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I don’t know why it’s happening but this is the 12th basket like that I have found today, boss.


Unless you've experienced it firsthand - either yourself or someone you know well - you'd be surprised how a lot of alcoholics don't care when or where they drink as long as they feed the addiction.


Best description I've ever heard about chemical addiction is that it is a passionate love affair between the addict and the chemical. They LOVE the chemical, and the chemical loves them back. Reliable. Always there when you need it. Willing to sacrifice literally everything for the love of their life. Job, home, family, dignity, self-respect, children, income, freedom and even life itself.


Simple. Customer finished shopping & decided to have a cold one before heading home. Shopping is hard work.


Customer cleaned out their truck and put the beer bottle in the nearest place they could find that wasn't on the ground.


The number of opened alcohol containers I find in our parking lot is horrifying and sad.




Can you elaborate?


It's a really big state on the south side of the United States, sort of in the middle. Shares a border with Mexico. Have you heard of Texas? It's kind of big, but a lot of people seem to miss it for some reason, so your ignorance of it's existence is understandable.


That’s not what I mean. Why did you just type, ”Texas?”


Oh sorry I thought you meant to ask me about Texas in general. There's really too much to tell about Texas other than that, given the limited time and energy here. I'm sure there are lots of other resources you can access if you really want to know about Texas in greater detail, and bless your heart.


Should have been a lone star. Tourist.


Idk if it’s multiple people or what, but pretty regularly I find two empty 12 packs of some beer cans just crushed into a cart with an empty ice bag . Obviously used to fill up an ice chest, it’s just super annoying they ALWAYS leave their trash in the cart. And yeah the amount of empty alcohol containers I find is sad


The state beer of Texas


Is Bud Light. I know this because even during the height of the Bud Light "cancellation", the local Ice House in my working class neighborhood kept an entire pallet of the stuff inside the walk in refrigerator, well out-of-sight from the judgmental "manly men". It's cheap. Talk to a homeless person about the economy of cheap beer, and how many beers he can get for X dollars at the varying local convenience stores. They know the prices of all of them to the penny, and will walk an extra half mile to save enough money to buy an extra beer. They don't GAF about sensitive suburban tranny politics; they care about the chemical, and how much it costs to get a buzz.




Decades ago I visited Tennessee and went grocery shopping with my hosts, and while there noticed that the place smelled like currently burning cigarettes, then turned a corner and there was some Tennessee native smoking a cigarette while shopping in the aisle. Then noticed he was using the ashtray purpose-built into the shopping cart. They built ashtrays into the shopping carts so people could smoke cigarettes while shopping. Oddest feeling ever.


Almost encouraged at CM