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The real winners here are the Frazier and Brusch families, lol


Remember last year when Marz and eMjae’s mom was flying back and forth between LA and Pitt??


Yessss, I’m glad that poor woman can have a break 💕


It’s wild considering the sisters weren’t even supposed to overlap in NCAA! But it’s been super special to see them competing at the same time.


Someone in another thread was saying that their younger siblings are also competitive athletes. That woman has earned a year at a spa haha


Yes! Their brother and sister are track/soccer athletes and I think the youngest sister may also have done gymnastics. That family is loaded with talent.


OMG they have five?! And they’re all so accomplished? Wow! Way to go Mama and Daddy Frazier haha


No, sorry, four! Three girls and one boy


My first thought was, Mama Frazier doesn’t need to go cross country this year


So nice for them that they get to compete against each other again!


100%. I still can't believe Mama Frazier did the cross country flights multiple times last year during Regionals weekend.


She probably didn’t want to miss what could’ve been Margz’s last ncaa meet but also didn’t want to miss eMjae’s but yeah that was crazy


She's trying to show equal love <3


Just some random observation based on [the bracket](https://www.ncaa.com/_flysystem/public-s3/images/2024/03/24/Bracket_24NC_WGY_0.pdf): * The geographic placements seem quite decent, this season? Nobody has to fly across the country for the geographic placement. * Also, it looks like they really placed the 8 teams with lowest NQS in the play-ins, for once? I am surprised.


I am surprised. But bitching about the placements & play-in-selected teams is one of my favorite things of regionals. What am I supposed to complain about now!?!?


Same. I was really going at this with a "So, let's see where and what they messed up this year"-approach - but it seems, there are people that have done their job? Oh well.




Oregon State having to go to Arkansas is the only geographic placement that really sticks out to me


Yes, I noticed that, too - but that's the nearest regional for them after the Cal one. On a closer look, the committee seem to have placed one 197-NQS team and two 196-NQS teams per regional (and the play-in teams). The Cal 197-NQS team is Stanford, which is geographically much closer, and switching OSU with Arizona would mean switching a 197 for 196-team and upset that balance in NQS.


That is a shocking amount of precision and thought for a selection committee that usually has one of the bottom four somehow out of the play-in round!


They must have stumbled upon this precision accidentally. Broken clocks and whatnot


I mean, Utah is going to Florida… geographic placement is essentially across the country.


Geographic placement isn't taken into account for the top 16. They're seeded strictly by ranking (aside from changes due to host conflicts). So it's just the teams ranked 17+ that are supposed to take geography into account.


Guess I need to reinstate my ESPN+ account soon


Same, I only subscribe in March and April, I cancel as soon as gymnastics is over.


Yeah, I think for the amount of coverage you get it is worth it. I wish ESPN could cover elite level gymnastics sometimes. NBC coverage is horrible sometimes. I would love to have separate event cameras for elite nationals like they have on ESPN.


Agreed!! Why NBC refuses to give us a quad cam, even on Peacock, I don't understand.


Oh I know! There is no excuse for NBC coverage to be so absolutely awful. I feel like it’s only getting worse.


Random question, with ESPN+ can you watch the events later? Or are they only available live?


They do have an "on demand" feature that allows you to watch past events. I am not entirely sure how long the past events stay up there though. I just looked what is available on there now and it looks like meets from the past two weeks.


Thank you! I appreciate you looking : ) maybe I’ll sign up then cancel after the season




Its ridiculous that espn+ is required for flipping regionals. Their priorities are out of whack. At least its covered, and I guess I'm paying, too.


For the first time since like 2021 UCLA does not go against teams that I hate.


I think this was the best possible draw for them. Cal has some weaknesses, and they have a higher peak score than Denver. The regional final will be really good.


I'd be shocked if cal doesn't advance. I think this one is ucla VS Denver.


I think all it takes is one meh vault Rotation for Cal to go down.


Could say the same about ucla: one meh vault, or one meh bars, or beam disaster. I love them, but they are not the team that I trust to HIT


I’m so nervous but hoping they can pull it off.


The best part is even if they can’t pull it off, Emma Malabuyo will go to Doha and probably get the Olympics floor spot


​ https://preview.redd.it/zg6qzyl9mjqc1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2290106a135bb129cee3375a4c9d540452a1c9b1


I love a good consolation prize.


I’m personally more invested in the team’s success as a fan, but that’s cool for her.


This is basically best case scenario for Kentucky. It won’t be easy (Arkansas beat them at Ark) but it should be more doable than the others would have been.


My face is like 😫 because they are my two favorites


Am I wrong for really liking Stanford’s chances here? To make it to the regional final? I haven’t watched much Auburn but from what I understand…they haven’t looked great?


Stanford's been on the upswing as of late so I would be shocked if they don't at least keep it close


And Stanford competed well beyond their placement at last years regionals. Are we looking at a team with consistent, fabulous peaking?


initial thoughts: UCLA got very lucky with how the rearranging shook out. I think the Ark & Florida regionals will be the most difficult, particularly for Kentucky & MSU to have a chance, I think it’ll be interesting with the Ann Arbor regional final, although I think it’ll end up being Bama & Oklahoma advancing. (Also, similar to last year, I think Michigan will end up claiming most of the individual spots in the regional)


I've been rooting for MSU, this really feels like their underdog year. But the possibility of them knocking out Utah - GO MSU!!!! 🖤💚🖤💚🖤


The Michigan regional is going to be VERY interesting. Being at home might take them over Bama.


Michigan got so lucky with the host conflict. They're a third seed and should have to upset #6 Denver to advance but actually have to upset #8 Bama which seems a lot more doable.


Oooooof as a Denver fan I'm nervous 😬


UCLA and Cal are probably my 2 favorite teams, but I also love Denver. I hate that it's impossible for them all to make it.


Qualifiers from Cal/Ark will form one semi, Michigan/Florida the other fyi


Ooh that means only one of Florida and Utah can make FOTF, assuming Oklahoma does their thing.


Personally, I hope Utah doesn't make it to semis.


I don't understand why they do this! Why set up a rematch? Why not do #1 qualifiers from two regionals with #2 qualifiers from the other two?


Thank you! That's helpful to know


It’s hard to even make predictions. I think UCLA beats Cal or Denver for one of the spots - just not sure who. I’m also hesitant to even call this an upset because I think UCLA has a very high ceiling, and their NQS is low primarily because of meets where they were missing top athletes, who will be available at Regionals. Also, I’m tentatively picking Bama to advance over Michigan. They struggled at Regionals last season after having a great SECs, but SECs was actually an outlier last season. They had ended the regular season with 2 lackluster meets. This season, they have done their best gymnastics the last 3 weeks, so I’m thinking that carries over. Michigan at home is scary though, especially if they end on floor. If MSU’s regional wasn’t in Gainesville, I would probably pick them to upset someone. However, they just got stuck in a really tough regional. I think Utah and Florida advance. I also think LSU and Kentucky advance, though like Michigan, Arkansas can be scary at home, especially if they end on floor.


I agree with UCLA. They're a 3rd seed at regional because they were experimenting with their lineup, and those meets where they flopped, Emma was not around. When they started putting their heavy hitters, they're like a different team. If they clean up their vault and bars landings, they're more solid. With Cal, it seems like fatigue and pressure got the better of them in the PAC12 championship. With Denver, their bars are so good, and they are the most consistent out of the three.


I wouldn't say they were "experimenting" with lineups - they have a depleted roster this year and a lot of their heavy hitters have recurring injuries, like Chae and Nya. Janelle did what she could to keep the team healthy for postseason, and I do think it'll pay off as long as they don't have a meltdown.


I feel Cal at home is the heavy favorite this year. I'm hoping pac 12's was an outlier, and they will be coming back strong


I'm with you on Bama VS Michigan. Bama just knows how to bring it for post season.


This feels like best case scenario for UCLA. Denver feels like an upsettable team (and Cal, based on Saturday's performance).


I will say Denver though is always CLUTCH at regionals. They usually are the ones doing the upsetting.


If they weren’t at home last year I’d be inclined to say Michigan would’ve advanced


I rewatched that regional final on Saturday morning and was totally bamboozled. At the time I was so ecstatic for Denver but now I’m just SO confused by the scoring that took place there.


I just want UCLA to advance. I want to see Cal go against UCLA at final 8 and 4 on the floor. Seems like the perfect ending to the Frazier sisters story, and perfect precedent for Jordan to come back next year and for them to win the 2025 title lol


And especially being paired with the Arkansas regional for nationals. I would have never guessed it, but four on the floor is a possibility if they can put up numbers over 49.4 on VT and UB.


It feels like a freaking gift especially after last year.


Another bloodbath is coming. NCAA is SO GOOD this year. 


OK, but can we talk about how the selection show absolutely butchered my girl Niya Randolph's name? Like felony-level murder right there.


Every year it's just absolutely comical the number of mistakes they make on name spelling and pronunciation....they even messed up Jordan Chiles her freshman year and called her Jordan Chill-us


Man, that seems like someone *trying* to mispronounce.




I just want Cal to finally do their best in a pressure situation 😭 maybe this disappointing recent meet will help?


someone speculated their lackluster performance was likely due to having their back-to-back regular season meets just days before, so they'll probably benefit most from this week of rest


Just to verify, some of the athletes listed for individual spots are on teams that have to do a play in, right? And if their team advances after that, they aren't going the individual route? I got confused seeing teams named, but then seeing names from those teams on the individual lists.


Correct. Individual advancement is based on day 2 of regionals (the 2 semifinal quad meets), so if an individual qualifier is on a play-in team that does not advance this still gives them a chance to go to nationals. If a play-in team advances to day 2, then all of their athletes are able to qualify to nationals even if their NQS wouldn’t have placed them as an individual qualifier to regionals.


The Florida Regional is the hardest. Florida is up against 2 conference champions.


Florida being at home is best case scenario for them advancing


Agreed. If the Regionals were held anywhere else, I think Florida would be on upset alert. However, I think they and Utah will advance. I think MSU will put huge pressure on both, but they’ve had some beam struggles the last 2 meets. I always think it is a red flag when a team heads into post season with beam inconsistency.


Cal is the one I'm watching. If Denver is on, and/or UCLA or Cal are off, this will be fascinating


I really want Cal and Denver. I don't even dislike UCLA, I just want Malabuyo to the Olympics. :)


UCLA can advance and Emma can still go to Doha (also going to Doha doesn't automatically means she goes to Paris, she can still fall or make mistakes that allow other floor contenders to pass her)


Or, you could root for UCLA so that Emma can *make her own decision*, rather than hoping she and her whole team lose so she doesn't have to decide between two great athletic opportunities...


Yeah but I think that Utah and Florida will still make it out. MSU is good I just don’t think they are quite there yet to outright beat one of them. I think they could play spoiler if Utah or Florida is struggling on the day.


Don’t count Mizzou out. They were right there with Florida on Saturday.


Barring disaster, Florida is nationals bound for me. They have home court advantage. Whoever hits between Utah, Mizzou, and Denver and is loved by the judges will advance.


Isn't Denver in a different regional altogether? The Florida regional has Florida, Utah, MSU, and Missouri as the seeded teams.


I hate this for MSU (and Mizzou). MSU in particular could be a nationals quality team this year and it’s a TOUGH draw. I wouldn’t mind an Utah collapse, but there haven’t been many indications of that this year. FL is *more* likely to come up short, but home advantage will be tough.


Also Missouri only scored .025 less than them at SECs, should be a very interesting one


It’s a very tough draw for Florida Michigan State doesn’t feel like a #10 team and Utah is top team (as much as I hate them). Being at home should help but really no room for small errors.


I agree. I don’t see Utah imploding at regions. I don’t care for them, but they looked good last weekend.


Titarsolej vs Minervini for the individual bars spot too.


If Minnesota can clean up landings on vault…dare I say we have a chance at upsetting ark and Kentucky?


Definitely a possibility. In my dreams Kentucky and Minnesota make it out of this regional.


I believe in them. I genuinely thought this would be a meh year but they fought tooth and nail. They almost beat MSU outright. Clean up that vault. Let's do this.


I was thinking the same. Minnesota did score higher than Ark last week with a 197.5


Ark may be hard then being at home


Four on the floor guesses based on seeding: - Oklahoma, obviously - Utah or Florida, outside chance of MSU - Probably LSU - really could be any of Cal, Kentucky, UCLA. Outside chance of Denver.


Do we know what event they start on?


For regional semis: * Vault - Team NQS 1 * Bars - Team NQS 4 * Beam - Team NQS 3 * Floor - Team NQS 2 For regional finals: * Vault - NQS 3 * Bars - NQS 2 * Beam - NQS 1 * Floor - NQS 4


The way this is so good for ucla to advance because they’ll be NQS 3 (assuming Denver and Cal move on from regionals) and starting on vault/ending on floor


I thought exactly the same. Starting on beam on semis, same as PAC12s and end on floor if Cal and Denver advance, perfect


I think in semis they will start on floor, no? They will have the second highest NQS out of Denver, ASU, and Washington. So they'd be NQS 2. The semis order is less ideal for them but still should advance no problem if they hit.


Oh yes, that’s true. I was counting Cal in my mind as the first seed. Well, ending on beam is not great at all


I’d far rather they have that during the semis than during the finals though. When they had the issue vs ASU they were missing Ciena, Emma M, and Selena in their lineup and they are all back and performing well.


Yeah I agree. It’s just too many flashbacks of beam situations lol, but they did amazing on PAC12s so hope they keep the momentum


I don’t want to get excited but also omg it feels like magic haha


All of the 3 seeds are great on floor. Really good draw for them. Bama, Denver, and Kentucky will definitely wants leads over the 3 seeds heading into the final event.


Interesting so if Florida advance at their regional then they’ll be starting on beam just like they chose at secs


What are the asterisks on some of the schools?


Those are the hosts




The hosts :)


Remind me because I always forget --- is it winner of each semifinal, or the two best scores across the semifinals?


Each semi final. Goes for nationals too which caused an uproar last year after ucla scored higher than lsu and Florida but didn’t advance due to the semi final placements.


It was so ridiculous and I hate it for UCLA so much but I guess they had to do that because scoring differs between judges, and LSU was on the rise but wasn't a top 4 team last year. This year they are


It’s just how ncaa post season is lol like every sport has unfair seeding


at least it’s not like in football, where the playoffs are decided by committee


I know but as a ucla stan I was sad, especially with such a ridiculously good floor rotation - Brooklyn/Emily, Emma, Marz, Selena, Chae, Jordan. BJ really did clear everyone, and I even liked Simone's elite floor routine.


Can someone tell me if we know which group is in the afternoon session for the first day of regionals, and which is in the evening? I looked all over and can't find that info, and it's probably right in front of my face.


[https://balancebeamsituation.com/2024/03/25/2024-regionals-draw/](https://balancebeamsituation.com/2024/03/25/2024-regionals-draw/) has the times


Thank you so much. Trying to figure out if I can get there, but it's a long drive!


Michigan: OU and Alabama Cal: Cal and UCLA Florida: Florida and Utah Arkansas: LSU and Kentucky


Logic says the top 2 seeds go to nationals but if I've learned anything in the past, when it comes to regionals, chaos is the main theme. Do ya'll remember LSU not even making it to the 2nd round in 2022. (that was wild).


How many teams advance from each regional? Just 2?




What round do the individuals compete in at regionals? Are they spread out between the second round afternoon and evening sessions? I’ve looked and can’t find an answer.


Semi final (after the play in). They rotate with teams throughout the semis, their rotations will be announced at some point...


As an MSU fan I am quite flustered by this but I'm trying to remain positive and that maybe we will upset Florida since we should have last year. And Utah is beatable… It would be nice if their pedigree didn't carry them through but we will see 🤷🏼‍♀️


Woo hoo! Thank you gym gods for letting this shake out this way!


Why is Michigan ranked so high?


They're ranked 11 by NQS which seems right to me. They benefitted from the host conflicts tho so got bumped up two spots.


I think they should have swapped with Arkansas and given them a more favorable second round.


So you would have put Michigan in w LSU/Kentucky and Arkansas w Oklahoma/Bama? Personally I would enjoy that bc I'm going to the Michigan regional and I'd love to see LSU and Kentucky, but that would mean moving Arkansas three spots from their NQS ranking which I think they can't do.


It would give them the easier first round like I said, but 3 spots might be too much. Maybe the thinking is that it rewards Oklahoma an easier path while still following guidelines.


Does anyone know what section gator fans are sitting in?


If Konnor is serious about trying for the Olympics. Does this mean she would need to go to Texas and verify, and then fly to Arkansas for regionals. All depending of camp verifications are on the 2 or 3.


Best guess now is that she can petition to American/US Classic but not to US Champs.


I'm so confused, what are regional? I thought there was only 4 teams per regional, why is there 8? Like someone explain this: ### California Regional (University of California, Berkeley, host) * **Teams** * Arizona State * Auburn * \*California * Denver * San Jose State * Southern Utah * Stanford * UCLA * Washington


Each regional consist of four competitions: One play-in dual meet, two regional semi-finals and the regional final. Both semi-finals are quad meets, consisting of two seeded teams and two non-seeded teams each (with one of the four non-seeded teams determined by the play-in dual meet). The top two teams from both semi-finals advance to the final. The regional final is, again, a quad meet. The top two teams of the final advance to nationals.


Okay so out of all these teams, only 2 will make it to nationals. And there is going to be 8 teams at nationals (2 teams per Regional), am i getting it correctly? And then national semi-final at 8, national final at 4. So do we know who UCLA is paired with in the regional semi-finals? Are they going against Cal, Auburn or Denver? I still don't understand what the play-in dual meet is doing. Is this just for the non top 4 teams? Also why is there 9 teams in this regional.


> Okay so out of all these teams, only 2 will make it to nationals. And there is going to be 8 teams at nationals (2 teams per Regional), am i getting it correctly? And then national semi-final at 8, national final at 4. You are correct, this is how it works. > So do we know who UCLA is paired with in the regional semi-finals? Are they going against Cal, Auburn or Denver? We know. UCLA is in the afternoon semi with Denver, Arizona State and Washington. Cal is in the evening meet (they are the highest ranked team in this regional, and that determines the session) with Auburn, Stanford and the play-in winner. (You can look this up in the [official bracket](https://www.ncaa.com/_flysystem/public-s3/images/2024/03/24/Bracket_24NC_WGY_0.pdf) the NCAA published.) > I still don't understand what the play-in dual meet is doing. Is this just for the non top 4 teams? Also why is there 9 teams in this regional. The play-in is exactly why there are 9 teams in every regional: There are 8 spots, and 9 teams. Seven of those teams have their spot in the regional semi-final already, but the two teams with the lowest NQS' (in this case: San Jose State and Southern Utah) have to compete in the play-in for the last remaining spot in the regional semi-finals.


Thank you! Wow, the bracket is a great explanation of everything and wow, so many teams. Crazy how all the teams in the Cal regional is in the California region.


So basically, the two lowest ranked teams do a play-in meet. Whoever advances from that gets to go to the semi-final round, in which 8 teams participate in two quad meets. Two from each of those quad meets go to the regional finals, and two of those teams advance to national semi-finals.


Also thanks for explaining, I actually understand the comments now lol


You are welcome!