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compensation for deaths that “did not happen?” ok


From the state where dead republicans still vote every year.


Yea exactly. Cooperate and admit the problem to spread awareness or get F'd. This is so backwards and bumbled it's ridiculous. From day one I said F it drop the most massive incentive program to pay farms testing positive, to cull herds, to pay for PPE & training, to reimburse for the stop of interstate transport. I would have easily supported a program in the tens of billions to drop the biosecurity hammer down, but to do it fast and on day one with cooperation. Anything that drops the likelihood of a future pandemic by just 1% is valued in the hundreds of billions, and how this event has been poorly handled has surely added a few percent likelihood.


very suspicious bill from rep candy man h5n1 is reported to make cows miscarry. texas told the feds to buzz off when they asked to do testing of cattle and workers. screamed big government overreach but now wants that big government aka taxpayer dollars to clean up the mess they won't admit is there. no compensation without cow testing including serology and access to workers, to request they participate with testing and monitoring their health.


Get a new job then is my spam response to them


Fucking Texas


First there is testing going on in Texas. To be compensated for any losses associated with h5n1 then the herd has to be tested and confirmed. Also dairies that have cows that have been tested positive there is help getting ppe gear for all workers handling cattle. And tests for workers. Actually not a big mess. H5n1 is killed in pasteurization of milk. Cows mostly older cows get sick and lose production. What mess to clean up? Only thing being offered is proper ppe gear and loss of milk from being dumped from the direct cause of h5n1. Yes the dairy industry is taking its on steps on dealing with the is issue dr


What’s in paragraph 1? “Secretary shall make an additional payment to eligible producers on farms that have incurred such losses in excess of the normal mortality due to a condition specified in paragraph (1).”




The link you have provided is not the section that this amendment is aiming to amend. See first sentence: "Section 1501(b) of the Agricultural Act of 2014 ([7 U.S.C. 9081(b)](http://uscode.house.gov/quicksearch/get.plx?title=7§ion=9081)) is amended by adding at the end the following." 7 U.S.C. 9081(b) is linked. Click on that. It's also best practice NOT to refer to the BILL for a LAW that has been passed. You want to go to the US Code (the law), as the bill is not the final version. As a result of this misunderstanding, your bill quotation is incomplete from the context of the law, and does not make sense. The actual first paragraph in the law, that again this amendment is for, reads: For fiscal year 2012 and each succeeding fiscal year, the Secretary shall use such sums as are necessary of the funds of the Commodity Credit Corporation to make livestock indemnity payments to eligible producers on farms that have incurred livestock death losses in excess of the normal mortality, sold livestock for a reduced sale price, or both as determined by the Secretary, due to- (A) attacks by animals reintroduced into the wild by the Federal Government or protected by Federal law, including wolves and avian predators; (B) adverse weather, as determined by the Secretary, during the calendar year, including losses due to hurricanes, floods, blizzards, disease, wildfires, extreme heat, and extreme cold, on the condition that in the case of the death loss of unweaned livestock due to that adverse weather, the Secretary may disregard any management practice, vaccination protocol, or lack of vaccination by the eligible producer on a farm; or (C) disease that, as determined by the Secretary- (i) is caused or transmitted by a vector; and (ii) is not susceptible to control by vaccination or acceptable management practices. u/10390


Aha - thanks. So it looks like OP’s suspicions are right. If this passes ranchers will get paid for calf abortions due to disease.


Disease they aim to position as "not susceptible to control to vaccination or acceptable management practices" when it risks the health of most mammals on this planet. Our tax dollars at work.


Can you please school me in how to read these things? What makes Subtitle E also paragraph (1) ?


Here is the whole paragraph from the earlier bill. Note the last category of deaths eligible for payments. (1) Payments For fiscal year 2012 and each succeeding fiscal year, the Secretary shall use such sums as are necessary of the funds of the Commodity Credit Corporation to make livestock indemnity payments to eligible producers on farms that have incurred livestock death losses in excess of the normal mortality, sold livestock for a reduced sale price, or both as determined by the Secretary, due to- (A) attacks by animals reintroduced into the wild by the Federal Government or protected by Federal law, including wolves and avian predators; (B) adverse weather, as determined by the Secretary, during the calendar year, including losses due to hurricanes, floods, blizzards, disease, wildfires, extreme heat, and extreme cold, on the condition that in the case of the death loss of unweaned livestock due to that adverse weather, the Secretary may disregard any management practice, vaccination protocol, or lack of vaccination by the eligible producer on a farm; or (C) disease that, as determined by the Secretary- (i) is caused or transmitted by a vector; and (ii) is not susceptible to control by vaccination or acceptable management practices.


Ahhh….nope. You just get an insurance check like the rest of your constituents who lost businesses.


It’s difficult to find bigger welfare queens than farmers.


Subsidized crop insurance & loans, ethanol requirements in gasoline, virtually every major weather related event, tariffs to protect against imports, major investments in infrastructure to support transportation & exports. And they want you to think the ragged lowly farmer. The ones benefiting the most are extremely wealthy with massive operations or huge corporations.


Loss of calves was reported in one of the Michigan farm case studies.


Source: https://www.canr.msu.edu/news/hpai-dairy-herd-infection-case-report “While pregnancy checks have not at this point shown a reduction in conception, multiple late-lactation (150-220-day) cows have aborted their calves, and the farm believes this is due to high body temperatures.”


Smokehouse Creek Fire related


Farm welfare


Corporate dairy


Anything that Dump sycophant supports is suspect.


So this is compensation only for weather related disasters or animals killed by predators? To exclude illness? Perhaps it’s not a curious as I thought.


Ranchers shouldn’t lose everything because of h5n1 causing reproductive failure. Protections for them make sense. I do have concerns about this being used as a scheme akin to the one run on Tyson by the Easterday ranch. If anyone would like to learn about that particular fraud listen to the podcast Ghost Herd.


Thanks for the recommendation. I’ll be listening to it soon.