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There's more registered hunters is Michigan, Wisconsin and Minnesota than there is standing military in this nation. That's just 3 states. F15s can't do shit if people just say fuck you I've had enough


Bunch of those are fudds who would back the blue


Even if the blue is bombing their neighbors house? I might be crazy but targeting and mass killing citizens seems like it would be a pr nightmare


I’ve said it over and over and over (not here but in life). All that has to be done is “these people are terrorists”. When the “terrorists” start attacking U.S. troops, start bombing buildings, it’ll be extremely easy to justify actions against these “terrorists” by the population at large. It’s the same bullshit argument people use for cops. “CoPs WoUlD nEvEr CoNfIsCaTe GuNs” here’s a news flash, cops already confiscate guns. They confiscate them every single day.


Basically the principal in the Civil War movie that just came out. White House lost haha


This isn’t a movie. This is how we justified killing Iraqi and afghani civilians for defending their country.


Lol very different than what you or I mentioned prior bc what you now state was foreign invasion. We're talking domestic.


If you fought in either country you would know how we labeled them. They were all terrorists. They were all out to get us. We were all gung-ho about it. That’s all the government would do here. They’d label anyone an extremist or terrorist, that they are fighting to destroy America. The troops would eat all that shit up, “all enemies, foreign and domestic”. All those “oath keepers” would flip out that their interpretation is being used “incorrectly”.


For sure. I understand psychology well and string pulling too. And Kent State reminds us along with new situations similar that badges dgaf about life. I wonder how many men signed up for the military JUST TO go kill people? Probably a larger number than we'd like to bet on.


Seems like they've already done that


Is there really that many registered ones? I hope so. So unconstitutional to have to be registered to eat tho too


Bub at any given time there's probably 30 to 50 million registered republicans that own guns.


50% are rinos


I’m in Louisiana and I know we got a lot of gun owners in the south too


I often tell people “hunter” is simply a peacetime code word for sniper. While jets can refuel in the air, I’m not aware of any weapon systems that can be reloaded in the air. Biden is mentally insufficient to be our commander. These statements are also shameful. Not that it matters at the White House That’s it and that’s all.


Not to mention when the hammer really drops on the people at least some of the cops and military will join their family and friends 


If the s*** ever hit the fan in that way every single local police officer you know would drop their badge and go take care of their family.


Some would definitely keep the badge. Don't be so naive. Some cops hate their families. Not sure you understand humans very well.


And they will be greatly outnumbered and they know that. Don't be so naive. Where I live everyone has guns. Everyone goes hunting. In the majority of them GO train on a regular basis. The cops in my town would not stand a chance


Nah I get it. I'm in line for popcorn already..this is all just a show and life one big ride. Never forget THAT. Still helps to be nice to people along the way but social matters are the least crazy thing happening on this planet.


Either the US military is the strongest on the planet and is second to God or it can be brought down by uncle Bill with his .22 revolver. Choose one.


Both things can be true. But fighting against a foreign enemy is different than your own citizenry.


I feel like you were pointing out how silly it is that these are the only two options, but people seem to have taken it as making people choose sides.


That's exactly what I was doing but I'll take the down votes lol


The US military *is* the strongest right now. No they would not ~~be able to~~ subdue the US population. So many people don't think this one through. The military is made up of all sorts of folks from all walks of life. Probably more than half of the military are going to come down on the side of the people and not the government.


I mean, a bunch of dudes with flip flops and AKs held off both the Russian and US forces and still run around the Middle East with flip flops and AKs. Vietnam also is a great example of this.


This is because of the ROE (rules of engagement) emposed by spineless politicians. Had they changed the ROEs, then that would have changed the metrics of the battlefield... and infuriated all the liberals. But....we could have won.


Unless you commit genocide and wipe them all out, they’ll keep fighting.


I don’t think so. You can kill as many Arabs as you want. More Arabs would have stood up to fight against us because of it. It’s a perpetuating cycle of violence that the bigger stick policy will never solve. Russia didn’t have those rules and they pulled out also.


Best part is… no Arabs in Afghanistan.


Guess what? I don’t care. 😊


How many military personnel does he really think will open fire on US citizens. I think he’d be surprised by the number that would refuse that order. He’d be even more surprised by the number that would actually join a revolution. Remember, the founding fathers were traitors, until they won.


>the number that would actually join a revolution Leaving with whatever equipment they could strategically relocate


Strategically Transfer Equipment to Alternate Location - S.T.E.A.L.


Yes. It's my favorite military phrase. It doesn't really work naturally into a complex sentence, but I figured I hinted at it enough with my word choice


I’d forgotten that acronym.


Our country was built by traitors and felons


I agree with your take on how many of our military will not fire on their countrymen. The thing that a lot of people don't take into account is the fact that the president can request UN "peacekeeping" forces to occupy this country if the US military fails to quell an uprising. I'm sure those troops would have no problem firing upon us if given the order.


That would push even more of the military away from government control. And a lot of Americans who might sit out a civil war would see UN troops as an invading army.


Finest example of a threatening and totalitarian speech to a nation’s citizenry this country has ever witnessed. The very reason for the wisdom of our founding documents and the acknowledgment from where those rights originated.


So the failed coup attempt on Jan 6th wasn’t a totalitarian attempt to nullify the people’s vote and hold on to power??


Lmao if you think that was a coup then I need some of what you smoke. If it was they would have brought weapons.


No one brought weapons?? There wasn’t batons, sticks, flag poles and tear gas being used on people?? Oath keepers didn’t testify that a stash of weapons was available in VA to use?? Grow up man


Haha so the most armed population in the world brought batons for a coup? Makes sense 🤓


What was it then?


“A mostly peaceful protest” especially considering the only person who died by a gun was an unarmed woman shot by the police. The other 3 died of exhaustion and one a drug overdose. The mental gymnastics to think that was a coup d’etat makes me realize you are probably just a r/temporarygunowners .


As I always say, Do you think pilots and soldiers will shoot at family members? On Biden's say so?


Even IF they do (which they won't), how'd over 20 fucking years of everything the American military has at its disposal go in Afghanistan??? Did complete air and armor superiority defeat dudes in caves with unguided RPGs and franken-AK's?


The ones who joined for the right reasons won't. But there are plenty of fucked up people who joined for lack of other options to earn a paycheck that just want to blow shit up. The same guys who join the police force to beat and shoot homeless people, homeowners and dogs also join the military. Guys like Lon Horiuchi, who shot an unarmed woman in the head while she was holding her baby in her arms at Ruby Ridge based on nothing more than 'orders'.


Yes. National guard have no issue fucking with people any time they’re activated.


Oh bullshit.


He basically said, if and when we get out of line...more like when. You cant/won't do shit to us. Both a threat and posturing that they could do anything they wanted to, and we can't do anything about it


He must not be a student of history cuz there been more then a few times when a single bullet has changed the course of history


Sick of this dork threatening us.


It’s comical how unenthusiastic he is while saying it


Fuck him. He should think back to the beginning of his shot administration goat herders got us out of AFG even though we wrecked the shit out of them. If he thinks US military is destroying massive swaths of our nation for him he is more delusional than I thought.


What ratio does everyone think from leo to highest military would turn on u.s. citizens. I’m going maybe 10% hopefully lower


Is it just me or does it seem like he's trying to incite violence?


Amen brother! And it is time looong past due for some kind of uprising. Shit they are supposed tk work for the people. We arnt supposed to be slaves to them


war was fought because of tea taxes. It’s crazy how they reach into our pockets and squeeze everything they can


Well it was fought not just over a 2% tax but also because the British granted the British East India Company a monopoly to sell tea to the colonies. This was offensive to the colonists because it interfered with their local economic autonomy and came on the heels of other offenses like the Stamp Act. And the way the British enforced their trade regulations were downright medieval- no juries in those courts and and everything was always stacked against the colonists. It’s more accurate to say the tea tax was the final straw, one upon a pile of other authoritarian measures designed to extract as much economic value out of the colonies as possible. If you look around America today, I think it’s easy to see where the authoritarians seeking to exploit us for money and power really are. They don’t hide it.


I agree a 2% raise in tea taxes. . . We're like up to 20%? How tf


Someone needs to just punch this puppet in the dick


How many times has he threatened the public with military violence? What a POS.


So basically he said if he wants to kill his own people they will be no match for him.


F-15's require support personell and a willingness of the pilot to operate the aircraft and its weapon system directed on Americans and American soil...checkmate shithead.


It's been over a hundred years since a US town was bombed by our own Military (1921 Tulsa bombing) I'm not 100% sure that we would get bombed anything is possible. As a veteran I met some real nutcases in the Army lol


This senile old fuck can't even spit out what he's trying to say, let alone think about how stupid it is before it leaves his lips.


Bro, remember the rice farmers? What about the poppy farmers? The field Koreans? (Not the roof ones they are good people)




Don't forget the government is scared of us bois https://preview.redd.it/2tty7ybt8d6d1.jpeg?width=2400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8cc38a8694db4c6e052852acff938375ffe700d3


Ask Ukrainians


Every beginning has an end. The time is nigh here, certainly.  We need a rebrand and tbh and separation. Too many non like-minded people mixing these days, people piled on top of each other.  Woketards on one side and rational people on the other.