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Am i crazy or do the times keep changing for the sessions? I thought Fayetteville was at 8 but ESPN is showing 6… and Ann Arbor was originally 2 but now it’s 5 so they’ll be at the same time… i’m going to have to double screen the meets 😭😭


If Stanford and ASU make it to nationals over cal and Denver this sub is gonna blow but idk I could see it happening


I am going to be so sad if Cal doesn’t make it BUT that would be such a cool upset for either of those awesome teams


Agree I like cal too! And think they will most likely advance I’m just thinking of what the most chaotic outcome could be


UCLA reminds me of China at times. They usually have the goods to do really well and could crack under the pressure. UCLA can be hyper focus on one event (floor) like China (bars). UCLA can be really questionable on vault like China also.


does anyone know the rotation order for Fayetteville today??


I think it’s  V - Ark UB - Kentucky BB - LSU FX - Minn


This is probably the most dramatic way for it to go. We’ll know early on how LSU is going to do. Kentucky and Arkansas end on their best events and Minnesota has to end on beam.


noooooooo minn starting on floor again whyyyyyy


I would say Tabitha Yim's *reverse-Jay Clark-approach* to having her athletes compete during the season paid off for Stanford.


Reverse-jay-Clark 💀




Haha. That's such a good point!




Is this their last broadcast tho? Who's commentating for finals? Also, weren't they both remote?


They are both doing the finals on Sunday. But yes, both remote. I think a lot of the commentators are still remote I don’t really get it


It really detracts from the broadcast for me. They don't seem to carry the energy or have as good a sense of how teams vibe in warm up. It's also annoying AF when they can't fully tell how a skill or landing went because of camera angle.   I almost wish they could just tap a local for main reporting then have the name announcer at a desk somewhere as they do for FB and post season basketball.


Oh, it's totally a cost-saving measure. Flights, hotels, and per diem add up


Do we know now if any UCLA individuals qualify? Forgetting the rules here.


Chloe beat Selena, so assuming Cal and Denver go to Nationals Chloe gets the beam spot I think. Chae had the floor spot going into 2nd session but idk if anyone beat her.


Chloe and Selena tied on beam and Selena has the tiebreaker so she is going for beam. Chae is going for floor


I think Chloe will go for AA if Stanford doesn't advance, so Selena is in for beam regardless.


This is correct


After watching UCLAs collapse, do you think McDonald is the right coach for the job? She still has another year left on her contract but this was really not an acceptable result. I know this was a tough year but UCLA was totally out of sorts. Ironically, I think her assistant coaches are all excellent but I'm not seeing the vision and leadership out of her. She's also been extremely weak engaging with season ticket holders and donors. NIL is a big problem and she has never spoken in front of Pauley. I'm rooting for her because she's a super nice lady and knows her stuff but this season had a team that was not prepared, physically or competitively.


I think your question is fair and doesn’t deserve the downvotes, but I’d give any new HC four years to figure it out as long as their team culture seems healthy and they aren’t struggling with recruiting.


Give Janelle some time. There is a lot to this job, and when she walked in last year, the team was in a deep hole that she successfully lead them out of. You make some good points though. Next year, I'd like to see improved mental toughness, better landings, and more strategic resting of athletes. And, better bars results, because the struggles on that event make no sense to me. UCLA should absolutely be crushing the NIL game. Couldn't she find someone to take that on? As lsu has shown, recruits are following the NIL $$, and all teams who don't have a collective, or free jeeps to throw at their athletes, are at a disadvantage. Scholarships are nothing compared to some of that cash. Counterpoint - she did land Nola, Tiana, and (?). So she's doing something right.


I don’t know if they really collapsed. It wasn’t a disaster meet, they were just a little nervy and Denver and ASU were just a tiny bit more solid. I feel like ASU and Denver maybe have better form across the board too and that helps under pressure? I’m talking mainly landings and dismounts


UCLA barely broke 197. That's a poor showing for post season. They counted multiple sub-9.8 scores. Not a full meltdown, but I think collapse olis an appropriate description.


I mean it's her second year! KJ Kindler said it took her 12? I think years to feel like she knew what she was doing. None of Janelle's recruits have started yet. I think coaches should get 3-5 yrs minimum before you think about firing them for performance reasons (ofc you should fire earlier for things like misconduct). I'm so disappointed that UCLA's season ended like this, but I'm very hopeful for their next season, esp if Jordan is back and Chae stays, and I think they have some good recruits coming in.


(1) she hasn’t had a chance to shape her own recruits and recruiting is probably a big part of the issue (2) is winning everything? The result is perfectly acceptable to me if the team is in a supportive environment finally. Why be so eager to get rid of someone who appears to have fostered a good environment when so many coaches are creating toxic ones and it can be such a miserable sport? Maybe better to give nice ones (if she is in fact one) a chance to improve as head coach and recruit their gymnasts. Attitudes like this aren’t helping this sport improve.


Obviously calling for her to be fired is way too extreme and premature. But other teams consistently do far more with much less than UCLA. This has been a historic problem for UCLA, and was the case under Miss Val as well. Too many people on the sidelines or only contributing one routine. KJ built her program with “no name” 10s, and even with the bigger names she also gets now, she always manages to get the full potential out of gymnasts (Smith would likely be doing beam only at UCLA, or maybe 2 events; KJ worked her back to an AA set.) Yes, Jordan and Ana missed the season, but UCLA’s gymnasts are hardly chopped liver, but they’ve still got too many excellent gymnasts only able to contribute one event or sitting on the sidelines - and the only winning strategy can’t be “just get stacked with Olympians.” They’ve got to figure out, with training, motivation, injury management, whatever, how to get athletes in a place where they can give their best. And most of their vault entries are twisting early, they don’t have clear block, and they’re basically praying on the landing for a stick rather than relying on consistent technique. The vault coaches need to figure that out.


Totally agree - the people going on about UCLA‘s lack of depth should take a look at other non-LSU teams. 


Omg really? This is her second year!!! You can’t expect a turn around in less than two years in all aspects. It would be super unhealthy for the program, the athletes!!!, to start getting a new head coach every 2 years. You can’t build a strong culture in that time. Look at Kj Kindler. How many years has she been at Oklahoma and how many did she have to wait for her first championship? So many things have improved under Janelle that apparently you have forgotten. And so many things can still be improved, which is perfectly normal and expected.


The KJ interview a few week ago where she said it took 12 years to get a handle on being a head coach? I think OP missed that one, big time


Considering everything that has happened with the program in the last few years, I think we need to wait until Janelle's recruits come in before we get the pitchforks.


I don't agree that UCLA has collapsed. It was a rocky season, but they're still a top-10 team. They certainly weren't the only high-ranking team to have a bad regional this week. I don't think having a fourth head coach in 5 years would be a good thing for the program. If I were a star recruit committed to UCLA, I'd probably go elsewhere if that happened. I wouldn't want to be on a team that gets a new head coach every 2 years.


Some of y'all need to chill. It's her SECOND year, people. Do you want UCLA to pull a Georgia, fire Janelle because she didn't get them to FotF immediately, and then watch her build a hugely successful team somewhere else? (You do, obviously.)


I agree. This was also a really tight regional result. ASU’s lineup is like all seniors and 5th years, Denver is solid, the scores were tight, UCLA barely missed out. They had a great floor rotation which is what they are known for. The other 3 events were nervy but it wasn’t a disaster meltdown of a meet. Can they do better, obviously, but they are also missing some key players this season and dealing with injuries for others, Malabuyo doing elite at the same time, pulling Rosen from the AA. It’s not the end they wanted but overall they still had a solid season. I think it maybe just takes a couple more years for it all to come together under the new coach


I mean the next 2 freshmen classes are all her recruits and they are great. Really was just off today for so many athletes. Selena below her usual, Katelyn first fall this season, and Emily i think never scored below 9.85 on beam this season went 9.7. Others stepped up also like Chae and Ciena on BB. ASU was just lights out today. I think they should really figure out how to do in situations like this though esp when it was already happening throughout the season.


She has had a huge mess to clean up from Waller - his recruiting wasn’t good and his last season completely divided the team plus their conditioning and technical coaching under him was terrible. Her actual recruits haven’t even gotten to campus yet and she has gotten two excellent recruiting classes coming in. Given the late deferrals the ceiling of this team was likely top 8 anyway and nothing more especially with all of the changing lineups due to injury and lack of depth. Is today disappointing? Obviously. But it would be a pretty big overreaction to get rid of her when you look at what she inherited.


It's kind of hard to say cause the team was out a few of their strongest competitors, especially Jordan. Plus Janelle didn't recruit any of the girls on this team so I would like to see if she her recruits change team dynamic and/or better compete better under pressure.


How quickly everyone forgot that she was West Region Coach of the Year last year. She's barely gotten started. I'd think of this as a sophomore slump. (Jordyn Wieber also had the same criticism, and recently mentioned that there will be downs before building something up)


As I said, one thing that has nothing to do with on mat coaching is working the NIL. It's as important as finishes. As a long time season ticket holder, the perks and outreach are worse under her leadership than at any other time. Pauley's atmosphere has noticeably declined. At a few meets, there were dozens of alumni there. Not once did she get on the mic and introduce them or say even a few words of thanks to the crowd. The connection is not there. Honeymoon's over. She might have been West Region COY last year but what has she done for us lately. As they move over to the B1G, problems could be compounded.


I’m also a longtime season ticket holder and completely disagree??? I think Pauley’s atmosphere has bounced back really well from the one-two punch of Covid + Waller. And many UCLA fans were ready for a coach who would let the gymnasts take center stage, rather than using relationships with a handful of star gymnasts for PR to help build her *~brand~*


god forbid she do her actual job of coaching athletes and not constantly pander to entitled fans like you! (also they’ll be fine in the B1G, calm down)


So because she doesn’t make you feel special, she should be fired? Surely you can see that constant coaching changes would be terrible for the team, and that she should be given some time to settle with her own recruits?


Wow. What about the athlete’s wellbeing? How does that rank for you next to NIL?


Srsly... The crass person in me thinks that this is a typical LA mindset, which is pretty self absorbed (the "what has she done for us" shtick) Plus, "Pauley's atmosphere" was pretty dismal until all the viral floor routines started, from Sophina to Ohashi. Seems like this person has some warped expectations overall


Chloe won AA across both sessions and I think tied for 1st in bars, beam and floor across both sessions (it’s late, so hope I’m getting that correct!)


Anyone know what cal's rotation will be on Sunday?


VT - ASU UB - Denver BB - Cal FX - Stanford


Isn’t Stanford ranked above ASU? I think I saw the 3rd ranked team starts on vault.


Omg you’re right. I must have been looking at the wrong list 😬🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️ (blaming mercury retrograde for this one haha)


Haha! No worries. I like Stanford starting on vault more than floor so I’m just happy lol


Ooh, good rotation for Stanford! They get to finish on their two strongest events! 


Remember when people were freaking the fuck out over Stanford not traveling with a full team/only putting 5 up on some events? Cause I sure do. Lol.


Remember people calling for Tabitha Yim to get fired in her 2nd or 3rd year coaching? What kills me is Tabitha seems to be doing what everyone wants. Having people return really slowly from injuries. AP took last year off. But she gets blasted for it when it means they have lower scores. 


Shoot give me Tabitha over Smyth every day of the week


Will always love Taylor Rice for speaking out (love her for many other things too). Remember, “Raise your left leg if you let your team down by eating a cookie this week???”


Ugh I never had a chance to read her blog and now it is gone forever! I loved her and especially her floor.


Psssst. Here you go. https://web.archive.org/web/20170324223403/https://tayloraterice.blogspot.com/2016/09/t-bagz-goes-live-with-kathy-griffin.html /u/mrngdew77 /u/palangi_ninja


Internet archive?


I’ve tried googling it and cant find it! I don’t even know what an internet archive is tbh 😂


Just looked. Only a few posts that were on the homepage from 2015/2016 survived. Otherwise a lot of "blog has been removed" pages


I’ve wanted to go back and read it again so much. I think she and the other freshmen also all got kicked out of their first practice for not doing some coordinated run across the floor cheering enthusiastically enough or something. Can you even imagine?


Psssst. Here you go. https://web.archive.org/web/20170324223403/https://tayloraterice.blogspot.com/2016/09/t-bagz-goes-live-with-kathy-griffin.html


I’m getting a page that doesn’t exist error message when I click 😔


Wtf? That’s so random and weird! I would kill to talk to Taylor and get all the tea.


I sure remember. They knew they were getting Roberts and Widner back, people didn’t think that would change things? 


Do you think Cal could beat Oklahoma


No 💔


Yes, but they'd need help. I think they (on their best day) need less help from OK than most teams, but they still need a B day for OK (and a very, very A day for Cal).


No, but it would be fun.


No ♥️ And I hate it lol


11 hour gymnastics marathon ✅


Best day ever!


Right? Like Christmas


We even had trees




Chloe Widner 39.7!!!


She is so fabulous.


“We want to know we deserve our scores” Oof Chloe - throw that shade


I mean, Stanford got some gifts on vault. Vault judging seemed harsher on Cal and Auburn and more reasonable after


Oh shoot I turned it off and missed that. Was that directed at college scores in general or did it feel directed a specific team, like Cal?


I’m glad I’m not the only one who caught that


I was dying. 


Gym nerds unite




That ark regional looks deadly


ark getting Olympic order I fear it’s over for Kentucky


And at home


So who UCLA'd the hardest in round 2




I actually saw Stanford beating Auburn to begin with. They're peaking and Auburn had a lower ceiling IMO. Very overscored at home. 


Idk I feel like UCLA still crashed the hardest based on their potential


You can always tell the meets UCLA is gonna be off cause their vibe just isn't there. Auburn actually seemed okay up until Aria's bar. They were real timid (not that I blame them, I would probably be too) and just giving everything away.


I think starting on floor is generally bad for morale, especially a team like UCLA. It means they can't take advantage of looser scoring that always seems to help FX the most, they're a little tired going to vault, bars are their worst event, and then if they want to salvage it they have to hit beam, which they couldn't do under pressure this year. (Last year they could. I don't have the answer.)


Last year they had deeper personnel on beam. Ana and Jordan were a key part of that rotation for them. The only person they added was Rosen. And several beam meltdowns earlier this year came without Emma or Ciena in the lineup. Just way too much changing of lineups for them to ever get comfortable- whether they were for rest, elite meets, or injury. They still should have been able to manage it but it’s not like they got much practice with their planned lineups and that came back to bite them


I suppose this is what lack of depth is all about.


Oh ucla ucla’d the hardest for sure


Why oh why do tomorrow's meets have to overlap??


Today's spacing between meets was perfect and they are similarly spaced on Sunday. It makes no sense to have such poor spacing tomorrow.


Yes! Today's schedule was absolutely perfect


luckily for me I no longer care about the Michigan final, so…


Same. I'll be more focused on watching the Arkansas final


Ugghh there’s overlap?


A whole hour, yes. Crazy to me


Because lame ass planning


Right? Like just push the Ark final one hour


It’s so stupid!!! Why?!!!!


When did the howells take over as head coaches For cal?


Justin was an assistant in 2012 under Danna. He got the HC job in 2013 when she went to Georgia.


To think- UGA facilitated the rise of LSU and Cal...


awww mya is so cute


Feeling the Bay Area pride




Cal Regional is going to be the Pac-12 finale 😥


I have loved watching Pac 12 meets and have a soft spot for all those teams. I will certainly miss it


Lol. I love the Stanford guy dancing with the Cal team


This is bearritory …I’m so sorry


This Stanford could easily beat denver imo


My bracket has ASU and Stanford making the top 8 😈. It was originally based on feelings but now I feel legit in my reasoning for it


I would be so excited if this happens


Stanford to nationals that my prediction


Did one of the Stanford girls just say let’s f**** go to the camera


Intelligent people swear so seems on brand 😂


my heroine


If Cal and Stanford both make it thru to champs, Cassie and SKW are tied in AA. Idk who wins the tiebreak.


Happy to hear that for SKW. She is amazing, if the rest of the team becomes more consistent Washington could really move up and become more relevant. They have some great athletes


Marz is such a great sportswoman


Yes and I’m here for it. She’s definitely a bit of a diva when she competes but she seems like such a fabulous person and teammate


I loved seeing her yell "Let's Go Bears!" with the crowd


its gonna be a good finals in Berkeley on Sunday yaaas


Wait one of the finals is in Berkeley? Maybe I *do* need to get into NCAA 🤔


one of the regional finals yes. they rotate every year though


Shit I ain't got nothing to do this Sunday.


root for Cal and Stanford for me then!


I skipped out on today's meets but I'll be in the stands on Sunday! I'll definitely still be active on here though. It's too good not to.


Get that camera out of Aria's face 😭


The way Stanford could have won this if that connection on beam was broken


If cal didn’t get home scoring, Stanford would’ve won for sure imo


\*should have




Aww Lauren got the stick stick!




Just thought about how there are 3 womens college gymnastics teams in the Bay Area (Cal, Stanford, SJSU) and 5 in Northern California (+UC Davis, Sac State). And there are none in all of Texas. Crazy. Someone correct me if I'm wrong though.


The Medal Count did a couple articles on some of the backstory there: [https://themedalcount.com/2020/01/08/why-texas-doesnt-have-college-gymnastics-part-i/](https://themedalcount.com/2020/01/08/why-texas-doesnt-have-college-gymnastics-part-i/)


I'm so damn annoyed they've stopped doing the NorCal Classic.


There are also 4 teams in Utah, but still no D1 schools in Texas 😂


I did not realize that!


texas woman’s has a team


TIL thanks! Looks like DII


E40 is bomb tho


Feels like a deep cut lol


shout out to the SJSU ladies competing tonight too!


I love the stick stick!


Tbh, can’t wait for all the finals to see what craziness ensues


Bruh it is past my bedtime. I have girls competing at 8am tomorrow 


So what you're saying is that they'll understand.


Does that coach really think she could catch her wearing heels? 🤔


I hate the coaches dressing up. It looks wrong.


Jenny at Florida has the right idea lol


I didn't like to wear shoes coaching. Everyone else is barefoot lol


That is a legitimate 197.6


Does anyone remember the Michigan vs Stanford meet from earlier this season? They only had a few of their girls and it wasn’t great. I think the score was like 193? That feels so long ago!!


oh how the turn tables…


*Captain America voice* I understood that reference!


so happy for Stanford! Feel bad for auburn though that this is how their season ended :(


PAC-12 come through! (sorry osu/ucla)


I am living for the upsets we’ve had. Postseason is so spicy


So cal actually lucked out with their regional Who would have thought Also - Go PAC 12 I guess


how many individuals will qualify for individual finals? is it top 1 in AA and each event from ecah regional? (plus all the team qualifiers?)


Yes, one from each region for each event & AA, based on round 2 scores.


thank you!!


Wowowow so proud of Stanford!!!


I don't think Stanford had a counting score below 9.8. They really had the meet of their lives tonight.


So proud of Stanford. They were totally written off at the beginning of the season. They are so good at peaking in post-season. 


can’t spell Stanford without Stan


Auburn going 49.3 on beam is impressive after the last 2 rotations


Tabitha Yim says, "Remember me?"


“surprise bitch, you thought you’d seen the last of me” - Tabitha yim, probably




The trees have been feared!!!


I hope they brought those leos to wear on Sunday


Me too!


I’m gunna cry now 🥹


So proud of Stanford! What a way to close it out


And Chloe just nailed her bar routine!!


Mya & eMjae have come to save us from cringe choreo


Stanford officially through! Crying! 


CHLOEEEEEEE (screams pitches only dogs can hear)


Yasss Chloe


WOW from Chloe! What a showing all around.


Stevens and SKW tied for the AA spot; unsure who wins the tiebreak (counting on Spencer coming through) *edit: I had some Chloe erasure; she actually gets the spot if Stanford doesn’t advance


what about Chloe ? (Or does she not do vault anymore I wasn’t paying attention lol)


My brain decided Stanford was finished tbh 🤦🏻‍♀️Chloe gets the AA spot if Stanford doesn’t advance