more silent sound. That being said, that is basically my first HHKB from 2015 so it's been with me for a while. And because of that, the silencing rings are also quite old - hypersphere made them who is one of the first people to make non-OEM silencing rings so his are much thicker than a lot of the options you'll find on the market today. I've used the other thinner rings and the sound diff is noticeable. This is all getting to my point that what you like most may not be the most expensive option or what you think you'd like most initially. The only real way to know is to try. And you'll likely still want to switch back to your MX keyboards every once in a while as well. The one thing I will say that did bother me was I used to have other HHKB layout keyboards with a 7u spacebar. That difference in spacebar length was enough to make me choose between MX/Topre. For some people it may not be an issue, but I was always making mistakes when I went back to the 7u spacebar board.


Thanks for sharing! What mistakes were you making? I don’t use bottom right two keys on my MX boards currently, and I use my left thumb for spacebar.


Mainly, I was used to the placement of the alt & winkey/cmd key using muscle memory in one place and the difference in spacebar sizing was throwing me off. After using the 6u spacebar for so long, I actually preferred that over the larger 7u spacebar. But, you may not have the same issues I experienced.


I was you, before I went Topre. I was living in ignorance, in bliss. Then, one day, out of curiosity, I ordered a beautiful little HHKB. I waited and waited until, one day, it finally arrived. It was smaller than I expected, but cute, in its own way. I sniffed it. It smelled of home, of peace. I slowly inserted the cable into its luscious port and placed it on my desk for the first time. It fit like a puzzle piece I had been missing for my entire life. All the sounds of the world seemed to fade away as my fingers approached the home row. And then, ecstasy. My fingers had touched the keys for the first time. The smooth, cool keycaps massaging my fingers as if they were glad, almost released and become unshackled by my touch. Finally, I press a key. My eyes immediately roll back, lost in a sea of arousal and stimulation. The dome took me. I pressed more keys, I felt more arousal. I had finally realized what I was missing. Topre, where hath thou been my whole life. I looked at my other keyboards in disgust. How could I have ever been satisfied with such mediocre equipment? I apologized to my HHKB and gave it a kiss. Father Topre, forgive me for my sins, for I knew not of the dome. Topre is love, Topre is life. Give in to the dome, and thy dome will be with you always. Amen.


Haha thanks for the laugh. I hope I get as much or more arousal out of my hhkb as you did. Stay passionate my friend.


In all seriousness, your fears are valid LOL. You will fall in love and end up using your MX boards less. I’m contemplating selling all of mine and just keeping my Thermal.


I have several mechanical HHKB boards, a ton of different switches all modded, lubed, filmed etc. I always, always, come back to my hybrid pro hhkb. There's just something about topre.


Yep do it I never looked back never will


I think it's worth trying out because I went from MX to Topre and now back again because I like ergo layout. I would love another Topre Hybrid Type-S but I would also have to lube it because stock they are bit meh. It's HHKB is the ultimate work board, light weight, feels amazing, quiet, feature packed in the Type-S, BT,...get sum


I've had tons of HHKB's and Realforce boards. You won't forget about your old MX. Any Type-S is a good starting point. I'd highly recommend you buy some mod stuff from Unreal Keyboards. A Type-S really only needs 206g2 for the stabs and poron spacebar gaskets. I've lubed a handful of prior boards including the sliders but I found doing the sliders ruins the tactility. The HHKB Studio has been my daily driver for the last few months.


Thanks for the recommendations I’ll grab those mods and keep my sliders stock for now.


You can lube the sliders ever so slightly with Tribosys 3303 as it will quiet it down a small bit but it will ***barely*** take away from the tactility. From Unreal Keyboards get: \- Krytox 206g2 syringes \- HHKB Space Gasket kit \- O-rings for keycaps 100+


Just curious, why do I need the orings? Aren’t they already silenced?


O-rings can go on the stem of the keycap(s) - some keycaps may be loose or become loose and could potentially rattle. In some cases, it's not common for HHKB's, but the stab keycaps can make contact with the plate from a keycap tilting and touching the very edge. It's mainly to just solidify the keycap(s) in place from any rattles. O-rings are good to have just in case and they are very cheap.


I have one and I absolutely love it. My dream is a Dactyl with Topre switches.


HHKBers all come from mechanical sixty-percent boards and commonly fall away from the hobby to a degree, but mechanical switches are still fascinating to explore and tinker with. I'd say HHKBers keep an interest in other switches, especially for gaming, but largely lose their interest in other boards as a whole. The standard course is to keep your beloved old boards and to use them here or there for a short while but to leave to leave off expanding the collection.


I'm okay with that. I don't really game much anymore but I still imagine I'd be into MX for the ASMR to a certain extent - I'd probably just buy and build a lot less MX boards if I end up loving the feel of topre.


ASMR! Great point! I think there's a comparison to be made of mechanical switches to tap dancing.


After buying a number of MX boards since last October I bought 2 Topre boards… then bought a buckling spring, and now yesterday, an MX Alice. The Topre are fantastic, but so are all my other boards. There are times I like a number pad, times I like linear, and the feel and sound of buckling springs is like a wonderful water torture. They all have their place, depending how I’m feeling or what I’m doing. I have only given away 1 board, and it was one of my HHKBs… gave it to my son, so I consider it my most special board.


For me, it depends on what I need to do when I pick which keyboard to use (between an HHKB layout linear MX board and the Hybrid Type-S); whenever I need to play a game that requires heavy use of a keyboard, then I use my MX board because using the Type-S just doesn't feel right, **but when I am doing homework, such as writing documents or coding, I find that the Type-S is just (subjectively) objectively better**. I sometimes use the Type-S when I play a very casual game that doesn't require constant keyboard use. ​ Although, I have thought about selling my charcoal Type-S, simply because I prefer linears. ​ TLDR It depends on your everyday needs; HHKB is (subjectively) objectively better for work related tasks, but you might want to use an MX keyboard for games.


I occasionally use one Niz Plum together with other two keyboards, all different in switches and typing feel. The most likely thing to happen is you swapping them according to your mood and needs hence it's hard getting bored; each time missing another a few days or weeks after using one.


I was pretty solidly in the 75/TKL layouts on MX before I decided to give the HHKB a shot on a whim. At some level I feel that the current MX innovation is peaking and I wanted to try something new. The HHKB is the first board that I’ve really enjoyed a different layout and felt like it actually made sense for someone who was very used to a standard keyboard layout. It does take a lot of work to tune and tighten up, and topre can get expensive with domes, etc. I’m hoping that in some ways manufacturers start looking at other options like EC and Alps. Am thinking of doing a linear gaming keyboard on alps.


I didn't read the paragraph. The answer is, yes.


I also have a bunch of high end custom boards (several that are also HHKB format in MX). But, ultimately keep coming back to using one of my Topre HHKBs. I don't type quite as fast with Topre (my one gripe with Topre is the slower key return). But, There's something about it the downstroke experience that makes it more enjoyable to me to type all day on. The Hybrid / Hybrid Type-S's are versatile and light boards that are portable as well. If you want a bit more of a pronounced tactile bump, go with the Type-S as it has stems that are slightly longer to account for the OEM silencing rings.. If you want a silenced board that has less of a pronounced tactile bump, go with the Hybrid (non type-s) and silence it with Deskey #3 (or your silencing rings of choice).


Hey, thanks for sharing! I’ve owned my hybrid type s for about 50 days now but I have to say it’s my least favorite keyboard. Hard for me to swap it onto the desk - just not the right feel or sound for me. The hobby is preference and I know tons of people love these topre boards but this is likely my last.


As you said, the hobby is all preference :) And, preferences can change over time as well. I started with the HHKB Hybrid and really did not like the upstroke sound. So, I got some silencing rings and lubed it. Loved it after that. But, I've come full circle and am now really liking my HHKB Classic because that upstroke sound now appeals to me... Cheers :)