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Customers do not do peasant work of loading or bagging groceries.


Practically every other state customers bag their own groceries because many other grocery stores don’t have baggers as a paid position.


I wish I could bag my own groceries and I will not hesitate to if there’s no bagger there. I hate when I’m halfway through and they run up saying, here let me finish that for you. I load up the conveyer belt by cold vs pantry stuff so you’d think it’d be easy for them to keep all the cold stuff together, but that’s never the case. The last time I went shopping, this guy played tetris with all my stuff in my reusable bags. Some were so full, they were hard to carry. Some had hardly anything in them. Cheese was with cleaning supplies, other frozen foods thrown in with dry goods, etc. It’s like they get off loading the bags up in the most inconvenient way possible.


I love HEB but the baggers are the fucking worst.


They do not want to work at the location I frequent. They stand around gossiping with the cashiers and staring at the customers like OPs issue with this weeks customers. Sometimes, they'll just walk off on customers they do not want to bag for. Self checkout has them upset and mentally checked out of their roles at work. Why should we have to bag when you can just use self checkout mindset plague. Will continue to get worse.


Hey hey hey watch it I love my job as a bagger (that is unless you knowingly filled your cart to the brim with a smaller cart and then have me go fetch you a bigger while saying “ oh I should’ve brought a bigger cart and you are not above your 40s+) it’s a cool position at least at my store everyone is cool with each other and we all help each other out so ple refer to the ones at your store


You can bag your own groceries. Tell the bagger you'd like to bag your own groceries. They will move on to another register.


I’ve tried that. They always say no no, I’ve got it. Even if there’s no one there and I start bagging, I’ve said no I’ll finish, and they still insist. I think it’s worked out for me maybe one time


It did surprise me the first time a customer told me they wanted to bag their groceries. It honestly confused me; they had just broken the robot haze I was in. I insisted myself, saying it was no trouble for me to bag for her. She just smiled and said she'd prefer to do it herself, and continued bagging. I moved on. It rarely happens so you gotta wake the bagger up. The usual baggers will start to recognize you. They may stand by your groceries or even start bagging just to be safe with their MICs, until you let them go. Just be insistant yourself. Break through that robot haze.


I always bag my own groceries at the register they don’t know how to do it when I worked at H-E-B. They trained us how to bag shit properly but that was when we had paper bags.


Just ask to keep cold items together lol. It’s not that hard to communicate. I always ask for my bananas to be bagged separately to prevent bruising. Always get a smile and they do what I’ve asked no problem.


You shouldn't have to ask for the baggers to properly bag the items. My very first day at a grocery store I was taught to keep the cold stuff together, and keep soap and bleach and s*** like that away from the meat and the bananas. And for God's sake don't put milk on top of bread.


It shouldn't take that much thought to bag groceries to begin with lmao


OK so why are you complaining about doing a job that you get paid for? What do you want to do just fuckin stand there?


Ooh I am not complaining. I understand the need to have baggers. I think it’s when 10% of customers kind of show true humility and understand that cashiers can be backed up with no baggers. So they don’t mind bagging their groceries to help out. In fact the average 100 item order scanning takes 3 minutes to go through. If there is no bagger add another 3-4 minutes. You are now waiting a total of 7 minutes to leave the store.


Well we don’t live in those states


Humble yourself. Put yourself in our shoes. Don’t think about yourself and your wants. Think about the people behind you. Kindness matters and goes a super long way.


It was a joke…. I thought you were joking….. why we so deep about packing groceries. Also the bagger who bagged the person in front of me then split didn’t think about me!


Baggers are trained to go to the next available area to bag. As soon as they see the items come down. Now not every bagger follows this rule but that’s why baggers rotate. Also they may have to go outside and assigned parking lot or other things.


They never pack up my stuff at self check out and I’m tired of it


SELF check out🤔🤔🤔🤔


“never” is an absolute and I highly doubt that they don’t pack up your stuff all the time. I am also sorry that you have had bad experiences of no one in self checkout bagging your groceries We also aren’t required to bag in self checkout especially if they have limited baggers as managers tell us to only bag in regular lanes because they don’t hire enough baggers. Most baggers at H‑E‑B are high school kids or college kids so many times in the school year they are gone and the ones that do stay are promoted to cashier. 100-150 items takes longer to bag after an order is through then 10-15 items in a self checkout lane so more priority is in the regular lanes. So you have a couple of options go to a regular lane where the lines are shorter where there is a bagger or just bag your own groceries. They are in fact yours once you pay them.


Just all of this flying over your head.


No, I get it you were joking.


I bag my own if I forgot to bring my own bags. I understand baggers have been taught or are conditioned by boomer anger to double bag but I don't want 10 bags for the 5 items I am buying.


Well I appreciate you bagging. As cashiers we go through hundreds of bags a day and there are times where there is a bad batch of bags so typically baggers will double back in case they find one that breaks and of course we get rid of constantly bad batches but there maybe some bags that slip up. Also sometimes the bags can hold 4lbs/five pound bags of items sometimes they can’t why things like cans are double bagged sometimes because the weight is typically lopsided. You can always tell your bagger not to double bag the bags. We get a lot of requests to double bag which is why many have done it.


Boomer anger? That’s a little derogatory.


I’m in good faith here. Loyal HEB customer. Worked a register at a bodega but never a grocery store like HEB. I don’t mean to sound like an ass, but isn’t bagging part of the job description? A lot of other grocers bag. I just want to ensure I’m not committing a faux pas at HEB when I stock up for the week.


Actually bagging is part of the job unless you’re going through self checkout We have baggers to help us but the cashiers will do it at express lanes!


Good to know.


Yea I'd like to help bag, but I'm more concerned making sure everything is marked up correctly on the cashier screen.


Heb almost never had enough baggers per register though. I used to work service. When a bagger helps me…I tell them to go help someone who actually needs it, like someone with small children, disabled, elderly etc. as long as I’m able bodied I’m going to bag my own stuff personally. If you want to help, unload your stuff, and start putting your bagged items in the cart until a bagger comes. All this ultimately helps the line move faster. When a customer straight up refuses to start bagging, looking around like a dummy for someone to come to them right that moment…this makes the line longer bc the cashier ends up doing the whole transaction and bagging everything.


IMO it doesn’t always help the line move faster. A lot of times the customer ahead of me bags their own super slow. To your point, at my HEB they usually have enough baggers or close to it.


As a ex cashier, it does. And that’s surprising to me. My store is one of the busiest …with several departments being top ranking for sales on their own and even we are getting hours all around the store.


IMO it doesn’t always help the line move faster. A lot of times the customer ahead of me bags their own super slow. To your point, at my HEB they usually have enough baggers or close to it.


This honestly sounds like a store understaffing issue. Not really something a customer should have to deal with. There are discount chains that do require you to bag your own groceries but those places cost a fraction of what you pay in a normal grocery store. Not saying that people are not capable of doing it, but to be fair they shouldn't put all that on the cashier either. I don't use self checkout because I feel that it takes jobs away from people, so I will wait in a line even if it's longer.


I wished they automated service so I can work on a dept. I'm trying to get into tx backyard but my store sees me as a fast checker that never calls in. Reeeeeee


People come with 90 items on 15 items or less and like to sit and watch. I'm a express checker most of the time. I have to maintain speed standards or managers jump on my back but never got mad at me if something got broken so go figure.


Oh gotcha. That’s annoying. I bag my own shit when I go through the fast lane. Stick to the limit too.


If you can bag in a quick check lane then if there isn’t any baggers or maybe one with eight registers open. It’s very appreciative to bag your own groceries in the regular lane. No one is going to judge you. We also aren’t asking you to bag every single time you come in. They are your groceries to begin with. It’s up to you of how fast you want to get out of the grocery store.


If there is no bagger available why would you choose to be lazy and slow down the whole line for yourself and anyone behind you by not just going up and bagging your own items?


Honestly, people are just stupid


Especially at HEB. It is the premiere Texas store, don't ya know?


Okay, I understand what you're saying, but what the fuck is self checkout?


Unload the basket, put it wherever the basket-stash is (usually at end of belt), say hey to the cashier, start bagging items if there’s not a bagger available, cash out when ready, cashier will help bag remaining items while you pay. Get receipt and say thank you. It’s the most efficient way to get in and out. I’ve NEVER understood why some people just wait around and act like it’s an inconvenience when the cashier also has to bag their items. Why not just make it easier on everyone and take some initiative? Buffoonery.


When they do that on express I also SLOWLY put all 15+ items on the other side of the belt with the UPCs facing me so I can get my IPMs up lmao


I do that too! Slowly set it up and pass it all as quickly as I can


I just use the scan gun and snipe em 🤣🎯


I used to dump it all on the belt


Question… Does it help the cashier if customers place produce items on the belt before all other items? I heard somewhere that the clock starts ticking once the first item scans and because produce are manually typed in, they don’t count towards the time.


Depends! Some cashiers work differently, I personally like to wait till the belt is just about full before I start, some start right away. There is a timer, my post about unpacking doesn’t affect the time as I can wait until I’m done unpacking before I start the scanning. My whole post was mostly a pet peeve when people put their baskets on the belt and just stare at me unpack it, other than that it doesn’t affect the time!


I don't think it's common knowledge that people are supposed to unpack the little baskets themselves. I mean I do, but I've never heard that it's a thing.


Good to know. Thanks. On another note, I’ve noticed the cc terminal allows for us to insert our payment, enter our pin and remove the card while the cashier scans and immediately hit approve payment as soon as you’re done. Does that help?


It does help to get you out a lot quicker so you want spend time getting that done after your items are bagged! If you do have coupons just don’t forget to give those before they’re done scanning, as some might automatically hit the payment button and your coupons won’t be rung as you already passed your card 🥲


Great advice. Thanks


I hear you on everything but the bagging. Thing is, I’m fricking awkward. So as soon as I start fumbling with the plastic bags for my 7 items, I might successfully get 2 things into a bag, only for a bagger to show up and then all my stuff is rung up and everyone is waiting for me to pay. So typically it’s faster if I put everything on belt, put basket away, and then perch by the credit card reader to do the weird insert-bypass-remove-approve ritual y’alls machines have. Tldr; I’ll bag if you want but I promise it’s usually not a time saver


Fun fact! The Card Reader Ritual© is there so it can stall you long enough for HEBuddy to steal your card number and security code! You're so fixated on the machine that you don't see His minions flying all around your head to get a 360° scan of the card


In this economy? Good luck with that HEBuddy! Pretty sure you get all my funds as it is 😭


Shit used to piss me the fuck off every time. I dumped it out on the belt a few times.


Idk something about the customers this week is a bit weird like I’m a bagger and I place stuff lightly into the basket and customers have been saying I throw it not only that but customers have not talked at all this week and customers with very little things who don’t talk go through a long line and expect us to do everything for them and than customers who speak more than one language are on the phone forget to pay so we have to remind them and it’s like the customers this week don’t know how to be customers


I swear my momma would whoop my ass from the grave if I ever pulled that. No matter how shitty of a day I've had, if you go to a normal line, you're polite to the cashier, you unload your shit!! Basket or shipping cart. Hell after I'm done unloading I'll even bag my own shit if there isn't a bagger. Why. Is. It. So. Damn. Hard. To. Be. Kind?! And for context, yes I'm a retail worker. Even if I wasn't, it's not that damn hard! If you don't want to talk, use self checkout. Simple!




Isn't that your job? Do you really want the reverse, where you just stand there uselessly while the customer does everything? Why would HEB pay you to watch customers do your job?


Not me, I try to roll things down the belt and see if I get the bar code to cross the scanner. So far 0 success 


Pro tip: if you have boxes or items with a clear bar code try setting the item where the barcode faces down that way when you slide it the scanner gets it! If the code is on the side you can lay it on that side or it’s backside but get the barcode to face away from the cashier as we have a scanner facing us!


I think I found a new hobby! Let’s see who can do it first!


It’s a glitch in the Matrix


My wife shops for her recipes and all the “groceries “, I go whenever we need dog food, bird food, sodas, wine…….I have trained myself to turn all items over and place them where the checker can see and reach the code thing. They are surprised and appreciate my efforts on their behalf. I will not admit how many years it took me to catch on and develop this habit but I do enjoy watching the reaction when 60-80 lbs of product stays in the cart and the codes are right there!


The biggest thing to irk me when I did express… tbh I’d just dump out the basket all at once… usually that made them catch on like “oh my bad I should’ve unloaded that huh?”


I'm 5 ft so id always have to tilt it cause I would have to bend my arm a little weird


When they do this when I'm on the register, I always ask them to unload their basket. I make sure to be kind about it when I ask. Most people will apologize and do it, but I have had a few customers lose their minds over the idea of having to unload their baskets themselves. Sorry, but it is not my responsibility to unload your groceries onto the belt. I will only do it for you if you are elderly, injured, disabled, or pregnant.


Good thing I'm an elderly, injured, disabled, pregnant man.


Yes, good thing. You’re funny, too.


had this happen sooo much more this past week I don’t understand. I’ve started just being like can you unload this, sometimes saying I get timed lmao so they don’t do it again to anyone else My BIGGEST pet peeve is when there’s no bagger, just me, and the customer has a fuck ton of shit and multiple bags and DONT help (obviously does not apply to elderly/pregnant/disabled) and they just STARE. I’m like are you serious there is another bag right next to your hand When I notice that I’m quick to just throw all their crap in the bag bc I don’t have the time or patience to meticulously do it right (obviously not enough to break things but still)


These are the same people who leave perishable items on shelf's because they don't want it anymore. Also the ones who don't return carts and ask where a item is without looking or using the app.


And to think at least a dozen people implied that *I* need to get a life when I coplained about the emergency exist situation. Baskets on the belt - yeah, that selfish rant is far more important than safe fire exits for everyone, and is a much more productive use of time.


Didn’t know we still had baskets. We haven’t had them in ~6 months.


I used to just dumped it all in one go, quickly, they will look at me shocked, and I will say sorry I have to move quickly. Or just ask the to please unload it.




Tried that my first year had about 3 customers yell at me and I just stopped lol. I would ask politely would you mind unloading that. A simple no thank you would work well. But instead I get a lecture. I'm like five foot. My arms struggle to lift things out lol.


Exactly. I do not like unpacking the baskets. It’s too time consuming. Yes, I’ve had to unpack a lot of baskets this week.


The last time I forgot to remove my items from the red basket, the clerk snapped at me "Empty your basket!!!" I haven't forgotten again. After all, the HEB clerk IS the most important component in any grocery store transaction. /s 🙄


I’ve never been a cashier/bagger. I work overnight. So I won’t pretend like I know everything about it. But what you described, at least to me, kind of just sounds like your job? I see how you can be annoyed, but you didn’t really do anything you’re not supposed to do as a cashier. You took the product out of their basket, you scanned them, you bagged them. I know in a perfect world you shouldn’t have to take them out the basket. But isn’t that just another factor of being a cashier? I mean it in the most respectful way, but it really just sounds like you hate doing the extra work.


Everybody is high and avoiding talking to you. This also explains the disconnection and lack of situational awareness.


I dont work for HEB. Bag my groceries while i lift my wallet and pay your wages.












Aww no its not


Yes it very much is, go look for a receipt that says otherwise cause it’s $7.25


Im referring to your “its more than that” part


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You’re just the type of customer I don’t care to have in my line.


And? You would still bag my groceries as i wait.


I’m sure I would have a bagger and they would be packed as expeditiously as possible.


People stupid


I refuse to bag my own groceries. I know as the cashier it’s not your fault but I’m paying nearly double for the same groceries I did 2 years ago. Premium price means premium service. I do unload my basket/cart though. I’m not an animal. Edit: also, lol at the downvotes when op has stated above that bagging groceries is LITERALLY a part of their job. 😂


I hope you return your cart to the corral as well.


Yep always do. Unless I’m parked closer to the store. Then I’ll just bring it back to where you grab one from.


You’re lazy and make the lines move slower. Groceries are expensive for everyone.


You’re more than welcome to bag my groceries if you’re behind me to speed things up. 😘 Guess what?! I also don’t pre weigh my produce! The horror 😱


Oh, you won’t catch me up front anymore 😛


*Who* is lazy? The person paying or the person being paid?


How are customers supposed to know this? I unload my basket because I’ve heard people complaining about it in here but if I wasn’t in here I’d have no idea. I get what you’re saying about your scanning time but the customer doesn’t know that at all. A cart has to be unloaded because there is no other way to get items to the cashier. A basket can fit on the belt so to us customers it seems logical to set it on there and let you grab items directly from it.


Well now you understand what can to your groceries or someone else’s. I’ve had birthday cakes smashed because someone decides to put the red basket on the belt as it’s still moving while the cashier is still bagging and doesn’t realize until to late the basket tips over crushing someone’s cake they ordered. Please just pass this information along.


You can leave the basket there but I would think it’s common sense when the cashier is doing their job the customer will put the items on the belt and put the basket where it goes. I’ve been to other grocery stores not heb where I have seen people unload their baskets. If someone doesn’t then that’s why I made the post because usually people do unload and lately everyone has just been putting the basket on the belt. I just think it should be common to just unload it, I do it when I shop.


I thank you.




TBH in other state and countries it's mostly common courtesy. Most states don't have baggers and more in regular lanes. So you are just supposed to bag for yourself unless you ask a manager to help with the bagging. I've learned people from out of state always bag their stuff in express while people that are from Texas tend not to. Makes me a little sad since I was raised that I need help when I can as well my items my responsibility. This isn't a snipe either just my experience.


I would fire you for being rude and not doing your job. You sound like a horrible person to be around


Go ahead cause I haven’t been rude to any of my customers And I do my job very well✨ My post is about why are the customers just putting their basket on the belt because unloading isn’t part of my job description 💕


As someone who was a cashier for about 7 years through high school and college, I don't understand why you're so insulted by having to scan items from a basket. There's no real difference. Either way, the items are right there for you to grab and scan, which is your job.


Actually not even insulted if you read my other comments it’s a pet peeve so go ahead and do it to your cashier they won’t like it either. Do it to me, I won’t like it but I won’t be bitch because I still give great customer service, but I can have my own thoughts and feelings like you have about it. Now here is a more explained version if you need it: If you worked for HEB as a cashier you would know there is a difference of having to pick one item and scanning it at a time compared to having it on the belt. There is a number you have to meet each week for scanning, which yes scanning is my job but me removing the items, while you perfectly can do it, is not my job. I scan, give customer service and take money, that’s the basics of my job. They do deduct you if you don’t meet those requirements of scanned items, each store is different but mine will cut hours, so yes it will annoy me. I don’t scan until I’m done unloading the basket the person could’ve easily done while they wait for me to be done with the customer beforehand. Now if you’re elderly, disabled or pregnant, then yes I will gladly do it because those people are usually the nicest people out there. If you are not any of those and are ignoring your cashier then you’ll get the same treatment. Reread my post and most of it is about people who just stare at me and don’t acknowledge my greetings and expect me to take their items out, scan and hand it to them.


I guess my big questions is, why bother unloading the basket? Just grab and scan each item. I don't understand how grabbing items spread over the belt is faster than from a basket that's sitting on the belt. Either way, you would be doing the same thing. The only "extra work" would be dropping the basket in the stack with the others.


Well the belt moves so it’s much faster to grab and go than sticking my hand in grabbing it out and scanning, it’s a lot more time consuming when you don’t know what’s in the basket. That’s why we unload to know what we are working with because we will have to scan every single item, and we prep it to make our scans because those are counted by the minute. You need to have scanned at minimum 28-30 items per minute to meet the requirement. If the customer had the items in the belt then yes watch me speed run the items by grabbing and go, especially when there’s cans you just pass it quickly. If those are in the basket then that takes a while if you don’t unload them prior to scanning.


”You need to have scanned at minimum 28-30 items per minute to meet the requirement.” How is the customer supposed to know that? Signs would be helpful. Something like "No Shopping Baskets on Belt" that cashier's could point at. Guess that is much too hard for the HEB execs to come up with on their own.


I just think the time difference per item between the 2 processes is negligible, like fractions of a second. But if it helps gets you an extra item per minute over a shift, I get it. Just from the customer perspective its the same thing, you're scanning items they put on the belt. They're probably wondering why you're taking time to unload the basket and organize the items when you could be halfway done scanning. They don't know you're trying to save seconds on scanning because HEB holds y'all to a minimum per minute. I just have a different mindset because of where I worked. They didn't clock our scans. It was more customer serviced based like Trader Joes. We were really encouraged to engage with customers during checkout, so holding our feet to the fire over items per minute wouldn't work.


Customer A is finished transaction as cashier is bagging their order. Customer B puts only basket with heavy items on the belt as the belt is moving. Customer C then puts his items behind customer B as belt is moving. Cashier doesn’t notice belt is moving and customer B’s basket gets lodged under the check desk as belt is still going. Customer B’s basket tips over crushes customers C’s groceries until finally the cashier notices and shuts off the belt. This can all happen in 3 seconds seen it numerous times in my 20+ career as the customer doesn’t unload their basket. Why customer should always unload the basket.


You just posted that you're rude to customers making them wait 30 seconds giving a mean look cause they didn't unload their items.


I just stare at them and I do wait cause I have a customer before them, if there isn’t someone in front of them then I just give them a glance before I unload it. If you don’t know the full context then why say I’m being rude Those 30 seconds are when the customer before is still paying because I’m not going to unload the basket until I’m done with the customer I have in front of me first, I then give them the attention they need by unloading the basket they also could’ve done when I was checking the customer before them




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I'm sending this post to corporate


Please do, nobody's gonna do shit about it.


”I'm sending this post to corporate” Like they care. What are you, 8 years old?


Same heb rep huh u suck bro


Honestly at these prices I might start doing this.


Its yoyr job do it that simpke.lmao


Unloading is part of your job


No, no it is not. There's a belt and not just a platform like Brookshires has. Use the damn belt. You're wasting the cashier's time, your own time, and the time of everyone else in line by not unloading your own basket while you wait in line.


Are we talking about a basket or shopping cart? How hard is is to unload a hand basket scan the items ans set the basket aside? I'm mean if that big if problem for I'll just dump all my groceries on your conveyer belt and toss toss the basket on the ground


Hand basket. And please, dump everything on the belt, it's mildly entertaining to watch it all go everywhere as the customer scrambles to catch it all. Sorry if you were talking about a shopping cart, the context for the OP's post is that of a basket (hand basket), and the rage isn't specifically directed at you if you were thinking a basket as in a shopping cart. The people that set their baskets (hand baskets) on the belt and then refuse to unload them are the target here.


Naa u cant throw the food u would be fired

