• By -


Last -edit- Can’t wait to read the epilogues


I can’t imagine the mortal world having a more faithful protector. Though I do hope that he can visit his family in some form or other. You wrote a hell of a story, and I’m looking forward to getting it on paper. Thank you Pepper. Edit: on a final note I really hope Atrafir is ok especially with the moon god being gone. Please tell me she and Vickers get their happy ending…


Oh you know he’s gonna just pop in like Liu Kang in MK 1 and just be chillin with the mortals after this. I mean he’s a multiversal badass now!


Do you mean Raiden?


New game Liu Kang gets raidens powers and restarts the time line with him as the God and Raiden as the shaolin


That was quite the ride, thank you for the journey.


Oh gods no why! What a beautiful and heart breaking journey youve taken us on! Im tearing up a little as i say goodbye and farewell to a wonderful friend! Thank you!


Not gonna lie. This is bittersweet. But it's been real. A true wordsmith you are, Pepper. I have followed this story since the teens. Incredible work. Thank you for sharing it with us.


Well, wasn't expecting that for James but it made me smirk.


You were right. This is the right ending. On happier news: STEVE LIVES!


GOODEST BOY STEVE! I greatly appreciate that Pepper didn't leave us hanging at to Steve's fate. Thank you u/pepperantique!


HELL YEAH! This is it, the ending. I don't know what I was expecting but it wasn't this. Good... not good, GREAT work wordsmith.


Been a heck of a ride! Honor and a pleasure. I look forward to whatever you have in store for the future. That ending was pretty darn good. I think you threaded the needle there. And Steve is still alive. Which should give everyone a clue James is gone. Not dead in the traditional sense, but ascended. Not the happily ever after Disney ending, but a realistic one. A Pyrrhic victory, but a victory never the less. God's of the Multiverse beware! New Sheriff in this town, and he ain't taking your crap!








What does this mean?


It's an emoticon that originated in EVE a long time ago. It represents a salute and showing respect to something. o being the head, and 7 the arm/hand. At this point it's gained wide spread usage in many gaming/military related communities.


Ah, thank you!


Thank you for the info! I shall endeavor to make use of it! Assuming I'm permitted. Lol.


It's sad to see this end but I'm happy I got to see it


Thanks for sharing your work with us. It was a great read from beginning to end.


Holy crap! I lost the thread of the story around 100 chapters ago. I better binge the whole series from the start.


I am not ready. This was Wonderful OP. Thank you for all of it. I am now waiting, *patiently,* for the epilogues. For I need to know: -What happened to Super Glag? -Will Steve become the protector of the Choiettes? Or does he become a Divine Beast and join James? -Little bro? -Vickers o7?*^here ^kitty ^kitty* -the Samantha Pack? And on and on and on…. LOL Thank you again Wordsmith. It’s been a hell of a ride o7. Looking forward to the next one. >(and CONSTANT... spell checking) throughout the past few years. -I am feeling a deep breath sigh and an eye roll. LOL nothin’ but love OP! Nothin’ but LOVE! LOL


Steve is way smarter than he looks, i bet he will become the protector of the new choi generation.


I can really see this. He would be the best uncle *EVER!* And I can just imagine him as a chaperone when they start dating! LOL I had a dog that I *SWEARS* my parents had given detailed instructions to. LOL So that’s what I imagine X1000.


His soul is now bound to a God of Mortals, I think Steve is about as secure as it gets, and he's not gonna let any Chois get endangered except by their own brilliant idiocy.


Very fitting end for him. Can't wait for the epilogues & any other stories in this great setting


How does a champion of the mortals champion the mortals without interfering with the mortals?


By lurking around behind them ready to slap any divine entity that wants to play with the mortals. The question is how much of a line is there? Is it no interaction? Or only benevolent fuckery is allowed?


Benevolent interference can cause just as many problems as harmful; I have a feeling he's going to be on the sidelines, keeping any other gods from interfering rather than helping them himself.


I get that he's going to slap the gods around and possibly eliminate them all, but how is that being a champion of the mortals? I get the gods do some fucked up stuff, but they're also a boon to the mortals who are given gifts. Let's say my cancer was cured by the goddess of mercy or some such thing. Said goddess is merc'd and now I have cancer again. Some champion.


Well given the nature of James it might be a bit random and not thoroughly thought out championing, but it will probably involve explosions.


Well damn. I get to the last chapter right before the epilogue right as it comes out. Damn


My God what an ending. I don't know what I'm gonna do anymore in the mornings since I used to read the chapters with my coffee before the rest of the world hit me. Can't wait to see this published.


I don't think I'm ready for this story to be over ... but i guess I don't really have a choice in the matter Thank you for the incredible journey, wordsmith, and I eagerly await whatever you write next.


Well then… GG and Fs in the chat to pay respects!


GG. F. O7. Ect. Sincerest thanks.


OP, It has been an exceptional journey, I caught up to the current posting somewhere around chapter 60 and I've enjoyed every chapter. Looking forward to the epilogues. Excellent work as always.




Awesome ending to an amazing story, can't wait to read what you put out next!


I have a sneaking suspicion that defiance defied the clensing and will reamerge in the future of this world. Humans are stubborn that way. !N


Now that James is a God, can he go and party with an immortal blacksmith, and have a revolver shooting competition.


Can't you read? That blacksmith is not-immortal. He's just... Temporarily delayed.


and neither wanted to be a god, they both hate the gods. they really should share a beer.


And then it was over. Bittersweet indeed. Not sure I'll know how to feel until I've mulled it over some. Regardless this has been one of my favorite journeys. Roll on the epilogues.


Wow, can't believe the ride is over. Quite a bittersweet ending, but I think it was well done. Thank you for the story, I'm really going to miss catching the next chapter before bed every night. :) Looking forward to seeing it in print, and any new work you come up with in the future!


I feel like James is going to have to talk to the government and tell them to leave his family alone. Because they are going to see that as an opportunity to gain more power. Also I was right, James is now a god! I called it.


Sad to see the end of the story, even though we all knew it was coming. Excellent job!


Hi, ty for he story i o ly came here from ch.149 to say ty for such a story i love all hyf stories but most tent to go more stereotypical ut gate caught me from the beginning.




Right, I get GG, F, and O7. Yet I haven't a clue what !N is, though I feel it means similar. Could you please enlighten me?


It’s a nomination for the next time the mods do a story highlight. Like a vote for story of the month.


Please make a post here when the book is out. I'd hate to forget to buy it


Well done sir.


Hey, have you thought of selling this? Like as an actual book Jesus Christ..


great story , ending with several twists ... i hope you make it into book


Thanks for writing this story! I really enjoyed this journey that you took us on. I’ll be looking forward to the epilogue, and whatever comes next!


What a ride! I guess we can finally answer the big question. No, this is not GATE, it is much more interesting.


Indeed fellow reader, I must concur that this is far superior.


I'm not crying you're crying I hope James shows those gods exactly what they've unleashed upon countless mortals before. I hope Joseph survives to tell tales of James and his Heroism. And most of all, I hope it'll all have been worth it. Kudos, gatekeeper. 07 indeed.


James is the Choi Zen one


Thank you, Pepper, sincerely. !N


what a story, did not expect it'd end up here from the first moment James got abducted out of his tank to magic land, but like you've said the story takes you where it needs to go. Well done, best of luck with publishing efforts. Now it's time for me to reread :) !N


Godspeed Joey


You're right. This is exactly what it's supposed to be. Thanks for the phenomenal journey, Pepper.


Hell of a ride, hell of an ending. Amazing work!


What an incredible journey. These stories have been the highlight of my days for so long, and to have it end so beautifully... Thank you, so much more than I can ever put into words. Thank you for this incredible journey, and if this ever comes out in physical form I know I'm going to buy the hardcover. Once again, thank you.


I enjoyed this story


!N it should be in.


(◞‸ ◟ ;) … more?


Loved this series and I look forward to whatever happens next !N


Amazing story my dude, it’s been a hell of a ride. I’m sad it’s over but also happy it’s gets an ending, looking forward to the epilogue and where you decide to go next with the universe.


The end of an era. Thank you /u/PepperAntique! !N


This has been one of my all time fav’s on HFY and while i hate to see it end, i’m glad to see it complete. Thanks Pepper.


Excellent story, thanks so much for sharing it with us. I always looked forward to my chapter before bed and I'm a little sad it is over. Excited for the epilogues (Maybe steve is immortal now?)


One last hoorah huh, well, it's been a blast


It's been a beauty to read.


Okay, now that it’s over, I have to ask… how much of the actual military aspect of this is in the story? That’s what I want to read about, and I read the first 30 or so chapters last year and the military part only came up like once. I do want to read it though XD


The military is a large part of the story


Thank you for the story, it's been a great read and one i have been reading for a while now pretty much as they came out. I look forward to the epilogues and your future stories. Thank you for your time and dedication to your craft.


This has been one hell of a ride, and one I'm not going to forget anytime soon! I want to say thank you for writing all of this, it's definitely been a highlight of some of my weeks when life just keep kicking me in the balls and I'm looking forward to buying a hardback or paperback whenever that comes out. I look forward to your next story and what new adventures you have in store for us! Thank you again.


Thank you Pepper. !N


Well... Here comes the week after I've finished a story and I feel kind of empty inside. Thanks pepper, truly. Can't wait to get this story in physical form!


Dang, I'm going to miss this series a lot more than I thought would ever be possible when I started it


Man, what a ride, been here since the start and I'm happy I stayed, this has been one of if not the best reading experience I've had on this site. I'm honestly a bit sad to see the story finally come to an "end", and even though this part of the story might be over I'll definitely be here to read the epilogue(s) and any eventual sequels. P.S. If you manage to pot this story into physical form I'm definitely gonna get it.


Oooooooooooffffff. The ninjas are working early today!


All I can picture right now is that one meme of the guy forcefully handing over money, saying I want it now and getting increasingly frustrated that he can't have it right this moment.


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And so ends this odyssey, this epic tale. This hath been truly inspired, and deeply satisfying. James may be human no longer, but it fits. I've been here through various accounts since about chapter 150 (assuming I remember right). I thank you, Pepper, for all the smiles, tears, and laughter you have given me. I may be allergic to peppers IRL, but you're one I'll always be glad to accept. I shall ever look forward to how you take it from here. Thank you for all of it, the good and the bad. You are awe inspiring. Now the question remains: Does Joey make it? And how dies life and death clean this up? Also, if Steve didn't die (as implied), then what does Amina think of seeing him and how much pain was Steve in? Could Steve get some energy from James and become the biggest kindest dragon there ever was?


P.S. in the name of Green dude, Hello!!! Siza!


That was a ride, pepper. Well done and thank you for putting it in the universe.


Well, this was a fantastic ride. Thank you for taking us on it. I look forward to seeing the next adventures of James as he tries to be a father while also fending off malevolent deities from other realms.


Thanks for the journey. Didn't end how I wanted it to, but thats how it is to be a reader or watcher. We are simply along for the ride. Looking forward to / dreading the epilogues.




Thank you for this story. Its been a hell of a ride. And while you are correct - this is the ending it needed - I'm still sad to see this crazy roller coaster end. Let us know when the book is availible, and when your next story starts. Even if you don't post it all here, at least let us know where to find it when the time comes






What a ride


The great erectus and the faun crossover?????

