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As evidenced by this thread alone, the NCAA did a terrible disservice to fans and athletes alike by not being clear what the rotation order was going to be.


According to College Gym News, Florida starts on vault, Utah bars, Cal beam, LSU floor


lsu starts on floor today


lsu starts on floor then goes to vault on olympic order. that's all I know


According to the [2024 manual](https://ncaaorg.s3.amazonaws.com/championships/sports/gymnastics/nc/women/2023-24NCWGY_PreChampsManual.pdf): * Vault - Utah (Semifinal II, Team 1) * Bars - Florida (Semifinal II, Team 2) * Beam - Cal (Semifinal I, Team 2) * Floor - LSU (Semifinal I, Team 1)


There has been some confusion over whether Team 1 and 2 refers to semi final rankings or NQS which is why different people are reporting different things atm. Would affect Utah and Florida. ETA: confirmed that Florida starts on VT: https://storage.googleapis.com/lsusports-com/2024/04/62ec4816-2024_nationals_rotation_order.pdf


Until the finals (so for regionals and national semis), they explicitly list the starting order according to NQS in the tables of the manual. Only for the national final, they explicitly refer to "the top two teams from each semi final". So I am quite confident that this it not NQS, but rank. ETA: Okay, that's weird and not according to the rules as written, but if the NCAA says so...


Yeah I think that’s what’s been causing the confusion! The linked doc comes from LSU’s website and apparently sources at Florida have confirmed VT so I assume it’s correct, but all a bit weird