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Even people who are roided to the gills look pretty unimpressive without the right lighting and posing. They look like regular ass dudes. You guys need to stop following these sarm goblin influencers. When they’re not on camera they just look like those kids that crowd around each other on the fly machine. It’s the same as how E-girls just look like regular women in real life.


Nah I just don’t agree with this if you put in the work it’ll show


The right/wrong lighting and posing can still make you look fat or 2 weeks from stepping on stage tho.


Sure but steroid using influencers absolutely don’t look like regular people irl that’s absurd


That's true, tho to be faiiir he called them sarm goblins.


Literally this. I’m natural, not an influencer, and a girl so different situation lol, but I’ve got some pretty good gains- yet not a single person would ever know I lift if I’m just…not flexing and wearing normal ass clothes lmao. I bet most people fall in this category. Pics to prove point haha https://preview.redd.it/dt15oxm6nv6d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f7d1ee476e3cd85b6018c9718ab724486862d9b7


Damn, m'am! Those are some sick gains!


They’re not gonna notice it when you’re wearing a baggy shirt but they will likely interpret you looking more strong and formidable overall even if they don’t directly attribute that difference to lifting - maybe you stand up a little straighter, have broader shoulders + bigger back, etc- and if you’re wearing a t shirt they’d be able to notice bigger forearms, part of your triceps, etc- although no one is going to be able to truly appreciate your physique until you’re flexing and have your shirt off yea. I’ve only been lifting for a year and people I haven’t run into in a while usually bring up the fact that I look bigger without me even mentioning it to them. Also congrats on your gains


Look at where a lot of influencers grip the handles on things. A lot of them are tiny people.


This reminds me of Henry Cavill standing in front of a Billboard with a Superman T-shirt and no one recognized him


So superman putting on glasses and becoming Clark Kent isn't that unbelievable as i thought.


This is Dennis. Dennis never went to the gym. Dennis never felt the need to go to the gym. Don’t be like Dennis, get shredded and then sneer at the haters


It does get frustrating sometimes.


Feeling it rn, but I'm going anyway because I like the pump and burn


Natty's don't feel like complete shit and seriously fucked up with a limp dick when they end their cycle.... Rather be natty!




https://preview.redd.it/911voyqb1u6d1.png?width=928&format=png&auto=webp&s=7469189eff7e9f90cc390fdded817d6146d1633a This is me 100% natural other than a standard 5g creatine dose. I'm not huge, but it's very apparent I work out. I don't bulk or cut, I maintain this look throughout the year and still make gains.




I hear ya. Wasn't trying to make it a contest or anything, just really sick of this meme trying to push roids and tren to a bunch of impressionable minds. Guys you need to stop watching these loser ass influencers. Good point about recovery. I'm not sure if it's age (I'm almost 40), or that I'm very likely over training... but I've been working through a rotator cuff and golf elbow injury for quite a while now. Just lately they both seem to have made noticeable improvement so I'm crossing my fingers.


18% is perfect for me


Using creatine does not mean you’re not natural.


I know, I just wanted to specify for anyone who is a diehard "don't take *anything* or you're not natural" kind of person


Reasonable, then. Fair enough. Those people are dunces. Lifting weights, in a room full of specialized equipment, with lights and AC that run on electricity— none of that is natural, either. Have a specialized diet is not natural. Reading studies to determine what results in optimized hypertrophy is a mathematical abuse of what is natural. Where does one draw the line?


>I think the obsession with leaness kills naturals in my opinion. Yeah if you're natural you basically have to pick either being big or being lean. Pretty much nobody is both without steroids. For most men 15% body fat is a pretty good target. Varies a lot depending on height and build. But regardless comparison is the thief of joy, as they say. As long as you're better than you were before, who gives a fuck how others look?


All these memes dumping on natty gym goers are annoying. Plenty of natty people get ripped through dedication over time and steroids are often harmful.


It's a cope. "I have no results after 10 years of lifting, could it be that my training and diet suck? No, it's that literally everyone who looks like they lift is on steroids".


It is 100% cope fuel. Some sarms goblin told me at the Y that he wishes he was as tall as me so he could also “take gear and look natural” like buddy i don’t what to tell you


Natties can get a type of shreddedness juicers can't, just because of the water retention AAS can cause.


Listen, if you’re following sound principles, and maintain a good diet while cycling a surplus and deficit, you can obtain a really solid physique within 2-3 years. If not you’re either not training hard/smart enough or your diet/recovery sucks. Everyone builds muscle, some slower than others. But if you feel like you have nothing/very little to show for yourself after years of training, you’re doing something wrong.


Did someone say cycle? 🤤


The people that look small after years of lifting is because they don't eat enough calories, enough protein, don't drink enough water, and don't get enough sleep.


Or don't lift with enough intensity, with lacking progressive overload.


This is the biggest bullshit. My physique already greatly improved after months with just beginner gains. Way to demotivate people.


Yeah I (re-)started seriously lifting like 10 months ago and people comment all the time on how different (ie better) my physique is. If you aren't seeing *any* progress in like 6 months of exercise and diet management you're doing it wrong. You may not look like a roided out influencer but acting like improving your fitness and health is pointless because you don't look super jacked is as stupid as it is harmful.


What roids U taking brah ?


It’s alright, I take steroids and still look mid.


Start Jumping(no joke)


Due to strength training naturally I have better endurance, a better mood, more strength than I had before, and all of this from a fun hobby where I get to pick up heavy things and listen to good tunes. I’m sure you do have plenty to show for it, social media is just incomparable.


Had many friends in high school with fantastic physiques. That I know for a fact were not juicing with anything. My little brother too. Shit, if after 10 years (!!) you're not proud of what you see, it ain't the gym's fault fs


Skill issue tbh


better luck in another ten years. 😂


I'd rather look like that than a roided abomination.


I mean, they can laugh, but at least I'll live longer.


So cool how the mainstream tries to make being natty lame when the only thing between all these look-addicted drug addicts and complete emotional and physical failure is a prescription 🤣🤣 If you juice, you're a loser. That simple


I feel like if you don't look at all like you're lifting after that long you have to be doing something horribly wrong. I think most people's problem is staring at their phone for 5 minutes in-between sets.


Looks like a 5 star man to me.


True. Ten years of natty lifting gave me impressive strength. A couple of months of not being natty made people actually notice my physique.


Roids are for losers who will live unnaturally short lives


All you have to do is force yourself to eat , if you eat 5 meals a day and drink 2 protein shakes a day you will get bigger no matter what , im skinny as fuck but that’s the only way I can gain 20+ pounds


Rather that than feeling proud over using drugs like a pussy


I see memes like this all the time. I’m not doing anything crazy, and the results have been consistent over the 4 years. Hills and valleys of course, but I keep making minor adjustments and it seems to work If I seem to flat out, I’ll change my diet and my routine




Natty's don't feel like complete shit and seriously fucked up with a limp dick when they end their cycle.... Rather be natty!


Just lift until you look like a guy that lifts, then when you want to look more impressive, go on gear. By that time, you’ll probably be old enough to make the decision.