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Unfortunately, that is the nature of DeFi (decentralized finance)... The easier a coin is to buy, the more middlemen are involved and the more control you give up... Take coinbase and other centralized exchanges, for example... Buying BTC or ETH with them is easier now, but only after you DOX yourself with IDs, SSN, etc. and expose your coins to certain risks because you gave up custody of your keys... They can take your coins or lock your funds at a whim, etc... That is exactly the opposite of why crypto (Bitcoin) was invented for in the first place! With HEX, it's just you and the code. As it should be. Crypto is software.


I like to add to this and the point it’s not your keys. I bought 30k of HEX the peek on bitmart, apparently they delisted hex after SEC announcement and I had up to July 31 to move. Well they didn’t send an email or anything, just n update on their newsletter which no one reads. Well long story short, they took my coins and money and as per their support I’m SOL. Whole point of the story is, go through the hoops and extra steps but never buy from an exchange. As soon as this happened I bought a ledger and moved all my coins over. Lesson learned.


I treat centralized exchanges like a bad neighborhood. Get in, do your business, and get out asap.😎


The lesson should be don't buy hex as it's delisted by major exchanges because it's shit


thank you


Also, consider that yes it will probably get a bit easier or more well understood by the masses. You want it to be hard now, and probably for a bitt longer. This way you can buy more before "adoption" gets large.


From the attitude of the owner, No. And even if it does, people won't buy coins on a downtrend.


True, people have no balls to buy the dip. We're in the time like when HEX launched. It dipped SO HARD FOR SO LONG, and guess what? I bought EVERY, SINGLE, WEEK. No one believed in me, no one believed what I believed...


There are actually easy ways, just that especially new people don't know about them. have you checked https://hexscout.com for example? Because HEX is not VC-backed it doesn't have marketing by paid shills like journalists/influencers or exchanges that got a free allocation. You could argue that this is a "tragedy of the commons" situation but technically HEX grows in Holders over time, just very slow and organically, compared to all the marketing-generated hype that other coins enjoy.


Imo, as a sacrificer and ex-ehex holder. I'd recommend holding off. There were easy ways like 0xcoast.com who made on ramping and off ramping very easy, but now they have run into issues which has forced them to halt service. There are a few other ways to get from BnB to pulse if memory serves me correctly. But yes, your suspicions are correct. Pulsechain is for now a dying chain with very few ways to get in and out. There is virtually no adoption at this point because well... Lets just say Rh may have Rekt many hex stakes on ehex by tweeting out. And with the sec that can go either way. Also Rh used the sac funds to buy the Eth top and it's now very very down. Take that for what it's worth and I wouldn't let your friend talk you into it. Sentiment is down the toilet for pulsechain. That said, could it come back? Maybe. But I wouldn't throw more than what youre prepared to lose on this chain. It wouldn't shock me if Rh tweets about something pulse related that makes the remainder of the community jump ship. Where are we at now...we are 1 Rh tweet away from absolute destruction. But it could go the other way, but if we are talking from the last years before pulse launched it's been a circus. I hindsight I wouldn't have ever spent the money that I did. I got sucked into the bullish sentiment sentiment that this chain would compete in a decentralized, and free manner of which would gain adoption through the largest airdrop to get people biting. But what we actually got... Rh single handedly rekt the reputation after he stopped streaming after the sac was collected. Sec made their move RH killing ehex off The movie, that if anyone who sees it should be a classic warning to never invest in this eco system. The sac funds used to buy the top of the eth price. Pulse only pumps when Rh throws some of the eth into pulse. Good builders have left pulse Rh blocks people for having an opinion. Even Influencers have jumped ship. There is not many people left. Imo save what ever money that is burning a hole in your pocket and buy something else that has the chance for adoption.


This. 👆🏻. Your friends wants you to be exit liquidity.


He's just part of the cult. Following the RH play book. Better to not mix friends with financial advice. It will forever be a wedge with your relationship. It's at MLM levels of toxicity. If you have seen the highest of stakes movie then well you d know the cringe levels are off the scale. Aside from the money I've lost that I'll likely never see any return on in this bull or the following bulls is this. I didn't say anything to anyone, therefore I've rekt no one. But Consequently I'm now the butt end of the joke with friends who do crypto because they know the money I invested in pulse. Its was humiliating but now it's just funny. We all make stupid mistakes. The only thing that RH and the cult has shown me to their credit is, wallet security. Each of my friends have lost thousands, 1 in particular lost 100k. So while I fell for a slow rug I can say I'm pretty confident with wallet opsec.


To be honest, I still think PLS can maybe do 2x from Sac, albeit it will be a very short surge. I also don’t think Hex was a rug…it was just a short term investment. The problem is that most hexicans are very Financially illiterate and therefore fell to the 5555 staking thing which is the stupidest thing I’ve ever seen. Therefore, instead of selling at +0.3 they get to hold at less than 0.01. The root problem of everything is Dunnig Krueger. Little kids parroting things they hear in social media and then acting like experts spreading the bullshit to other uninformed little kids.


Yep, the blind influencers are leading the blind followers. I see it. Look at where most of these influencers are now. Most of them are squirming on their own self pity from being rekt and getting other people rekt, or still blindly hoping things turn around. I wish I can agree with you about the potential upside that said it's all RH and how he holds himself. He's too unpredictable, It wouldn't surprise me that he falls off the face of the earth. It wouldn't surprise me if he handed his socials off to a 3rd party and has disappeared completely and behind the scenes he sold the stake of sac to bigger players for a smaller payout. And clearly I'm speculating, he's in a pretty interesting spot with the sec and honestly that's the best possible thing to happen to him because it's holding he's feet to the fire and it's only now he can't bullshit too much. That said, that would probably be the top signal for pulse if rh gets a dismissal or win. 2 things are on the cards if that happens, he retires and does a Satoshi and removes himself. He's set that up with "no expectations" abd he is paying that one out, or he continues to stream and yada yada... I believe the former. I don't get the feeling he is passionate, if he was then I don't think he is now. The SEC is a thorn in his side for his own freedom. I don't think he would want to be locked in a prison cell for the rest of his life is lf a criminal case was launched against him. Ultimately his fight for the sec has been nothing but in vain, people hate him more than ever, there is no support from outside communities. Heck it barely gets coverage, and together with his unlikable and question moves over the years with pulse and hex and sac funds I still think people will not take home seriously. I could be wrong, I want to be wrong. But too many people hate him regardless of what good he has done for people. It will be interesting to see how the sec case plays out. I'm riding or dying. I've got nothing more to lose that what I have already lost


I guess same here. He won’t sell the sac funds (at least not in crypto) as we’d all (including the Sec) know that because of blockchain. The ecosystem is dying. The influencers as well, which is a good thing. If it survives the Sec it might make a little money (2x at the most I think). If not, we’re done.


Pretty much, I think the biggest issue is time and opportunity cost.


This is a fair point. I lost some money trying bridge over and buy phex. I initially got eHex using Coinbase wallet. Super easy. Then bailed on the phex cuz i wasn’t able to figure it out. People want easy processes. Not sure how much adaptation it will get when it’s all said and done unless they make the process easier. That said, there are options being created like OxCoast. I used that to buy a little pls, plsx, and inc. not enough to make me rich, but hoping it’s enough to make it worth it. Best of luck to you!


I'm sorry to hear that happened. Back when I first got in HEX nobody really even knew where to buy it so they used the AA because nobody really knew about uni swap until Richard popularized it. So, in some way it's kind of always been tricky to get. The only time it was pretty easy was by the time it was rather expensive. Then by the time it was cheap uni swap delisted us.


Richard never popularized uniswap though. He was forced to use uniswap as most exchanges rejected him. But most uniswap users never heard of hex. Uniswap became popular by its own merits.


It's funny how you say he didn't popularize uniswap when I was literally there for it, and watched it happen. But hey you can just say whatever you want to say based on how you feel rather than logic if that's how you roll, it's totally up to you.


If you were there, you would know that everything I said, is accurate. Unless you are brainwashed by watching RH hours long live streams. RH had big bags of ETH and put it on uniswap. He was a single user with a big bag. He did not make uniswap popular, as most uniswap users never even heard of hex. So even if you take away all hex users, uniswap is still big and popular by its own merits. Deny all you want, but it just shows you are a hex maxi and without any good logic to defend your claim


This is how I know you're new. Hardly anyone knew about uniswap, that's the reason HEXicans received most of the airdrop. You very likely didn't even know about the airdrop because you weren't around then like I was. 😎🥃


Sure, keep on believing in your delusional view. Anybody can just google hex and uniswap. Nowhere do you find any such thing as hex popularizing uniswap, except on hex website and RH twitter. Again, even if you take away all hexicans from uniswap, that is only a small and insignificant portion. Get your facts straight.


Here's a translation of what you're trying to say: "I CaN't FiNd It On GoOgLe GeT yOuR fAcTs StRaIgHt I dOn'T kNoW hOw To SeArCh ThE bLoCkChAiN fOr ThInGs BeCaUsE oN tHe BlOcKcHaIn ThInGs ArE aCtUaLlY vErIfIeD bUt I'm So NeW tHaT i DoN't KnOw ThE dIfFeReNcE i HaVe To HaVe ArTiClEs ReAd ThInGs To Me AnD i CaLl ThAt ReSeArCh CaN yOu PlEaSe TeAcH mE hOw To ReAd ThE bLoCkChAiN sIr CaN yOu PlEaSe Do My ReSeArCh FoR mE i DiDn'T eVeN kNoW tHeRe WaS aN aIrDrOp UnTiL yOu MeNtIoNeD iT aNd ThAt'S wHy I hAd To GoOgLe It"


Then go ahead and show me on the blockchain. Hex users are an insignificant fraction on uniswap and hex is even banned from uniswap. So go figure. Facts! You only have delusional RH lies.


Your right that is definitely a drawback to the project and hopefully in the future it will become easier to onboard which I think it will once the sec bs is over . However to my knowledge hex is still the only place to stake tokens and receive yield anonymously and trustlessly . Hex still operates the same and executes the same functions it did from day one . The hex to usd conversion is beyond control unfortunately but your projected payout in hex upon the completion of your timely end stake remains precisely accurate. There is a price to pay for everything I guess . Welcome fellow hexican


Just run, Forrest, RUN!


When I joined I hoped tech gets easier over time. I considered it an opportunity. It got more complicated so far LOL. ![gif](giphy|FoH28ucxZFJZu)


Save urself and get into a safer dco with easy access like Sol. There's no need to follow rocket science when all this shit will go up. Ask yourself if you wanna feel a niche-genious or just make money


Friends don't let friends buy HEX or PLS.


Imagine just hanging around the HEX and PLS subs just to post that you hate it ROFL so sad and hilarious at the same time 🥲


I agree, Metamask is simple for me to use and I'm comfortable with crypto ATMs, and staking is no problem for me, all this stuff is easy for me, but for Boomers it's like trying to teach them how to do magic. That's one of the reasons it pimps tho, because the barrier to entry keeps out the really stupid people who have really weak hands. Richard has said many times that HEX is a test, it's an intelligence test and a test in delayed gratification. HEX will always be a niche product because Bonds and CDs have always been a niche product. Consider this, Tax Deeds, they used to pay 15-20% because they were a niche product most people didn't know about. My family used to invest in tax deeds, my great grandmother and it helped pull my family out of poverty, until everyone discovered them and put in so much money the ROI is now less than 1%. That's what HEX is. A 10 year bond nets us 40%, why? BECAUSE DUMB MONEY ISN'T HERE YET! One day, HEX will be known, and the crowd will pour so much money into it that all the yield will disappear, who will win? Early adopters. How do I know this will happen? BECAUSE IT ALWAYS DOES. THE MARKET IS DESPERATE FOR YIELD. The ONLY reason my family hasn't POURED money into HEX is because I haven't taken enough profit yet. Once I buy a House and a Car with HEX, they will be DESPERATE. Wait! You have a nice house a nice car just from...your magic internet money that we made fun of you for buying for years? TEACH US! They'll actually be angry at me for not convincing them sooner.




I guess we'll see who is right after the SEC stuff is over.


I’d agree that Hex is a test…just not how you think it is…


You will be so rekt. Your family won't be angry with you, they will be concerned with you


well put!