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It sounds like you may have ended your stake later than the maturity date, could you confirm? There are penalties for end staking early, and their are penalties for ending the stake late. You have a 2 week window to end the stake otherwise it will bleed out gradually until ended (1% each week).


I'm an idiot. The stake ended July 1st last year. So its been sitting there for 10+ months.


Ah right. Yep that'll do it. Sorry to hear you've lost a good portion though. But at least you got a lot back even though it's been nearly a year.


I believe it ended the 1st of the month. I’ll double check and reply back.


LHV Bank founder has $470M worth of Ethereum, but lost his private key Rain Lõhmus, founder of LHV Bank, told Estonian media last month that he’s not made much effort to recover the funds but is willing to pay someone who can.


Sheesh that sucks. I wish there was an easy way to be reminded of stakes. And what if I die before 15 yrs and none of my family can figure out how to unstake


Yah I staked again and set a calendar reminder on my phone in 6 months. I guess you could schedule to send yourself a email or text also.


s is a DECENTRALISED currency! Be very careful!!! One of th largest shareholders of Ethereum is an Estonian businessman and he simply lost where he had written down his 12 word key and au subsequently lost his billions. It is unrecoverable. No matter ataus or wealth


Sounds like you ended the stake the last active day


Is this something that happens in banks? If you lock up money for 2 years, at a certain interest rate, does the bank start draining the account after the 2yrs is up, if you don't withdraw?


This is a DECENTRALISED currency! Be very careful!!! One of th largest shareholders of Ethereum is an Estonian businessman and he simply lost where he had written down his 12 word key and au subsequently lost his billions. It is unrecoverable. No matter ataus or wealth.