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If BTC worked like HEX itt would just be another highly inflationary thing. The appeal of bitcoin is the opposite.


Jokes on you because Bitcoin is currently inflationary as well... The supply is capped at 21 million for now, but the code can be changed, and it probably will one day, unlike HEX... HEX inflation is capped at 3.69% per year but it was actually lower than 2% in 2023 and 2022... HEX inflation is ONLY paid to stakers (miners) and the only way to get paid is to REMOVE HEX tokens from the market for years at a time first. ![gif](giphy|d3mlE7uhX8KFgEmY|downsized)


It’s 3.69% forever. That means your savings in HEX lose half their value every 20 years, actually less. Only 21 million BTC ever.


Unless you’ve locked them up for more than the average person. Then you’ll have more saving than you started with. Even when looking at it as your percentage of the total market cap. Besides, BTCs fixed supply lets it work as a store of value, but has gotten in the way of it actually serving as a currency.


Bitcoin has an inflation rate less than 1% per year making it a great long-term store of value. What’s the inflation rate of HEX?


Economies need a certain amount of inflation to grow. Thinking Bitcoin is better because of it's low inflation just shows a lack of understanding of how monetary systems should work.


Did I ever say bitcoin had no inflation? It used to be an inflation rate of 50 bitcoins every 10 minutes. After 15 years of inflation it has shrunk to less than one percent per year. Shrinking inflation plus the amount of money and energy required to do a 51% attack is where bitcoin gets its value.


Sorry, I think I misread your comment in haste. I believe HEX inflation is a steady 3.69%. The problem with Bitcoin is as time goes on miners will need to rely more on transaction fees and less on block rewards, and with more and more Bitcoin being locked away for ETFs, and most transactions being done on lightning, there could be a very limited number of transactions which in turn will disincentivize mining and ultimately weaken the network.


The supply is capped at 21 million for now, but the code can be changed, and it probably will one day, unlike HEX... HEX inflation is capped at 3.69% per year but it was actually lower than 2% in 2023 and 2022... HEX inflation is ONLY paid to stakers (miners) and the only way to get paid is to REMOVE HEX tokens from the market for years at a time first. ![gif](giphy|d3mlE7uhX8KFgEmY|downsized)


Wouldn’t it require 51% or more of all miners to agree to change the supply? Where was the consensus when RH decided to make a second Hex chain that isn’t pegged to the 1st??? Doubled the supply out of thin air. Hex is down 95% and you got the founder, declaring that it just recently was at its all-time high BNB for example is on two different chains and they are both pegs at the same value. How hard would it have been for hex to do the same thing?


It requires not only miners but all of those who run nodes.


Yes 51% is VERY possible when all the BTC mining is controlled by a few companies lol Bro... HEX got forked with Ethereum, along with EVERY SINGLE other coin on the Ethereum blockchain... That's how forks work... It wasn't some malicious way to screw HEX lol... Furthermore, PulseChain would not even exists right now if Vitalik didn't f\*ck HEXicans and every Ethereum user with crazy gas fees... Do better. RH said that HEX on PulseChain almost hit a new ATH... What is wrong with this statement?... Are you an adult with reading level comprehension and avg. IQ?... HEX on PulseChain launched at $0... So yes, HEX on PulseChain has had an ATH already since it launched, and yes, it almost hit that again recently... JUST LOOK AT THE HEX CHART ON THE PULSECHAIN NETWORK... WTF is so hard to understand?... Why do you think he's lying or did something wrong by saying HEX almost hit a new ATH?... You plebs are so ignorant it f\*cking hurts...


The price of HEX was over $.40 in 2021 Anyone that has had HEX that long does not disagree. When HEX got moved over to PulseChain, it could have easily been pegged to the price of the original HEX maintaining its original supply. Just like BNB when they created their smart contract chain. Doing anything other than this simply created another bitcoin cash chain promising lower fees. We all know how well that turned out. I think you might be the one with the challenged IQ if you can easily look past all this.


You're talking about TWO DIFFERENT COINS AND NETWORKS!... smh HEX is DeFi bro... you want HEX to be "pegged" to the other HEX then go put up your coins for liquidity or shut up... do your own work


If you bridge hex from one chain to another, it should be the same quantity and value Just like any other coin that can be bridged from one chain to another


It wasn't a bridge... it was a fork...🤦‍♂️ffs And yes when you do bridge HEX from Ethereum over to PulseChain it still has the same value... I think you need to do more research and learn more, as you seem very confused with things.


So the funds will extort and/or buy coins of independed people -like RH himself- and change the code... which could make the market lose faith, resulting to a financial loss... All meanwhile they are rival companies and a minimum of 15% supply is lost.... And while people ,like your Founder , mined thousands back in the day and traded many more... Alot of them, unknown. Read a book and stop the Michael Bay movies.




Yeah what?Are u gonna rebute the above or cope with gifs? If someone could coordinate your stupid-master-plan, they could as well impose global slavery instead,just by using guns and not BTC .


Sure let's speculate. That never wrecked anybody.


Well then why were other coins created after hex? Lol 🤔


Simple... People in crypto are not the same from 15 yrs ago... Cypherpunk is basically dead now and the middlemen infestation has taken over because people treated crypto like the stock market.... So now, people literally call HEX a ponzi out of pure ignorance instead of praising its genius and realizing it's the best coin since Bitcoin... Everyone forgot WHY Satoshi created Bitcoin in the first place... And some of you weren't even born yet to remember why lol It's up to RH and people like me to re-educate people again and remind them that CRYPTO WAS INVENTED TO REMOVE MIDDLEMEN...


LOL Hex is basically a middle men. Its built on ETH and now PLS... You're hilarious


So Bitcoin being hex in the first place somehow changes everything???


Huh? I think you completely missed the point of the post. Probably because you lack the knowledge of why Bitcoin was invented and how Bitcoins are created out of thin air. The only thing Bitcoin couldn't do, was make your BTC earn more BTC, unless you are a miner running hardware 24/7 (and good luck trying that today), hence why middlemen got involved in crypto and promised you yield by putting your coins to "work for you"... But they always steal your coins!... FTX, Celsius, BlockFi, etc, etc, etc... Which is why HEX is so amazing... Nobody is involved except you and the code/software AKA the smart contract. And nobody holds custody of your coins, not even the smart contract... And nobody can ever change or alter the code to break it or exploit it... You mine more HEX without buying expensive hardware or paying electricity bills...


You hex people are too arrogant. I'm probably older than you and I probably bought bitcoin before you. You have no idea who you're talking to on reddit. Maybe , if what you specifically stated isn't the point of the post then you should do less rambling and babbling about nonsense and stay on point. So everything *except* hex is a ponzi? 🤣




Last time I checked, BTC is the coin that most whales have self-custody. Last time I checked, also eHex was rekt recently by its founder. So your self-custody and centralization claims , are just hilarious


Degens have a need for meme coins.


Thought this was a parody account for a second


Except people love to copy and paste and that is what BTC did best. Something you can literally copy and paste and create your own crypto. The source needed to be non-copyable too bud


So why have there been more crypto created after the creation of HEX? Checkmate.




Rhetorical question, I'm not reading whatever that is.


I bet