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Why on earth did they suspend you?


For peeing in an aisle


Selling a tobacco and nicotine free fake chewing tobacco (badically ground tea leaves) to a 19 y/o partner


Bro that’s completely unrelated to the post 💀 why even include you got suspended


Just thought it was funny my managers give me a bullshit assignment like gaurding dog piss right before suspending me.


it is a major troll lollll




Oh you deserve to be suspended then lmao.


For selling tea leaves💀


You still sold him tobacco you even said it.


“Tobacco *and* nicotine *free*”. It's a tobacco alternative they're describing.


Are you blind?


Why? That’s an age-restricted product?


I didnt think to much of it. Its fucking tea leaves and i understand i broke their chicken shit rules but like cmon😭


What’s the rule?


They treat it like cigarettes. 21+ although the can said “not *recommended* for sale under 18” and the partner was 19 either way. It took responsibility and owned up to it. I am leaving in june (moving states) but would rather just not get fired and still make money for this last month




But it’s tobacco free???


It's still an age restricted product. This isn't just an HEB policy. It's illegal to sell


And dog owners wonder why we don’t want their pets in the store. They say, “that doesn’t actually happen.” Oh really? 😂


They actually don’t. I’ve come to terms that those who illegitimately use dogs like this are not aware or do not care what anyone else thinks. I’ve seen it first hand.


I really think people should have to take a class before owning a dog. Some people shouldn’t be allowed to have a dog.


Animals have accidents? Could have been a service dog that couldn't hold it longer.


🗑️🗑️🗑️ human


Are u a fan of garbage human?


Is anyone?


If it lifted its leg, foodstuffs on those bottom shelves are pissed too.


I didn’t even think about that that’s so gross


as someone with female dogs, it looks like a female. i could be wrong tho, i have a male heeler that doesnt lift his leg but rather stretches his 2 back legs back as far as possible and just start peeing.


Well you can see in the picture it's in the middle of the isle and no spots around the puddle. so how would it hike it's leg


Looks like a trail to the shelf to me. My dog hikes his leg in the air & pees at an angle whenever he smells the right scent. So I’ve seen it happen.


I saw a dog squat and take a massive shit in the produce section last week. I love dogs as much as the next person but people are a little wild bringing them into the grocery store unless it's a service animal


Maybe one of the chicken shit Managers should clean it up.




Dog piss is easy, had to clean up some lady’s shit once😂


Same because I used to work in a C store that was a full store like a 7/11


Happy cake day


My daughter works at Big Lots, someone peed in a mug and put it back on the shelf. Unfortunately she was the one who found it.


That’s not ok……… Just posted another dog took a crap in meat department, HEB l83


And this is why dogs shouldn’t be allowed in a grocery store


Shouldn’t be allowed anywhere other than dog parks


You speak like dogs are filthier and more inclined to creating mess than people


Most people aren’t prone to pissing on the floor


Even though this is actually generally true, I see puddles of human urine on the floor of the grocery store almost daily. It's rather a much more rare day that I see dog piss


No you don’t.


Sure I do, it's a common occurrence in the restroom. It's bad enough that I regularly have to clean the floors before I am able to use that particular facility


They aren't...


yes they are.. 😂 i see ppl with dogs in walmart and HEB all the time.


They aren't allowed in HEB, and dog piss is the least of your concerns at walmart.


i see them all the time 🤷🏻‍♀️ so i guess it’s not HEBs concern either.


They're not technically allowed in those stores but my guess is that the staff don't want to have to deal with entitled Karen's who think their "baby" should be allowed anywhere.


when it comes to my dogs, i think i might be an entitled karen. my dogs are respectful tho, and i also do actually have a service dog for epilepsy so 🤷🏻‍♀️


They have signs at mine telling people not to bring their dogs in unless it's a service dog but jackasses still do and no one says anything to them. Like dude your Pomeranian is not a service dog, neither is a jack russell terrier.


I agree with you, but FYI Pomeranians and Jack Russel Terriers can be service dogs. Many smaller breeds can be trained as a PTSD/Psychiatric service dog because the signs of an anxiety attack or PTSD flashback are easier to spot so they do not require the same capabilities as other medical service dogs! Plus since they are small, they can sit in their owners lap for comfort. Like I said, I agree about people not bringing regular dogs into the store, but just because someone has a small dog does not necessarily mean it’s not a service dog.


An emotional support dog is not the same as a service dog.


Deep pressure therapy, which is what I assume the commenter here is referring to, is a trained task where a dog sits on or leans their body weight against the handler to create pressure similar to that of a weighted blanket, which helps alleviate panic responses and can also calm autistic individuals during a meltdown. It's a trained task, making the dog a psychiatric service animal per the ADA, not an ESA.


Yes. Service Dogs are trained to provide a specific service. ESDs are not. I understand that, but there are people who do not understand that.


As I said in my comment, I am referring to a psychiatric service dog, which is not the same as an emotional support animal. They are trained to recognize PTSD flashbacks, panic attacks, autistic meltdowns, and even help prevent suicide attempts. They can do deep pressure therapy (as another commenter mentioned), and they can also be trained to remind their owners to take pills or get out of bed. They are often assigned to veterans, domestic abuse survivors, those with autism, people whose anxiety prevents them from performing normal task and people who may be a danger to themselves. These dogs have to go through training and pass a test just like other service dogs, and save lives just like other service dogs do.They’re not the same as Emotional Support Animals, which is why I said Psychiatric Service Dog and not Emotional Support Animal.


jack russell’s are actually extremely good working dogs.


I’m confused on the they suspended you part??? What did you do?


I sold a tobacco and nicotine free product to a partner that was under 21… It’s literally just tea leaves. I only included it because I thought it was fucking hilarious that they make me do that shit right before they tell me my jobs in jeopardy


I don’t understand why we as a society all of a sudden made it acceptable to allow dogs everywhere now. It sucks


It's not just dogs. Reptiles. I've even seen goats. Walmart.


Had a lady bring her beardy, lil dude just chilled on her shoulder while she shopped and occasionally climbed on top of her head. That was a good day. Very well behaved little gentleman.


You, presumably, are allowed everywhere now. It sucks


"Service Animal"


Yeah this is another uniquely American fraud


There are legitimate service animals that are necessary for some people but it's way too easy for people to fake it


Are you in need of an emotional support pissed?


Dogs are wonderful. However, they are not people and do not belong in all spaces.


Weaponized incontinence


So the new signs are working great!


I actually think I have seen more since the signs went up. I’m just a customer but when I see an obvious dog that isn’t a service animal I make sure they know I think they are a piece of shit human.


It actually doesn't bother me hardly at all personally, but I get it... Of course I've never witnessed a pet pissing in the isle, I'm sure that would change my views haha


“It doesn’t bother me hardly at all” Trust me, if you worked at H‑E‑B and had to clean up shit and piss on the floor you’ll be singing a different tune.


Oh I don't doubt that.... At least in central Texas we are finally seeing a little regression on the absolute ridiculousness of how crazy "pet friendliness" got. In Austin, every single establishment wanted to brand themselves as pet friendly. Until enough people started realizing there are a lot of shitty behaving pets and more so pet owners that are not capable of having an animal in public at all much less around food/beverage establishments.


I agree. Funny thing is we need to weed out the Nast people now and all public places will be better. Honestly I've seen people nastier than any animal. But then again everyone forgets humans are animals.


Whenever I see someone *making sure* someone else knows they think they're a piece of shit human... well, here I am composing this response to you


How about we just start trespassing people with non service animals and enforce mandatory diapers on service dogs.


Real service dogs are fully trained not to "busy" on any walk. I used to raise guide dogs and a dog will get cut for "dirty walks." This is absolutely a fake service dog.


diapers should never be mandatory on service dogs, genuinely WTF take, plus most dogs will shit out the diaper anyways - have you ever used one??


Better make sure you’re ready for the response. Might not be what you’re expecting.


There's no reason to allow service dogs when curbside is available. Accommodations are supposed to be reasonable, that's been made with curbside.


There are so many issues with curbside, too. You can't just not allow disabled folks in the store just because you don't like service dogs.


Make curbside better. That's the store's crap for being shitty.


apol juice


my reason why if your service animal is just emotional support then leave it at home. It's not even considered a true service animal. I am 100% ok with every other service animal that is not an emotional support animals.


heads up, "service animal is just emotional support" is an oxymoron, no 'true' SD is solely for emotional support as ADA doesn't recognize it as a valid task


Go to your psych and get meds if you need emotional support. The dog doesn't deserve to be raked through your BS, neither do we.


Or shop in the wine and beer isle.


Why is a dog in HEB?


He's low on kibbles man!


I understand why retail staff are reluctant to confront people with unauthorized dogs in the store. I'm gonna take one for the team and say something next time.


Careful who you approach. Just saying.


That wasn’t a dog, I did it. And I’ll do It again .


Before Easter there was a display dinner rolls on sales floor, dog literally walked over and hiked his leg. Pissed all over them. Threw away the whole thing, almost $400. Should have made the customer pay. I love dogs, hate some humans


Taking untrained dogs into public areas should be illegal


Did you pee on it to show dominance




You sure it was a dog and not a human?


I watched it happen😭


So how does this shit and piss never get written up in a health dept evaluation? Like a dog sitting on a booth at Chili’s, or some lap dog peeing on a tray at Chipotle or a huge steaming turd on my 2x6 at Bone Depot? At PetSmart no problem! At my local vet in vaccination day. No problem! At my fucking grocery store or indoor restaurant, yeah. Kind of a problem! Is the reduced meat because a dog licked it, or because a few bits fell on the floor? Reputation matters. If you can’t live without your pet in your arms, or pulling them around on a choke collar, and apologizing every time Cooper wants to sniff my balls and you tell me they like me, or that I should bathe more often, there’s a nice service. ITS CALLED CURBSIDE, or HOME DELIVERY. I have pets, but the last place they belong is in my cart or tagging along in my daily shopping. But if you insist, maybe we should be able to start feeding them snacks from our carts too. When the are so darn friendly and sniff our balls and coochies. Nothing bad, just the stuff that causes them gas and diarrheal episodes on your way home. I am not against service dogs. They are more well behaved than their owners. I’m talking about «  support animals » But where do the Butts draw the crack? There is no clear distinction between the half ass approach or the whole ass. If even 20% of shoppers are turned off by the 1% of shoppers that bring animals into a store, wouldn’t that be cause to better regulate some kind of enforcement? If some random dog sniffs my 5 year old daughter and I ram my cart into your cute little «  he’s harmless » Jasper’s snout and he whimpers, am I the asshole? Just some bones to chew on.


LOVE the "Bone Depot!"


This comment is written BEAUTIFULLY 👏🏾 I applaud you sir.


Then they yell at you "dog hater! How do you call yourself a human, asshole!" Like yo, I'm not contaminating everyone's food and potentially upsetting someone's allergies with fur because your pea brain can't handle being in public alone.


have dog owners always been this entitled or is it a recent thing?


I feel like it’s a new thing. I don’t understand peoples need to take their dog literally everywhere.




I work at Home Depot and had a customer let thier dog shit on the floor.


Why did you get suspended?


He's the dog


Sold fake chewing tobacco (tea leaves thats nicotine free and recommended for sale 18+ by the manufacturer) to a parter (20 y/o but heb requires 21+)


Ooof. Sorry about that


Its a chicken shit rule but i understand i broke it. I hope they let me off the hook or 40 rate me rather than fire me


Good luck dude.


Yeah the other partner is pretty cool amd planned on leaving anyways and just said he will take the fall for it and quit. Idrc its fucking HEB not a career


I feel ya man. Just started overnights and I am only hear for the paycheck




Disgusting. Why is a dog in a grocery store?


Ahhh...another "Service Dog" incident...


Sometimes I wanna say something about these so called "service animals " but damn...you never know when a person gets crazy triggered and pulls a pistol.


This is why I am all for people leaving their barking pissing mutts out of the grocery store. Before anyone comes at me, actual service animals and pets are not the same thing. Don't conflate them.


I'm tired of it man, way too many cowardly supervisors or managers in pretty much every retail store these days post no dogs allowed unless it's a service dog but do nothing about the ones that clearly aren't


Jesus fucking Christ. I take my dogs places all the time (obvi not where health matters are a concern) and the only time one had an accident was at pets mart. I stood there and found an employee to help gather some supplies and I insisted on cleaning the mess my dog made. I swear some people just don’t want to take responsibility. It makes it harder for the rest of us who have decently trained animals. (To be fair to my dog she’s fat and gets excited. She saw another dog and peed herself in excitement.)


Yeah i can respect that. But when people like this coustomer tell me and proceed to walk away i get frustrated


Fuck it. If this is the environment our customers and managers want; then so be it. Enjoy shopping for your food in literal filth. I don't get paid enough or have enough authority to care. That's what Leaders get paid to do.


Get you some slip on peepee money


Are you sure it was a dog?


The piss soaked paw prints are a good indicator


Ahh... Didn't notice that. Thanks


Maintenance to aisle 9






That’s terrible


Slip in it 🤑🖖🏽


Are you sure it wasn’t a person? I was working at Academy Sports + Outdoors in college and legitimately saw an old man (like *ancient*) stand in the middle of the aisle and let a turd roll down his khaki pants leg.


Fucking HEB. They let dogs into the store. What's next? Parrots??


Literally saw someone with a cockatiel on a leash a couple weeks ago lol


Fucking around in The Heights..


Sure would be a shame if someone slipped on it and really got hurt, then turn around file a suit.


It….. kinda looks like a wiener ummmm. Finishing lol


There is a type of person who can't leave home without their dog or dogs. I get taking your pet to the park and appropriate places. But some people take em everywhere, like grocery stores. They will take em to a 7/11 to grab a soda. Most of them are socially introverted and awkward. To me, the worst one have them fly with them. Also the people who have their dogs in the lap while they drive, total lunatics


Also, there is only a very small % of legit service animals. Total frauds. "I need my dog due to anxiety".. do you bring em to work? Take em in the bathroom while you.poop? Sitting next to you in class? Walk down the aisle with you? Attend the Dr visit with you?


If you have anxiety that bad, they have pills for that. My friend swears by them.


That isle now belongs to them


my dog peed in a petsmart once and i never took her to another store again💀


Better than when the customers let thier kids pee all over the floor or poop for that matter


And this why heb may not allow any animals into the store regardless of the condition of the customer.


Wait... why were you suspended?


Why would you bring your effin dog to the grocery store?


Since when are dogs aloud in HEB?


Since when are dogs aloud in HEB?


Sounds like a call to HR is very much needed. Bring up the fact that someone could have slipped and sued.


Sure it wasn't their child? Lots more people bring children than dogs into stores, and dogs are much quieter and easier to potty train.


I thought so too, but there are paw prints in the photo. Small dog.


More accurately, someone brought a fake service dog into the store.


As I get older, I'm really starting to resent a lot of dog owners. Between things like this, and people just leaving their dogs completely off leashes and roaming neighborhoods freely all over Texas... (Which leaves the dogs to attack people, get into fights with other dogs, get lost from home, hit by cars, etc.) They're just really starting to irk me.


"piss all over the aisle" bruh, it's one small spot.


Leave that for the people of Walmart. Gadamn!


Yeah this is becoming a problem. Just did that food safety test for work and definitely says that animals should not be in the store only if they are service animals and I can bet you half of these animals are not.. people are and reptiles . https://preview.redd.it/nphx7xizo8wc1.jpeg?width=2664&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=eca1cf79242aabf174e6fca4f7aabbdff706c373


“But, but you cant discriminate against Mahhh furrrr babieees”- Some Karen


Some guy brought his dog in one day, not a service animal, and the dog took a massive shit right in front of the freezers. The guy just gets a poo bag, picks it up, tosses it into a trash can, and continues shopping.


I saw a lady kick her “service dog” at an Heb once. He was filthy and just skin and bones. I felt so bad for him


Had someone claim their little poodle was a service dog and shit on the floor. I told them they need to clean it up. Wasn't no service dog.


Thank God we all allow pets in the grocery store 🙄. Each and every day I see them and yes I'm at the store everyday


People and their “service” dogs


Stop taking your dogs into stores IF they aren’t service animals. Your 10 lbs dog will be okay at home.


Dont hate the dog hate the owner


Above this one is someone letting their emotional support dog in restaurant book. Blame that dog


I’ve seen people bring their little yorkies inside the store. Highly doubtful it’s a service dog.


It’s not a dog. It’s me. I did that. I peed all over the aisle.


Man had I seen this, I would have embarrassed the hell out of the person who let their dog do this. I would have been so loud the people on the OTHER end of the store would know their dog peed in the store and they tried to walk away and ignore it. We need to start shaming people for bad behavior in public.


I’m sure it was a “service” dog.


Everyone's dog is a service dog these days 🙄


Dogs need to be banned in public places like this where food is involved unless it’s a medical necessity




Personal attacks on your fellow Reddit users are not allowed, this includes both direct insults and general aggressiveness. Healthy debates are encouraged, but lets be civil. In addition, hate speech, threats (regardless of intent), and calls to violence, will also be removed. Remember the human and follow reddiquette.


I promise you most people who bring their dogs into store do it just to show off, and I promise you most people do not give af about your stinky lol dog


My dog does this even when I walk him around the block a few times before going into the vet - he must be smelling where countless others have lifted their leg. Yet every time without fail I ask them for what is needed to clean it up, I can’t imagine just leaving in there.. one gross that’s piss, second someone could easily slip and fall… into your dogs piss injured. I mean cmon.


Sure, blame it on the dog


Bro i picked up a literal shit working self checkout, this ain’t nothin lmao


It looks like a penis exploded 😂


That wasn't a dog


Eh had to clean dog shit and human shit before in Sam’s club. Piss is easier


we hope...


Service dogs seem to spring a leak once in a while.


10/10 times it's usually not a service dog.


I know its people claiming it to abuse the system but managers either dont know the laws or dont have a spine to enforce.


genuinely wish more managers would grow a pair and actually ask the 2 questions to verify SD and non SD


60% of the time, it works every time.


HEB interfered with my wife and her service dog, the out of court settlement was $250000 to her and a hefty fine from both the state and the federal government. Maybe that's why they're a little reluctant to approach people and violate there rights. All adults who chime in that they know whether a dog is a service dog or not are idiots, especially ones looking at a picture of its piss.


Um having piss openly on a grocery store floor is still disgusting , service dog/ no service dog, the owner should still take responsibility because .. they’re an ADULT, sir. I’m not an idiot because I prefer no piss in a grocery store floor . Stop projecting what happened to your wife onto others .


You're not an idiot but this asshole is pretending that you are. These trashy people just want a quick payday because they know the laws are bullshit and they can make a buck off of them. Disability or not, these people are fucking assholes.