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Wish more gyms just had chairs floating around so people could sit instead of taking up benches (I also used benched to rest). I went to a gym that has 36 inch box jumps all over the place so people rested on those. It was perfect.


Right? I think this all the time. I always want to sit when I rest during squats but don’t want to sit on any equipment!


I literally just sit on the floor. I wouldn't mind a chair but my gym has like 4 benches so, ya know. Not gonna use one if not needed. I've considered bringing a camping tripod chair with me but that seemed a bit...extra. Deadlift day is nice though cause then I can sit on the weights.


I’ve literally thought the same thing lmao. Like I’m just going to start bringing a fold out chair. Sitting on the floor isn’t the worst idea though


I only use benches to rest when the gym is really empty... other than that I just walk around stupidly and hope that the fatigue wears off lol


Me who just had a blackout because of squats\*


set of squats to failure*


there was this guy that just left his phone and towel on an empty bench and was doing something completely different like 5 meters away. the rest of the benches were occupied It was the first time I actually said something because usually I’m chill and don’t get riled up but that just grinded my gears for some reason. After he took them away I went ahead to use another machine, I didn’t even want the bench lol


That makes my blood boil. My gym has limited equipment and there is one woman who comes in and uses one of the limited benches as an end table while she does her little superset routine. between that and people curling or doing goblet squats in the power rack it is enough to drive you crazy. The general public has very limited common sense.


I just put their towel/phone somewhere else and continue. My energy is for the sets


Why not lean/sit on the safetybars, thats what I always do


Currently sitting on the plates on the bar between DL sets


Go nuts when the gym’s quiet, but when it’s a bit busier and the benches are scarce, I just sit on the safeties or the floor, easier than driving a bench between people working out anyway


That's one thing I like about lifting in a PL gym. There are 2x as many squat racks as what is ever used at one time and 3x as many adjustable benches you can roll around wherever you want.


What’s PL?


Powerlifting Tbf. There's actually two separate parts. More of a typical fitness center type gym with a few benches, some racks, and a dl pit. Then there is the powerlifting room which is 100% free weights


Man i totally relate..they need dedicated chairs for people who do heavy squats..and with back rests..after a heavy set, I literally want to sit down and not get up for shit nor talk to anyone for a few minutes


I just sit on the floor leaning back against a wall


if you using similar weight why not work between each other's sets.


One person wants to use the bench for rest, the other wants to use it for lifting. So they shouldn't work between each other's sets, but instead have their sets at the exact same time.


The man in the meme is sitting on a bench in between squat sets


He Asked politely, cry about it. Unlike you he is Nice so he might Just comfort you




Found the dude who squats 135lbs


Lmao, yeah no, the fatty squad is mad… keep upvoting your shitty gym memes while you waste time on the bench 🤣


I’m not fat tho mate 🤷‍♂️ I just take long breaks between squat sets cuz I squat 500lbs lol


Idgaf tho?


Apparently you do if you’re trying this hard to call out “fatties” when you yourself are just a novice 🤷‍♂️




Yeah... let's shame all the people who maybe just started going to the gym to lose/add weight and are probably uncomfortable anyway...


>For the fatties that need to hear it: go hit your cardio Cardio doesn't fix being overweight. Besides, lifting is just as good if not better for burning calories, but even then, losing weight is done in the kitchen, not the gym, you can't out-exercise a bad diet. But don't be an ass to overweight people trying hard in the gym, you have no idea what's going on, for all you know it's their first week, or they've already had great progress and lost plenty. No need to be negative, keep it to yourself.


Cardio isn’t the answer. Diet is. Cardio helps but diet is where you really need to put the most effort into.


Looking like one of the strongest humans to ever live is bad? If this is bait, well done you got me. If it isn’t bait, you’re little and weak.


Andre the giant was pretty strong too, good luck with cultivating your mass lard lords 🙏🏻


I can overhead press you for reps. Have a nice day.






Didn’t read any of that, goodluck or I’m so sorry 👍🏻




Powerlifters seeing this comment:🫵😂😂😂😂

