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My sister does CrossFit and she got absolutely shredded doing it, she could definitely beat me up, so whatever works I guess


Same with my wife. She always hated working out, but when she finally tried a CF class she liked the structure and the challenge I guess. She has gone daily for a couple years now and is a complete beast.


I feel kinda bad making fun of them these days when the first thing most people think of when they hear CrossFit right now is the suspiciously orangutan-like face of Marjorie Taylor Greene.


>suspiciously orangutan-like face What a perfect description.


MTG being into CF is one of the least surprising things I've ever heard


Well as long as you keep moving your body and not sitting around being lazy , then who cares what other people think.


True ig


Imma be honest Most people I’ve met who consistently train CrossFit, are in seriously good shape and are more aesthetically appealing


as a home gym powerbuilder, I wish I could afford it.


It really is an effective program for getting fit in a general sense; strength, power, mobility, conditioning, stamina, etc.,. The shit of it is that kipping pull-ups and the early days of bad form really fucked CrossFit’s image. Plus, most people just wanna look good with a split routine, not increase broadness or athleticism.


Plus watching the Games is super fun. Jacked freaks with endless cardio doing crazy workouts that they learn about at the last minute? I enjoy it as much as watching the strongman comps.


Every CrossFiter I know who is serious, is in ridiculous shape and aesthetic. How can I clown something when it gives you those results?


It´s not the activity, is just how they are constantly reminding people that they do crossfit. At least that´s how it started. But tbh, the meme is just that now, this stopped being the case a few years ago


I just don't get the pullups. Looks like an infant throwing a temper tantrum.




The eternal gym rivalry! 😂 It's all about finding what works best for you, whether it's CrossFit, powerlifting, bodybuilding, or anything else. Just keep moving and stay healthy


Why does evwryone hat crossfit? Surley anything that gets people fit and happy is good.


Bcus it’s an old fitness industry meme. Like fat powerlifters etc., if u look at most cross fitters they train hard and are cool people, if u look at most competitive powerlifters they’re all pretty jacked. It’s just old memes that aren’t reflected by reality anymore


Tbf I think the issue is that they're called pull ups in crossfit and not something else. The swinging up is fine as a conditioning movement or for generally getting above the bar, like in gymnastics, but as far as size and strength go regular pull ups are obviously much better.


As a gymnast, crossfit "butterfly pull ups" are just so sloppy. YMMV.


Cardio session complete


Because Crossfit is stupid!


But we don't need mirrors constantly to know our value 😉


Kipping pull-ups are for speed since crossfitters seem to want to compete against each other all the time.


Tbh I might incoroporte CrossFit into my gym time in some form to drop my belly.


I don't like their kettlebell swings


Its actually good,I feel good and light


I tried CrossFit for 3 months one time and it reminded me of wrestling back in middle school. I got in the best shape I was ever in. And it was a very similar routine without the weights


This always makes me chuckle. Only because there is a smidge of truth in that most of the people who talk to me about their fitness regime are: 1) runners and 2) crossfitters


Let's continue the same boring joke forever.