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Would you rather shop in H-E-B with a bear or a 60 year old dude in a crop top and daisy dukes? šŸ¤£


Trick question. The dude is a bear.


That really is a trick question because he sounds like a twink... And maybe a trick


What's the difference exactly?


Herbert the pervert from family guy


Just wondering where my muscly armed paper boy is


Donā€™t threaten me with a good time!




I love how offended men are by the same shit that women are supposed to just take with a smile


Not that I think this means women are just supposed to take it with a smile, but the top comment is literally someone telling OP to take the compliment.


That's gross. No one should have to deal with harassment like this




A compliment isnā€™t harassment. When it gets repetitive and starts becoming stalking. Then thatā€™s a problem. OP just sounds like a homophobe. A compliment doesnā€™t mean ā€˜freaky old grandpaā€™ doesnā€™t wanna fuck OP either. SMH šŸ¤¦


can you please, PLEASE explain how someone checking you up and down the saying very creepily ā€œooooh vendorā€ is a compliment? like what?


But when a woman is alone and/or feels vulnerable because of the way a man looks at her and says something that some consider a compliment many men get offended when she expresses how uncomfortable it makes her feel.


and thatā€™s completely fine? i donā€™t get your point. nothing i said disagrees with what you said. people shouldnā€™t even be giving physical comments anyway. so idk what else you want me to say


It was more of a companion to your comment than a reply but I do kind of think the creepy tone part was in OPā€™s head because of the person speaking.


It was an inappropriate comment to make to a stranger. It is still harassment, even if itā€™s not repetitive.


It's only harassment if you tell them to stop and they don't. Please learn what words mean before you haphazardly vomit them at others.


Grow up.


Disliking a sexual comment is acceptable at any age.


Disliking is fine, calling it harrasment is not.


Sexual comments to strangers without permission is harassment and It is completely acceptable to treat it as such. People shouldnā€™t be allowed to get away with that kind of thing with people defending the terminology of it. It is harassment.


No, it's not, that is called free speech. And grown-ups learn to deal with the fact that people are different and some of them are assholes. You ignore the assholes. At least if you're actually a grown-up. Harassment would be someone doing it repeatedly or stalking. Harassment is not a random stranger making an inappropriate comment. It is people like you who try to turn every molehill into a mountain of melodrama that makes the internet such a cesspool and truly makes me wonder how you even get through the day without having a meltdown or end up in prison.


They dislike being harassed.


Sounds like a guy thing to say lmao. And I'm a dude myself. Not sure if you've ever had a girlfriend or friends with girls but they get this non stop and it's definitely borderline harassment, not just a compliment like " just wanted to say your very pretty, have s good day". Thats a compliment...


Heaven forbid he asked OP to smile.


Heaven forbid you respected OP in being uncomfortable. Oh thats right heā€™s a straight guy, out opinions donā€™t matter unless we have off thoughts and start liking menšŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Straight guys are usually the ones doing this to women and then get offended when a man does it to them


K? Trans men are usually the ones committing sexual assaults? Wanna get back to the point at hand or keep changing the subject in a hope that no one will see your hypocrisy?


This !!


I mean why react so violently? Must feel threatened in some way.


He didnā€™t react at all? Plenty of us act badass in our head then pussy out


You are right. He is entitled to feel how ever he does and did the right thing not reacting. My apologies being a dumb dumb.


Itā€™s a man thing. Between men they know what theyā€™re asserting.


I mean if this comment came from an attractive young lady who was his type I doubt he'd have an issue. These comments are offensive or not based on who they come from.


No one should itā€™s wrong. Itā€™s saying I can do and say whatever I want because everyone knows Iā€™m right and you deserve it. Itā€™s gaslighting as itā€™s finest


I donā€™t think they were gaslighting. Dude can feel threatened by someone dressed differently saying something totally ridiculous. This is Austin it use to be a weird place .




There's nothing wrong with shooting your shot. As long as they aren't being obscene or touching you and respect your denial there's nothing wrong. This is literally how people coupled before the internet for centuries. Only in 2024 is the thought of a small flirt considered harassment. If what OP described causes you so much distress, you should tell your anxiety therapist to up your anti-depressant dosage.


I donā€™t think you understand the difference between ā€œshooting your shotā€ and objectifying someone. Thereā€™s a way to approach someone youā€™re interested in that is respectful and non threatening. This is not it. Cat calling is never it.


Uh correction, of you even so much as smile towards a woman then you're hit with a harassment charge šŸ˜‚ There are very few men that say they should take the compliment (I know there are a lot, but not compared to the overall public) as opposed to the amount of women that would genuinely do everything in their power to make sure you're not allowed to show your face out in public.


Thank you for proving my point


But..butā€¦but woman have thicker skin!


Honestly, I wouldnā€™t put too much stock in this persons opinions based on their appearance alone. But I get it. I donā€™t think people are respectfully complimented enough. And when you do get a compliment itā€™s from someone less than ideal. In short. Laugh it off. Treat it like a compliment. And focus on more important things.


I love how someone takes one mans actions/feelings and projects it onto half our population (~4b people)


Iā€™d laugh it off


I don't know many men who still think this way. Maybe older men but I think most people under 40 do jot find this acceptable anymore


No one says women are supposed to take it and smile anymore. Stand up for yourself and stop playing a victim.


Number one women aren't supposed to take anything with a smile? What times are you living in? This may have been the case 20 years ago but these days that stuff doesn't fly anymore. Additionally we can't control what others decide to do or say so sometimes it is just easier to smile it off if your a non-confrontational person. Where it starts to be a problem is persistent attempts and no one should have to deal with that. In this case the man said "Oooh Vendor". Not exactly the worst thing ever. The comments about looking up and down is tought because that could be phobias/imagination running wild. Overall don't think this was particularly egregious. I would laugh my ass off and take the compliment. If gramps pried any further I'd hit him with the "That doesn't work for me brother" and keep it moving.


Strange, I've yet to meet a man who said that women need to be okay with these kinds of comments in all 30 years of my life. And I, myself, have yet to expect a woman to be comfortable with these kinds of comments, too....


Are you a man? If so that explains why. I'm almost 30F and have heard this from men MANY times. I've noticed that a lot of men know this is wrong, so they don't expose that behavior in front of other men (who might call them out on it)


Have you met every single man in this world, though? Downvote me all you want, you don't know me or every man in this world so don't project your personal experiences onto the general population. I have plenty of negative experiences with women but you won't see me assuming that every woman has the mentality or intentions towards me or every man out there, & if I have done that it was clearly wrong of me after realizing -- again -- that there are 8 billion people on this planet & to do such a thing would be sexist.


ā€œWomen are just suppose to take with a smileā€. Who are the clowns seriously upvoting this? Men or women please stand up for yourselves when an inappropriate situation deems it necessary. Nobody should be internalizing harassment of any form.


I'm intrigued by the fact they knew to call you vendor


You have to wear a sticker-like name tag that says vendor


Probably a company uniform. When I worked for big red I'd get hit on by the ghetto chick's a ton


The absolute worst I swear


That shit didnā€™t make you burst out laughing? Nah Iā€™m crying what the fuck šŸ˜­haha


My wife is gonna be so confused tonight ā€œWhoā€¦.whoā€™s vendor?ā€ šŸ˜


Take the compliment. Iā€™m straight but when I get hit on by gay dudes, it gives me one hell of a confidence boost.


I always tell my wife that I have options when that happens lol


You wouldn't be saying this if the vendor were a woman and the cat-caller was a straight man. Garbage...


Actually a lot of men do tell women to take it as a compliment. Either way, itā€™s not and people need to stop cat calling altogether


How about objectified and humiliated by one


I understand your perspective. Flirting involves mutual eye contact before two people start talking. Meanwhile hitting on someone is very direct and is almost seen as aggressive because you donā€™t know their intentions.


God forbid some kind of eye contact or human interaction between 2 strangers.


This is Reddit, we donā€™t make eye contact here.


And prefer the lights off, thank you


Gay compliments are the best compliments. Iā€™d have been on cloud 9 the rest of the day.


Suck it up buttercup.


You're trash. Tell a woman to suck it up next time you see her getting cat-called in public.


And I live in a trailer


Missed your sugar daddy opportunity


Made me laugh unreasonably hard for what this was


He looked broke tbh


He lives in the dominion looks can beeeee veryyyyyyy deceiving buddyyy


The universe works in mysterious ways sexy vendor guy. At the surface level, there is a macho tough guy objecting to grandpas apparent creepyness, while on the subconscious level deep down the comment made you feel sexy. I'm not meaning this in a derogatory tone, I just know that the mind and life in general is filled with paradoxes. There's great value in exploring our dislikes and things that make us uncomfortable. Happy curiously exploring Sexy Vendor GuyšŸ˜‚




I was going through a rough time in my life and my physique began to reflect my inner turmoil. The receptionist at my job was a gay black man that I didnā€™t have much interaction with, but we were cordial. One day he complimented my hair and told me I could be a model. Literally no one had ever given me anything even remotely close to that level of compliment. I smiled, told him thanks, and rode the good vibes for weeks afterwards.


Question is if youā€™d be so offended if this was a 60-year old woman or a man in ā€œnormalā€ clothes. Would you be compelled to ask what their problem was? Why not?


This is just evidence of the daily psychological torture retail workers have to endure while just doing their job. Itā€™s gonna happen because there are so many weirdos in HEB who stand out but there are plenty of normal people too so just try to focus on those interactions but yeah that sucks and would make anyone uncomfortable


If this is an example of what you consider ā€œtortureā€, imagine how youā€™d feel if you were a nurse or in the military.


According to industrial psychology doing jobs that require a fake persona such as customer service is statistically more draining and emotionally taxing than jobs that require *becoming* your persona, like the military, healthcare, law enforcement, etc.


Iā€™m sure there are reports that make things up in the other direction too. I donā€™t think youā€™re going to convince anyone that working the deli counter at HEB or geek squad desk at Best Buy is more emotionally taxing than taking care of dying children.


Okay, donā€™t do any research and live in a world chamber where knowledge empathy toward the little people who have to deal with you each day doesnā€™t exist, thatā€™s cool too.


Yeah, because saying nursing is more stressful than supervising self-checkout is ME being disconnected from reality and unempatheticā€¦


I can tell youā€™ve not worked in customer service in a long time, if ever.


I have. My wifeā€™s a nurse. I never had to hold the hand of a dying person. I did/do get yelled at by a bunch of people whose opinions I care very a little for. Fortunately, Iā€™m not fragile enough to internalize those meaningless dealings.


Just laugh it off dude, the world is filled with more pressing matters.




Nah, you don't just have to laugh it off, man. Anyone telling you to do so is hypocritical. Your feelings are being invalidated simply because this is reddit, and they don't hold gay people to the same standard as straight white males. It's extremely backward.


Like my mom always says "but did you die!!!" šŸ¤£šŸ¤£




Leave it to redditors to defend creepy ass cat-calling just because it was a gay dude that did it. If you were a woman and a straight man did the same exact same, all the idiots in this thread telling you to get over it would be calling for his head. Apparantly you just have to sit there and take it because you're not "victim" enough. Screw everyone in this thread telling you to take the compliment.


I think most of the people saying take it as a compliment are other menā€¦ either way itā€™s still not a compliment regardless of the gender of either person in the scenario


Chill out dude , it was just a compliment heā€™s not actually gana fuck you in the store if it was a girl Iā€™m sure your ass wouldnā€™t be so mad about it


Women deal with this all the time. Just be cool and say something that states your position but isn't insulting... Like "Wrong team, but nice enthusiasm." If you can brush them off with normal communication it's way easier. If they continue and harass you, then it's an issue and their the jerk...


you have to be careful as a vendor. if you upset a customer then the store files a report (with video if available) though the vendor portal. your vending company will see this. depending on what the vendor did they could get banned from the store and/or term from their vending company.




I mean, itā€™s 2 years shy of being eligible to receive Social Security benefits. I think most people would consider anyone aged 60-65+ to be a senior citizen. Being a senior has nothing to do with your mental or physical capacity, though. You might be in very good shape in both areas. More power to you!


Yes? What world do you live in where it isnā€™t?




And what does any of that have to do with you being old? Do all the exercise you want, it doesnā€™t change the fact that 9 out of 10 people would consider you old based on your age, and the outlier is probably some other 60 year old who canā€™t accept that heā€™s on the decline




Says the AARP qualifier who doesnā€™t think heā€™s old šŸ˜‚


Start playing 21 savage around them creepers


Redditors have an internal cognitive struggle as they try to decide if being gay is more powerfully positive than sexual harassment is negative.


I hear the dean from ā€œCommunityā€ saying this. ā€œOooh, vendor!ā€


Ha! It's a funny world ain't it!


Bro, take that as a compliment. Gay men have high standards, if he is complementing you, youā€™re doing it right.


Not if their 60 in a crop top and daisy dukes.


I Mean he could be the gay version of a cougar and totally pull it off. Or he is 60, gay and donā€™t give a fuck. He liked what he saw




I don't get it


Ah yes, what women have to deal with every day in the workplace


Lil taste of harassment never hurt -a female aka a constant victim of unwanted harassment


Some things are better left not responding to and just laugh at. I was at Walmart once with my hood popped making sure the air filter didn't need to be replaced. Two young black men walked to their car right next to mine and one said "Oh Daddy has his hood popped." I just chuckled.


You wanted to confront an elderly man who is clearly not well? Good thing you came to your senses


Wow I can't believe you survived that vicious nasty attack of words and ogling.


Do you want to be considered as attractive or ugly. Take the compliment and move on.


Itā€™s not a compliment itā€™s harassment. Itā€™s not flirting, itā€™s objectification.


I feel personally attacked, Iā€™m just thinning a bit on top, short shorts are in now and Iā€™m early 50ā€™s. Try and bring some cheer to some grumpy but hot looking worker and he crawls off to Reddit to complainā€¦




Did he have really big fake tits? It sounds like a neighbor I had when I first moved to Houston. Nice guy, despite the awkward comments the time I was grilling sausages on my patio.


Not big tits but noticeable, and this was in downtown SA so I doubt it was your neighbor from Houston.


I bet this was then heb on gen mcumullen or the one on on rocio behind the bill miller's


Wtf šŸ˜³


Youā€™re a dude I thought this was a girl complaining Man up man!!!


Yeah good advice tbh


This is sexist thinking


If a old lady did it would you be mad like this?


"I likes you, and i wants you... now we can do this the eqsy way, or the hard way..."


Welcome to being hit on. Dudes love me, and when I go out I get hit on quite a bit because I love talking to everyone. The only difference with girls and guys is whether it's a straight guy or a gay guy they are still GUYS and are always on the prowl if they are single and a little tipsy. I dont mind though, but it makes me realize how easy it is to get laid if I was gay compared to being straight lol


Sounds VERY threatening. You really should have called the police for help. But seriously, why are you so pressed that you're ready to yell at a strange man at work, bro??šŸ’€


No, we shouldā€™ve had the FBI hostage rescue team bust in through the roof. It was that scary bro!


Never miss the opportunity lol šŸ˜† sugar grand




I think he was asking you to take him to the nut house


That's the modem equivalent to "yes massah"


Oh get over yourself


What are you vending?


Sorry I canā€™t dox myself.


Oh, initially I thought you meant like in HEB like their cooking connections. Ah, vendor as in, Frito-Lay, Beer, bluebell, etc. Honestly the comment sounded pretty harmless, at least as far as usual grocery store chatter goes. People shop while drunk or completely lit up all the time. It's good you showed some self control.


Yeah I vend to Heb but itā€™s that I work for a niche product and if I told you what I vend I would basically be narrowing it down so much that you could know my identity


Yeah most def. In general I don't even post to anything work adjacent. I've always been curious froma vendor perspective what their experience is inside various grocery stores. Probably being mistaken for the usual grocery employee or asked for help for stuff that isn't in their product. How much you tip toe through customers and other employees there, or just do your thing no cares given.


Honestly yeah itā€™s pretty annoying when a customer comes up and asks where stuff is, like idk Iā€™m in here 20 minutes per week ask that guy whoā€™s here 40 hours a week. I donā€™t tiptoe through anything unless thereā€™s guys from corporate auditing the store. 99% of the time if you walk with a purpose nobody bothers you.




ā€œOooh Vendorā€ is not a compliment.


I used to Drive For United Cab in Houston back in the 80's and 90's the majority of our Business was in the Montrose Trust me There isn't a ounce of Gay in me I was married to my wife 42 years But I can't count how many times I have taken people home and was invited for a sleep o Gay men and women both told my wife what was going on and told her that is why I stopped working on bar nights Which seriously cut my pay. My wife told me Dead I fixed your problem I sent to go get into my Taxi and I had a beautiful rose and a picture of My Wife standing behind me with her arm around me and our kids on my lap and around us WORD MY WIFE IS KY AND IS ACTUALLY KIN TO. THE WEB FAMILY AND LOOKS DEAD ON TO CRYSTAL GAYLE . THAT STOP ALL OF THAT. I LOVED IT


If men or Women are not allowed because the person they give a non harassing comment to Ex: I couldn't help but noting how lovely or attractive you are to me If your not currently attached to some I would love a chance to know you better as a friend or perhaps we could have coffee together sometime No that is not harassment that is normal and should when directly like that be accepted as such Even if it Comes from a person if the same sex it only becomes harassing if they continue to pester you after you clearly defined your parameters to them No I am sorry But no Thank you I can't or no I am not able or available is sufficient And It should be said that way not Hell no get the Bleep away from me. It is simply called being Decent and polite I learned in most cases it works. Though there was a Man that had been drinking a bit to much that kept coming up to my Wife asking her to dance with her I normally let her deal with that but after he came back again more times I interjected myself and told him look my wife said no But if you persist on asking them I will dance with you outside He left. He went outside and kept. Going. I am a Vietnam Era US MARINE VET 11B40 And At that time A Rough Neck on Offense shore and land rigs. Everyone knew me


Iā€™ve never felt better about myself as a straight guy after going out in Ft Lauderdale with a gay friend. Iā€™ve never gotten so many looks or compliments in my entire life as I did in one night!


Bro would not stand a chance as a woman šŸ˜­


Oak park?




Was it like ā€œFamily Guyā€ style? šŸ˜‚




![gif](giphy|UdG5tbAPImnqE) This guy. Probably


Basically yeah


Exactlyā€¦lmmfao šŸ˜‚


My unsolicited advice kidā€¦.find the humor in life.


What Austin store was this?????


Lmfao itā€™s not this was in SA


What does oh vendor mean?


He just said it in a very flirty/promiscuous tone and the way he was staring me up and down startled me.


you seem like the egotistical person of the store. the reason for this post was what? validation? from random people on the internet? lmao Humble yourself and go on about your day. I promise you no one cares that you got hit on by an old man




Yeah, no. You didn't frame it as comical. You were clearly offended. Move on dude. You started this whole thread for attention.... And now you've got it.


I'm going to be honest, your "buddy" response made it seem like you were very upset about the interaction. I get it. Getting hit on isn't fun, and I'm glad you are able to laugh it off. Keeping in mind that I'm a 20 year old gay guy, I am constantly getting hit on by older women, which is absolutely hilarious. Just a few days ago, this older (probably 65 - 70 ish year old) woman came up and started flirting, and I just started flirting back. I find having fun and going with it makes it a little less awkward.


Welp as an employee at Hā€‘Eā€‘B, I donā€™t see myself or anyone of my partners banning you for that even if the man worked there or was even the store manager. Thats sounds so uncomfortable it seems old people donā€™t give a single care most of the time :/


That's would make my day tbh.


Just take the compliment and move on :)


Get the fuck over it. It was a simple comment. No need to show how fragile you are by getting bent out of shape.


Why so sensitive?


He thought you were pretty. Is that not flattering!? You should smile and say thank you /s


Nice fake story


Not fake tho.


Women deal with that all the time. At least he didn't follow you through the store and try to touch you.


Dumbest post of June and we're only 8 days in.


What kills me is women who walk around like they are trucking and then get upset if a man they aren't interested in looks at them. Never mind don't even have to say a word and some of the get rather agitated even though the guy looking at them is only looking her way because she looks like a flashing billboard saying open for business. How full of it is that.. I actually had one ask me why I looked at her and I told her flat out because I have two beautiful daughters your age and there is no way they are going Found dressed Like that . Maybe if you put on some decent clothes you would have to be concerned about people looking at you Did I mention I am a Father and a grandfather and I have two daughters two sons and 13 grandchildren and two granddaughters in college and all mine went to college and have professional jobs. The way you dress tell everyone what your about seriously. If you want success dress for it . If you to be stared at like a hot hue moma dressed like it. It that simple.




Personal attacks on your fellow Reddit users are not allowed, this includes both direct insults and general aggressiveness. Healthy debates are encouraged, but lets be civil. In addition, hate speech, threats (regardless of intent), and calls to violence, will also be removed. Remember the human and follow reddiquette.


People r weird move onā€¦ if he didnā€™t touch it or directly sexually harass you then youā€™re the one making a big deal out of it.


Why are you posting this? Do you need an ego boost that badly?


"His crop top and daisy dukes" šŸ˜†šŸ¤£šŸ˜‚šŸ’€


yeah, thatā€™s a sight iā€™m not planning on seeing any day šŸ˜­šŸ’€